At 9/17/06 06:07 PM, Major-punk wrote:
At 8/26/06 08:19 AM, ramagi wrote:
I'm just amazed it got updated. :P
Hah, I would tell you guysahead of time if I was going to completely stop updating this.
Whew. #;-}>
Every update's a great thing, they can't go on forever though, and I would hope that no one expects that from us dedicated list-makerers.
I am not even sure I'll make 40k.
Your not thinking of retiring soon are you?
Maybe she's gonna stop on 36k to make me jealous? #;-}>
At 8/26/06 12:33 PM, pepeatumi wrote:
Nice update!... Though from the looks of things it took a while to update this list...
Yeah this time it took about 3 hours, but it's not like that was the only thing I was doing all this time, I took breaks and stuff too.
Breaks and stuff are the enemy of every lis-makerer. I know their temptations so well. ;_;
Also congrats to... me? Apparently I made this list, huh, I never considerd myself a top protector but oh well..
It snuck up on me aswell, hell your almost in the Top 50. Get used to it. =P
At 8/27/06 01:54 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
Might wanna check your code or method or whatnot, the rankings are kinda screwed up there. I mean, the ordering's obviously correct... you know what I mean. #;-}>
It took me a few minutes to figure out what you were talking about but I eventually got it. It's hard to explain in words how that happened but I know exactly how and it's very unlikely it'll happen again.
I didn't think it was that tough to understand, but I'm glad you finally did. Glad to hear it's not likely to be a recurring problem.
Dayum... maybe my time in the top 10 isn't going to be as long as I thought... certainly not as long as I would like.
I know how you can change that: COME OUT OF RETIREMENT! ^_^
Come on, I know you want to. >=P
If I ever get a job where I can vote on the portal during working hours, I might just consider doing so... if only to get up to 36k/36k... while 72k total is not as cool as 60k total... the 36,000ness being dual... would be so badass.
Still, that's 12,000 saves. And I've just recently passed 1000 saves on gfoxclock after 1+ year of sporadic b/ping... so no one knows better than myself how insane it would be to try to go for 12,000 saves and ONLY 12,000 saves. The danger of teh blammage would be scary. :::shivers:::
Great update of a great list, man.
Thanks, I appreciate the comments. From everyone.
At 9/17/06 06:16 PM, Major-punk wrote:
01. 41,667 // 1304 // Toocool100
02. 30,600 // 1434 // ramagi
03. 28,691 // 1327 // Denvish +1
04. 27,414 // 0506 // bila -1
05. 25,176 // 0906 // X-Emena-X +1
06. 24,858 // 0546 // ReconRebel -1
07. 24,128 // 1255 // Wylo +1
08. 24,000 // 0000 // gfoxcook -1
09. 22,771 // 0005 // MPA
10. 19,970 // 0177 // leeboy105
Well, at least I'm safely in the top 10 for awhile longer. Even if MPA re-activates, that'll only knock me down to #9... the problem is here:
11. 19,967 // 0885 // BonusStage +1
12. 19,810 // 0232 // XwaynecoltX -1
13. 19,751 // 1161 // AZPunisher
14. 18,549 // 0499 // Qwoxyl
15. 17,887 // 0623 // Rabindarath
16. 17,269 // 0761 // schneelocke
17. 16,937 // 0836 // DonDoli +1
18. 16,929 // 1449 // AfroUnderScoreStud +1
19. 16,101 // 0000 // fixit -2
20. 15,595 // 1276 // Rule +3
21. 15,479 // 0782 // ouandyoi -1
22. 15,115 // 0786 // M-A-R-C-U-S
23. 14,969 // 1211 // BlueHippo +2
With maniacs like Bonus, Punisher, schnee, Don, Afro, Rule, and BlueHippo in the 10k behind me, I know my spot isn't safe for the longterm. Hell, I'll be lucky to stay in the top 15 through 2007... but we shall see.
At 9/17/06 06:18 PM, Major-punk wrote:
51. 10,558 // 0000 // Syme -3
52. 10,487 // 0747 // Ehwaz003 +5
53. 10,477 // 0773 // Tannerite +6
54. 10,244 // 0104 // IM_KOOL_R_U -1
55. 10,243 // 0000 // _lightning_ -4
56. 10,241 // 0923 // ThePunisher52 +7
57. 10,175 // 1253 // pepeatumi +16
58. 10,147 // 0000 // wismty -6
59. 10,079 // 0000 // Kronno -5
60. 10,000 // 0000 // biteme2514 -5
61. 09,973 // 0241 // KWAS71CK -3
60+ people with 10,000 saves. Now THAT kicks ass.
Saves, on the whole, doing well on NG makes me soooo freakin' happy. Happier than individual save accomplishments in my past have made me, really. I mean, sure, 10k and 20k saves were awesome moments for me.
But watching the saves kick the ass of the other four stats on the pentalist the past few months... and watching saves just do well, period, for people both off and on the pentalist on a list like this one... it warms my heart. #;-}>
Great job keepin' the torch lit for all of Protection-dom, MajorPunk. Keep on keepin' on.