At 9/3/07 03:42 PM, Coop83 wrote: I'm usually super-competitive about all sorts of things. Anything that I have a chance to beat people in, I tend to try really hard :P
I see. And if you don't think you have a chance.. then how hard do you try, eh? #;-}>
#6, of course.See, I knew you'd still remember yours :P I've got a new goal in mind - I want to be one of the people who conspires to know fixit our of the top 50 >:D
Of course I still remember. It's a one digit number, it's not that hard to remember.
I can't quite remember how many b/p points I had when I entered the top 50 b/p list in March/April of 2003, though... I think it was around 4200, but the exact number on the first top 50 update I appeared on was probably more like 4162 or something like that. I could look it up on my old desktop.
As for fixit... Knock him out, you mean? Nifty. Hell, it may have already happened... I ain't been paying enough attention. #;-}>
Good luck to you/congratulations to you, depending on whether it's yet to happen or whether it already has. #;-}>
If you meant do I remember my own. Hell if I remember what # Bahamut was. #;-}>Well, I was just querying if he did, because I was quite interested.
And he did! So hooray for that!
Top protectors, if you are a Supreme Commander, which number were you when you reached that rank?
Excellent idea for a survey, but perhaps you best create a new topic for it, it doesn't seem to have gotten enough notice buried in the convo flow (especially due to your updates of the list) in here in the past 2 months.
I understand. You guys are like the N and the S on a magnet. It's understandable. The fact that I'm not like that with you... and yet you're a Yankees fan... does kinda cause me some concern. MAYBE I'M GETTING SOFT. #;-}>You're not getting soft, You just don't really know what to do with an English baseball fan who's never even been to the USA, let alone a baseball game :P I do plan on doing a tour of the US and Canada at some point, involving many games of Baseball, Basketball and Hockey, if the timing is right :)
Sure I do. You weren't my first, you know. jonthomson is a Red Sox fan, and he's just as English as you. I'm not sure if he's ever been to a baseball game in person, though, that I don't recall if I know or not.
Either way, trust me... when I found out you were a Brit who was a Yankee fan, I wasn't surprised you liked our National Passtime, I was only surprised you were the exact opposite of jonthomson, the other Brit baseball fan I know and love here on NG... how cool is that, I thought to myself. #;-}>
Saves topic is all dry... blams topic at least has SOME chatter in it (thanks to the update, and to some oldies rediscovering it, such as Gooch). Won't someone please come by and notice the saves topic still LIVES too? ;_;It's not that dry, I got 16,000 of them yesterday, woohoo!
Funny how this topic is the topic with two new pages since I last posted, and the blam topic is completely dead... thanks to your updates of course! So thanks for reviving my ol' fave. My first list topic. (sniff)
At 9/3/07 09:42 AM, Bahamut wrote: I was #57 (58 if counting SevenStar) and I remember Afro_Stud getting Supreme Commander after I did and he said he was #59 (he counted SevenStar).
I take it you don't (by default). Count 7S, I mean.
Everyone who hit 30k after 7S did could have a really nifty shorthand for referring to it.
"I was EGSC #65 (#66 A7S)."
(after 7 star)
At 9/15/07 12:39 PM, Coop83 wrote: Coop's Savours List Update #1
Noooooice. I like the looks of that.
Well, I've been pissing about with the list as a little hobby for the past week and a half. I finally managed to get enough free time to put it all together and come up with the update :)
This update, we say hello to Jake, JerkClock, AshtonNextGen, rageVI and Auz.
Making way for these were ScottTowels, LevelOneAccount, FIGMENTUM, ThePunisher52 and Shadow-Angel.
NOoooooooooooooooooo.... Mistah JAMES!!!
"Level ups"
Toocool100 > 60,000 Saves
Wylo > 40,000 Saves
AfroUnderscoreStud > 40,000 Saves
"level ups"? In quotes? Come on, man, just call them achievements or something that literally describes them accurately. That's too "cute," for lack of a better word. #;-}>
Top 5 Gainers:
AfroUnderscoreStud: +5,954
Basspro55: +5,275
LockClock: +4,774
harryjarry: +4,744
azteca89: 4650
The list
Total saves in the top 100: 2,020,662
Schweet. Which means there's well over 1 mil in the top 50 alone. You should list that, too. :::nods:::
Users entering the top 50: Omgee; milinko959; Pieriku
Users leaving the top 50: fixit; Roth-Productions; shunshuu
Ah yes... well, there we go. #;-}>
001) 61,845 || + 3,551 || Toocool100
Such lofty heights... I'd be happy with a boost up to just 1/2 of Toocool's total saves.
025) 24,766 || + 0,604 || gfoxcook -4
At 10/20/07 11:33 AM, Coop83 wrote: 029) 24,804 || + 0,038 || gfoxcook -4
At 11/17/07 05:19 PM, Coop83 wrote: 030) 24,804 || + 0 || gfoxcook -1
Well, at least there's only one "+0" update for me. It's funny that on that update, I only lose 1 ranking... when I lost 4 each on the updates beforehand. Maybe I'll spend a bit longer in the #30s than I did in the #20s? Well, one can hope.
I need to restart my saving engines and at least hit 25,000 soon. 36,000 ain't gonna happen on its own (what good would it be if it did, anyway? GOTTA EARN IT, BEOTCH!).
YEAH, now I'm pumped up...
er... :::goes to sleep:::
gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!
a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)