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Top 50 Protectors List

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Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2003-07-21 20:51:06

At 7/19/03 08:09 PM, gfoxcook wrote: I wonder if he asked liljim to reset his posts or something. Or maybe a glitch in the system... or... who knows? Gotta hear from him.

Well, now that I finally have, via e-mail, I know. Let's just say that I doubt it was a glitch, and he should feel lucky he still has his b/p points, at least.

Anyway, sure seems my top 50 list topic is dying in between updates, but I guess there's not much for it. I was sure, at the very least, someone would chide me for having missed those two people I just added to the list until now. #;-}>

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2003-07-21 21:27:41

At 7/21/03 08:51 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 7/19/03 08:09 PM, gfoxcook wrote: I wonder if he asked liljim to reset his posts or something. Or maybe a glitch in the system... or... who knows? Gotta hear from him.
Well, now that I finally have, via e-mail, I know. Let's just say that I doubt it was a glitch, and he should feel lucky he still has his b/p points, at least.

Anyway, sure seems my top 50 list topic is dying in between updates, but I guess there's not much for it. I was sure, at the very least, someone would chide me for having missed those two people I just added to the list until now. #;-}>

~chide chide~ I may as well chide myself while I'm at it. I popped into this thread 3 weeks ago to see if you had anyone I didn't. Today I thought I'd check to see what the minimum was for me to get opn it and lo therefore art me O~o I'll get you a list of my PIDs tomorrow so you can double check and see if there's anyone you're missing. I doubt it, but it's worth having for reference anyway.

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2003-07-21 21:30:59

At 7/21/03 09:27 PM, D0GMA wrote:
At 7/21/03 08:51 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 7/19/03 08:09 PM, gfoxcook wrote: stuff
more stuff

Actually, I'll hold off until Thursday after I post my main list. The way I do my spread is to punch in blams and protects and then it does the totals. You can easily sort them based upon protects and see if you have any blanks that need filling.

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2003-07-21 22:12:41

Nothing new to vote on so I did a quick scan.


Rank Name PID Protects
75 Overtired 254339 2745

Watch list:

Rank Name PID Protects
69 hernethehunter 22441 2410
83 crow_clock 295417 2409
71 keyser_soze 334381 (inactive 26 days)
52 dl_monk 108144 2298 (seems to be most active of this list)
91 dude666 401769 2195
85 fourdaddy 358508 2193
76 pratt 227372 2134 (inactive 18 days)
77 bmxgamer 302145 2103
149 afterburner 327836 2088
90 mewt (patipat) 341225 2078
60 fr0gt0e 240387 2035

Ranks are from the totals ranks; ranks and protects are from the numbers I snagged this morning.

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2003-07-22 00:07:00

At 7/21/03 10:12 PM, D0GMA wrote: Nothing new to vote on so I did a quick scan.


Rank Name PID Protects
75 Overtired 254339 2745

HMMM!!! Thanks bunches. When I checked for new people on your list, I checked everyone (cept the people I already check, which was about half the people from 51 to 70) up to around 65... I didn't think anyone up around 75 would have enough protects, but what do you know.

Watch list:

Rank Name PID Protects
69 hernethehunter 22441 2410


83 crow_clock 295417 2409


71 keyser_soze 334381 (inactive 26 days)

already on my watch list

52 dl_monk 108144 2298 (seems to be most active of this list)

also already on my watch list

91 dude666 401769 2195


85 fourdaddy 358508 2193


76 pratt 227372 2134 (inactive 18 days)

he used to be on the top 50 combined back before I got on it. he's on my list already, but he hardly ever gets anything, as you may have noticed even before 18 days ago.

77 bmxgamer 302145 2103


149 afterburner 327836 2088

on my watch list.

90 mewt (patipat) 341225 2078


60 fr0gt0e 240387 2035

on my watch list (used to be on the top 50 combined, got booted in April or May)

Ranks are from the totals ranks; ranks and protects are from the numbers I snagged this morning.

well, at least I only was still missing 1. Once I add him, the top 50 protects SHOULD FINALLY BE ACCURATE. Unless there's some corporal with 2800 protects and 0 blams or something.

