Hey guys, I've got a question. One of my good friends posted a negative review that was very tasteful and well thought out, but it was of a very highly-rated flash. Over the past couple of days, it's gotten flagged as abusive over and over again (i.e. "3 out of 11 people found this review helpful") Do the mods check over individual reviews to make sure they are abusive before deleting them, or are they just deleted en masse by some system without human-backed fact checking?
This is the review:
"I'm sorry to give this flash such a negative review, but I think that it has been highly overrated for too long a time. Instead of giving it zeroes across the board like some faggots, I'd like to explain how all of the various elements of this flash add up to "1"
First of all, the positive aspects—
Sound: Unlike much of the material on this site, the sound was well-recored and easy to understand.
Sorry, make that positive "ASPECT". I didn't really care for any of the rest of "Metal Gear Awesome"
Graphics: Crap. Sorry, but stylized or not the graphics were not very good. Now, I understand that graphics don't necessarily make the movie. Hell, look at "forehead Shavecut". My point is, if the movie is funny enough graphics aren't necessarilly a prerequisite. I believe that this was your intent in the creation of this flash. I also believe that you failed in this point. But w/e—read on.
Style: In my view the way this movie was executed was predictable and unimaginative, thus warranting the "3". It felt like I was watching one of the 10,000 other pieces of tepid video-game-parody crap that I can get anywhere else on this site, or frankly anywhere else on the the internet. You repackaged this tired material in an even more tired flash, that has no real uniqueness to my knowledge.
Interactivity: Not a game, so it's not really an issue.
Humor: Perhaps the single most dissappointing aspect of this flash. The aspect that has been so heavily lauded by the masses of Newgrounds. Now, I don't consider myself any sort of videogame officianado, but I have played a bit of Metal Gear Solid, upon which this game is based. I know that game itself is not exactly humorous, so the injection of humor into this previously dry story was bound to be either an extreme success or a dismal failure. Decide for yourself, but I think that this has tended towards the latter. The jokes fell flat and, although I can't speak for the rest of this geeky, videogame-addicted population, I wished that this unfunny piece of crap should be excised from my mind as quickly as possible.
There, I said it. Now in about six months, this review will be deleted by faggy videogame-addicted nerds who report this review to nerdy, videogame-addicted review mods, who delete my review, and then my little friend "M-Bot" will send me a message that my "abusive" review has been deleted. All for the greater good of mankind."