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Top 50 Protectors List

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Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2009-01-11 04:22:49

At 1/5/09 07:35 PM, Dream-of-Duke wrote: iscrulz, you do not have to worry about me --- for now. My pace will drop as the new semester is about to start. You are safe.

Good because I plan to have a better pace this year, seeing how 1/6 of my saves came from one day. If I can keep up a 20 per day I will do fine and keep you back in your pace.

At 02/01/09 10:44 AM, Coop83 wrote: Coop's list update #18
The List:
Rank) Saves || Gain || Username
031) 30,859 || + 0,657 || iscrulz 1

Thanks for the update Cooper

Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.

eX(Wi/Ht? #45)

BBS Signature

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2009-01-27 14:53:16

How come it shows the top 150 when the title says top 50? Thats confusing :S

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2009-01-27 16:29:53

At 1/27/09 02:53 PM, Unknown030 wrote: How come it shows the top 150 when the title says top 50? Thats confusing :S

Basically the list has evolved since its inception - when gfoxcook created the top 50 Protectors list, it was the only functioning list of its kind. There was no rankings page, where the top 50 could keep tabs on their location, relative to the other high ranked users.

This one also tracks things like how much people have gained in each update. When gfoxcook stopped updating it, the numbers had swelled to 100 users and I added a further 50, as these users all have 10,000+ Saves. I'm not sure about increasing the size of the list again, but it might warrant that at a later date, especially if Saves become even more popular with the masses.

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2009-01-27 16:33:48

At 1/27/09 04:29 PM, Coop83 wrote: as these users all have 10,000+ Saves.

In fact, all users have over 11,000! It looks like the entrance requirement is creeping up rather slowly, roughly 50 saves per month. That is a pretty low number considering that the list is prepared monthly; I would have guessed it would be much higher.

Wi/Ht Member #50 | Top 500 XP | Top 80 B/P! | Top 45 Protector | Top 125 VP

BBS Signature

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2009-02-01 16:11:03

Coop's list update #16
So it's been slightly over a month since the last update. I think that we can safely say that the year is well under way and that we are turning our attentions to what will become of the remaining 11 months of the year.

Meant to have the update done before last night, but the tiling took it out of me.

No new entries to the list this time around, but we do have ThunderboltLegion entering the top 100, at the expense of LittleMissVixen

35,000 Saves: Ehwaz003 (19th)
25,000 Saves: simon (53rd)
20,000 Saves: Overtired, Haggard, AllReligiousDrunk, Emlfuryoflion, Stormwarden (67 - 71st respectively)
15,000 Saves: ThunderboltLegion, Cyberdevil, Perceptor, Glamdrung, aldlv, Metal-Therapy, TremCladClock, pieoncar (108th - 115th, respectively)

Top 5 Gainers:
+ 2,523 - AfroUnderscoreStud
+ 2,282 - Basspro55
+ 2,191 - ThunderboltLegion
+ 2,157 - AllReligiousDrunk
+ 1,961 - yoshi77777

The List:
Rank) Saves || Gain || Username
001) 88,334 || + 1,599 || Toocool100
002) 74,403 || + 2,523 || AfroUnderscoreStud
003) 62,609 || + 1,828 || Punisher
004) 59,674 || + 1,896 || harryjarry
005) 58,346 || + 0,967 || Wylo
006) 58,192 || + 2,282 || Basspro55
007) 52,529 || + 1,733 || DrJam 1
008) 51,830 || + 0,980 || Rule -1
009) 49,568 || + 0,691 || Molotov
010) 44,042 || + 1,891 || courtday
011) 40,533 || + 0,020 || ReconRebel
012) 39,500 || + 0,998 || RemRulzz
013) 37,387 || + 0,551 || Dakka942 1
014) 36,977 || + 0,000 || Crolpa -1
015) 36,931 || + 1,124 || Bahamut 2
016) 36,047 || + 0,024 || azteca89 -1
017) 36,017 || + 0,000 || ramagi -1
018) 35,284 || + 0,124 || Seamonky
019) 35,204 || + 1,005 || Ehwaz003 1
020) 34,752 || + 1,049 || TheDepthsofHell 1
021) 34,341 || + 0,000 || LockClock -2
022) 34,222 || + 1,187 || AshtonNextGen 1
023) 33,215 || + 0,100 || BlueHippo -1
024) 33,185 || + 1,299 || Phantom 3
025) 33,021 || + 1,167 || Coop83 3
026) 32,561 || + 0,324 || pwroftheseagoat -2
027) 32,173 || + 0,028 || schneelocke -2
028) 32,166 || + 0,110 || ouandyoi -2
029) 31,909 || + 0,120 || gfoxcook 0
030) 31,765 || + 1,307 || milinko959 1
031) 31,542 || + 0,000 || Rabindarath -1
032) 31,135 || + 0,933 || iscrulz
033) 30,008 || + 0,000 || Denvish
034) 30,000 || + 0,000 || shunshuu
035) 29,790 || + 0,796 || Sentio 1
036) 29,646 || + 0,015 || RenegadeGirl -1
037) 29,387 || + 1,570 || Patcoola 4
038) 29,303 || + 0,928 || Dream-of-Duke
039) 28,661 || + 1,125 || Idiot-Finder 4
040) 28,506 || + 0,066 || BonusStage -3
041) 28,332 || + 0,153 || Newgrundling -1
042) 28,209 || + 0,000 || bila -3
043) 27,943 || + 0,233 || PenguinLink -1
044) 27,918 || + 1,273 || Auz 2
045) 27,813 || + 0,983 || Little-Rena
046) 27,298 || + 0,000 || pepeatumi -2
047) 26,644 || + 0,000 || X-Naut 0
048) 26,571 || + 0,000 || Major-punk 0
049) 26,523 || + 0,208 || Omgee 1
050) 26,443 || + 0,123 || Voidist -1

