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Rage's gift to you: Abusive reviews

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Response to Rage's gift to you: Abusive reviews 2007-01-09 20:18:15

At 1/9/07 07:56 PM, Sterockicy wrote: Another big link for me. This time there 101. Keeping it fresh


Stero, you are god,
i think you should change your name to
"Sterockicy - giver of shiny whistles"

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge || Elite Guard Barracks || Review Request Club || NGLog

I watch an unholy amount of films

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Response to Rage's gift to you: Abusive reviews 2007-01-09 20:23:10

At 1/9/07 08:18 PM, Shanus wrote:
At 1/9/07 07:56 PM, Sterockicy wrote: Another big link for me. This time there 101. Keeping it fresh

Stero, you are god,
i think you should change your name to
"Sterockicy - giver of shiny whistles"

Well I thought that was such a good idea i made it my PM on my profile. Thanks for the thanks and for that marvelous phrase!

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Response to Rage's gift to you: Abusive reviews 2007-01-09 20:29:34

At 1/9/07 08:23 PM, Sterockicy wrote:
At 1/9/07 08:18 PM, Shanus wrote: Stero, you are god,
i think you should change your name to
"Sterockicy - giver of shiny whistles"
Well I thought that was such a good idea i made it my PM on my profile. Thanks for the thanks and for that marvelous phrase!

Haha, well, you do do alot for noobs and regulars alike to give them higher whistle
and riddin ng of crap reviews

as you said in the Wi/Ht? level up lounge

so wear it with pride soldier

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge || Elite Guard Barracks || Review Request Club || NGLog

I watch an unholy amount of films

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Response to Rage's gift to you: Abusive reviews 2007-01-09 20:35:37

Haha, well, you do do alot for noobs and regulars alike to give them higher whistle
and riddin ng of crap reviews
as you said in the Wi/Ht? level up lounge
so wear it with pride soldier

I certainly will bud! You know its really great when I recieve this great feedback from people. Its a major part of the reason I do it and are motivated to do it. The last 100 link post I made I didnt recieve much feedback at all. I am pretty sure it was because I posted it at 1:00am GMT-5. It was really only 4:30pm in Australia and nobody posted any feedback for 9 hours! I was very dissappointed with it and didnt think anybody cared. But clearly you do and I just posted it at a very stupid time lol! Thanks everyone all your feedback, It keeps me doing them!

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Response to Rage's gift to you: Abusive reviews 2007-01-09 20:42:40


If someone's flagged up a submission that has a fair few reviews that are abusive, DON'T go flag happy and hit everything, actually read the feckers and see if they are abusive. I've just cleared the flags on a half-dozen reviews of one oldish flash, and if they're all coming up high on the list they're obv coming from here.

Response to Rage's gift to you: Abusive reviews 2007-01-09 21:20:36

This website sucks and more than half of the "abusive reviews" aren't even abusive.

... oooh. Got your attention now didn't I NG Nazis? ... but hold that BAN button for just a second there if you can...

I just had my real account banned for 3 days for an "abusive review". And it wasn't even abusive. It was a review of another one of the your music/spam movies. And the author probably took it upon himself to ABUSE the ABUSIVE review feature and get me banned. I was trying to be a good member of this website, ratings, blams/protects, reviews, but now I really don't give a damn. Free speech isn't allowed here. The only speech that is allowed in your "policy" basically tells you that you can't write what you honestly think. You can only say what is polite. And if you are going to say something rude you need to say it politely on this website.

Yeah, yeah, yeah it's your website. But what's the point in letting people review other people if you don't even allow them to say what they really honestly think in their own words. The artworld is not a happy place like you are trying to force it into being. There are REAL art teachers out there so harsh they rip your drawings down off the wall and step on them if they suck too much (*cough* art center *cought*). And even as harsh as it may be it's still helpful because it serves as a WAKE UP CALL. Some people around here are in dire need of such a wake up call. And you are preventing that reality check from happening.

Whoever chooses to censor this post, I hope you think twice for once this time before you do. At first I thought this website was cool, but after having been banned for speaking my mind I think it's pretty damn retarded. Yeah... that's right! I said "damn retarded". lol. That's all I have to say.


