At 12/15/06 05:00 PM, Paranoia wrote: How anyone could give an abusive review for this work of pure genius is beyond me.
If anyone missed it. I posted another list (Last thing on previous page)
At 12/15/06 05:00 PM, Paranoia wrote: How anyone could give an abusive review for this work of pure genius is beyond me.
If anyone missed it. I posted another list (Last thing on previous page)
I am contributing to the give away of whistle pints =D that should help
The first 2 pages
Link #1, Link #2, Link #3, Link #4, Link #5, Link #6, Link #7, Link #8, Link #9, Link #10, Link #11, Link #12, Link #13, Link #14, Link #15, Link #16, Link #17, Link #18, Link #19, Link #20, Link #21, Link #22, Link #23, Link #24, Link #25, Link #26, Link #27, Link #28, Link #29, Link #30!
Hope thats enough for you guys to get a shinier whistle!
Do you have 2,500+ b/p points? Are you looking for an intelligent club where you can discuss NG related and unrelated topics? Join the Elite Guard Barracks! hp3?user_id=1016457
I guess the 2 reviews are abusive. hp3?id=243357&page=3
Forgot that one so sorry!
At 12/15/06 05:21 PM, Sterockicy wrote: Link #6
I posted that one already. Doesn't matter though..
I like seeing that people are following my "list/link,link, link" idea..
Even though people probably have done this before..
At 12/15/06 11:02 PM, Stuff4u2kno wrote:At 12/15/06 05:21 PM, Sterockicy wrote: Link #6I posted that one already. Doesn't matter though..
I like seeing that people are following my "list/link,link, link" idea..
Even though people probably have done this before..
Yeh, I normally post a long list in the form of a sentence or several sentences. I thought today I would just do something different. Plus people were impressed with your 28 links nd when I posted like 50 links the other day I recieved no encouragement. I thought maybe they didnt realise every word in the sentences were links so I decided to try your approach. But obviously it didnt work. You must have a big cheer squad behind you for some reason.
Oh well!
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JohnnyUtah has some abusive reviews. Thats pretty disappointing considering he is a mod. By the way check all of the pages because even though it is in rating order, there is some stuff on the other pages. I was really disappointed to see this :-(
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At 12/16/06 02:36 AM, Sterockicy wrote: JohnnyUtah has some abusive reviews. Thats pretty disappointing considering he is a mod. By the way check all of the pages because even though it is in rating order, there is some stuff on the other pages. I was really disappointed to see this :-(
Unfortunately review mods can't delete his reviews, so there's no point in anyone flagging them unless they want to lose whistle points.
At 12/16/06 03:16 AM, AfroUnderscoreStud wrote:At 12/16/06 02:36 AM, Sterockicy wrote: JohnnyUtah has some abusive reviews. Thats pretty disappointing considering he is a mod. By the way check all of the pages because even though it is in rating order, there is some stuff on the other pages. I was really disappointed to see this :-(Unfortunately review mods can't delete his reviews, so there's no point in anyone flagging them unless they want to lose whistle points.
This also goes for any other memeber of the NG staff as well. They made it so that their review can't be deleted by the review mods so if you flag a review that a NG staff member made even if it is abusive by the guildlines you will still lose whistle points.
At 12/16/06 04:12 AM, LittleWashu wrote: This also goes for any other memeber of the NG staff as well. They made it so that their review can't be deleted by the review mods so if you flag a review that a NG staff member made even if it is abusive by the guildlines you will still lose whistle points.
I don't feel it's reasonable for "everyone" to know that little fact, they should make it so they can't be flagged, or at the very least flags are cleared without penalty.
Anyway, there's [only] one here, but it's a doozy. hp?id=345844&page=1
At 12/15/06 06:21 PM, bjmart89 wrote: Link
Thanks for posting a link to the previous page..
At 12/16/06 01:12 AM, Sterockicy wrote: You must have a big cheer squad behind you for some reason.
