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Top 50 Protectors List

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Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2006-10-29 10:33:00

At 10/29/06 01:58 AM, Major-punk wrote: Update #8 - Top 100 Protectors

Ok so I'm a really big rush to get this posted and get my ass into bed. I have a big day tommorow and I have to wake up at 7. If I didn't get this done tonight then I wouldn't have time until sometime next weekend which is way too long to wait between updates...

Thanks for the update Major-Punk

2000+ protectors

34. 13,319 // 1768 // Major-punk
35. 13,266 // 1296 // RemRulzz
36. 13,005 // 0000 // yaya12
37. 12,973 // 0018 // Dakka942
38. 12,747 // 2572 // pepeatumi

4th place eh? That's pretty good, considering who the top three were... I'll be passing Dakka amd yaya soon enough, but the other two will take a while longer... Planning on slowing down anytime soon, Major?

Congrats to all the 2000+ protectors, and once again thanks for the update Major-Punk.

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2006-10-29 12:47:21

At 10/29/06 01:58 AM, Major-punk wrote: Update #8 - Top 100 Protectors

2000+ protectors

2685 - Toocool100
2678 - ramagi

Well I stayed in the same place but the name above me, the change is interesting

2641 - AfroUnderscoreStud
2572 - pepeatumi
2523 - Wylo
2402 - Seamonky
2375 - haryjarry
2317 - Newgrundling
2298 - Rule
2264 - AZPunisher
2239 - DonDoli
2218 - TheDepthsofHell
2141 - BlueHippo
2135 - Phantom
2101 - Minion777

Good Job people you have saved the portal

01. 44,352 // 2685 // Toocool100
02. 33,278 // 2678 // ramagi

Well with #3 retiring and no else too close to the 30K mark looks like #2 spot is mine. :)

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2006-10-29 12:53:36

At 10/29/06 01:58 AM, Major-punk wrote: 2000+ protectors

2685 - Toocool100
2678 - ramagi
2641 - AfroUnderscoreStud
2572 - pepeatumi
2523 - Wylo
2402 - Seamonky
2375 - haryjarry
2317 - Newgrundling
2298 - Rule
2264 - AZPunisher
2239 - DonDoli
2218 - TheDepthsofHell
2141 - BlueHippo
2135 - Phantom
2101 - Minion777

Congrats to everyone who made that list.

13. 20,044 // 0074 // leeboy105
14. 19,765 // 1216 // Qwoxyl
15. 19,570 // 2641 // AfroUnderScoreStud

+3 ranks for me

Not all that long now until I pass 2 people in saves, unlike in B/P where I'm a long way behind...

Nice update Tyler, thanks for taking your time to do it =)

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2006-10-29 18:49:00

thanks for the update ! =)

BBS Signature

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2006-10-30 17:24:08

Glad that I made it on the list. :D Today is Daily Day and there are many free protection points waiting for me to pick up. Next goal: top 80. ;)

BBS Signature

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2006-11-08 09:24:01

At 10/29/06 01:59 AM, Major-punk wrote: 110. 07,163 // 0007 // Punk-Noodles

Just a quick heads up for you, Major-punk. I'm now into a nice holding area where I can be classed as on the cusp of the top 100 in the next update. I checked the stats and there's all of 20 saves more in my name now than in Punk-Noodles name. I'll have to keep that number ticking over :)

If of course some other protectors don't jump ahead of me and ruin my party, that is

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

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Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2006-11-08 09:44:03

I just cracked over 10K in protection points, so i look forward to seeing the new list when it drops. I also want to say thank you very much for takin time and patience to post these stats for all to view and see where they're position are. Thanks Again!!

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2006-11-08 14:32:46

At 11/8/06 09:44 AM, XkwiziTOnE wrote: I just cracked over 10K in protection points, so i look forward to seeing the new list when it drops.

Congratulations once more on reaching 10k saves, XkwiziT. Since saves became easier to get, I think that some users might have devalued the humble protection point.

