At 11/3/03 01:26 PM, _lightning_ wrote: yep if you would look at blam save's then all most every one would be dark
Exactly my point. "Tho shall not be judged or judge by b/p ratio." That should be the 11. command.
At 11/3/03 01:26 PM, _lightning_ wrote: yep if you would look at blam save's then all most every one would be dark
Exactly my point. "Tho shall not be judged or judge by b/p ratio." That should be the 11. command.
At least I still on top of this my semi retirement.
I think I can answer that.. when about 70% of the incoming submissions are crap and gets blammed, I think a 50-50 ratio is more light than neutral.
Exactly. Compared to most people, I think my voting is light aura. What actually happened is initially I was way ahead on protects, but with time the blams have been catching up. There are a number of reasons for this, and not just that there are more sucky entries. If you just check a few times a day, you're more likely to get more protects, since the protects stay on the portal longer (a lot of the worst blams come and go in just a few minutes). Also, I've been doing this long enough now that there are certain types of flash's I'm tired of seeing and less sympathetic to (DBZ is an easy example I think of).
At 10/31/03 11:50 PM, gfoxcook wrote: 11 11 -- 06,505 037.67% 23,772 *** Crono-
12 13 -- 06,050 082.09% 13,420 *** alexsmolik
How the ... What the ... How the hell do you guys think I'm s'posed to do in order to pass that guy ? He must be as active as a fucking rabbit ! I mean look at his stats omfg !
And that guy behind me will soon come ...
At 11/4/03 12:42 PM, alexsmolik wrote: How the ... What the ... How the hell do you guys think I'm s'posed to do in order to pass that guy ? He must be as active as a fucking rabbit ! I mean look at his stats omfg !
And that guy behind me will soon come ...
oh well as long as your having fun. That should count more.
At 11/4/03 12:42 PM, alexsmolik wrote:At 10/31/03 11:50 PM, gfoxcook wrote: 11 11 -- 06,505 037.67% 23,772 *** Crono-How the ... What the ... How the hell do you guys think I'm s'posed to do in order to pass that guy ?
12 13 -- 06,050 082.09% 13,420 *** alexsmolik
hope that My computer Dies. Since thats pretty much the only way Im gonna stop.
He must be as active as a fucking rabbit ! I mean look at his stats omfg !
Yeah.. Im pretty Damn active.
And that guy behind me will soon come ...
:( Try and Keep ahead of him.
The Unofficial Newgrounds Top 50 Protectors List -- as of 11/08/2003 at 19:36 CDT
Congrats to:
Recon_Rebel on his promotion to Elite Guard Colonel (9th)
TheJoe324 on his promotion to Elite Guard Supreme Commander (3rd)
Bigmanbrainy on his promotion to Elite Guard Master Sergeant (63rd)
Denvish on his promotion to Elite Guard Second Lieutenant (31st)
Emperor_Pilaf on his promotion to Elite Guard Praporshchik (39th) &
alhill on his promotion to Elite Guard Master Sergeant (62nd)
since the last update of the list.
List Stats:
The Top 50 Protectors currently have 251,823 saves
The Top 50 Protectors currently have 379,650 blams
The Top 50 Protectors currently have 631,473 combined b/p
66.33% is the Top 50 Protectors' overall save-to-blam %
39.88% of the Top 50 Protectors' combined b/p are saves
Welcome to:
alhill, who, as promised, pushed aside one of the ultimate legends of NG to enter the list with authority.
Farewell to:
agent66, who while still in the top 20 exp, has long since passed from the top 50 combined b/p and the top 50 blams lists... and now passes from the top 50 saves as well. Farewell, oh high-leveled soldier. :::salutes:::
bmxgamer is poised to hit the list quite soon with 2929 saves. If Overtired and dl_Monk don't jump over the 3000 mark and get moving, one of them will be the next to fall from this list. And this would be quite a shame for teh Monkster, since he just GOT on this list last update. He's AGAIN in the 50 spot, even though his passing of the dormant agent66 prevented his ouster this update by alhill's arrival. Close one. Close one indeed. Next time might not be so close, as his fall off the blams list this update proves.
Greg's Notes:
As you may have noticed up there, I've introduced a new feature to my addendums. It was inspired by jon's Top Reviewers List, in case you were wondering. I believe I posted some stats on total blams/saves from my lists a few weeks ago in his topic and it was fun and all, but I just now thought "hey, it's also informational. Why not?" #;-}>
6 rankups this time, compared to 7 and 7 the last two times. Very nicely done, everyone, you beat the blams list by 2!