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2009-02-01 16:12:33

051) 26,259 || + 0,082 || DonDoli
052) 25,510 || + 1,431 || simon 5
053) 25,361 || + 0,151 || Andersson -1
054) 24,642 || + 0,002 || M-A-R-C-U-S -1
055) 24,584 || + 0,005 || Qwoxyl -1
056) 24,564 || + 0,257 || XwaynecoltX -1
057) 24,395 || + 1,017 || Nightforce666 1
058) 24,274 || + 0,000 || JerkClock -2
059) 23,701 || + 0,946 || Mendou 1
060) 22,784 || + 0,000 || MPA -1
061) 22,681 || + 1,961 || yoshi77777 4
062) 22,606 || + 0,409 || Shanus
063) 22,361 || + 0,127 || leeboy105 -2
064) 22,210 || + 0,100 || Minion777 -1
065) 20,909 || + 0,074 || TheSoulMan -1
066) 20,583 || + 1,308 || Overtired 6
067) 20,571 || + 0,156 || Joshiwa -1
068) 20,446 || + 1,140 || Haggard 3
069) 20,113 || + 2,157 || AllReligiousDrunk 12
070) 20,022 || + 0,872 || Emlfuryoflion 3
071) 20,005 || + 0,629 || Stormwarden -1
072) 19,972 || + 0,256 || LatinoRalf -4
073) 19,965 || + 0,124 || AtomicTerrorist -6
074) 19,812 || + 0,295 || bifgis -5
075) 19,288 || + 1,189 || Mrputter 5
076) 19,232 || + 0,257 || Sonucais -2
077) 19,208 || + 0,274 || Now-n-Again -2
078) 18,848 || + 0,217 || ornery -2
079) 18,727 || + 1,437 || cadreamer 6
080) 18,712 || + 0,182 || Tex2002ans -3
081) 18,350 || + 0,006 || Pieriku -3
082) 18,289 || + 0,145 || Sakurazukamori -3
083) 18,284 || + 0,891 || idiot-buster
084) 17,500 || + 0,000 || Jake -2
085) 17,306 || + 0,012 || NEVR -1
086) 17,298 || + 1,140 || Gooch 6
087) 17,192 || + 1,249 || zimzap 8
088) 17,138 || + 0,140 || Dew -1
089) 17,079 || + 0,000 || Frank-The-Hedgehog -3
090) 16,950 || + 0,000 || Roth-Productions -2
091) 16,890 || + 0,285 || Oneup -2
092) 16,770 || + 1,122 || Corky52 8
093) 16,742 || + 2,191 || ThunderboltLegion 19
094) 16,498 || + 0,085 || Ventar -4
095) 16,462 || + 0,611 || someone-else 1
096) 16,332 || + 0,000 || EagleRock -5
097) 16,172 || + 0,029 || Hemlok -4
098) 16,101 || + 0,000 || fixit -4
099) 16,049 || + 0,297 || Cereal
100) 15,916 || + 0,088 || Kolohe -3

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2009-02-01 16:14:06

101) 15,778 || + 0,000 || LittleMissVixen -3
102) 15,671 || + 1,278 || Cyberdevil 16
103) 15,656 || + 1,185 || Perceptor 12
104) 15,630 || + 0,000 || MadCow -3
105) 15,555 || + 0,138 || thomtomw -1
106) 15,548 || + 0,000 || Claudia-C18 -4
107) 15,546 || + 0,080 || Glamdrung -4
108) 15,527 || + 0,890 || aldlv 3
109) 15,470 || + 1,349 || Metal-Therapy 11
110) 15,409 || + 0,648 || TremCladClock -1
111) 15,219 || + 0,050 || Aksumka -6
112) 15,017 || + 0,000 || carmelhadinosaur -6
113) 15,001 || + 0,075 || pieoncar -5
114) 15,000 || + 0,000 || life -7
115) 14,778 || + 0,342 || rageVI 1
116) 14,666 || + 0,000 || Sterockicy -6
117) 14,645 || + 0,169 || bmxgamer -3
118) 14,502 || + 0,000 || RoweNuts -5
119) 14,405 || + 0,000 || ADT -2
120) 14,328 || + 0,000 || sunhawk818 -1
121) 14,097 || + 0,443 || Timmy 6
122) 14,060 || + 0,000 || Myst -1
123) 14,052 || + 0,000 || MetalDart -1
124) 13,954 || + 0,000 || Parasoul -1
125) 13,800 || + 0,000 || Heinrich -1
126) 13,793 || + 0,000 || SlashFirestorm -1
127) 13,784 || + 0,009 || ScottTowels -1
128) 13,630 || + 0,018 || Kirk-Cocaine
129) 13,594 || + 0,000 || Kisuke
130) 13,567 || + 0,000 || alexsmolik
131) 13,560 || + 0,000 || DuMa-RyoHahn
132) 13,467 || + 0,000 || ArtDanVal
133) 13,363 || + 0,028 || IM-KOOL-R-U
134) 13,174 || + 0,710 || lilhunter03 8
135) 13,005 || + 0,000 || yaya12 -1
136) 12,951 || + 0,012 || YoinK -1
137) 12,917 || + 0,857 || Kaytee 7
138) 12,894 || + 0,073 || Rarebreed -2
139) 12,872 || + 0,289 || hongkongexpress
140) 12,750 || + 0,002 || ianianian1111 -3
141) 12,623 || + 0,018 || HaroFreak -2
142) 12,589 || + 0,068 || FIGMENTUM -2
143) 12,583 || + 0,001 || LittleWashu -3
144) 12,284 || + 0,000 || thisisasignin -1
145) 12,155 || + 0,168 || DarkArchon
146) 12,045 || + 0,062 || deslona
147) 11,929 || + 0,000 || seraphius
148) 11,724 || + 0,000 || XkwiziTOnE
149) 11,596 || + 0,000 || LevelOneAccount
150) 11,541 || + 0,018 || TITROTU