Personally, I don't agree, as saves are great and I'm longing to reach 10k

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

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Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2006-11-08 15:25:38

At 11/8/06 02:32 PM, Coop83 wrote: Congratulations once more on reaching 10k saves, XkwiziT. Since saves became easier to get, I think that some users might have devalued the humble protection point.

Thanks again Coop83! Yea i noticed that people have not appreciated the value of protection. Blams come too easy but now they arent what they use to be though. But i have to admit, back before there was some major garbage in the portal that did need to be gotten rid of but now its more nicer to chill and be civil.

Personally, I don't agree, as saves are great and I'm longing to reach 10k

Good luck on that challenge of gettin your 10k its a demanding i know but it feels soo good once you have it and you can smile about it.

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2006-11-08 18:22:57

At 10/29/06 01:58 AM, Major-punk wrote: Update #8 - Top 100 Protectors
27. 14,508 // 1608 // Andersson

Nice update. Thank you for that one. =)

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2006-11-08 19:04:05

In my opinion, the update should be once in a week just like the update for b/p 51+. The point is that many active usersincluding myself have moved up for quite a few spots during a spin of 1 week, and we want to see the newest update so that we will get some immediate plans for moving up. The last update was on 29th October which had been outdated. Please make the newest update as soon as possible. We are all eager to see it.

BBS Signature

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2006-11-08 19:18:07

At 11/8/06 07:04 PM, Dream-of-Duke wrote: In my opinion, the update should be once in a week just like the update for b/p 51+. The point is that many active usersincluding myself have moved up for quite a few spots during a spin of 1 week, and we want to see the newest update so that we will get some immediate plans for moving up. The last update was on 29th October which had been outdated. Please make the newest update as soon as possible. We are all eager to see it.

have some patience dude. jesus. this shit doesnt take 5 minutes to do, it takes a few hours. we're lucky as it is that its even done. im greatful to major-punk for doing it all. learn some respect dude

if you got a fucking problem, why dont you take over and do it every week.

BBS Signature

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2006-11-09 00:25:20

When can we expect the next update? Is this a monthly thing? I would like to know because I'm pretty sure that I have made it to the very bottom of the list and would like to see my name on another top list. No pressure on making another one anytime soon, just want to know when it usually comes out.

Xbox Live Gamertag: POTM

BBS Signature

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2006-11-09 04:21:11

At 11/9/06 12:25 AM, Hemlok wrote: When can we expect the next update? Is this a monthly thing?

I'd expect to see the update on the weekend of either the 18th / 19th of November OR the 25th / 26 of November

Roughly speaking, it is a monthly affair

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2006-11-09 13:39:57

At 11/8/06 07:18 PM, TheDepthsofHell wrote: have some patience dude. jesus. this shit doesnt take 5 minutes to do, it takes a few hours. we're lucky as it is that its even done. im greatful to major-punk for doing it all. learn some respect dude
if you got a fucking problem, why dont you take over and do it every week.

No disrespect to Major-Punk and the rest of crew here. I was just saying that it would be great if MP could update the list every week. I know that he may be too busy for that. But if Denvish can update his b/p 51+ list every week, at least MP should have it a shot at updating this list a bit more often so that it can be more accurate as the time spins.

BBS Signature

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2006-11-09 15:54:22

At 11/9/06 01:39 PM, Dream-of-Duke wrote: But if Denvish can update his b/p 51+ list every week,

Its not like Denvish and Major-Punk are two identical people. They each have their own time schedules. Denvish's schedule just included the update every week whereas MP didn't.

at least MP should have it a shot at updating this list a bit more often so that it can be more accurate as the time spins.

Technically it is more accurate as a monthly list than a weekly list with respect to daily rates. However, if you wanted to get a special mention as the largest gainer, than you'd have a better chance with a weekly update.

And you can't really plan for the future since everyone's rates will stay roughly the same. Its not like you can double your B/P rate on command.

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2006-11-18 23:53:22

when will we know when the next update is?

BBS Signature

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2006-11-18 23:56:50

At 11/18/06 11:53 PM, TheDepthsofHell wrote: when will we know when the next update is?

We won't find out until the update is posted ;)

Unless of course Major-punk posts beforehand stating that he'll update this list on a certain date.