In other news, TheJoe's lack of pointgathering on his account allowed TooCool to slip by quite easily. It looked quite funny in my excel file as I swapped their rows, and the drab-coloured "Elite Guard Sergeant Major" rank column of TooCool jumped right over the blood-red-on-black "Elite Guard Supreme Commander" rank column of TheJoe.
However, TheJoe's dominance on the other top50 list, plus his Supreme Commanderhood, I'm sure... make up for that quite nicely. Congrats again on that rankup, man. It's good to see you get that after those weeks of dormancy in the spring.
You may check out the most recent Top 50 Blammers List by clicking the link I just posted. Enjoy comparing the lists to each other and to the Top 50 Combined B/P List. People on both the Top 50 Blammers List and the Top 50 Protectors List are denoted with ***.
List Column Legend
rank = this update's rank
prev = last update's rank
saves = approximate # of protects as of the update time
s2b% = save-to-blam % (i.e. ratio of saves to blams, or: saves/blams x 100)
b/p = approximate combined blam and protect points as of the update time
*** = on both the top 50 protectors and top 50 blammers lists
name = username (not current name in all cases due to some who change their names often)
gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!
a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)
rank / prev -- saves / s2b% / b/p ---- name
01 01 -- 12,871 058.39% 34,913 *** ramagi
02 02 -- 11,648 073.48% 27,501 *** RyoHahn
03 03 -- 11,400 051.24% 33,648 *** fixit
04 04 -- 09,369 088.13% 20,000 *** gfoxcook
05 05 -- 08,816 059.75% 23,572 *** thisisasignin
06 06 -- 07,747 087.95% 16,555 *** Bila
07 07 -- 07,567 074.60% 17,711 *** Recon_Rebel
08 09 -- 07,557 8587.5% 07,645 ---- Toocool100
09 08 -- 07,434 032.89% 30,036 *** TheJoe324
10 10 -- 07,141 087.11% 15,339 *** DrMSM
11 11 -- 06,696 037.85% 24,388 *** Crono-
12 12 -- 06,146 081.31% 13,705 *** alexsmolik
13 13 -- 06,039 085.19% 13,128 *** poxpower
14 14 -- 05,599 049.35% 16,945 *** Stormwarden
15 15 -- 05,143 064.30% 13,142 *** XkwiziTOnE
16 16 -- 05,061 037.69% 18,488 *** NemesisM66
17 17 -- 04,796 078.64% 10,895 *** leeboy105
18 18 -- 04,717 059.28% 12,674 *** chaotic1
19 19 -- 04,599 063.60% 11,830 *** helldoll81
20 20 -- 04,555 082.97% 10,045 *** vuorimies
21 22 -- 04,533 058.99% 12,218 *** stafffighter
22 21 -- 04,389 076.15% 10,153 *** Mr_Chuckles
23 23 -- 04,277 057.40% 11,728 *** Newgrundling
24 24 -- 04,236 065.85% 10,669 *** RageVI
25 25 -- 04,193 048.52% 12,834 *** D0GMA
26 26 -- 04,098 072.39% 09,759 *** HeRetiK
27 27 -- 03,999 053.54% 11,468 *** Captain_Bob
28 29 -- 03,844 069.79% 09,352 *** biteme2514
29 28 -- 03,831 056.11% 10,659 *** HAQnSPITT
30 31 -- 03,734 093.16% 07,742 ---- XwaynecoltX
31 30 -- 03,716 038.31% 13,416 *** adric
32 32 -- 03,551 098.18% 07,168 ---- the_phantom_spancker
33 34 -- 03,516 140.47% 06,019 ---- Bigmanbrainy
34 33 -- 03,509 060.74% 09,286 *** _altr_
35 35 -- 03,427 093.66% 07,086 ---- Mystboy
36 36 -- 03,422 114.41% 06,413 ---- CTTcrew_l2edfoX
37 37 -- 03,380 056.31% 09,383 *** staphita
38 42 -- 03,351 062.65% 08,700 *** YoinK
39 38 -- 03,349 054.18% 09,530 *** Denvish
40 39 -- 03,307 056.78% 09,131 *** _lightning_
41 40 -- 03,254 096.13% 06,639 ---- pingpong08
42 41 -- 03,240 100.84% 06,453 ---- ImportRacer666
43 43 -- 03,192 110.60% 06,078 ---- Ppk3000
44 44 -- 03,184 067.30% 07,915 *** PantherStrider
45 45 -- 03,169 068.68% 07,783 *** kevr1
46 47 -- 03,109 061.08% 08,199 *** Emperor_Pilaf
47 46 -- 03,105 129.59% 05,501 ---- _redruM_
48 51 -- 03,031 099.44% 06,079 ---- alhill
49 48 -- 02,991 175.53% 04,695 ---- Overtired
50 50 -- 02,985 069.87% 07,257 ---- dl_Monk
rank / prev -- saves / s2b% / b/p ---- name
gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!
a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)
OMG i'm kicked back and i tought i would be a lot higher now =(
At 11/7/03 06:51 PM, Crono- wrote: hope that My computer Dies. Since thats pretty much the only way Im gonna stop.