Most Saves Gained: AfroUnderscoreStud (+2,523)
Most Ranks Gained: ThunderboltLegion (+19)
Most Ranks Lost: life (-7)
Total Saves: 3,553,756
Total Gain (January): 69,659

Not a bad update - I think that I can't rest on my laurels - I've got some ranks to climb :)

That and a new Hairdo to come up with for myself. This is how I felt upon completing the update:

Top 50 Protectors List

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2009-02-01 16:21:33

At 2/1/09 04:11 PM, Coop83 wrote: Coop's list update #16

Thanks for the update Coop.

042) 28,209 || + 0,000 || bila -3
043) 27,943 || + 0,233 || PenguinLink -1
044) 27,918 || + 1,273 || Auz 2
045) 27,813 || + 0,983 || Little-Rena

January was a really good month for me. I had almost the entire month off to study for exams so plenty of time to watch the portal. And so I managed to pass Little-Rena again and even managed to create a 100 point gap. With that I´m also pretty close to passing PenguinLink and bila. Hopefully I can maintain a decent pace in the upcoming month, although I doubt it.

[Forum, Portal and Icon Mod]

Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

The Top 100 Reviewers List (Last updated: 5 May 2018)

BBS Signature

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2009-02-01 16:27:12

At 2/1/09 04:11 PM, Coop83 wrote: Coop's list update #16

Thanks for the update Coop.

Meant to have the update done before last night, but the tiling took it out of me.

Meh, I thought it was going to be up on 1st February anyway.


Congrats to all.

Top 5 Gainers:
+ 2,523 - AfroUnderscoreStud
+ 2,282 - Basspro55
+ 2,191 - ThunderboltLegion
+ 2,157 - AllReligiousDrunk
+ 1,961 - yoshi77777

Heh, my saving pace isn't good enough to reach the top 5 gainers. Oh well, blams > saves anyway. :P

The List:
Rank) Saves || Gain || Username
013) 37,387 || + 0,551 || Dakka942 1
014) 36,977 || + 0,000 || Crolpa -1
015) 36,931 || + 1,124 || Bahamut 2

Nice, two ranks up and it seems I have one more person to pass (i.e. Crolpa). I get the feeling Dakka will be back soon enough, so I highly doubt I'll pass him, but if I do, he'll pass me again eventually. Oh well, I only need around 777 more saves and I'll be done. We'll see where I am on the next update.

At 2/1/09 04:14 PM, Coop83 wrote: That and a new Hairdo to come up with for myself. This is how I felt upon completing the update:

That's what I'm like for all my updates. XP

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2009-02-01 16:42:10

At 2/1/09 04:11 PM, Coop83 wrote: Coop's list update #16

thanx a lot for the update Coop

35,000 Saves: Ehwaz003 (19th)
25,000 Saves: simon (53rd)
20,000 Saves: Overtired, Haggard, AllReligiousDrunk, Emlfuryoflion, Stormwarden (67 - 71st respectively)
15,000 Saves: ThunderboltLegion, Cyberdevil, Perceptor, Glamdrung, aldlv, Metal-Therapy, TremCladClock, pieoncar (108th - 115th, respectively)

Congrats to all
lot of 15K... is going to be hard now...

Top 5 Gainers:
+ 2,523 - AfroUnderscoreStud
+ 2,282 - Basspro55
+ 2,191 - ThunderboltLegion
+ 2,157 - AllReligiousDrunk
+ 1,961 - yoshi77777

pretty good job guys

Rank) Saves || Gain || Username
101) 15,778 || + 0,000 || LittleMissVixen -3
102) 15,671 || + 1,278 || Cyberdevil 16
103) 15,656 || + 1,185 || Perceptor 12
104) 15,630 || + 0,000 || MadCow -3
105) 15,555 || + 0,138 || thomtomw -1
106) 15,548 || + 0,000 || Claudia-C18 -4
107) 15,546 || + 0,080 || Glamdrung -4
108) 15,527 || + 0,890 || aldlv 3
109) 15,470 || + 1,349 || Metal-Therapy 11
110) 15,409 || + 0,648 || TremCladClock -1
111) 15,219 || + 0,050 || Aksumka -6
112) 15,017 || + 0,000 || carmelhadinosaur -6
113) 15,001 || + 0,075 || pieoncar -5
114) 15,000 || + 0,000 || life -7

Cyberdevil & Perceptor pass me... nice job guys, 16 & 12 ranks up, is pretty cool
i don't think i will catch you... not very soon
Metal-Therapy is about to pass me.. ouch, i already feel him
there are a lot of users with very few or no gain, so i think next update i'm going to rank up like 9 ranks, 12 if i am lucky and if the ppl down of me don't get to much

~Member of the EGB since 10/04/07 ~Member of the NGDD since 10/28/07

~thanx a million times for the sig CagedSilhouette

BBS Signature

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2009-02-01 16:51:22

At 2/1/09 04:11 PM, Coop83 wrote: Coop's list update #16

Thanks for the update!