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2006-11-19 01:35:45

At 10/29/06 03:42 AM, Kisuke wrote:
If I was you I'd ask Denvish about the ways he makes the Top 300 b/p user list, good chance it would make things a lot easier on you.

I already know how it's done, and it probibly is a good idea for the long run.

But yeah... I still haven't gotten around to it.=/

At 10/29/06 07:23 AM, FrankTheHedgehog wrote:
My saves: 7,137 >:(


If you think I forgot you I haven't, you still needed like 250 saves at the time..

Your on the next one though, I'll assume.

At 10/29/06 09:34 AM, Bahamut wrote:
You Major-punk, will probably pass me on the next update, oh well.


At 10/29/06 10:33 AM, pepeatumi wrote:
Planning on slowing down anytime soon, Major?

I'll be within the 50-80/day (total b/p) range for the next few months. So not much of a difference at all.

At 11/8/06 09:24 AM, Coop83 wrote:
Just a quick heads up for you, Major-punk.

Noted, thanks.

At 11/18/06 11:53 PM, TheDepthsofHell wrote:
when will we know when the next update is?


At 11/18/06 11:56 PM, AfroUnderscoreStud wrote:
Unless of course Major-punk posts beforehand stating that he'll update this list on a certain date.

Good idea. =)

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2006-11-19 09:36:46

At 5/5/03 03:29 AM, lightning wrote: hey i'm all most on that list =P

Lol its so fun to see 2 years back topics. U got over 30K B/P and say that almosut on list lool List shows 3K at maximum im sure was pretty easy to get list 1st that time!

Click on sig pic!

BBS Signature

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2006-11-20 16:41:27

Update #09 - Top 100 Protectors!

Next update will be between Dec 25th and Jan 1st.

1,000+ Protectors!

1344 - pepeatumi
1335 - Toocool100
1301 - AfroUnderscoreStud
1216 - DonDoli
1214 - Punisher
1195 - harryjarry
1190 - Newgrundling
1187 - Wylo
1185 - Rule
1172 - ramagi
1105 - lxl
1038 - Phantom
1009 - TheDepthsofHell
1008 - Minion777

Rank // Saves // Gain // Name // Change

01. 45,687 // 1335 // Toocool100
02. 34,450 // 1172 // ramagi
03. 30,000 // 0000 // Denvish
04. 27,838 // 1187 // Wylo +2
05. 27,793 // 1105 // lxl
06. 27,530 // 0064 // bila -2
07. 26,546 // 0558 // ReconRebel
08. 24,000 // 0000 // gfoxcook
09. 23,229 // 1214 // Punisher +1
10. 22,784 // 0012 // MPA -1
11. 22,264 // 0920 // BonusStage +1
12. 22,055 // 0516 // XwaynecoltX -1
13. 20,871 // 1301 // AfroUnderScoreStud +2
14. 20,392 // 1216 // DonDoli +3
15. 20,388 // 0623 // Qwoxyl -1
16. 20,044 // 0000 // leeboy105 -3
17. 19,927 // 0633 // Rabindarath -1
18. 19,896 // 0936 // schneelocke
19. 19,078 // 1185 // Rule
20. 18,042 // 0774 // ouandyoi
21. 17,967 // 0857 // BlueHippo
22. 17,733 // 1190 // Newgrundling +1
23. 17,664 // 0000 // M-A-R-C-U-S -1
24. 17,209 // 0946 // Youareall
25. 16,101 // 0000 // fixit
26. 15,466 // 0958 // Andersson +1
27. 15,351 // 0627 // DrJam -1
28. 15,303 // 1195 // harryjarry +2
29. 15,035 // 0837 // RenegadeGirl
30. 14,502 // 0000 // RoweNuts -2
31. 14,443 // 0703 // Bahamut
32. 14,253 // 0934 // Major-punk +2
33. 14,181 // 0539 // LittleMissVixen -1
34. 14,091 // 1344 // pepeatumi +4
35. 13,811 // 0545 // RemRulzz
36. 13,560 // 0000 // DuMa-RyoHahn -3
37. 13,324 // 0885 // Ehwaz003 +5
38. 13,191 // 0910 // Tantera +6
39. 13,136 // 0846 // Parasoul +4
40. 13,127 // 1038 // Phantom +6
41. 13,121 // 0386 // Gooch -2
42. 13,005 // 0000 // yaya12 -6
43. 12,973 // 0000 // Dakka942 -6
44. 12,858 // 1008 // Minion777 +5
45. 12,767 // 0044 // kolohe -6
46. 12,658 // 0071 // alexsmolik -5
47. 12,433 // 0893 // Seamonky +5
48. 12,236 // 0433 // Sakurazamori +2
49. 12,170 // 0000 // thisisasign -4

