At 4/2/07 08:07 PM, Nicholas-Deary wrote:
great job Kart-Man!
I'm not done yet! There's more in the Action Games section:
Alien Abductions
thecrayon, bulit420
Black Knight
Bozzl, EVil-Omlete, LakersRulez, KillerCatLover (random spam full of |s)
Egg Hunter
KUI7, Hufnagel ("you need to die with your game"), DMARSH, something34, kitkit2122, Someone00100, FederalMuskrat, etc.
Fancy Pants Adventures
Nufcpat, joehoytally (his seems like a review for another game), disasterarea, wbhgchjn, aberocombie
bodydrop, inoops, tuffypower, Wog-Star, Moonwing, eminemluver, fraser222, 500boy, affro-man (says "blam" way too often), ATOMSKthepirateking, darklord23, ResidentEvilTom, Blibbly, goten-manss3, Kilroy2004, x420x-pot-head-x420x, OdinBahamut, WERTYAS, milkweed69999, poo-hizzle, Pip2k, warbladedemon, therandilo, xx-racer-xx, stick-liker, sku11man, Allu2, hotubefun, Ricktator, SteelDRAGON2323, ningax, Korean-Buckshot, westenn, DaveDogg2000, D-Darkshadow, Eurynomus...
You'll be here all day! The list goes from page 141 to 136 and on...