The List:
Rank) Saves || Gain || Username
067) 20,571 || + 0,156 || Joshiwa -1
068) 20,446 || + 1,140 || Haggard 3

Closing in on Joshiwa, who seems to have slowed down quite a bit. I remember when he kicked me out of the top 300 shortly after I entered it.
Also, top 60 here I come!! :)

069) 20,113 || + 2,157 || AllReligiousDrunk 12

But I will be passed soon by AllReligiousDrunk. :(

Also Coop, you forgot to include icean. Even though the account is locked now and the saves where gained by a bot (most likely) the account has over 19,000 saves and thus should be included here in my opinion.

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2009-02-01 18:09:03

At 2/1/09 04:11 PM, Coop83 wrote: Coop's list update #16

Thanks for a update I needed the encouragement to gain more saves I almost quit. I was playing Fallout 3 for 11 hours non-stop, once I stopped for a quick piss, et and fap.

The List:
Rank) Saves || Gain || Username
031) 31,542 || + 0,000 || Rabindarath -1

I should be able to take the 31st spot for the next update.

032) 31,135 || + 0,933 || iscrulz

A wonderul amount I didn't expect to get over 900 well next month I am aiming for 500.

At 2/1/09 04:51 PM, Haggard wrote: Also Coop, you forgot to include icean. Even though the account is locked now and the saves where gained by a bot (most likely) the account has over 19,000 saves and thus should be included here in my opinion.

wait whut the fuck it was locked damn. Looks like all of other talk got Wades attention or some nerd narc on icean. I was hoping the bot went to 60k saves. just to show there are so many save whores and too much shit (not talking KK or DD flash) passing like Mario gets high sprite test.

Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.

eX(Wi/Ht? #45)

BBS Signature

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2009-02-02 13:39:53

At 2/1/09 04:14 PM, Coop83 wrote: 102) 15,671 || + 1,278 || Cyberdevil 16

Damn you Cyberdevil, you wern't supposed to speed up like that. >:(

109) 15,470 || + 1,349 || Metal-Therapy 11

11 Ranks is pretty awesome, and by the looks of things, I'll put up another impressive rank climb this month. :D
I'm also very happy with clearing 1,000 saves! Hopefully I'll have closer to 2,000 this month.

That and a new Hairdo to come up with for myself. This is how I felt upon completing the update:

Coop, your fucking sexy as hell.

Thanks for the update. :)


BBS Signature

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2009-02-02 13:48:41

At 2/1/09 04:12 PM, Coop83 wrote:

Thanks for the update Coop. I seemed to forgot about it even though I told myself I was going to post here a couple of times now. If old Metal wouldn't have posted here I wouldn't of remembered it today either.

092) 16,770 || + 1,122 || Corky52 8

I said my goal was to get under 1,000 saves in an attempt to get more blams.

The end result was about minus 100 saves and an additional shitload of blam points. I guess that's what I really wanted in the end even though I still wasn't underneath 1,000. Lets just go for less saves than this time while still trying to keep my B/P rate the same.

093) 16,742 || + 2,191 || ThunderboltLegion 19

Go ahead and pass me up bud. I'm not too worried about making a bunch of rank climbs on this list at all. I rather be around 20,000 Saves when I reach Supreme Commander, but at my usual pace it's going to be more than that.

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2009-02-02 15:54:22

How does one get onto this list?

[I've been wandering round but I still come back to you]

BBS Signature

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2009-02-02 18:46:00

At 2/1/09 04:51 PM, Haggard wrote: Also Coop, you forgot to include icean. Even though the account is locked now and the saves where gained by a bot (most likely) the account has over 19,000 saves and thus should be included here in my opinion.

Yeah, another broken machine must litter this list of mine :(

At 2/1/09 07:34 PM, Aci6 wrote:
At 2/1/09 04:14 PM, Coop83 wrote: That and a new Hairdo to come up with for myself. This is how I felt upon completing the update:
Great job on the list update, that would kill me to do that.

Well, the making of the list didn't quite make me feel like that - it was only about 2 hours work, after all :P

At 2/2/09 01:39 PM, Metal-Therapy wrote:
That and a new Hairdo to come up with for myself. This is how I felt upon completing the update:
Coop, your fucking sexy as hell.

*You're - contraction of you are :P

And thanks.

At 2/2/09 03:54 PM, Gagsy wrote: How does one get onto this list?

Sorry Gagsy - you should have come up to me at the meetup and said "Coop, I demand access to one of your stats lists!" Then I would have had you on the January Update. Now you'll have to wait for the February Update.

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2009-02-02 21:08:17

At 2/1/09 04:11 PM, Coop83 wrote: Coop's list update #16

Thanks for the update Coop, it's nice after not seeing a update for over a month.