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2006-11-20 16:43:18

50. 12,152 // 1009 // TheDepthsofHell +6
51. 12,092 // 0135 // carmelhadinosaur -3
52. 12,066 // 0109 // YoinK -5
53. 12,043 // 0876 // azteca89 +2
54. 11,657 // 0000 // ScottTowels -3
55. 11,530 // 0881 // shunshuu +6
56. 11,430 // 0010 // ThePunisher52 -3
57. 11,334 // 0000 // EagleRock -3
58. 11,227 // 0472 // ADT +2
59. 11,079 // 0000 // TITROTU -2
60. 11,053 // 0001 // SlashFirestorm -2
61. 10,818 // 0000 // D0GMA -2
62. 10,642 // 0474 // TremcladClock +4
63. 10,558 // 0000 // Syme -1
64. 10,521 // 0148 // KWAS71CK
65. 10,511 // 0944 // Basspro55 +8
66. 10,501 // 0059 // IM-KOOL-R-U -3
67. 10,473 // 0804 // XkwiziTOnE +4
68. 10,314 // 0845 // ornery-scotsman +8
69. 10,311 // new. // courtday New (sorta)
70. 10,261 // 0018 // lightning -5
71. 10,148 // 0000 // wismty -4
72. 10,079 // 0000 // Kronno -4
73. 10,000 // 0000 // biteme2514 -4
74. 09,923 // 0051 // FIGMENTUM -4
75. 09,858 // 0464 // LAtiNoraLf +3
76. 09,765 // 028 // Stormwarden -2
77. 09,666 // 0159 // ac-dc007 -2
78. 09,665 // 0006 // Xiivi -6
79. 09,651 // 0790 // Voidist +7
80. 09,638 // 0235 // bmxgamer -3
81. 09,607 // 0443 // Myst
82. 09,524 // new. // Shadow-Angel New
83. 09,314 // 0757 // Dream-of-Duke +10
84. 09,287 // 0001 // altr -5
85. 09,254 // 0241 // the-puppet
86. 09,238 // 0039 // RupeeClock -6
87. 09,132 // 0016 // CaptainBob -4
88. 09,121 // 0000 // chaotic1 -6
89. 09,105 // 0030 // ZIGZAG4EVER -5
90. 09,064 // new. // Omgee New
91. 08,796 // 0169 // Seraphius -1
92. 08,781 // 0092 // Tommy -5
93. 08,763 // 0027 // Nijsse -5
94. 08,753 // 0075 // DRMSM -5
96. 08,719 // 0115 // nimmer -4
97. 08,666 // new. // Now-n-Again New
98. 08,615 // 0064 // Foxphere -4
99. 08,608 // 0000 // goodguyo -8
100. 08,585 // 0373 // HaroFreak


101. 08,539 // 0010 // moongod
102. 08,533 // new. // Kisuke New
103. 08,510 // 0082 // Mynt
104. 08,493 // 0001 // stafffighter
105. 08,429 // 0328 // ThreeStar
106. 08,317 // 0053 // alhill
107. 08,275 // 0004 // _Joe_
108. 08,300 // 0284 // LittleWashu
109. 08,194 // 0047 // Mazza
110. 08,034 // 0000 // helldoll81

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2006-11-20 18:08:40

At 11/20/06 04:41 PM, Major-punk wrote: Update #09 - Top 100 Protectors!

Thanks for the update Major-punk :).

