At 11/22/03 01:16 PM, MacBeth- wrote:
At 11/22/03 12:52 PM, jonthomson wrote:
At 11/22/03 12:22 PM, MacBeth- wrote:
Want some whistle points points?
Here, have 35.
Cheers - this sort of thing is really good in Firebird - right clicking "open in new tab" is so much quicker than IE!
Tell me about it, clicking 'Back' 200 times a day gets kinda tedious.
just shift click links in IE. It opens them in new windows, and you can just close them instead of bothering with going back and forth all the time. Not QUITE as neat as tabbed browsing, but separate windows certainly beats the alternative. Everytime I open a topic from the BBS, I do it with shift and thus open it in a new window so I don't have to go back to the index.