Meant to have the update done before last night, but the tiling took it out of me.
Top 5 Gainers:
+ 2,523 - AfroUnderscoreStud
+ 2,282 - Basspro55
+ 2,191 - ThunderboltLegion
+ 2,157 - AllReligiousDrunk
+ 1,961 - yoshi77777

Good job guys, looks like some of you have no lifes @;-}>

The List:
Rank) Saves || Gain || Username
082) 18,289 || + 0,145 || Sakurazukamori -3

I just passed you @;-]

083) 18,284 || + 0,891 || idiot-buster

My saves have been slowing as i am getting more blams, i can't see myself to get anywhere to fast on this list.

Wi/Ht regular|Elite Guard Barracks Member|Idiot-Buster-Elite Guard Sup. Commander

BBS Signature

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2009-02-03 00:16:56

At 2/2/09 06:46 PM, Coop83 wrote:
Sorry Gagsy - you should have come up to me at the meetup and said "Coop, I demand access to one of your stats lists!" Then I would have had you on the January Update. Now you'll have to wait for the February Update.

I didn't even think about it until I read your update last night!

I'll just have to make February count now. Oh boy, goodbye sleep.

[I've been wandering round but I still come back to you]

BBS Signature

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2009-02-03 03:05:54

At 2/2/09 09:08 PM, idiot-buster wrote:
At 2/1/09 04:11 PM, Coop83 wrote: Coop's list update #16
Thanks for the update Coop, it's nice after not seeing a update for over a month.

Well, I aim to have the updates done once a month and that keeps it updated nicely.

At 2/3/09 12:16 AM, Gagsy wrote: I didn't even think about it until I read your update last night!

Ah. I see.

I'll just have to make February count now. Oh boy, goodbye sleep.

Well, for the purposes of the list, you won't be a part of the top 5 gainers until you've been tracked for over a month. Just helps with my records.

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2009-02-05 00:42:26

At 2/1/09 04:11 PM, Coop83 wrote:
019) 35,204 || + 1,005 || Ehwaz003 1
020) 34,752 || + 1,049 || TheDepthsofHell 1
021) 34,341 || + 0,000 || LockClock -2
022) 34,222 || + 1,187 || AshtonNextGen 1

yikes. gonna be hard to pass Ehwaz and i gotta watch my back for Ashton. catchin' up...shit.

~Thanks for the update

BBS Signature

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2009-02-05 04:04:58

At 12/28/08 10:44 AM, Coop83 wrote: Coop's list update #16
Well, here we are with another update. As it's almost the end of 2008, look under this update for a special festive surprise.

Oh boy. Thanks for special holiday edition updateage, Coopster.

029) 31,789 || + 0,219 || gfoxcook -2

Oh, the indignity. Almost booted out of the top 30. Still... at least teh Coopmeister was one of the two to knock me down a couple pegs. :::salutes:::

At 12/28/08 10:48 AM, Coop83 wrote: 10,000+ Saves gained during 2008
I was interested as to how many people have leapt up the rankings this year and this is what I came back with. People lower in the rankings might feel hard done by, but that is because I haven't been tracking them for 12 months, but we will get a mostly complete picture.


Rank | Saves | Gain | Name
01) 71,880 | 25,064 | AfroUnderscoreStud
02) 55,910 | 23,062 | Basspro55
03) 50,796 | 21,331 | DrJam
04) 86,735 | 19,599 | Toocool100



20) 23,378 | 10,336 | Nightforce666
From this, I can conclude a few things:

1) Afro_Stud has no life
2) Special Congratulations go out to Patcoola, who successfully managed to double his Saves score in 12-months.
3) These 20 users are the ones to keep an eye on, as they are quite active over the course of 12 months.

Anyway, a happy New Year to you all and prosperous Saving for everyone, except the people I'm trying to stay ahead of and those of you that I'm trying to chase down.

I thought you were gonna say "except DoD"... #;-}>

Anyway, I can conclude one more thing beyond your list of 3 there... that if I had even come CLOSE to being on your lil top 20 of 2008-y saves madness, I coulda already re-retired by now. ;_;

At 2/1/09 04:11 PM, Coop83 wrote: Coop's list update #16

Even a stopped clock gives the right time twice a day. Even a stopped clock gives the right time twice a day.
Even a stopped clock gives the right time twice a day. Even a stopped clock gives the right time twice a day.
Even a stopped clock gives the right time twice a day. Even a stopped clock gives the right time twice a day.
Even a stopped clock gives the right time twice a day. Even a stopped clock gives the right time twice a day.

Dude... #16... and #16 again. I'm tempted to just say "isn't this #17?" But since I only missed these two updates, I can't swear the prior one had been listed as #15 with any sort of certainty. It may have very well been another #16. #;-}>

Thanks nonetheless!

So it's been slightly over a month since the last update. I think that we can safely say that the year is well under way and that we are turning our attentions to what will become of the remaining 11 months of the year.

My gf was talking about 2009 like it was rushing to its end when she realised it was February "already," and all I could say was... 1/12th of the year, honey. Just one month! WTF? #;-}>

029) 31,909 || + 0,120 || gfoxcook 0

STANDING STRONG. Just need to get to 32,000 soon.

030) 31,765 || + 1,307 || milinko959 1

Looks like I'll be celebrating 32k and thus 2/3rds of the way from my semiretirement to my fullretirement at #30 pretty soon here, ayup.

At 2/1/09 04:14 PM, Coop83 wrote: That and a new Hairdo to come up with for myself. This is how I felt upon completing the update:

Is that wall behind you in the pic really pea-soupy-vomit-coloured, or is that just the photo? #;-}>

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2009-02-05 04:21:48

At 12/18/08 03:21 PM, Bahamut wrote:
Maybe there's no reason. Go ask Pimp why he bothers to deposit at such a high rate even to this day when it's not essential.
He's more reasonable since all he's doing is voting on 5 movies a day, while Afro_Stud is voting on around 100 under judgment flashes each day.