Response to Rage's gift to you: Abusive reviews 2007-01-09 21:29:34

http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/readreview.p hp?sort=date_mr&id=195194&page=192

I swear, reading some of these reviews is like hanging out at the IMDB forums

Response to Rage's gift to you: Abusive reviews 2007-01-09 21:39:24

At 1/9/07 09:20 PM, Avez wrote:
I just had my real account banned for 3 days for an "abusive review". And it wasn't even abusive. It was a review of another one of the your music/spam movies. And the author probably took it upon himself to ABUSE the ABUSIVE review feature and get me banned. I was trying to be a good member of this website, ratings, blams/protects, reviews, but now I really don't give a damn. Free speech isn't allowed here. The only speech that is allowed in your "policy" basically tells you that you can't write what you honestly think. You can only say what is polite. And if you are going to say something rude you need to say it politely on this website.

Yeah, yeah, yeah it's your website. But what's the point in letting people review other people if you don't even allow them to say what they really honestly think in their own words. The artworld is not a happy place like you are trying to force it into being. There are REAL art teachers out there so harsh they rip your drawings down off the wall and step on them if they suck too much (*cough* art center *cought*). And even as harsh as it may be it's still helpful because it serves as a WAKE UP CALL. Some people around here are in dire need of such a wake up call. And you are preventing that reality check from happening.

Whoever chooses to censor this post, I hope you think twice for once this time before you do. At first I thought this website was cool, but after having been banned for speaking my mind I think it's pretty damn retarded. Yeah... that's right! I said "damn retarded". lol. That's all I have to say.

I totally understand what you are saying, but let me ask you this: Did you read the review guidelines? We flag so many reviews that they all seem to look the same. Check out link in my last post. You will know what I mean.
By the way, most reviews that are deleted usually deserve it.

Response to Rage's gift to you: Abusive reviews 2007-01-09 22:14:48

At 1/9/07 09:55 PM, Avez wrote:

:I think I'll go back to my real account now and start FLAGGING EVERY SINGLE review that is even REMOTELY abusive! I feel like abusing the system now. I'll flag a whole bunch of "abusive" reviews and have you idiots delete them. If I can't change this website by myself I'll use you morons to indirectly destroy yourselves

You know that you are only going to hurt yourself. Not a very good idea.

Response to Rage's gift to you: Abusive reviews 2007-01-09 22:21:59

At 1/9/07 09:39 PM, triggerhappytaco wrote: I totally understand what you are saying, but let me ask you this: Did you read the review guidelines? We flag so many reviews that they all seem to look the same. Check out link in my last post. You will know what I mean.
By the way, most reviews that are deleted usually deserve it.

I read them TriggerHappy. I don't see any relevance in the previous link you just posted. All I see are positive reviews of an animation of a person shooting innocent people when I should be seeing reviews of how sick the animation was. "Seek help." could have been a good/life saving review, but eh, that's abusive though... isn't it? That sort of review may have possibly been a lil too harsh or maybe even life altering. And you don't want your members pointing people in any direction except make more sick.... ehem! ...I mean... more visually displeasing yet decent animations.

All that I really need to know is...

1. I loved this site.
2. My review was NOT abusive.
3. The content being reviewed WAS abusive/spam.

Truthful reviews do not make people pyscho or kill themselves. Because if they actually did half of the people on this site would have either commited suicide by now or gone on a killing spree. But that isn't happening. The truth can be hard to swallow but at least it sometimes sets people in the right direction. You people don't encourage truth here. No. You give points to people to spit the truth back in peoples faces.

Response to Rage's gift to you: Abusive reviews 2007-01-09 22:27:20

At 1/9/07 10:14 PM, triggerhappytaco wrote: You know that you are only going to hurt yourself. Not a very good idea.

Lol... How? By laughing too hard at you when you delete what shouldn't be deletedd?

Response to Rage's gift to you: Abusive reviews 2007-01-09 22:27:43

At 1/9/07 10:21 PM, Avez wrote:
evidently a good argument

Yes, they are called "Stat whores" They click abuse if you do anything slightly wrong, so there whistle level goes up. But is 3 days a big deal? I got banned from posting for 30 days for something most people get away with.

Response to Rage's gift to you: Abusive reviews 2007-01-09 22:31:32

Ok maybe that last review of sean's flash was kind of abusive since it had the get a life remark but i knew it was going to get deleted anyways no matter what. I just wanted to say "stop flagging all the reviews," on a review to sean. That was the second review to Sean that was deleted. I never got a review that rated 10 deleted. It's always the ones that are 6 or less.
Sean, sorry about the "get a life" remark. You probably do have a life but please stop linking the bad reviews to this thread. If people don't like the flash then big deal.