:::makes shortcuts to all the new people's profiles so he can check them each update::: thanks muchly, D0GMA, once again, your insane list comes in handy for my list's benefit. #;-}>

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2003-07-22 12:44:53

At 7/22/03 12:07 AM, gfoxcook wrote: a whole lot

Glad to help. I'll e-mail you part of my spread sheet after Thursday's update. From that, you'll have everyone I do as a reference.

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2003-07-24 14:10:22

protections rank, number, name -- as of 05/05/2003 at 01:11 CDT
protections rank, number, name -- as of 05/12/2003 at 23:45 CDT
protections rank, number, name -- as of 05/19/2003 at 06:30 CDT
protections rank, number, name -- as of 05/25/2003 at 22:55 CDT
protections rank, number, name -- as of 06/01/2003 at 01:23 CDT
protections rank, number, name -- as of 06/05/2003 at 11:21 CDT
protections rank, number, name -- as of 06/10/2003 at 04:36 CDT
protections rank, number, name -- as of 06/16/2003 at 18:36 CDT
protections rank, number, name -- as of 06/20/2003 at 21:10 CDT
protections rank, number, name -- as of 06/30/2003 at 15:36 CDT
protections rank, number, name -- as of 07/07/2003 at 12:34 CDT
protections rank, number, name -- as of 07/14/2003 at 04:20 CDT
protections rank, number, name -- as of 07/18/2003 at 23:12 CDT

protections rank, number, name -- as of 07/24/2003 at 12:12 CDT
01 11,489 ramagi
02 10,740 RyoHahn
03 7,865 fixit
04 7,194 thisisasignin
05 6,284 DrMSM
06 6,200 gfoxcook
07 6,125 Recon_Rebel
08 6,058 Bila
09 6,026 poxpower
10 5,344 TheJoe324
11 5,052 Stormwarden
12 4,922 alexsmolik
13 4,879 Toocool100
14 4,792 NemesisM66
15 4,389 helldoll81
16 4,262 Mr_Chuckles
17 4,203 vuorimies
18 4,067 Crono-
19 4,057 HeRetiK
20 3,968 chaotic1
21 3,812 XkwiziTOnE
22 3,751 HAQnSPITT
23 3,747 Newgrundling
24 3,699 leeboy105
25 3,426 RageVI
26 3,422 CTTcrew_l2edfoX
27 3,389 XwaynecoltX
28 3,367 the_phantom_spancker
29 3,226 Captain_Bob
30 3,217 b33r53x
31 3,192 Ppk3000
32 3,159 kevr1
33 3,100 Dark00Stir-fry
34 3,085 _redruM_
35 3,026 simply_forgotten
36 3,009 staphita
37 2,967 agent66
38 2,964 Mystboy
39 2,932 Bigmanbrainy
40 2,905 pingpong08
41 2,865 Mike277
42 2,830 biteme2514
43 2,769 Overtired
44 2,757 GreenVeinVince
45 2,727 D0GMA
46 2,726 ImportRacer666
47 2,658 Drimarki
48 2,635 stafffighter
49 2,622 format
50 2,600 GSX_Boy

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2003-07-24 14:16:06

Congrats to:

gfoxcook on his promotion to Elite Guard Captain (13th)
NemesisM66 on his promotion to Elite Guard Colonel (6th)
biteme2514 on his promotion to Elite Guard Master Sergeant (48th) &
Overtired on his promotion to Elite Guard Staff Sergeant (75th)

since the last update of the list.

Welcome to:

Overtired (43), who D0GMA pointed out was missing from my list (Overtired is ranked #75, which explains why I didn't notice his protects while scanning D0GMA's list before!). Congrats to him on jumping so high onto the list as a result of my overlooking him, and congrats on having such a great (194%) save/blam ratio.

Farewell to:

_lightning_... sadly, with the addition of Overtired, and the fact that stafffighter passed lightning, GSX_Boy, at 2600 protects, becomes the bottom member of the Top 50 Protectors List, and that means lightning, with 2561, is off it for now. Good luck climbing back on once you're back from vacation, you'll probably be the first member of this list ever to accomplish a reentry to it.