Principle's the same, though.

If I give up the fight, I know I've lost! However, if I fight and he doesn't, I win.
What I was getting at is that a moratorium isn't an ending or a giving up, it's just a PAUSE. Pause the fight, give the rest of us a break, neither of you "loses" in the meantime, and then when it ends and you go back at it, it'll be like you never stopped. TRUST ME, that's how all temporary ceasefires work. #;-}>
The less pauses I take in this fight, the bigger advantage I have. Plus, me and iscrulz had that pause already for the previous month or two, so now it's time to fight again. We had to pause since iscrulz went absent (again).

That's madness. So if the USA and USSR had just not bothered taking any breaks in their standoffs during the Cold War, the bigger advantage... (which one of them) would have had?

How do you know the less pauses you guys take, the bigger advantage ISCRULZ has, eh? It's like sports players saying thanks to Jesus or God for their team's success. What, he didn't support the players on the other team???

Taking a break from the madness is good for everyone, it isn't a disadvantage for either of you bastards. If one of you actually had a better game series on their side, then yes, taking a break would suck for that person, because it would be time wasted that could be used righteously bashing the other side.

But as I think you've found out recently, both series are apples and oranges. Great series, very similarly RPGy, but with very different tones and settings and characters and feels and game moods and so on... and thus.... BOTH GREAT, neither lesser to the other. SO... MORATORIUM. NOW. I will be pushing for this extra hard now in light of recent developments.

I'm glad you finally saw one of his videos. :D Will you watch his other reviews?
Not likely, I'm afraid. He doesn't twist my whistle.
Awwww, you're gonna miss out on his awesome reviews for Hancock, Hellboy II and even Sex in the City. :D Yes, he went and saw that movie.

The man watched Sex in the City? Did he pay money for that? My god... either way. How could I ever respect a reviewer who saw THAT of all movies, eh?!??!?! I don't even know a woman who wants to see that/has seen it....

Where can I get some Honey Nut Betchslaps anyway?

At your local cereal dealer.

At 12/19/08 03:00 PM, Dream-of-Duke wrote: I took b/p to another level recently.
I have been out of the top 50 b/p ranking for too long, it is about time to make a change.
Be aware of my true power. >:)
At 12/19/08 08:53 PM, Dream-of-Duke wrote: I will pass PenguinLink today which means that I will enter the top 40.
It is just the beginning. >:)

Hey Coop, I know the above examples of DoD getting a bit uppity again are from nearly 2 months ago, but... did you put Operation Smackdown into effect in the time between then and now, I hope?

At 12/19/08 09:48 PM, iscrulz wrote: Commence my update check up. Analyzing the data. Expected gain of protection points is less than actual gain of protection points. Start tear duct fluids.

If your expected saves are LESS than your actual saves... that's not sadness, man, that's JOY. You exceeded your expectations in that case.

Oh wait, are you pretending that less is more, that you DON'T want to gain saves?

At 9/28/08 07:32 AM, Coop83 wrote: Coop's list update #13
029) 29,962 || + 1,018 || shunshuu 1
Good thing he stopped, retired I don't know.

030) 29,335 || + 0,163 || RenegadeGirl -2
My short term goal to pass

You do realise that to pass people like those two (and soon after, me), you've got to GAIN a lot of saves, right? MIXED GOALS FTW. #;-}>

031) 29,223 || + 1,043 || AshtonNextGen 1
032) 28,413 || + 0,955 || iscrulz 2
Hmm I forgot I had that many in September I don't want to see October nor November, gulp


033) 28,216 || + 1,001 || Coop83 3
Ah yes those were the days when ya limey jew had the less than me. Good time, Better times nay Best times

LOL! Ya limey jew... oy vey.

Sniff what a horrible gain this past month was. I will vow revenge on myself and get even in the December update.

What... exactly... does revenge upon yourself entail, man? o_O


P.S. I will not rest until Bahamut admits GTA is a great game no matter how old it gets.

from our most recent Steam conversation:

Bahamut: I've just had a good go at both GTA1 and 3
Bahamut: GTA1 was meh and I had several issues with it, while GTA3 was whoa

Close enough?

CEASE FIRE IN THE GREAT FF/GTA WAR, at least for now... yes?

At 12/29/08 11:06 AM, Coop83 wrote: gfoxcook falls to my pace. A shame, really, as we all know that he's capable of a serious saving pace, considering he used to be at the top of this list.

The Portal was a different world in those days, of course.

I note also that Phantom's decided to pass me. However, he's a cock and as such doesn't count.


At 1/5/09 07:35 PM, Dream-of-Duke wrote: iscrulz, you do not have to worry about me --- for now. My pace will drop as the new semester is about to start. You are safe.

Yay, DoD got owned by reality, no need for Coop to break a sweat!

At 1/27/09 04:29 PM, Coop83 wrote:
At 1/27/09 02:53 PM, Unknown030 wrote: How come it shows the top 150 when the title says top 50? Thats confusing :S
Basically the list has evolved since its inception - when gfoxcook created the top 50 Protectors list, it was the only functioning list of its kind. There was no rankings page, where the top 50 could keep tabs on their location, relative to the other high ranked users.

