At 4/29/05 07:42 PM, ramagi wrote:
Yea I have been checkign that every now and then. I had to focus mroe on school, rather than voting so I feel way back, I had it down to less than 100 difference.
I never kept track how long I was number one. Even though I know it was more than a year. I have a feeling toocool100 will be number 1 for a while. Saves are still a harder thing to come by these days.
I am just happy I am one of three people with over 20K saves.
You were indeed quite close to getting ahead of Toocool (and shortly afterwards ME as well!) but yes, you slowed a bit. Not to mention that you were still getting plenty of blams as well, so it's not like you'd gone ALL saves like him or anything. I'm THINKING about doing that for awhile when I hit 33,333 blams, but I'm not sure if I win. Still kinda split over it... maybe at least till I hit 22,222 saves so I can get an authentic 33,333 + 22,222 = 55,555 screenshot from my profile AND the top 50 b/p list, but... we'll see. If I miss the exact number, I'll just fudge like I usually do. #;-}>
But in any event, Toocool will indeed be #1 for some time, unless you or I go savecrazy and he decides to retire for awhile. I share your feelings about just being happy that you and he and I are in the very very nice 20k+ club, which is quite exclusive (for now, at least). #;-}>
Anyway, I want to repost this and delete my old post because it got stuck at the bottom of the last page. That's gonna bump your post there instead, but I did just quote it above, so at least there's that. Hope you don't mind, but I don't want newcomers to the new page only to completely miss my lovely screenshot, even if they read the quoted text in your post. #;-}>
BLAMS: Involved in the termination of 91 crappy entries.
SAVES: Assisted in the protection of 21,912 quality entries.
BLAMS: Involved in the termination of 33,233 crappy entries.
SAVES: Assisted in the protection of 21,912 quality entries.
Well, that's it. The long process of my #1 saves status eroding is... on the verge of completion.
Congratulations on taking the saves crown from my frail, weak hands, Toocool. #;-}> While I relinquish the Saves title somewhat reluctantly, I AM happy for you, especially in light of your recent fall from the top 50 list, which I was filled with sadness to see happen.
Even if I were to try and snag every save possible today, I have a feeling that I'd miss enough tomorrow that you'd be getting that there is no way April 30th could end with me still in the lead, so I'm conceding in advance as I won't be posting again (as gfoxcook) until late on Saturday night when I announce the pentalist update and do some posting. Congrats in advance, then. #;-}>
I'll be changing my sig tomorrow to reflect my new 55000/33000/22000 status + new pentalist update date (yes, the 22000 hasn't been reached yet, but I'm gonna fudge... hell, my blams are already to 33200+, so the total's WELL over 55000 now anyway), so I'll be knocking the #1 status I cared most about to #2 as well. ;_;
:::waves goodbye, but remembers the good times:::
R.I.P. gfoxcook....
the #1 saviour on NG
for a total of 282 days
from July 21st, 2004 (when he passed fixit)
to April 29th, 2005 (when Toocool passed him)