Speaking of GSX_Boy... now that lightning's off the list for now, GSX is in the hot seat instead. format is also approaching slipping off the list, just as he slipped off the top 50 combined (and GSX, not coincidentally, is at #51 on the combined list, though he stands a chance of getting back on if Mike277 doesn't start doing something fast).


As predicted, I passed Recon_Rebel for the 6 spot before ranking up to Captain. I shall claim entry into the top 5 before long, but after that, it's super tough going with the top 4 protectors soaring ever upwards, albeit slightly slowly and steadily.

Other notable swaps include:

Bila edging the now idle poxpower for the 8 spot,
Crono- leaping over HeRetiK and chaotic1 for #18,
RageVI passing the dead-in-the-water CTTcrew and nabbing #25,
Captain_Bob slipping past the similarly dead b33r53x and Ppk3000 for #29,
simply_forgotten passing staphita at #35,

and a big jumble of mixups down at the bottom 8 with biteme, Overtired, GreenVeinVince, D0GMA, ImportRacer666, and so forth bashing head-on into each other and sorting it out later.

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2003-07-24 14:27:43

At 7/24/03 02:16 PM, gfoxcook wrote: Congrats to:
biteme2514 on his promotion to Elite Guard Master Sergeant (48th)
and a big jumble of mixups down at the bottom 8 with biteme, Overtired, GreenVeinVince, D0GMA, ImportRacer666, and so forth bashing head-on into each other and sorting it out later.

Crap. I'm still in the #42 spot, aren't I? There hasn't been much to protect lately. I've been racking up a ton of blams though. Oh well, thanks for the list update. I better start protecting more stuff...

*heads off into the Portal*

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2003-07-24 14:43:03

At 7/24/03 02:27 PM, biteme2514 wrote:
At 7/24/03 02:16 PM, gfoxcook wrote: Congrats to:
biteme2514 on his promotion to Elite Guard Master Sergeant (48th)
and a big jumble of mixups down at the bottom 8 with biteme, Overtired, GreenVeinVince, D0GMA, ImportRacer666, and so forth bashing head-on into each other and sorting it out later.
Crap. I'm still in the #42 spot, aren't I? There hasn't been much to protect lately.

Tell me about it. My blams are almost 150 ahead of my saves now. (sob)

I've been racking up a ton of blams though. Oh well, thanks for the list update. I better start protecting more stuff...

Ayup. But take heart... Mike277 isn't moving at all, and he's only 35 saves ahead of you. agent66's fairly close as well, and he's not moving.

On the other hand, you have Overtired and D0GMA coming up from behind fairly fast, so you might end up staying at 42 in the end. But at least you're not near the edge of the top 50 protectors list.

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2003-07-24 15:22:52

aww comon people where is your protecting pride, i have 4798 more saves than blams and 55.5 more saves than i do blams.. remember, i saved your movie!

Every once in very great while comes a ridiculously funny thread. So funny in fact i must put it into my sig http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic /1049194/1

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2003-07-24 15:31:14

At 7/24/03 02:43 PM, gfoxcook wrote: On the other hand, you have Overtired and D0GMA coming up from behind fairly fast, so you might end up staying at 42 in the end. But at least you're not near the edge of the top 50 protectors list.

Yeah, I'm a little scared that I'll get knocked off the list. Especially when I take that vacation I told you about. At least, I think it was you... I don't even know anymore...

But yeah, once August rolls around, I'm taking a two-week long vacation and I won't be able to do anything on Newgrounds during that time. Think I'm in danger of getting knocked off this list? And do you know if anyone is coming up fast behind me for total blam/protects?

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2003-07-24 15:44:02

At 7/24/03 03:31 PM, biteme2514 wrote:
At 7/24/03 02:43 PM, gfoxcook wrote: On the other hand, you have Overtired and D0GMA coming up from behind fairly fast, so you might end up staying at 42 in the end. But at least you're not near the edge of the top 50 protectors list.
Yeah, I'm a little scared that I'll get knocked off the list. Especially when I take that vacation I told you about. At least, I think it was you... I don't even know anymore...