This one also tracks things like how much people have gained in each update. When gfoxcook stopped updating it, the numbers had swelled to 100 users and I added a further 50, as these users all have 10,000+ Saves. I'm not sure about increasing the size of the list again, but it might warrant that at a later date, especially if Saves become even more popular with the masses.

Nice lil' history lesson tucked away at the bottom of page 79 for teh newbs. :::applauds::: #;-}>

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2009-02-05 06:22:32

At 2/5/09 04:04 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 12/28/08 10:44 AM, Coop83 wrote: Coop's list update #16
Well, here we are with another update. As it's almost the end of 2008, look under this update for a special festive surprise.
Oh boy. Thanks for special holiday edition updateage, Coopster.

No problem Greg. Welcome back.

029) 31,789 || + 0,219 || gfoxcook -2
Oh, the indignity. Almost booted out of the top 30. Still... at least teh Coopmeister was one of the two to knock me down a couple pegs. :::salutes:::

*Returns salute* I've got to keep motoring - I can climb quite high in this list, but I still have my doubts about reaching the pinacle that you once did.

At 12/28/08 10:48 AM, Coop83 wrote: Rank | Saves | Gain | Name
01) 71,880 | 25,064 | AfroUnderscoreStud
02) 55,910 | 23,062 | Basspro55
03) 50,796 | 21,331 | DrJam
04) 86,735 | 19,599 | Toocool100

He's still got it in him. Give him a chance and he could outgain Afro_Stud... maybe a few snips on a few cables as well :P

Anyway, a happy New Year to you all and prosperous Saving for everyone, except the people I'm trying to stay ahead of and those of you that I'm trying to chase down.
I thought you were gonna say "except DoD"... #;-}>

Well, I wanted to be a little more broad than that - I wanted to include iscrulz as well :P

Anyway, I can conclude one more thing beyond your list of 3 there... that if I had even come CLOSE to being on your lil top 20 of 2008-y saves madness, I coulda already re-retired by now. ;_;

Yeah, but you won't be on that list ever again... unless you decide to become infatuated with some other amazing number - 49,000; 64,000 etc.

It could happen...

Though it really wont ;)

Dude... #16... and #16 again. I'm tempted to just say "isn't this #17?" But since I only missed these two updates, I can't swear the prior one had been listed as #15 with any sort of certainty. It may have very well been another #16. #;-}>

Must have saved the file over the top of an old one, by mistake. Hell, I'm making more progress than I thought.

At 2/1/09 04:14 PM, Coop83 wrote: That and a new Hairdo to come up with for myself. This is how I felt upon completing the update:
Is that wall behind you in the pic really pea-soupy-vomit-coloured, or is that just the photo? #;-}>

It's slightly more blue than pea soup, but I see where you're coming from. I blame my parents, personally.

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2009-02-05 07:14:27

At 2/2/09 06:46 PM, Coop83 wrote:
At 2/2/09 01:39 PM, Metal-Therapy wrote:
That and a new Hairdo to come up with for myself. This is how I felt upon completing the update:
Coop, your fucking sexy as hell.
*You're - contraction of you are :P

I was simply too infatuated by your stunning good looks to excercise proper grammar. ;_;

And thanks.

You're welcome. ;)


BBS Signature

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2009-02-05 17:04:55

At 2/1/09 04:11 PM, Coop83 wrote: Coop's list update #16
So it's been slightly over a month since the last update. I think that we can safely say that the year is well under way and that we are turning our attentions to what will become of the remaining 11 months of the year.

Yes, for better or for worse here is February. Another ugly month in the market with the S&P down another 6.8%.

Meant to have the update done before last night, but the tiling took it out of me.

No worries.

Milestones & Top 5 Gainers

Congrats to all!

The List:
Rank) Saves || Gain || Username
081) 18,350 || + 0,006 || Pieriku -3
082) 18,289 || + 0,145 || Sakurazukamori -3
083) 18,284 || + 0,891 || idiot-buster
084) 17,500 || + 0,000 || Jake -2
085) 17,306 || + 0,012 || NEVR -1
086) 17,298 || + 1,140 || Gooch 6
087) 17,192 || + 1,249 || zimzap 8

I should be able to pass NEVR, Jake, and Pieriku decently easily and some of the others will take time. idiot-buster --- I'm back to hunting you!

At 2/1/09 04:14 PM, Coop83 wrote: That and a new Hairdo to come up with for myself. This is how I felt upon completing the update:

I guess compiling the list is harder than any of us thought!

Wi/Ht Member #50 | Top 500 XP | Top 80 B/P! | Top 45 Protector | Top 125 VP

BBS Signature

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2009-02-05 18:18:32

its pretty hard to save like i used to being a teacher. I would log on to vote while at school.. but the school district has newgrounds blocked under its server :(

Every once in very great while comes a ridiculously funny thread. So funny in fact i must put it into my sig http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic /1049194/1

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2009-02-05 19:47:10

At 2/5/09 05:04 PM, zimzap wrote: Congrats to all!

The List:
Rank) Saves || Gain || Username
081) 18,350 || + 0,006 || Pieriku -3
082) 18,289 || + 0,145 || Sakurazukamori -3
083) 18,284 || + 0,891 || idiot-buster

+ about 900

084) 17,500 || + 0,000 || Jake -2
085) 17,306 || + 0,012 || NEVR -1
086) 17,298 || + 1,140 || Gooch 6
087) 17,192 || + 1,249 || zimzap 8

+ 1,200 well thats what i usually do so this may be a epic battle to remember.

