This guy only wrote 3 reviews, but all are abusive : te.php3?id=41032
This guy only wrote 3 reviews, but all are abusive : te.php3?id=41032
At 2/26/07 05:26 PM, jonthomson wrote: lol @ covert advertising
Lol, yeah people hated that game, I suppose it wasn't very good.
At 2/27/07 10:36 AM, nicholas-deary wrote: Lol, yeah people hated that game, I suppose it wasn't very good.
Whoops, sorry, I was talking about the wrong submission.
At 2/27/07 10:22 AM, Gagsy wrote:At 2/27/07 09:09 AM, kidray76 wrote:Thank you for that!
Thx gagsy, always nice to hear from one of the lovely ladies on newgrounds.
Alright everyone, get your whistles ready. This I think breaks the rules in portal by shwing real phonographic pictures.
(Yes I know this is for abusive reviews, but no need to start another thread for this )
i agree, so much crap in this britney spears one, especially one by this guy hp3?user_id=879948&page=1&sort=date_mr
At 2/27/07 03:38 PM, kidray76 wrote: Alright everyone, get your whistles ready. This I think breaks the rules in portal by shwing real phonographic pictures.
(Yes I know this is for abusive reviews, but no need to start another thread for this )
Links are posted to rule-breaking submissions for flagging in the Blam Club, post them there in future.
hmm i wonder how many of these reviews are mine
Ban 1337boner from ever writing another review.
There is some other reviews for this flash that may also be worthy of abusive, but there is no way one like his can ever be allowable on Newgrounds.
Far away, across the field, the tolling of the iron bell
Calls the faithful to their knees, to hear the softly spoken magic spells.......
At 2/28/07 12:15 AM, superstatguy wrote: Ban 1337boner from ever writing another review.
There is some other reviews for this flash that may also be worthy of abusive, but there is no way one like his can ever be allowable on Newgrounds.
My god....
I did not even see his other reviews when I posted that. He has made FOUR abusive reviews in the last 24 hours! All should be deleted, and maybe his profile should, too.
He also wrote three abusive reviews back in November, but I have no idea if he got banned from those. I hope so, for those reviews are disturbing. What are we gonna do with this to stop him?
Far away, across the field, the tolling of the iron bell
Calls the faithful to their knees, to hear the softly spoken magic spells....... hp?sort=date_mr&id=56597&page=2 hp?sort=date_mr&id=49933&page=5 hp?id=36508&page=2&sort=date_mr hp?id=252351&page=2&sort=rating hp?id=202816
"your gay" is not only wrong grammar, but it's also an insult and shouldn't be written in a review.
But some do it nevertheless... hp?id=203472 hp?id=152355 hp?id=2505 hp?sort=date_mr&id=69817&page=2 hp?pagea=95&pageb=-1&sort=rating&id=146550
About two pages here.
Heres a few abusive reviews. hp?id=281&page=2 hp?pagea=40&pageb=-1&sort=rating&id=15955
I think it may qualify as a hentai slideshow too.
Any Sonic vs. Mario movie is going to have lots of people piling on the abusive reviews.
Mario VS. Sonic (VGDC) Reviews
Any Sonic movie that has bad art because it was meant to be that way has some ARs.
Sonic Riders in 3 minutes Reviews
Any Sonic movie that is an authors' first will have quite a bit of ARs
Any soni-*Clubbed* OOH STARS!!! hp?id=365463&page=1
Check there every couple of hours. The abuse is flooding in from portal noobs with no kk experience.
Tons of USER-NAMED posts have been deleted because he was posting links to a site that downloads something to your computer and totally screws it up.
I was about to post and warn you all because he posted links to AR, but the last one took you to that site....but the post was deleted as I was typing...
Ow...I hope no one clicked that link...Everyone alright? No one clicked it before it was deleted right?
At 2/28/07 05:20 PM, BenwaHakubi wrote: hp?pagea=40&pageb=-1&sort=rating&id=15955
I think it may qualify as a hentai slideshow too.
Even if it did, it was made before the whistle system was in play so it is immune to the rules of the whistle as any other flash that was made before the change. But the review however aren't.
At 2/28/07 10:24 PM, ObsessedOne wrote: My First Bombshell!
I never found anything good until now
Nice find ObsessedOne. Its weird how after a certain ammount of reviews are deleted, the link automatically sends you back to page one and you can no longer click the 'date' button anymore. I have no idea why it does that. LittleWashu your online, Could you shed some light on why it does this?
Do you have 2,500+ b/p points? Are you looking for an intelligent club where you can discuss NG related and unrelated topics? Join the Elite Guard Barracks!
Telling artists "You suck!", "You are gay!" [...], etc. will get you banned and you may lose your account hp?id=11150&page=1 hp?sort=rating&id=63694&page=21 (there are other abusive reviews on this page...) hp?id=37427&page=2&sort=date_mr
If you post "BLAM THIS" or something similar you will be banned. hp?id=109319 hp?id=33583 hp?id=256055 hp?sort=rating&id=256055&page=75 hp?id=8368
Two pages full of abuse: hp?id=331574
At 3/1/07 01:54 AM, Sterockicy wrote:At 2/28/07 10:24 PM, ObsessedOne wrote: My First Bombshell!Nice find ObsessedOne. Its weird how after a certain ammount of reviews are deleted, the link automatically sends you back to page one and you can no longer click the 'date' button anymore. I have no idea why it does that. LittleWashu your online, Could you shed some light on why it does this?
I never found anything good until now
I will shed some light on that one. once a page worth of reviews are deleted (wheather there is one or ten reviews on that page) it sets the reviews back to date instead of rating so you won't be able to push the date button because it is already active. As for why it goes back to the front page, I am not sure why maybe it is so the review mods can see the most recent reviews. The same thing happens when you flag an abusive review only that it goes to the page that the review is on with the date setting.