Once again i would like to help you all with your whistle so to keep it different from my other posts this link has 102! links. These links were found using only the keywords "attack" and "when" in the search ng bar.
I started getting these links at 12:00pm here in Australia (midday) and finished now at 1:00pm!
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Do you have 2,500+ b/p points? Are you looking for an intelligent club where you can discuss NG related and unrelated topics? Join the Elite Guard Barracks!
At 1/11/07 09:00 PM, Sterockicy wrote: Once again i would like to help you all with your whistle so to keep it different from my other posts this link has 102! links. These links were found using only the keywords "attack" and "when" in the search ng bar.
I started getting these links at 12:00pm here in Australia (midday) and finished now at 1:00pm!
I tried to make a similar post, but failed because it just takes too much work, I really do commend your commitment Stero
Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge || Elite Guard Barracks || Review Request Club || NGLog
I watch an unholy amount of films
Smooches ^_^
At 1/12/07 12:56 PM, SeanJoystick wrote: Hey guys can ya please tell me why this review I wrote was deleted, I thought it was some good criticism:
Sure, I'll help ya out.
Review for some, Mario bloopers 3:
"w: How about you learn to draw, yes draw. I know its this big hard thing and you have to actually move your arm a little but its not too hard.
This statement right here is all I have to read if I were to flag reviews. Your insulting the author. Don't you think your being a little cruel, sarcastic and just plain mean with that?
Come up with your own concepts and quit cashing in on other established characters to get approval from the 13 year olds from this site.
Accused him of stealing. Never do that in a review.
Oh yeah, and your attempt at making the critics look bad was total bullshit.
Deragotory language.
It is the creative and arty flashes round here that are treat to that shit and not this sorry excuse for self expression"
Insulting the author and more deragotory language.
I thought it was quite good and fair, I focused on the piece and provided insight why I gave it a 0. Do you want me to write like a robot? If I was 13 I would want some people to give me insight.
No, that was a horrible review actually. You barely even referred to the flash. Refrain from the insults, don't accuse of stealing, and give a review thats helpful.
http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/readreview.p hp?id=331783
http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/readreview.p hp?id=348171
and http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/348905
Gonna love the abusive reviews there. Have a good day!
Does anyone know the point totals for the whistle system? Does anyone agree that someone should program in a visible number system so that I know when I'm messing up?
P.S. If you pronounce it the french way (garbaaage) it doesn't sound so bad...
Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge || Elite Guard Barracks || Review Request Club || NGLog
I watch an unholy amount of films
I was in the the Icon Helpers section, found an old Sonic Bloopers movie at the bottom of the page, and clicked on the link.
The most recent review was abusive, so I flagged that, made an icon for the movie and checked for some more.
Xbox Live Gamertag:VeryStupid007
Feel free to hit me up
Xbox Live Gamertag:VeryStupid007
Feel free to hit me up
At 1/12/07 10:12 PM, thekingofmadness wrote: Which ones are abusive?
Reviews are abusive if the break the review guidelines.
However, short, crappy reviews are no longer considered abusive if they're positive.
i found some abusive, but wheres all of them? please help!
Alright Joystick, I thought what I gave would be enough, but i'll go step by step.
Review for some, Mario bloopers 3:This statement right here is all I have to read if I were to flag reviews. Your insulting the author. Don't you think your being a little cruel, sarcastic and just plain mean with that?
"w: How about you learn to draw, yes draw. I know its this big hard thing and you have to actually move your arm a little but its not too hard.
With this statement, your making it seem like he did absolutely nothing. Your being real sarcastic, and just outrigth mean with that. Put it to you like this, if someone told you that in real life, how would u feel? If a teacher read your paper, and said those kinds of comments to you in voice, wouldn't you be upset over it? Also, it has nothing to do with the flash. So pretty much not needed at all.
Come up with your own concepts and quit cashing in on other established characters to get approval from the 13 year olds from this site.Accused him of stealing. Never do that in a review.
Self explainatory, accused him of stealing. Never do that in a review. You think he is the only one who uses sprites? Randy Solem at www.videogamedc.com all he uses is other characters. Parodies are ok according to Bill Clinton. Also, your telling him not to do something with his flash. What if someoen told you not to wash you car, or wear those shoes in a mean way, would u listen to them?
Oh yeah, and your attempt at making the critics look bad was total bullshit.Deragotory language.
Referring to other peoples views is agaisnt the rules. Stay focus and only talk about the flash. Plus save the deragotory language.
It is the creative and arty flashes round here that are treat to that shit and not this sorry excuse for self expression"Insulting the author and more deragotory language.
Pretty much just said his flash was sorry and shit. Also, you referred to other flashes. Again, stay focus.
No, that was a horrible review actually. You barely even referred to the flash. Refrain from the insults, don't accuse of stealing, and give a review thats helpful.
I thought it was quite good and fair, I focused on the piece and provided insight why I gave it a 0. Do you want me to write like a robot? If I was 13 I would want some people to give me insight.
Like I said, you review was terrible. Not once did you refer to the animation, plot, sound, violence, or humor. Pretty much all you saw was, another sprite movie. You review wasn't helpful at all. YOu didn't tell him how he could improve, or what could of been better. You didn't say not one thing positive about the flash. Not even, a "try to do better".
At 1/12/07 04:46 PM, nutrumpet wrote: Does anyone know the point totals for the whistle system?
Scales and points aren't revealed.
Does anyone agree that someone should program in a visible number system so that I know when I'm messing up?
You know your messing up when you whistle level goes down. Also, no to the visible number system. People would just abusive it by seeing how much it takes to get to certain levels and flag like crazy to be stat whores. If your truly dedicated, you won't care about how many points you have because you'll whistle will eventually go up to deity and you know you flag that right reviews because when you return to pages you just flag, the amount of pages will be gone. I found a flash that had abou 20 pages, flag all the abusive ones, posted a link. I came back later that night and say it was all the way down to just 7 pages. Thats a way to kinda check yourself.
P.S. If you pronounce it the french way (garbaaage) it doesn't sound so bad...
We speak english on the bbs. Because, the picture says it all anyway.
http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/readreview.p hp?sort=date_mr&id=84264&page=10
IF you go to the all caps one...Would you consider that abusive any of you deity people? I know the rules for the whistle but for some reason I must be whistling on the wrong stuff.
At 1/13/07 01:45 AM, nutrumpet wrote: http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/readreview.p hp?sort=date_mr&id=84264&page=10
IF you go to the all caps one...Would you consider that abusive any of you deity people? I know the rules for the whistle but for some reason I must be whistling on the wrong stuff.
All caps reviews aren't considered abusive if they are positive. If you were to flag that you would be on your way to getting a garbage whistle. Only flag those if they break the review guildlines.
And here's a few chestnuts In the first one there (if it's not deleted yet) he blasts one of Tom Fulp's flashes, and tells Tom to get a life. I found that deliciously ironic.
Wanted to thank the people who are posting this abusive reviews, changed from garbage to normal in less than three hours.
At 1/13/07 11:29 AM, nutrumpet wrote: Wanted to thank the people who are posting this abusive reviews, changed from garbage to normal in less than three hours.
Hey, no problem! Here:
Found quite a bit here
One of them is so easy to spot, thanks to the author's response.
At 1/13/07 12:16 PM, jmill1is1here wrote: note i just found this thred and ill go mad if it's gone so be nice ok to my fish
Just some advice to you.. People don't like it when you post pictures that make no sense to the topic. Link to the pic in your sig if you like it so much. Next.. This topic won't be going anywhere soon. It won't be deleted or forgotten about..