But yeah, once August rolls around, I'm taking a two-week long vacation and I won't be able to do anything on Newgrounds during that time. Think I'm in danger of getting knocked off this list? And do you know if anyone is coming up fast behind me for total blam/protects?

now you know what i gotta feel like... i am taking a two week vacation to hawaii starting.. oh um? tomorrow :-P but i guess what ever i do there will soooooo outbeat what ever rankings i could get on NG, sorry but HAWAII PEOPLE... c-ya in two weeks ::laughs maniacly out the door::

Every once in very great while comes a ridiculously funny thread. So funny in fact i must put it into my sig http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic /1049194/1

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2003-07-24 16:01:16

At 7/24/03 03:44 PM, Toocool100 wrote: now you know what i gotta feel like... i am taking a two week vacation to hawaii starting.. oh um? tomorrow :-P but i guess what ever i do there will soooooo outbeat what ever rankings i could get on NG, sorry but HAWAII PEOPLE... c-ya in two weeks ::laughs maniacly out the door::

That's bizarre. Our original vacation plans involved going to Hawaii but we changed it because my mom wanted to visit some relatives overseas. That's really weird though. Just think, if we never changed our vacation plans, we could have met each other in real life... Strange...

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2003-07-24 16:15:59

At 7/24/03 03:22 PM, Toocool100 wrote: aww comon people where is your protecting pride, i have 4798 more saves than blams and 55.5 more saves than i do blams.. remember, i saved your movie!

I think you left out a "times" between "55.5" and "more saves" there. #;-}>

At 7/24/03 03:44 PM, Toocool100 wrote:
At 7/24/03 03:31 PM, biteme2514 wrote:
At 7/24/03 02:43 PM, gfoxcook wrote: On the other hand, you have Overtired and D0GMA coming up from behind fairly fast, so you might end up staying at 42 in the end. But at least you're not near the edge of the top 50 protectors list.
Yeah, I'm a little scared that I'll get knocked off the list. Especially when I take that vacation I told you about. At least, I think it was you... I don't even know anymore...

You told the entire BBS, really. #;-}>

You were talking about it in D0GMA's topic, about how you'd be knocked off the list, or wished you were still on the list, or whatever. Remember? You couldn't make up your mind and I nitpicked ya. #;-}>

But yeah, once August rolls around, I'm taking a two-week long vacation and I won't be able to do anything on Newgrounds during that time. Think I'm in danger of getting knocked off this list? And do you know if anyone is coming up fast behind me for total blam/protects?

2 weeks is nothing. Be glad you're not lightning, I think he's away for 6 weeks. He's gonna have some real work getting back onto the top 50 protectors list by then, even if he doesn't get knocked off the combined (which I doubt he will).

You most likely will not lose your spot on the list, but stranger things have happened. This time, however, there won't be any extra people popping out of nowhere. I'm almost 99% sure that no one else is missing from my list after the additions of import_racer, pingpong, and Overtired from D0GMA's 51-100 research.

As for total b/p ranking danger? Well, you said it yourself in the other thread: you've got like 4 people in a row who are not moving at all, and you can pass them all really quickly. Once you do that, you'll be up around #44 or even higher, and it'd take 6 people passing you to bring you down (very unlikely in 2 weeks).

But the main dangers for you right now would be:

dl_monk (#52, and getting about 35 points a day according to D0GMA, versus your 37)
pingpong08 (#54, getting 15 per day)
_redruM_ (#55, but only getting 1 point a day about now, so not likely)
importracer666 (#57, getting 30 per day)
denvish (#59, getting 98 PER DAY, JESUS!)
toocool100 himself (#61, getting 18 per day)
syme (#62, getting 95 PER DAY, HOLY CRAP!)

now you know what i gotta feel like... i am taking a two week vacation to hawaii starting.. oh um? tomorrow :-P but i guess what ever i do there will soooooo outbeat what ever rankings i could get on NG, sorry but HAWAII PEOPLE... c-ya in two weeks ::laughs maniacly out the door::

Oh, BTW, Biteme... even if you were going to Hawaii along with him, the chances of ending up in the same area is kinda low. It's a small state, but not THAT small a state.