My smash code is 0258-9960-0246

Some moron from my school jumping over a car

Response to Rage's gift to you: Abusive reviews 2007-01-09 22:38:23

By the way everyone its not the people that flag everythings problem they get deleted because the Moderators have to look at the review first to see if its worthy of deletion. If its not abusive according to the rules, It will not be deleted and the bar will be reset to "0/0 found this helpful" So you can all stop blameing the bad flaggers for the reviews getting deleted because by doing that they are only giving themselves negative points leading to a garbage whistle.

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Response to Rage's gift to you: Abusive reviews 2007-01-09 22:44:14

At 1/9/07 10:38 PM, Sterockicy wrote: By the way everyone its not the people that flag everythings problem they get deleted because the Moderators have to look at the review first to see if its worthy of deletion. If its not abusive according to the rules, It will not be deleted and the bar will be reset to "0/0 found this helpful" So you can all stop blameing the bad flaggers for the reviews getting deleted because by doing that they are only giving themselves negative points leading to a garbage whistle.

Whistles... TOOTS... Horns.... My posts being censored ^^^ ROFL

I'm through will all them for now! Goodbye.

Response to Rage's gift to you: Abusive reviews 2007-01-09 23:13:55

Uhhhh....how would you get your whistle out of the "garbage" state (lol omg!)




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Response to Rage's gift to you: Abusive reviews 2007-01-09 23:16:20

this guy has a couple, flag away.

Awesome post great job!

Response to Rage's gift to you: Abusive reviews 2007-01-09 23:28:44

I'm playing a game. How long will Nick's whistle stay normal? C'mon everybody, place your bets!

Two dollars on 1 hour thanks!

Uhhhh....how would you get your whistle out of the "garbage" state (lol omg!)

Read the Review Guidelines and if you find a review that has broken one of those rules flag them as abusive. People give posts and if you will check the last page you will find 101 links I gave full of abusive reviews. Go there and get through as many as you can. Make sure they are breaking the rules though!

this guy has a couple, flag away.

In the future try linking the the actual review page rather than the profile, It makes it a lot easier for everyone. Thanks!

Do you have 2,500+ b/p points? Are you looking for an intelligent club where you can discuss NG related and unrelated topics? Join the Elite Guard Barracks!

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Response to Rage's gift to you: Abusive reviews 2007-01-10 08:15:05

At 1/9/07 09:20 PM, Avez wrote: This website sucks and more than half of the "abusive reviews" aren't even abusive.

OK then...

... oooh. Got your attention now didn't I NG Nazis? ... but hold that BAN button for just a second there if you can...

OK then...

I just had my real account banned for 3 days for an "abusive review".

Oops. Care to post it with your real account so that I can ban that as well?

Response to Rage's gift to you: Abusive reviews 2007-01-10 12:23:27

Response to Rage's gift to you: Abusive reviews 2007-01-10 14:58:49

I dropped one whistle level.
I haven't flagged anything in ages.
Does the scale for whistle levels rise by times?

Response to Rage's gift to you: Abusive reviews 2007-01-10 15:46:26

At 1/10/07 02:58 PM, SBB wrote: I dropped one whistle level.
I haven't flagged anything in ages.
Does the scale for whistle levels rise by times?

No. You keep your whistle level till you lose enough points to drop down. Not like it used to be or experience wise if you don't keep up, you'll lose to the next person. Probably had some reviews flagged that were non abusive and they were cleared.

Response to Rage's gift to you: Abusive reviews 2007-01-10 23:47:24

Response to Rage's gift to you: Abusive reviews 2007-01-11 00:09:56

Response to Rage's gift to you: Abusive reviews 2007-01-11 00:29:35

Response to Rage's gift to you: Abusive reviews 2007-01-11 15:32:25

At 1/11/07 12:29 AM, IZSBHR wrote: Goldmine.

Yeah, possibly, if you flag the right stuff. Just cleared more flags than deleted reviews on that.

Response to Rage's gift to you: Abusive reviews 2007-01-11 16:25:09


Likes to acuse people of stealing. Even for 3D LOGIC.

NG Review Moderator // Pm me for Review Abuse

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Response to Rage's gift to you: Abusive reviews 2007-01-11 19:18:57

/ Accomplishments: first 1000 comment news post.

/ عثكغ ʘⒺⒸⓀⒺʘ

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Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge || Elite Guard Barracks || Review Request Club || NGLog

I watch an unholy amount of films

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Response to Rage's gift to you: Abusive reviews 2007-01-11 20:31:56

A lot of abusive reviews here.

Clicky wiky mofo.

LOL, an alt reporting abuse.