Heh xD
Oh btw
"I really don't think this deserves to be in the top 25..." hp?id=322150 hp?sort=date_mr&id=322150&page=3 hp?sort=date_mr&id=322150&page=13 hp?sort=date_mr&id=322150&page=24
One word reviews hp?sort=date_mr&id=322150&page=9 hp?sort=date_mr&id=322150&page=21
I'd find more but my wireless is shutting down periodically. Damn.
At 12/16/06 11:33 AM, DJWhiteRice wrote: I'd find more but my wireless is shutting down periodically. Damn.
You really should have. Even though i'm sure some people only go to the page that you give them a link to.. I noticed it was all for the same thing.. People can wander through the pages..
At 12/15/06 05:21 PM, Sterockicy wrote: Link #1, Link #2, Link #3, Link #4, Link #5, Link #6, Link #7, Link #8, Link #9, Link #10, Link #11, Link #12, Link #13, Link #14, Link #15, Link #16, Link #17, Link #18, Link #19, Link #20, Link #21, Link #22, Link #23, Link #24, Link #25, Link #26, Link #27, Link #28, Link #29, Link #30!
Hope thats enough for you guys to get a shinier whistle!
As it turns out, it happens that link 3 was a review that I wrote way back when I was still a fucking noob. That's kind of funny, and ironic.
Feeling Kinda bad for "abusing" these hp?sort=rating&id=31235&page=55
they are ones that happened just after 9-11, they make fair points but in a harsh way.
The Mods need to clear the bad ones out sooner or later
I don't feel it's reasonable for "everyone" to know that little fact, they should make it so they can't be flagged, or at the very least flags are cleared without penalty.
I agree. They should be able to clear out all the bad reviews, no matter who. I understand why the rules stand but a clean out should be done by the review mods. And yes there should be no penalty since your just doing what you should be doing, Getting rid of abuse.
As it turns out, it happens that link 3 was a review that I wrote way back when I was still a fucking noob. That's kind of funny, and ironic.
Dont worry about, most people have written bad reviews when they just came on this site. Its good that they are gone now because you can start from scratch with some good reviews. About 5 of my old reviews got deleted a while back, but i really didnt mind and I learnt my lesson.
Well I might be on later but I have to go now. Cya everyone!
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At 12/16/06 10:42 PM, BenwaHakubi wrote: v
Gold mine.
Oh god I have never seen a review of these caliber It has broken what might be the 2nd most important review rule
that eview needs complete extermination immediately!!!
At 12/16/06 10:42 PM, BenwaHakubi wrote: No one gets out ali ve
thanks for the links loads of bad reviews to flag
thanks for the links loads of bad reviews to flag
Wow, did you have diety before those links?
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At 12/16/06 10:42 PM, BenwaHakubi wrote: No one gets out ali ve
Sorry for the double post but I forgot to tell you. Its good to see you making bigger links these days and also to everyone else who just started I congratulate you all. Its good to see a lot more links and more people posting them rather than just LittleWashu, Me and a couple of others. Good work guys, you are certainly helping a lot of people get shinier whistles.
Keep em' coming!
Do you have 2,500+ b/p points? Are you looking for an intelligent club where you can discuss NG related and unrelated topics? Join the Elite Guard Barracks!
At 12/17/06 12:23 AM, Sterockicy wrote:thanks for the links loads of bad reviews to flagWow, did you have diety before those links?
Yes i did and i must have done a lot of flagging here some new reviews hp?id=354480&page=1
At 12/17/06 12:26 AM, Sterockicy wrote:At 12/16/06 10:42 PM, BenwaHakubi wrote: No one gets out ali veSorry for the double post but I forgot to tell you. Its good to see you making bigger links these days and also to everyone else who just started I congratulate you all. Its good to see a lot more links and more people posting them rather than just LittleWashu, Me and a couple of others. Good work guys, you are certainly helping a lot of people get shinier whistles.
Keep em' coming!
Do you know how to post more then one link?, because it annoying i can only post one at a time .