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2003-07-24 16:27:24

At 7/24/03 04:15 PM, gfoxcook wrote: denvish (#59, getting 98 PER DAY, JESUS!)
syme (#62, getting 95 PER DAY, HOLY CRAP!)

Damn. I'm screwed... I better start climbing fast. Once those two hit the list, Elite Guard Sergeant First Class will be a thing of the past on the Top 50 Saviors/Blammers list. I figure that by the time I come back from that vacation, I'm going to be clinging to the #50 spot. With all these crazy "I get 100 blam/protect points a day!" people in front of me, I'm going to be hitting that brick wall really soon...

By the way, thanks for the info. I knew I could count on you to get me the information I needed...

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2003-07-24 19:19:03

At 7/24/03 All day, biteme2154 wrote: questions.
At 7/24/03 All day, gfoxcook wrote:

Just wanted to tack on a few thoughts to this discussion. dl_Monk, Denvish, and Syme is the likely order these folks will enter the Top 50 Total, unless pingpong08 gears up again in which case he'll be 2nd. What I see as likely to occur is:

dl_Monk makes it to 50, knocking mike277 off, in 3-5 days.
Denvish makes 50, knocking dl_Monk off, in a week.
dl_Monk makes 50 (again), knocking mystboy off the list, ~ a day or two later.


Syme makes 50 knocking dl_Monk off the list ~a day or two after that.
dl_Monk makes 50 (yet fucking again), knocking GuiniVir off the list, a day after that.


Syme makes 50 knocking GuiniVir off the list in 10-12 days, and the progression of dl and Syme will bump ppk3000 to 50 shortly thereafter.

Forecasts beyond that are really questionable. importracer666 is likely to get to that "new" 50 rank 3-5 days before pingpong does, which raises the bar and gives more time for x-death619 to catch up. Another monkey wrench in the gears: pingpong was doing 40+/day (I forget) back when he was trying to make SFC and has since slacked off. He could readily gear up and throw a 4th in the mix for the next 2 weeks worth of top 50 changes. Also keep in mind that at any time any of the static folks could come back and start gaining BPs. As things stand, I see essentially no danger of Ben being knocked off the top 50 before he returns from vacation, providing he earns at least 6100 before he leaves, while passing 6200 (nostrant) should guarantee it. _redruM_ popped into my thread a couple weeks ago to let us know he had seriously curtailed his NG involvement. Unless his real life circumstances take a significant change, it's unlikely he'll get back to his old pace.

As to the protectors list, the main thing to consider is the comparison of the per day averages of people like Denvish, and Syme, to that of toocool, along with the current amount of protects. Toocool has significantly fewer per day, but they are all protects. Syme and Denvish have more per day, but (I think) fewer protects per day than toocool is getting. Denvish is likely to break 2k protects sometime tomorrow. I wouldn't dare hazard anything more than a guess with Syme as she's only got 1370 ... call it at 3-4 weeks to even get to 2k. In neither case do I see either making the protects list any time soon.

Also, you folks are all going on vacation, but Denvish is going on an adventure. He's due to have another little girl within a week (for her sake, I hope she's just like Grace in that she gets her look from her Mom ;) ) and is likely to experience a bit of a slow down himself. I've seen what's left of my sister and brother-in-law after the twins have had their way (they're teething now) and it's not a pretty sight lol

Everyone from my list that should be there has made their way onto gfox'. The only other way for knock-offs to occur than our tracking them onto the respective lists would be my finding people whom I'm still missing. #68 has been missing from go (63 at the time). If you presume that they have 0 blams and all protects, the only other missing people who could be on the protects list are 98, 102, 104, 110, 112, and 117 from mine. The chances of another toocool hiding in the woodwork are pretty slim, plus I usually see those gaps in my list moving down.

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2003-07-25 08:12:00

At 7/24/03 04:27 PM, biteme2514 wrote: Damn. I'm screwed... I better start climbing fast. Once those two hit the list, Elite Guard Sergeant First Class will be a thing of the past on the Top 50 Saviors/Blammers list. I figure that by the time I come back from that vacation, I'm going to be clinging to the #50 spot. With all these crazy "I get 100 blam/protect points a day!" people in front of me, I'm going to be hitting that brick wall really soon...