Next update will be between Dec 25th and Jan 1st.


1,000+ Protectors!
1195 - harryjarry

Yay, I wasn't too sure if I would make it but I have been getting saves quite often, although the portal has been awful.

1190 - Newgrundling

Someone has gotten active.

Rank // Saves // Gain // Name // Change
28. 15,303 // 1195 // harryjarry +2

Seems I will be able to pass a few people next time, being 28th in saves is nice. Better than my b/p total and blam ranks :).

Hopefully next time the portal will get a bit more lively.

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2006-11-20 18:14:56

At 11/20/06 04:41 PM, Major-punk wrote: Next update will be between Dec 25th and Jan 1st.

Oh my.

1,000+ Protectors!

1344 - pepeatumi
1335 - Toocool100
1301 - AfroUnderscoreStud
1216 - DonDoli
1214 - Punisher
1195 - harryjarry
1190 - Newgrundling
1187 - Wylo
1185 - Rule
1172 - ramagi
1105 - lxl
1038 - Phantom
1009 - TheDepthsofHell
1008 - Minion777

Congrats to everyone who made that list.

13. 20,871 // 1301 // AfroUnderScoreStud +2

+2 ranks, awesome.

Nice update Tyler, thanks for taking your time to do it =)

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2006-11-20 18:45:41

At 11/20/06 04:41 PM, Major-punk wrote:
Next update will be between Dec 25th and Jan 1st.

Really? Between Christmas and New year's... Good luck with that.

1,000+ Protectors!

1344 - pepeatumi
1335 - Toocool100
1301 - AfroUnderscoreStud
1216 - DonDoli
1214 - Punisher
1195 - harryjarry
1190 - Newgrundling
1187 - Wylo
1185 - Rule
1172 - ramagi
1105 - lxl
1038 - Phantom
1009 - TheDepthsofHell
1008 - Minion777

Congrats to everyone who made this list.

32. 14,253 // 0934 // Major-punk +2
33. 14,181 // 0539 // LittleMissVixen -1
34. 14,091 // 1344 // pepeatumi +4

Is it just me or is Punk ahead of me in every list by about two spots? Either way I should pass LittleMissVixen in a couple of days as for MP... that'll take a while longer.

Thanks for the update MajorPunk.

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2006-11-20 19:19:51

At 11/20/06 04:41 PM, Major-punk wrote: Update #09 - Top 100 Protectors!

thanks for the update!

Next update will be between Dec 25th and Jan 1st.

nice! =D

1,000+ Protectors!

1344 - pepeatumi
1335 - Toocool100
1301 - AfroUnderscoreStud
1216 - DonDoli
1214 - Punisher
1195 - harryjarry
1190 - Newgrundling
1187 - Wylo
1185 - Rule
1172 - ramagi
1105 - lxl
1038 - Phantom
1009 - TheDepthsofHell
1008 - Minion777

whew! barely edged my way into this list.

BBS Signature

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2006-11-20 19:49:21

Could have sworn I would have been on the list this time. Oh well, I hope i make it next week then!

Xbox Live Gamertag: POTM

BBS Signature

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2006-11-23 17:12:29

At 11/20/06 04:43 PM, Major-punk wrote: 110. 08,034 // 0000 // helldoll81

Ok, so it is 3 days after the update, but I'm within about 400-500 saves of the almost list...

If I keep plugging away, I will get there eventually

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2006-11-23 17:19:31

This was unexpected. I just happened to take a peek and I realised that I'm actually on this list. Awesome.

82. 09,524 // new. // Shadow-Angel New

Now if only I wasn't depressed, I could enjoy this...

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2006-11-23 18:06:16

At 11/23/06 05:19 PM, Shadow-Angel wrote: This was unexpected. I just happened to take a peek and I realised that I'm actually on this list. Awesome.

82. 09,524 // new. // Shadow-Angel New

Now if only I wasn't depressed, I could enjoy this...

Congrats on that :D

Unfortunately I'm still about one thousand off of the bottom of the list :(

S&Box, the gameĀ Facepunch Studio have been working on.

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