That's what I'm doing. As much as I can. lol.
Try and Keep ahead of him.
Yeah ... but it's hard ! I don't come that much now ... mostly at night (here in France) so there you go, I'm having trouble keeping up with you rabbits ! ;-)
At 11/4/03 12:42 PM, alexsmolik wrote:At 10/31/03 11:50 PM, gfoxcook wrote: 11 11 -- 06,505 037.67% 23,772 *** Crono-How the ... What the ... How the hell do you guys think I'm s'posed to do in order to pass that guy ? He must be as active as a fucking rabbit ! I mean look at his stats omfg !
12 13 -- 06,050 082.09% 13,420 *** alexsmolik
And that guy behind me will soon come ...
11 11 -- 06,696 037.85% 24,388 *** Crono-
12 12 -- 06,146 081.31% 13,705 *** alexsmolik
13 13 -- 06,039 085.19% 13,128 *** poxpower
14 14 -- 05,599 049.35% 16,945 *** Stormwarden
dude... look at that info right there. You gotta calm down. First off, look up at the top, from the last update, when you were upset about how well Crono was doing. Yes, Crono IS doing well, and for someone with such a HUGE amount of blams compared to his saves (only a 37.85% save-to-blam ratio, for one thing!), he DOES have a lot of saves...
BUT... if you'll notice, last update your rank was 12, and it was UP from 13 the previous update. In other words, you PASSED SOMEONE. Now, looking at the info from the update from yesterday that I just pasted right there, you can see who it was. Poxpower.
Yet you're scared he's going to pass you? You were just saying that the "guy from behind" you is going to pass you soon?
He's not getting any points! He's dead in the water! He ain't movin' at all! So no, he's not going to reach you. Ever. Now, the guy behind HIM, that being Stormwarden, on the other hand, IS moving. But not very fast. And like Crono, he has a high blam rate. So you don't have to worry too much about his saves passing your saves. Unless you stop getting saves, that is.
So calm down, relax, and enjoy the view. You aren't moving down from 12 anytime soon. In fact, you can probably catch TheJoe in a month or so if you just keep saving, since he's not using his account much anymore. Good luck!
At 11/9/03 07:33 AM, _lightning_ wrote: OMG i'm kicked back and i tought i would be a lot higher now =(
Sorry, man. But you only lost one spot, and that was cause of Yoink getting TONS of saves for him, he doesn't usually get that many. And IIRC, you DID gain 2 spots on the blam list, so... take heart!
Didn't anyone but lightning check out the new stats this update?
And what does everyone think about the new List Stats? Come on, people, I need some feedback. #;-}>
gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!
a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)
At 11/9/03 05:47 PM, gfoxcook wrote: Sorry, man. But you only lost one spot, and that was cause of Yoink getting TONS of saves for him, he doesn't usually get that many. And IIRC, you DID gain 2 spots on the blam list, so... take heart!
but i don't really care about the blam list and yes yoink is getting a lot of points thse day's so many that he's all ready closing in on be on the b/p top 50
Didn't anyone but lightning check out the new stats this update?
every time i check for this thread it's all way's way down the page me be thats the reson no one checked
I check the stats gfox.. i was just banned for two days.. and had a three day ban before that. Who knows, i might get banned again for this post.. it's ridiculus. So anyway, yes i've been getting more points now than ever. I'm setting goals for myself each day and doing all i can to get as many points as possible. I'm getting those points for one reason and it's for voting power.
At 11/10/03 10:22 AM, -YoinK- wrote: I check the stats gfox.. i was just banned for two days.. and had a three day ban before that. Who knows, i might get banned again for this post.. it's ridiculus. So anyway, yes i've been getting more points now than ever. I'm setting goals for myself each day and doing all i can to get as many points as possible. I'm getting those points for one reason and it's for voting power.
well i hope i can catch youa agin when your getting more points then me btw can you tell me why you were banned?
At 11/10/03 10:12 AM, _lightning_ wrote: but i don't really care about the blam list and yes yoink is getting a lot of points thse day's so many that he's all ready closing in on be on the b/p top 50
Funny, since you're doing better on the blam list than the saves list. #;-}> You need to start hitting that 2 butotn more, then.
Didn't anyone but lightning check out the new stats this update?every time i check for this thread it's all way's way down the page me be thats the reson no one checked
You mean the WIHT page 1? Sometimes it's partway down, yes, but that's only when it hasn't been updated recently. I just woke up and came to the BBS right now and it's the 3rd topic on the list. That's not very far down.
Anyway, thanks lightning and Yoink, but I believe everyone STILL isn't getting quite what I'm talking about. I added something new to the list this week, which apparently no one has noticed. What I want feedback on isn't the usual stuff, people will either look at that or not, as they usually do, but I'd like feedback on this new stuff:
List Stats:
The Top 50 Protectors currently have 251,823 saves
The Top 50 Protectors currently have 379,650 blams
The Top 50 Protectors currently have 631,473 combined b/p
66.33% is the Top 50 Protectors' overall save-to-blam %
39.88% of the Top 50 Protectors' combined b/p are saves
gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!
a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)
At 11/10/03 10:31 AM, _lightning_ wrote: well i hope i can catch youa agin when your getting more points then me btw can you tell me why you were banned?
I was banned for making a post in the general section of the bbs. I think tanner hates me...
At 11/10/03 12:13 PM, gfoxcook wrote: The Top 50 Protectors currently have 251,823 saves
The Top 50 Protectors currently have 379,650 blams
The Top 50 Protectors currently have 631,473 combined b/p
66.33% is the Top 50 Protectors' overall save-to-blam %
39.88% of the Top 50 Protectors' combined b/p are saves
meh, i don't think overall of everything really matters. There will always be more blams than protects on
At 11/10/03 08:52 PM, -YoinK- wrote:At 11/10/03 12:13 PM, gfoxcook wrote: The Top 50 Protectors currently have 251,823 saves
The Top 50 Protectors currently have 379,650 blams
meh, i don't think overall of everything really matters. There will always be more blams than protects on
The reason I put the stats on were to compare the two lists. If you compare the blam count and the save count for the 50 people on the top 50 protectors list versus the blam count and the save count for the 50 people on the top 50 blammers list... you'll notice some interesting similarities AND differences. Obviously the saves are higher on this list than the other, and the blams are higher on the other list, but it's not a HUGE difference. Also, the total points on the blam list are higher than that on this list.
In fact, if nothing else, it's a huge illustration of how much dominance blams have. But I don't believe that it always has to be that way. On Clock Day, for instance, there were more saves than blams. A lot more. And with the new 150 vote checkpoint, and later on, the 200 vote checkpoint, the balance could be shifted further. There were a lot of movies protected yesterday, that's for sure.
gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!
a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)
WOW great job with all the new updates and changes looks good looks good...
Yea the list looks nice. I may use the same format for my list.
At 11/8/03 10:46 PM, gfoxcook wrote: The Unofficial Newgrounds Top 50 Protectors List -- as of 11/08/2003 at 19:36 CDT
List Stats:
The Top 50 Protectors currently have 251,823 saves
The Top 50 Protectors currently have 379,650 blams
The Top 50 Protectors currently have 631,473 combined b/p
66.33% is the Top 50 Protectors' overall save-to-blam %
39.88% of the Top 50 Protectors' combined b/p are saves
A bonus stat for you:
Days since the implementation of this list and the last update - 187
Increase in the protect count of user #50 - 968
Increase per day - 5.176 protects
Spyware attacks to IE in the past month - 3
Can't be arsed doing local spikes like I did with the blam list a week or so ago. Mainly because the protect list isn't going to concern me, ever :-)
Greg's Notes:
As you may have noticed up there, I've introduced a new feature to my addendums. It was inspired by jon's Top Reviewers List, in case you were wondering.
Good to see I'm inspiring :-)
At 11/11/03 02:20 AM, XwaynecoltX wrote: WOW great job with all the new updates and changes looks good looks good...
Thanks again!
At 11/11/03 12:15 PM, ramagi wrote: Yea the list looks nice. I may use the same format for my list.
Sounds good. You already put in the previous/current rank part, do you mean you're going to boldface the current rank and the main stat (exp for your list) and the names? It certainly does make things stand out more, but you gotta bother with boldface tags. Eh.
At 11/11/03 02:24 PM, jonthomson wrote: A bonus stat for you:
Days since the implementation of this list and the last update - 187
Just over half a year, eh? Yeah, I guess that's about right. I was actually making the list just for myself a month or so before I uploaded it to this thread, though.
Increase in the protect count of user #50 - 968
not exactly as impressive as the increase in the b/p count of user #50 on the official top 50 combined b/p list, but nearly 1000 in 6 months isn't horrible, I guess. #;-}>
Increase per day - 5.176 protects
Keep on truckin'!
Spyware attacks to IE in the past month - 3
Can't be arsed doing local spikes like I did with the blam list a week or so ago. Mainly because the protect list isn't going to concern me, ever :-)
a week ago with the blam list? I don't recall what you mean. What page was that on?
Anyway, with the new vote checkpoints and with you getting broadband, how can you say for sure that this list won't ever concern you? You only need 3000 to make it, you're partway there.
Greg's Notes:Good to see I'm inspiring :-)
As you may have noticed up there, I've introduced a new feature to my addendums. It was inspired by jon's Top Reviewers List, in case you were wondering.
heh. why wouldn't you be? #;-}>
gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!
a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)
At 11/11/03 10:26 PM, gfoxcook wrote:Can't be arsed doing local spikes like I did with the blam list a week or so ago. Mainly because the protect list isn't going to concern me, ever :-)a week ago with the blam list? I don't recall what you mean. What page was that on?
Can't remember exactly, I think it was around the first of the month or so. It increased by about 9 a day, but fluctuated a lot over short time spans.
Anyway, with the new vote checkpoints and with you getting broadband, how can you say for sure that this list won't ever concern you? You only need 3000 to make it, you're partway there.
Yeah, I think I got about, ooh, 6 saves yesterday. Just one more for 600, yay for me. But I'll still be racking up blams much faster, even with all the new mod cons.
Days since the implementation of this list and the last update - 187
Increase in the protect count of user #50 - 968
Increase per day - 5.176 protects
Spyware attacks to IE in the past month - 3
The great feeling you get for a job well done- priceless
Every once in very great while comes a ridiculously funny thread. So funny in fact i must put it into my sig /1049194/1
At 11/12/03 02:22 AM, jonthomson wrote: Can't remember exactly, I think it was around the first of the month or so. It increased by about 9 a day, but fluctuated a lot over short time spans.
9 blams per day versus 5 protects, eh? Not quite as far apart as most would assume, actually. Not quite 2x more, in fact.
Yeah, I think I got about, ooh, 6 saves yesterday. Just one more for 600, yay for me. But I'll still be racking up blams much faster, even with all the new mod cons.
well, as long as you're outgaining the #50 spot, you WILL make it eventually. Maybe 2 years from now, but eventually. #;-}>
gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!
a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)
At 11/12/03 11:31 PM, gfoxcook wrote: SEveral sugestions.
Hey if you have any helpful hints on posting the list email me at the email in my sig. Thanks
At 11/1/03 02:19 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
yep. Everyone looks up to me. Cept for fixit, ramagi, and ryohahn. I look up to them.
Maybe I'm really of the subject and I'm sorry if I sound disrespectful but why do acctually people look up to users with a high no of b/p- It really doesn't show any skills, just how much time you waste on NG.
I I'm a blammer/protecter myself.. but I still think that it's stupid.
At 11/15/03 07:02 PM, kospas wrote:At 11/1/03 02:19 AM, gfoxcook wrote:Maybe I'm really of the subject and I'm sorry if I sound disrespectful but why do acctually people look up to users with a high no of b/p- It really doesn't show any skills, just how much time you waste on NG.
yep. Everyone looks up to me. Cept for fixit, ramagi, and ryohahn. I look up to them.
I I'm a blammer/protecter myself.. but I still think that it's stupid.
I dunno, I guess it shows that you've been around here a while and have some sort of seniority. They've put a lot of time into helping make NG a better place in their own little way, the same way I hope that by reviewing lots of stuff and b/p'ing I can help as well.
At 11/14/03 09:32 AM, erpherman wrote: thankks for that list!!
sure thing.
At 11/15/03 07:02 PM, kospas wrote:At 11/1/03 02:19 AM, gfoxcook wrote:Maybe I'm really of the subject and I'm sorry if I sound disrespectful but why do acctually people look up to users with a high no of b/p- It really doesn't show any skills, just how much time you waste on NG.
yep. Everyone looks up to me. Cept for fixit, ramagi, and ryohahn. I look up to them.
I was speaking literally to make a joke.
As in, standing in the #4 spot on this top 50 protectors list, I "look upwards" towards fixit, ramagi, and RyoHahn, and if I look downwards I see the rest of the list.
I wasn't speaking of "looking up to" in the "respect" meaning, though I do respect many of the people on these lists, as well. For different reasons than their b/p counts, though, silly.
I I'm a blammer/protecter myself.. but I still think that it's stupid.
Reread my post, man. Try to get the joke this time. Sheesh!
gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!
a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)