Only one actually looks abusive though :S
Only one actually looks abusive though :S
Flag these, I have a bronze whistle, so OBEY! ( lol =] ) hp?id=328734 hp?pagea=2&pageb=-1&sort=date_mr&id=248687 hp?id=195150&page=1
This page has 3 abusive reviews.
anymore guys I mean I have a normal whistle c'mon -_-
At 12/12/06 05:12 PM, Polaryz wrote: anymore guys I mean I have a normal whistle c'mon -_-
Sometimes its hard finding abusive reviews you do know that?
At 12/12/06 05:30 PM, Odyssic wrote: Some here.
Nice find, thats 4 easy W/P
hyrhyryrhyhrjgfjgfjkhkgykgulhjlhulh yululululuyluhylhulhjulhjlhjlhjlhul u
At 12/11/06 04:55 PM, HumptyTomato wrote: Some Abusive Reviews
all taken nice going there I apriciate all your help :D
heres a abusive review hp?id=332617
At 12/12/06 04:56 PM, DumbassDude wrote: hp?id=195150&page=1
This page has 3 abusive reviews.
Yeah but overall there are far more abusive reviews for that movie then that I found quite a few "charming" reviews within that one.
I don't know if this one is already posted but yeah hp?id=353803
And I'm too lazy too check so yeah whatever =]
Thank you for all this. I've gone from normal whistle to gold in about 5 days. This kicks ass!
Click the sig for direct download page, or Click Here for the show in the Itunes Market!
At 12/12/06 09:14 PM, Gorillazrock wrote: Thank you for all this. I've gone from normal whistle to gold in about 5 days. This kicks ass!
i have connstantly coming here and yes I used to hav GaRbaGe whistle and I agree with you but I need the Bling Bling Brotha's and Sistha's :P
At 12/12/06 09:14 PM, Gorillazrock wrote: Thank you for all this. I've gone from normal whistle to gold in about 5 days. This kicks ass!
wow really? it took me forever hp3?user_id=1813815
Two "BLAM BLAM BLAM" reviews.
At 12/12/06 09:14 PM, Gorillazrock wrote: Thank you for all this. I've gone from normal whistle to gold in about 5 days. This kicks ass!
Well, I've really put my heart into this whistle thing. Once i figured out that i could get points by flagging reviews, i shot up real quick. I just reached Elite, and i also recently became a lvl 10. Since becomeing a level 11 will take about 4 months, i figured i needed something to keep me coming back to Newgrounds. Now i mostly manage the NGAW Crew, and flag reviews that are posted here. Most of the bad ones get deleted before i get a chance to flag anything.
Click the sig for direct download page, or Click Here for the show in the Itunes Market!
Just to let you guys know, I have a couple of abusive reviews. I don't review much so go ahead and flag. I was wanting them deleted anyway.
I wish I could flag myself. :(
Pestiside can't kill me!
At 12/13/06 01:54 AM, Twerpo wrote: Just to let you guys know, I have a couple of abusive reviews. I don't review much so go ahead and flag. I was wanting them deleted anyway.
I wish I could flag myself. :(
You can. Just make an alt. That's how I get rid of some of my older crap reviews :)
At 12/13/06 09:05 AM, Myst wrote: Lot of abusive reviews
I expect a gold after that :) thanks
Pestiside can't kill me!
At 12/13/06 09:05 AM, Myst wrote: Lot of abusive reviews
*grabs a bunch of flags and starts wading through* What a great way to spend Wednesday lunchtime
Actually i'm half expecting a deity seeing as it has over 20 pages of abusive reviews.
Pestiside can't kill me!
At 12/13/06 09:34 AM, HumptyTomato wrote: Actually i'm half expecting a deity seeing as it has over 20 pages of abusive reviews.
So if I click abusive on lots of the ones saying like "you suck" how long would it take to get another whisltle level?
What a good looking mirror.
At 12/13/06 09:42 AM, Beane wrote:At 12/13/06 09:34 AM, HumptyTomato wrote: Actually i'm half expecting a deity seeing as it has over 20 pages of abusive reviews.So if I click abusive on lots of the ones saying like "you suck" how long would it take to get another whisltle level?
Well, with Myst's post.. a day.. :P
Pestiside can't kill me!
Hope they'll keep you guys going for a bit.
What a good looking mirror.