At 12/5/10 09:18 PM, gfoxcook wrote:At 11/27/10 07:23 PM, Coop wrote: An impressive month - some expected, some not. Now this one's going to bring a tear to my eye, so I'm just going to get out of here without saying a further word.Pffft. All of this quasi-pseudo-drama for two digits going bye-bye. You know, back in ye olden days, namechangery bastards could change their name once a week without any fanfare at all. #;-}>
This is Coop83, signing off.
But the fact that we can no longer change our names makes name changes even more special! However, it wouldn't be good if Steam did a name lockdown so don't even send that suggestion to them!
At 11/28/10 07:10 PM, Bahamut wrote: It would have happened sooner or later. As for B/P overall, it could be worse than this.How's that?
Because it's even slower. Well, it seems that way anyway. It's easy to get 30k saves so it's no surprise we're falling down the ranks for saves. B/P on the other hand, we can thank our great blam points for staying so high up.
And he better not. To be fair, he hasn't said much recently about Final Fantasy or anything in general.Ha! Take that, izzy.
Ha, Thin Izzy. I like that name.
Yet FFXIV has done very badly going as far as Gamespot and IGN giving the game bad reviews. The worst I've heard from FFXIV is the looped terrain. Yeah, they loop terrain in an MMO. I'm sure not even Runescape could sink that low.Fascinating.
How is THAT fascinating? :P
And you know what, it was a great early 20th birthday present for me. I always wanted them to finish off the class updates with Engineer and to have it around my birthday only made it better.Yet you don't play that much engie. Why did you want them to end with engie?
Actually, I play him a fair amount but mostly in 2fort, haha.
When they made Sniper vs Spy update, it was ideal to make a War update for Demoman and Soldier and then Engineer would be left for his own update. It put all the class updates to a nice closure with the exception of the stupid Golden Wrench campaign. If I were to change one thing about the Engineer update, it would be taking away the Golden Wrench altogether. It's worse than Cheater's Lament and Earbuds put together (as in, wearing both at the same time, lol).
GTA? Fallout?Lame-o. He should play TF2 like a REAL MAN.
Surely you can't tease him for playing more GTA. I can't say much for Fallout, though since I still haven't played anything from Fallout.