At 4/29/05 10:28 PM, Toocool100 wrote:
Yay, im #1 in something now :)
sorry gfox, its been a good run.
i dont know what else to say, so c-ya :P
Damnnit, man, I told you to start bragging in all my topics and everywhere else, but you're hardly posting anywhere at all. THE COMIC EFFECT IS MINIMISED WHEN YOU DON'T LORD IT OVER ME, DAGNABIT! #;-}>
At 4/29/05 10:39 PM, ramagi wrote:
Lol, well congratz being the 4th one at the top.
1) ramagi
2) fixit
3) gfoxcook
4) Toocool100
Toocool broke the all-lower-case-top-saviours streak. ;_;
At 4/29/05 11:02 PM, -DaughterOfHades- wrote:
Oh jesus, I'm not writing any eulogies or anything
Now the #2...and hey, #2 is second ;-)
as opposed to none? :::grumble grumble:::
Jesus, that's awesome.
Why thank you.
Heh, well, you earned it, and you're still second, so stop whining. Once the official stats are posted, we will see you at #2 for saves as well as #2 for BP's.
I wasn't REALLY (as in sincerely) whining. Just being overly grandiose and melodramatic on purpose. ;_;
And yes, I'm #2 in both, as my sig says. But soon I'll be #3 in b/p due to teh mrpopalot... yar.
At 4/30/05 04:46 AM, The_Redangleknight wrote:
Top 50 saviours I need about 3,000 more protection pionts see you in 2 years. I think gfox can claim his throne back if he is more active in b/p so go gfox.
Except for when Toocool is away from his computer (as he said he would be some this week, due to finals, and also for awhile this summer due to a vaction), I will always be slower at saving than him. It's a sad fact of my schedule and the portal's cruelty. ;_;
At 4/30/05 06:31 AM, XwaynecoltX wrote:
Heh you were always king in that area me thinks hehe, i wish i had just 10,000 saves are so damn hard grrr...
HMPH! I've already had this conversation with Recon. I WAS TEH SAVES KING. ;_;
And before that, fixit was Teh Robot Emperor of Teh Saves.
And before that, ramagi was Teh Saves Queen.
And before that... there was TEH VOID.
But now, Toocool is the insane 24,000% save-2-blam ratio king (Which he already was, more or less) AND The (that's THE, not "Teh," which is reserved for describing MY reign and my reign only, damnit!) Saves King. :::tips his cap:::
At 4/30/05 10:44 AM, Toocool100 wrote:
There is something seriously wrong with my aim as of late, i got another fooking blam! BAHHHHHHH!!!111oneoneone
if i mess up and my blams go over 100.. I'm asking wade to delete my blams back to 88
You'll be doing that anyway, one of these days. #;-}>
I noticed the 91 notch up to 92 and was expecting to find a post not unlike the above. You did NOT disappoint! Heh.
At 5/1/05 06:18 AM, -DaughterOfHades- wrote:
...or we can just change some of the coding around =D
"ERROR - it looks like your alias is TooCool100 and you voted a 0 or 1. Please go back and try again."
hahahaha. Greatness. IMPLEMENTATION MUST BE RUSHED! This has priority over all other NG matters!