At 12/4/03 09:31 PM, Spike- wrote:
Hey Guys. I was just wondering..... after all these flaggings do you really think you'll get to gold? Or even Deity?
Maybe not, but that's not the only point of flagging and whistling.
You're also trying to help NG.
I gave up like 4 pages ago. I don't mean to be a critic but doing this is kind of helping you go farther down. You should stop. 'Cause you never know TheJoe324 or Ramagi..... Scratch him out he's part of this. but back to my point if you post these I betcha that Joe is in here clicking all of these increasing the amount to get higer.
Joe, Ramagi, and other people in this thread, such as MacBeth, myself, etc. etc... are all REVIEW MODS.
Sure Joe is clicking all the links. But he'd be doing that anyway, even if he didn't see them in this thread. Mods have access to a list of all reviews, basically, and we can see blatantly abusive ones from a mile away. We don't need this thread to do our jobs, though it does help as a place where people can point out slightly older abusive reviews or reviewers who haven't been banned yet but should be.
Like after a while not depositing it'll go from say 4,508 - 4,550 right?
The difference is, with exp... if you keep doing your depositing, every single day, you're getting somewhere. Maybe not fast, but at the very least, you're keeping pace with humantarget.
With whistling and flagging abusive reviews, you have NO idea how many whistles and flags other people are getting. Joe and Ramagi are so far ahead of the rest of us that yes, in a way it IS pointless to hope you might get gold some day. But like I said, that's not the only reason to try and help.
Well that's like the whistle blows! Ok I just wanted to say that. Carry on with this kind of confusing thread. Just think about it. Hmm I think I'll post 20-30 links, and if Im lucky in 1000 days I'll become the next gold Yippeee! Uh oh! I never thought Joe would come in here and click all of these and make the amount to get to gold 3,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 more blows or flags on the whistle. Ok I over-exaggerated but do you see where Im getting at? Oh well. Just decided to maybe ruin your fun. Ta-Ta.
What you're getting at is that you think we're all as selfish as you are.
Sorry to disappoint!