I should be able to pass NEVR, Jake, and Pieriku decently easily and some of the others will take time. idiot-buster --- I'm back to hunting you!

Well, this spot i will not give up so easily on. If you look back on past updates i do a normal of 1,400-1,600 This may give you some trouble in the near future :::i wish you good luck:::

Wi/Ht regular|Elite Guard Barracks Member|Idiot-Buster-Elite Guard Sup. Commander

BBS Signature

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2009-02-07 16:23:55

At 2/1/09 04:12 PM, Coop83 wrote: 067) 20,571 || + 0,156 || Joshiwa -1
070) 20,022 || + 0,872 || Emlfuryoflion 3

woo cracked the top 70 this month :) thanks for the update

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2009-02-18 23:28:11

At 2/5/09 06:22 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 2/5/09 04:04 AM, gfoxcook wrote: Oh boy. Thanks for special holiday edition updateage, Coopster.
No problem Greg. Welcome back.

For what it was worth. #;-}>

Oh, the indignity. Almost booted out of the top 30. Still... at least teh Coopmeister was one of the two to knock me down a couple pegs. :::salutes:::
*Returns salute* I've got to keep motoring - I can climb quite high in this list, but I still have my doubts about reaching the pinacle that you once did.

In terms of rank, I assume you mean. Because you'll soon exceed the actual hard numbers pinnacle I'll be stopping at, unless you suddenly cool the engines.

04) 86,735 | 19,599 | Toocool100
He's still got it in him. Give him a chance and he could outgain Afro_Stud... maybe a few snips on a few cables as well :P

#4 will always be #1... in my heart.

I thought you were gonna say "except DoD"... #;-}>
Well, I wanted to be a little more broad than that - I wanted to include iscrulz as well :P

Ah, I see.

Yeah, but you won't be on that list ever again... unless you decide to become infatuated with some other amazing number - 49,000; 64,000 etc.

... 49k's okay, but it holds no special role in my mind. 7 by 7 for Bahamut would be nice, I'm sure. 64k is cool, and with 36k it makes 100k. Good thing I don't care about hitting 100k. #;-}>

It could happen...

In another dimension!

Though it really wont ;)

Not in this one, no.

Is that wall behind you in the pic really pea-soupy-vomit-coloured, or is that just the photo? #;-}>
It's slightly more blue than pea soup, but I see where you're coming from. I blame my parents, personally.

Glad to hear it was bluer than it appeared. Whew.

At 2/5/09 07:14 AM, Metal-Therapy wrote:
At 2/2/09 06:46 PM, Coop83 wrote:
At 2/2/09 01:39 PM, Metal-Therapy wrote: Coop, your fucking sexy as hell.
*You're - contraction of you are :P
I was simply too infatuated by your stunning good looks to excercise proper grammar. ;_;

Coop has that effect on some folks.

And thanks.
You're welcome. ;)

GET A ROOM, you two.

At 2/5/09 06:18 PM, Toocool100 wrote: its pretty hard to save like i used to being a teacher. I would log on to vote while at school.. but the school district has newgrounds blocked under its server :(

Toocool. ;_;

Say it isn't so. You sound like you're... giving up on... your old save pace.

DAMN that school district. Damn those administrators or school board members or WHOEVER the hell is protecting those children from us and in so doing... ruining your save pace. ;_;

Hey, you should get one of those cell phone internet plans + a personal laptop... boom, no worries! So long as you can get away with using your own laptop at any time (or SOME time, at least) + have reception in the building(s), at least.

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2009-02-20 04:16:04

At 2/5/09 05:04 PM, zimzap wrote:
At 2/1/09 04:14 PM, Coop83 wrote: That and a new Hairdo to come up with for myself. This is how I felt upon completing the update:
I guess compiling the list is harder than any of us thought!

Nope - tiling a kitchen before doing a list update is harder than any of us thought.

At 2/18/09 11:28 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 2/5/09 06:22 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 2/5/09 04:04 AM, gfoxcook wrote: Oh boy. Thanks for special holiday edition updateage, Coopster.
No problem Greg. Welcome back.
For what it was worth. #;-}>

Well, it wasn't my fault!

Oh, the indignity. Almost booted out of the top 30. Still... at least teh Coopmeister was one of the two to knock me down a couple pegs. :::salutes:::
*Returns salute* I've got to keep motoring - I can climb quite high in this list, but I still have my doubts about reaching the pinacle that you once did.
In terms of rank, I assume you mean. Because you'll soon exceed the actual hard numbers pinnacle I'll be stopping at, unless you suddenly cool the engines.

Yeah, with my Saves pace falling well short of the epicness of those like Afro_'No life'_Stud and Toocool, I can't expect to reach their current levels for several years. By which time, they might have retired, but somehow, I can't see that happening.

I thought you were gonna say "except DoD"... #;-}>
Well, I wanted to be a little more broad than that - I wanted to include iscrulz as well :P
Ah, I see.

Sweeping Generalisations are the way to go!

At 2/5/09 07:14 AM, Metal-Therapy wrote:
At 2/2/09 06:46 PM, Coop83 wrote:
At 2/2/09 01:39 PM, Metal-Therapy wrote: Coop, your fucking sexy as hell.
*You're - contraction of you are :P
I was simply too infatuated by your stunning good looks to excercise proper grammar. ;_;
Coop has that effect on some folks.

Yeah, now only if it worked on my poor girlfriend, I might get a word in edgeways :P

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature