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Top 50 Protectors List

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Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2003-09-27 08:12:54

At 9/27/03 08:00 AM, jonthomson wrote:
At 9/27/03 07:30 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
So anywho, what does everyone think, already? I know I'm being impatient, and that the BBS was down, but there's been at least 1.5 hours during which Wi/Ht was readable and postable, but after I'd posted the lists, in which no one's said a peep about them! I want feedback, damnit! :::pouts::: #;-}>
Well, apart from the obvious absence of me, the lists look great - seems a lot more informative, although I think the percentages would look better if you list them as a percentage, not as a ratio (ie. I'd have a 69% blam rate, and not a 227% rate if I've done my sums right on the second figure).

And here I was complaining in your list thread about the only guy posting aside from me being the one guy who wouldn't comment on my lists because he's not on them! Now, aside from us thinking quite similarly as your comment about not being on the list up there shows (heh! I'm sorry, man. I'd fudge your blam or save number to get you on the list if I could, but I think in your case people would DEFINITELY notice #;-}>)

Anywho, yes, I've already debated the merits of saves/blams vs. saves/total b/p with Dogma in the chiefy-%-based list he posted a month or so ago.

While you're absolutely correct in terms of column alignment, and while some people's brains probably think better in terms of saves/b/p or blams/b/p than in terms of saves:blams ratio or blams:saves ratio, the reason I stand by my method is simply summed up:

Toocool, under the % of total b/p method, would simply have 99.something %. And while this is impresive, it's the same number of digits as me, who has like 48% or something, and even TheJoe, who has like 30%

BUT... with the way I do it, you can truly see the massive difference between his saves and his blams with that 7300%, and not just the amazing percentage of his total b/p that are saves, which is a nice number but doesn't LEAP at you, if you know what I mean, like 7300% does.

And since the man is never going to get on the top 50 blams list and earn his ***, the least I can do is let him remain themost impressive person on EITHER top 50 list in the % column. #;-}>

Personally, I think they look freakin' kick-ass. The boldface helps a lot, the extra data isn't as "bad" as I had always thought it would be (and thus hadn't introduced before now).
Lists do look good, I have to admit.

Mmmmm. lists.

I'm thinking that in future updates, I may enforce a xxx.xx% on the % (well, actually, a xxxx.xx% on the % on the protectors list, because of toocool, but one less on the blammers list since no one has a 1000.00% or greater blam-to-save ratio, thank goodness)...

and I may enforce a xx,xxx on the b/p
If it makes it look better, do it.

That's the thing, I don't know if it will. The columns will look smoother, but I don't personally like to see:



looks more natural. Then again, the digits themselves are more aligned with the 0s in place. Okay, that settles it, I'm going to do it the 0's way. In fact, I'll go ahead and post (just the lists themselves) again right now to see how much better they look.

I think the %s wouldn't look so bad with an enforced digit amount, but I'm not so sure a vast majority of b/p counts being 09,000 or 05,555 or whatever is going to look so hot. Thoughts? I can always give it a spin, assuming I can get excel to agree to do that
Yeah, it's easy enough to get excel to put leading zeroes in. I just forget how to do it :-)

I'll go remind myself right now. Thanks for the tips. Even just hearing from one person is enough to spur me into action, obviously. #;-}>

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2003-09-27 08:32:25

rank / prev -- saves / s2b% / b/p ---- name
01 01 -- 12,226 0059.03% 32,939 *** ramagi
02 02 -- 11,057 0072.01% 26,411 *** RyoHahn
03 03 -- 10,033 0052.03% 29,316 *** fixit
04 04 -- 08,536 0059.65% 22,846 *** thisisasignin
05 05 -- 08,000 0088.89% 17,000 *** gfoxcook
06 06 -- 06,939 0087.97% 14,827 *** Bila
07 07 -- 06,900 0086.77% 14,852 *** DrMSM
08 08 -- 06,803 0076.90% 15,649 *** Recon_Rebel
09 09 -- 06,709 0032.80% 27,165 *** TheJoe324
10 10 -- 06,353 7219.32% 06,441 ---- Toocool100
11 11 -- 06,038 0085.17% 13,127 *** poxpower
12 12 -- 05,715 0036.62% 21,321 *** Crono-
13 13 -- 05,387 0084.40% 11,770 *** alexsmolik
14 14 -- 05,319 0048.04% 16,391 *** Stormwarden
15 15 -- 04,859 0037.39% 17,856 *** NemesisM66
16 16 -- 04,524 0062.97% 11,708 *** helldoll81
17 17 -- 04,516 0065.03% 11,460 *** XkwiziTOnE
18 18 -- 04,469 0082.67% 09,875 *** vuorimies
19 19 -- 04,384 0076.12% 10,143 *** Mr_Chuckles
20 20 -- 04,360 0081.09% 09,737 *** leeboy105
21 21 -- 04,264 0061.56% 11,191 *** chaotic1
22 22 -- 04,096 0072.38% 09,755 *** HeRetiK
23 23 -- 04,076 0056.82% 11,250 *** Newgrundling
24 24 -- 03,964 0047.83% 12,252 *** D0GMA
25 25 -- 03,915 0067.53% 09,712 *** RageVI
26 26 -- 03,789 0055.70% 10,592 *** HAQnSPITT
27 27 -- 03,731 0058.44% 10,115 *** stafffighter
28 29 -- 03,645 0038.36% 13,146 *** GridLock
29 28 -- 03,632 0053.41% 10,432 *** Captain_Bob
30 30 -- 03,551 0098.18% 07,168 ---- the_phantom_spancker
31 31 -- 03,513 0093.93% 07,253 ---- XwaynecoltX
32 32 -- 03,422 0114.41% 06,413 ---- CTTcrew_l2edfoX
33 33 -- 03,347 0076.02% 07,750 *** biteme2514
34 34 -- 03,292 0093.66% 06,807 ---- Mystboy
35 35 -- 03,275 0061.80% 08,574 *** b33r53x
36 36 -- 03,192 0110.60% 06,078 ---- Ppk3000
37 37 -- 03,184 0067.30% 07,915 *** Dark00Stir-fry
38 38 -- 03,165 0068.63% 07,777 *** kevr1
39 39 -- 03,158 0100.67% 06,295 ---- ImportRacer666
40 40 -- 03,157 0146.56% 05,311 ---- Bigmanbrainy
41 41 -- 03,121 0097.99% 06,306 ---- pingpong08
42 42 -- 03,104 0129.55% 05,500 ---- _redruM_
43 43 -- 03,071 0056.57% 08,500 *** staphita
44 44 -- 03,007 0057.76% 08,213 *** _lightning_
45 46 -- 02,970 0052.99% 08,575 *** Denvish
46 45 -- 02,967 0124.04% 05,359 ---- agent66
47 47 -- 02,963 0188.49% 04,535 ---- Overtired
48 49 -- 02,888 0061.74% 07,566 *** YoinK
49 48 -- 02,870 0095.89% 05,863 ---- Mike277
50 50 -- 02,789 0106.01% 05,420 ---- HernetheHunter
rank / prev -- saves / s2b% / b/p ---- name

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2003-09-27 10:20:38

At 9/27/03 08:32 AM, gfoxcook wrote: a new list

now thats what im talkin about! :-D

Every once in very great while comes a ridiculously funny thread. So funny in fact i must put it into my sig http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic /1049194/1

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2003-09-27 11:21:29

At 9/27/03 10:20 AM, Toocool100 wrote:
At 9/27/03 08:32 AM, gfoxcook wrote: a new list
now thats what im talkin about! :-D

You took the words right out my mouth or should I say keyboard - way to go GFOX!

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2003-09-27 11:28:26

i guess it will take a long time be for i get any higher on the list

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2003-09-27 12:14:31

Hey! It looks pretty cool ... it's even cooler to see my #34 spot now 6^_^9

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2003-09-27 12:52:19

yea the new format does look good. lots of info to deal with

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2003-09-28 05:59:06

At 9/27/03 11:21 AM, XkwiziTOnE wrote:
At 9/27/03 10:20 AM, Toocool100 wrote:
At 9/27/03 08:32 AM, gfoxcook wrote: a new list
now thats what im talkin about! :-D
You took the words right out my mouth or should I say keyboard - way to go GFOX!
At 9/27/03 12:14 PM, Mystboy wrote: Hey! It looks pretty cool ... it's even cooler to see my #34 spot now 6^_^9
At 9/27/03 12:52 PM, ramagi wrote: yea the new format does look good. lots of info to deal with

Thanks for the feedback, everyone! So far it's been a nice positive response, I'm glad everyone likes the look (and substance) of the new list as much as I do (if not more, in some cases... X, I'm looking at you #;-}>)...

Though no one's said it specifically, BTW, I'm guessing you all like the nice aligned columns better than the zigzaggy chaos of the non-0-aligned previous "new" version?

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2003-09-28 21:45:35

At 9/27/03 08:32 AM, gfoxcook wrote: 07 07 -- 06,900 0086.77% 14,852 *** DrMSM
08 08 -- 06,803 0076.90% 15,649 *** Recon_Rebel
09 09 -- 06,709 0032.80% 27,165 *** TheJoe324

Hello again gfox (just incase that OCP has a chronological thing going). Another excellent, instructive chart. The point difference on this list is pretty tight. I have a feeling TheJoe324 is going to catch me but I doubt I'll slip out of the top 10 for quite some time (unless there's another fixit out there).

Levels --- Badges

Chaos, panic and disorder; my work here is done.

BBS Signature

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2003-09-28 22:52:07

At 9/28/03 09:45 PM, Recon_Rebel wrote: Hello again gfox (just incase that OCP has a chronological thing going).

That should be OCD gfox, but I'm positive you would've figured that one out. I confused it with biteme2514's OCP club. Bloody hell!

Levels --- Badges

Chaos, panic and disorder; my work here is done.

BBS Signature

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2003-09-29 10:30:55

At 9/28/03 09:45 PM, Recon_Rebel wrote:
At 9/27/03 08:32 AM, gfoxcook wrote: 07 07 -- 06,900 0086.77% 14,852 *** DrMSM
08 08 -- 06,803 0076.90% 15,649 *** Recon_Rebel
09 09 -- 06,709 0032.80% 27,165 *** TheJoe324
Hello again gfox (just incase that OCP has a chronological thing going). Another excellent, instructive chart. The point difference on this list is pretty tight. I have a feeling TheJoe324 is going to catch me but I doubt I'll slip out of the top 10 for quite some time (unless there's another fixit out there).

Indeed the points are tight, but that's simply because the range on the saves list is from 2800ish to 12,000ish, with most people between 3000 and 7000 saves... whereas the range on the blams list is from 3800ish to 20,000ish, with most people between 4000 and 10,000... and thus the spread on the blam list is much much greater, and people are more spread out (though they're faster moving, so more action STILL happens, despite the lesser density... yes).

You've got nothing to worry about on this list unless you stop hitting 2, 3, 4, and 5, my man. #;-}>

At 9/28/03 10:52 PM, Recon_Rebel wrote:
At 9/28/03 09:45 PM, Recon_Rebel wrote: Hello again gfox (just incase that OCP has a chronological thing going).
That should be OCD gfox, but I'm positive you would've figured that one out. I confused it with biteme2514's OCP club. Bloody hell!

Yeah, I kinda figured you meant OCD after a moment or two trying to figure out what the OCP had to do with this thread.

The OC is the same in both, of course, it's just the D/P part. #;-}>

I'm still not quite sure what you mean, though... were you saying hello to me again over in this list because you think if you only said it to me in the blam list thread that my OCD would act up? If anything, my OCD would require *ME* to respond to YOU in both threads (as I'm about to do #;-}>). How others behave has nothing to do with my own compulsions, just how I behave does.

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2003-10-02 07:01:25

The Unofficial Newgrounds Top 50 Protectors List -- as of 10/02/2003 at 04:56 CDT

Congrats to:

fixit on his promotion to Elite Guard Supreme Commander (2nd)
gfoxcook on his promotion to Elite Guard Colonel (8th)
Crono- on his promotion to Elite Guard Major General (6th) &
biteme2514 on his promotion to Elite Guard Praporshchik (37th)

since the last update of the list.

Welcome to:

FlameClock (now know as Emperor_Pilaf), who finally passed the slow-moving HernetheHunter and took control of #50 by over a dozen saves.

Farewell to:

HernetheHunter, who fell in battle honourably, and at least wasn't completely dormant while being passed. Hope to see you again. :::salutes:::


As I warned, a 2 save lead was not enough to stay on the list for long (probably 2 hours or so), so Herne's fallen off. Clearly, FlameClock is in danger of being passed by Herne or someone else if he doesn't continue upwards in savecount, but he seems to have no problem finding movies to protect and will probably pass the COMPLETELY dormant Mike277 within a week. Mike277 is a likely candidate for dropping off the list to let Herne back on, if he wants it bad enough.

Greg's Notes:

FIXIT IS NOW CO-SUPREME COMMANDER. As if you guys didn't already notice.

Anyhow, he doesn't seem to have switched off the blam/save algorithm, despite having hit rank #27 and the 30,000 mark. It'll be interesting to see how determined he is to pull even with ramagi.

Crono hit a major rankup, nifty rank to get (though I like the simplicity of the single star BrigGen better than the double star MajGen, personally). I've earned me golden eagle along with the Colonel rank, and that juicy first general's star is only 2,000 away now. Anyone wanna bet on who'll get there first: Me or the legendary VP master Nemesis? #;-}>

You may check out the most recent Top 50 Blammers List by clicking the link I just posted. Enjoy comparing the lists to each other and to the Top 50 Combined B/P List. People on both the Top 50 Blammers List and the Top 50 Protectors List are denoted with ***.

List Column Legend

rank = this update's rank
prev = last update's rank
saves = approximate # of protects as of the update time
s2b% = save-to-blam % (i.e. ratio of saves to blams, or: saves/blams x 100)
b/p = approximate combined blam and protect points as of the update time
*** = on both the top 50 protectors and top 50 blammers lists
name = username (not current name in all cases due to some who change their names often)

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2003-10-02 07:04:03

rank / prev -- saves / s2b% / b/p ---- name
01 01 -- 12,316 0058.83% 33,250 *** ramagi
02 02 -- 11,072 0072.11% 26,427 *** RyoHahn
03 03 -- 10,198 0051.39% 30,043 *** fixit
04 04 -- 08,573 0059.53% 22,973 *** thisisasignin
05 05 -- 08,200 0088.17% 17,500 *** gfoxcook
06 06 -- 07,026 0087.28% 15,076 *** Bila
07 07 -- 06,921 0086.70% 14,904 *** DrMSM
08 08 -- 06,877 0075.91% 15,936 *** Recon_Rebel
09 09 -- 06,804 0032.72% 27,598 *** TheJoe324
10 10 -- 06,479 7362.50% 06,567 ---- Toocool100
11 11 -- 06,038 0085.17% 13,127 *** poxpower
12 12 -- 05,829 0036.51% 21,793 *** Crono-
13 13 -- 05,474 0083.69% 12,015 *** alexsmolik
14 14 -- 05,344 0048.12% 16,449 *** Stormwarden
15 15 -- 04,884 0037.42% 17,935 *** NemesisM66
16 17 -- 04,565 0064.90% 11,599 *** XkwiziTOnE
17 16 -- 04,530 0062.93% 11,729 *** helldoll81
18 18 -- 04,486 0082.60% 09,917 *** vuorimies
19 20 -- 04,415 0080.14% 09,924 *** leeboy105
20 19 -- 04,389 0076.15% 10,153 *** Mr_Chuckles
21 21 -- 04,341 0060.28% 11,542 *** chaotic1
22 23 -- 04,113 0056.59% 11,381 *** Newgrundling
23 22 -- 04,096 0072.38% 09,755 *** HeRetiK
24 25 -- 03,986 0066.73% 09,959 *** RageVI
25 24 -- 03,964 0047.83% 12,252 *** D0GMA
26 27 -- 03,822 0058.09% 10,401 *** stafffighter
27 26 -- 03,794 0055.74% 10,601 *** HAQnSPITT
28 28 -- 03,683 0038.13% 13,343 *** GridLock
29 29 -- 03,661 0053.22% 10,540 *** Captain_Bob
30 30 -- 03,551 0098.18% 07,168 ---- the_phantom_spancker
31 31 -- 03,526 0093.95% 07,279 ---- XwaynecoltX
32 32 -- 03,422 0114.41% 06,413 ---- CTTcrew_l2edfoX
33 33 -- 03,407 0073.74% 08,027 *** biteme2514
34 34 -- 03,321 0093.47% 06,874 ---- Mystboy
35 35 -- 03,313 0060.95% 08,749 *** b33r53x
36 36 -- 03,192 0110.60% 06,078 ---- Ppk3000
37 40 -- 03,190 0144.54% 05,397 ---- Bigmanbrainy
38 37 -- 03,184 0067.30% 07,915 *** Dark00Stir-fry
39 38 -- 03,165 0068.63% 07,777 *** kevr1
40 39 -- 03,161 0100.44% 06,308 ---- ImportRacer666
41 41 -- 03,141 0097.06% 06,377 ---- pingpong08
42 42 -- 03,104 0129.55% 05,500 ---- _redruM_
43 43 -- 03,072 0056.59% 08,501 *** staphita
44 44 -- 03,032 0057.58% 08,298 *** _lightning_
45 45 -- 02,975 0053.01% 08,587 *** Denvish
46 46 -- 02,967 0124.04% 05,359 ---- agent66
47 47 -- 02,963 0186.59% 04,551 ---- Overtired
48 48 -- 02,920 0062.00% 07,630 *** YoinK
49 49 -- 02,870 0095.89% 05,863 ---- Mike277
50 51 -- 02,817 0061.21% 07,419 *** FlameClock
rank / prev -- saves / s2b% / b/p ---- name

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2003-10-02 11:41:55

Heh nice lists they look good, and im still alive on this one, ahh mystboy may get me yet...



[] The Top Reviewer Since 2002 [] COMIC >> WAYNES WORLD

BBS Signature

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2003-10-02 12:11:44

At 10/2/03 11:41 AM, XwaynecoltX wrote: Heh nice lists they look good, and im still alive on this one, ahh mystboy may get me yet...


Your in trouble now, I managed even with not voting alot to increase my lead on number #2

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2003-10-02 15:41:22

Well I can see TheJoe324 is slowly closing the gap between us. How the hell do you hold off someone pushing 28,000 points?? Just keep sticking it to 'em!

Levels --- Badges

Chaos, panic and disorder; my work here is done.

BBS Signature

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2003-10-02 23:19:22

At 10/2/03 11:41 AM, XwaynecoltX wrote: Heh nice lists they look good, and im still alive on this one, ahh mystboy may get me yet...


Gnak gnak gnak ... I've been waiting for this 'till christmas ... I'll pass you soon Mwouahahaha! >:D

Hehe don't worry yet, there are still two persons between us ... you'll have to start worrying at the next update :P

Nice movie you submitted today btw ... 's probably gonna get a daily award ;)

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2003-10-03 08:39:59

At 10/2/03 11:19 PM, Mystboy wrote:
At 10/2/03 11:41 AM, XwaynecoltX wrote: Heh nice lists they look good, and im still alive on this one, ahh mystboy may get me yet...

Gnak gnak gnak ... I've been waiting for this 'till christmas ... I'll pass you soon Mwouahahaha! >:D

Heh yeah you will, im not so active if anything i get just a few a day, and thanks for the review on the movie yeah we are happy with daily 3rd...


Hehe don't worry yet, there are still two persons between us ... you'll have to start worrying at the next update :P

Nice movie you submitted today btw ... 's probably gonna get a daily award ;)


[] The Top Reviewer Since 2002 [] COMIC >> WAYNES WORLD

BBS Signature

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2003-10-03 18:32:29

look out Ppk3000 }: )

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2003-10-08 11:51:30

At 10/2/03 03:41 PM, Recon_Rebel wrote: Well I can see TheJoe324 is slowly closing the gap between us. How the hell do you hold off someone pushing 28,000 points?? Just keep sticking it to 'em!

Well... you don't. #;-}>

OR... if you're willing to put in some major protection work... you can try to hold out until he hits 30,000, and then hope that he slows down at that point, and you won't have to worry about him passing you at that point. Yep. That's your only prayer.

I'm doing much better than it felt like I have been this past week or so. I'm less than 200 blams from GridLock and less than 200 protects from thisisasignin (I was around 500 behind each of them last update).

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2003-10-08 11:52:31

At 10/2/03 11:19 PM, Mystboy wrote:
At 10/2/03 11:41 AM, XwaynecoltX wrote: Heh nice lists they look good, and im still alive on this one, ahh mystboy may get me yet...

I thought you didn't care anyway, Mister Master of Reviews? #;-}>

Gnak gnak gnak ... I've been waiting for this 'till christmas ... I'll pass you soon Mwouahahaha! >:D

Hehe don't worry yet, there are still two persons between us ... you'll have to start worrying at the next update :P

We shall soooooon see. I'll probably be updating the lists later today.

Nice movie you submitted today btw ... 's probably gonna get a daily award ;)

What movie was that?

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2003-10-08 15:13:51

At 10/8/03 11:52 AM, gfoxcook wrote: What movie was that?

GHOST MOTEL 4 didn't you see his sig? =)

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2003-10-09 15:56:45

The Unofficial Newgrounds Top 50 Protectors List -- as of 10/09/2003 at 12:45 CDT

Congrats to:

no one! (gasp)

since the last update of the list.

Welcome to:

no one.

Farewell to:

no one.


FlameClock's still at 50, but he was only 1 save from tying Mike277, who is inactive and thus will soon be at the precarious bottom of the list. He's been inactive for so long that I doubt there's much hope for him to come back and rejoin Mystboy in their once legendary M&M presence on the top 50 list, ah well... Here's a list of the people waiting to be the next person on the list (they range from 400 saves off the list upwards, and those who've been on this list before are marked with a(*)):

AdrenalineMJ aka lordfril (*)
Drimarki (*)
format (*)
GSX_Boy (*)
HernetheHunter (*)
Impetus (a threat to hit both lists around the same time... most impressive)
innphernoe (*)
nimmer (*)

not all, of course, are active... especially some of those with the (*) behind their names.

Greg's Notes:

No rankups here! And only one on the top 50 blams. A sad sad update in that respect, but oh well. It probably means there'll be 5 or so next update. I hope, at least. Of course, the natural endpoint of all of this list keeping is a list in which rankups become less and less common as people move up from the 500-points-between-ranks zone to the 1000 and then the 1500 and then the 2000 (as I have... and boy, it's a pain up here, let me tell you #;-}>) and finally to the 4500 and then to the ... no more rankups zones.

But that doesn't mean we can't enjoy the rankups while they last, or hope for new ranks to be introduced, however futile that is. Good luck, everyone, happy future rankups to you all...

You may check out the most recent Top 50 Blammers List by clicking the link I just posted. Enjoy comparing the lists to each other and to the Top 50 Combined B/P List. People on both the Top 50 Blammers List and the Top 50 Protectors List are denoted with ***.

List Column Legend

rank = this update's rank
prev = last update's rank
saves = approximate # of protects as of the update time
s2b% = save-to-blam % (i.e. ratio of saves to blams, or: saves/blams x 100)
b/p = approximate combined blam and protect points as of the update time
*** = on both the top 50 protectors and top 50 blammers lists
name = username (not current name in all cases due to some who change their names often)

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2003-10-09 15:58:43

rank / prev -- saves / s2b% / b/p ---- name
01 01 -- 12,402 0058.73% 33,520 *** ramagi
02 02 -- 11,114 0072.25% 26,497 *** RyoHahn
03 03 -- 10,420 0051.27% 30,742 *** fixit
04 04 -- 08,596 0059.60% 23,018 *** thisisasignin
05 05 -- 08,400 0087.50% 18,000 *** gfoxcook
06 06 -- 07,125 0087.03% 15,312 *** Bila
07 08 -- 06,988 0075.69% 16,221 *** Recon_Rebel
08 07 -- 06,958 0086.77% 14,977 *** DrMSM
09 09 -- 06,910 0032.65% 28,074 *** TheJoe324
10 10 -- 06,692 7604.55% 06,780 ---- Toocool100
11 11 -- 06,038 0085.17% 13,127 *** poxpower
12 12 -- 05,995 0036.76% 22,304 *** Crono-
13 13 -- 05,617 0083.19% 12,369 *** alexsmolik
14 14 -- 05,380 0048.30% 16,518 *** Stormwarden
15 15 -- 04,931 0037.52% 18,075 *** NemesisM66
16 16 -- 04,699 0064.45% 11,990 *** XkwiziTOnE
17 17 -- 04,549 0063.11% 11,757 *** helldoll81
18 18 -- 04,521 0082.71% 09,987 *** vuorimies
19 19 -- 04,480 0079.70% 10,101 *** leeboy105
20 21 -- 04,434 0060.18% 11,802 *** chaotic1
21 20 -- 04,389 0076.15% 10,153 *** Mr_Chuckles
22 22 -- 04,162 0056.66% 11,507 *** Newgrundling
23 24 -- 04,110 0065.85% 10,351 *** RageVI
24 23 -- 04,096 0072.38% 09,755 *** HeRetiK
25 25 -- 03,976 0047.87% 12,281 *** D0GMA
26 26 -- 03,952 0058.04% 10,761 *** stafffighter
27 27 -- 03,801 0055.80% 10,613 *** HAQnSPITT
28 29 -- 03,709 0052.80% 10,734 *** Captain_Bob
29 28 -- 03,697 0038.19% 13,378 *** GridLock
30 30 -- 03,551 0098.18% 07,168 ---- the_phantom_spancker
31 31 -- 03,535 0094.04% 07,294 ---- XwaynecoltX
32 33 -- 03,491 0073.13% 08,265 *** biteme2514
33 32 -- 03,422 0114.41% 06,413 ---- CTTcrew_l2edfoX
34 34 -- 03,354 0093.50% 06,941 ---- Mystboy
35 35 -- 03,348 0060.85% 08,850 *** b33r53x
36 37 -- 03,254 0143.41% 05,523 ---- Bigmanbrainy
37 40 -- 03,195 0100.82% 06,364 ---- ImportRacer666
38 36 -- 03,192 0110.60% 06,078 ---- Ppk3000
39 38 -- 03,184 0067.30% 07,915 *** Dark00Stir-fry
40 39 -- 03,166 0068.63% 07,779 *** kevr1
41 41 -- 03,156 0096.60% 06,423 ---- pingpong08
42 42 -- 03,104 0129.55% 05,500 ---- _redruM_
43 44 -- 03,080 0057.44% 08,442 *** _lightning_
44 43 -- 03,075 0056.57% 08,511 *** staphita
45 45 -- 03,011 0053.15% 08,676 *** Denvish
46 48 -- 02,971 0062.34% 07,737 *** YoinK
47 47 -- 02,968 0184.92% 04,573 ---- Overtired
48 46 -- 02,967 0124.04% 05,359 ---- agent66
49 49 -- 02,870 0095.89% 05,863 ---- Mike277
50 50 -- 02,869 0061.29% 07,550 *** FlameClock
rank / prev -- saves / s2b% / b/p ---- name

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2003-10-10 01:38:50

At 10/9/03 03:58 PM, gfoxcook wrote: rank / prev -- saves / s2b% / b/p ---- name
06 06 -- 07,125 0087.03% 15,312 *** Bila
07 08 -- 06,988 0075.69% 16,221 *** Recon_Rebel
08 07 -- 06,958 0086.77% 14,977 *** DrMSM
09 09 -- 06,910 0032.65% 28,074 *** TheJoe324

Hey wait a second gfox! I thought Joe was chasing me down. How the heck did DrMSM squeeze in between us? Did I pass DrMSM or did he pass Joe? I'm sooo confused!

Levels --- Badges

Chaos, panic and disorder; my work here is done.

BBS Signature

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2003-10-10 01:41:27

At 10/10/03 01:38 AM, Recon_Rebel wrote: Hey wait a second gfox! I thought Joe was chasing me down. How the heck did DrMSM squeeze in between us? Did I pass DrMSM or did he pass Joe? I'm sooo confused!

07 08 -- 06,988 0075.69% 16,221 *** Recon_Rebel
08 07 -- 06,958 0086.77% 14,977 *** DrMSM

If you look at it, he used to be 7, you passed him and he fell down to 8.

The point is... Don't lose your dinosaur.

BBS Signature

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2003-10-10 02:08:54

At 10/10/03 01:38 AM, Recon_Rebel wrote:
At 10/9/03 03:58 PM, gfoxcook wrote: rank / prev -- saves / s2b% / b/p ---- name
06 06 -- 07,125 0087.03% 15,312 *** Bila
07 08 -- 06,988 0075.69% 16,221 *** Recon_Rebel
08 07 -- 06,958 0086.77% 14,977 *** DrMSM
09 09 -- 06,910 0032.65% 28,074 *** TheJoe324
Hey wait a second gfox! I thought Joe was chasing me down. How the heck did DrMSM squeeze in between us? Did I pass DrMSM or did he pass Joe? I'm sooo confused!

Like Joe already said, you passed DrMSM. 07 08 = you're ranked #7 now, you WERE ranked #8 last update, whereas 08 07 for DrMSM = he's ranked #8 now, he WAS ranked #7 last update (prior to you passing him).

Sad little tidbit: not only did DrMSM get passed on this list, but he also got passed on the other list. He was the only top 20 ranked person to get passed on both lists... (sniff) poor guy! Down from 7 & 14 to 8 & 15. Ah well.

But anyway, you'll note that while DrMSM IS now between you and Joe, this isn't likely to last for long, as Joe's gaining protects faster than he is. So... Joe should be right on your tail again sooner or later. But you've basically got a 75 save lead, so that's a nice cushion for now, especially since Joe's got a 3:1 blam to save ratio most of the time. #;-}> So just worry about passing Stormwarden and getting back up here behind me on the list, and it'll come naturally. Yep.

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2003-10-10 02:30:53

damn i had a really slow week and i still got 1 spot higher

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2003-10-10 02:36:44

At 10/10/03 02:30 AM, _lightning_ wrote: damn i had a really slow week and i still got 1 spot higher

That's because... for Staphita, every week is a slow week. Especially in regards to protects. #;-}>

Anywho... you lucked out. No more easy passings for you for awhile, methinks. But still, enjoy it!

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2003-10-10 02:39:56

At 10/10/03 02:36 AM, gfoxcook wrote: Anywho... you lucked out. No more easy passings for you for awhile, methinks. But still, enjoy it!

well for _redruM_ i only need like 20 protection points and hes not around any more so that shouldn't be a problem =)