Well, you better just get up above skum001 fast, let's just say. Once you hit that 6282 (I believe... I know that number from memory, sad isn't it?) you'll be safe till almost September, I'd wager.

By the way, thanks for the info. I knew I could count on you to get me the information I needed...

Sure thing. :::tips hat::: All I did was filter the info you needed from my saved copy of D0GMA's latest list, though. #;-}>

At 7/24/03 07:19 PM, D0GMA wrote:
At 7/24/03 All day, biteme2154 wrote: questions.
At 7/24/03 All day, gfoxcook wrote: answers.


Just wanted to tack on a few thoughts to this discussion. dl_Monk, Denvish, and Syme is the likely order these folks will enter the Top 50 Total, unless pingpong08 gears up again in which case he'll be 2nd. What I see as likely to occur is:

dl_Monk, however, cannot hope to compete with the other two in the long run, eh? #;-}>


Forecasts beyond that are really questionable. importracer666 is likely to get to that "new" 50 rank 3-5 days before pingpong does, which raises the bar and gives more time for x-death619 to catch up.

x-death619, eh? I better check that profile, don't remember if I did before or not.

As things stand, I see essentially no danger of Ben being knocked off the top 50 before he returns from vacation, providing he earns at least 6100 before he leaves, while passing 6200 (nostrant) should guarantee it.

I agree, but I emphasize the 6200-6300 range as being ideal. 6100 is probably okay, but I wouldn't risk it, personally. As biteme said, Sergeant First Class is gonna be bye bye soon, and that means that even hanging around at the bottom end of Master Sergeant isn't a good idea. Best to get up past the first quarter of the way to Sergeant Major by passing 6250 or so.

_redruM_ popped into my thread a couple weeks ago to let us know he had seriously curtailed his NG involvement. Unless his real life circumstances take a significant change, it's unlikely he'll get back to his old pace.


As to the protectors list, the main thing to consider is the comparison of the per day averages of people like Denvish, and Syme, to that of toocool, along with the current amount of protects. Toocool has significantly fewer per day, but they are all protects. Syme and Denvish have more per day, but (I think) fewer protects per day than toocool is getting.

I'm not sure on the actual rates, mostly because I don't have Syme and Denvish on my list (they're both avid blammers, I believe... well, at least compared to the 3 new guys I added this past week, pingpong, importracers, and Overtired all have great save/blam ratios).

But... Even though toocool only gets protects, and gets enough to be in the top 20 protectors... he doesn't move that fast. That said, they're just too low for now, despite their rates.

Denvish is likely to break 2k protects sometime tomorrow. I wouldn't dare hazard anything more than a guess with Syme as she's only got 1370 ... call it at 3-4 weeks to even get to 2k. In neither case do I see either making the protects list any time soon.

2k cut it back in May. But pretty soon, 3k isn't even gonna cut it anymore. Protections are starting to finally pile up, though they're still nowhere near the quantity of blams.

Everyone from my list that should be there has made their way onto gfox'. The only other way for knock-offs to occur than our tracking them onto the respective lists would be my finding people whom I'm still missing. #68 has been missing from go (63 at the time). If you presume that they have 0 blams and all protects, the only other missing people who could be on the protects list are 98, 102, 104, 110, 112, and 117 from mine. The chances of another toocool hiding in the woodwork are pretty slim, plus I usually see those gaps in my list moving down.

I'd say 68 is the only real possible gap on my list. It's actually possible 68 is someone I have a link to, I should probably check on that sometime. If they're falling, it's no worry really.

But... while combing through the top 50 to 150, say, I'm thinking I might start making a new list. Not necessarily for every-few-day updates like my top 50 protectors list, but more for curiosity's sake...

what say everyone to finding out how they rank... BLAM-WISE, eh? #;-}>

(I already have plenty of data for it, after all... I'd just have to find the blammers who have under 2600 saves that should be on the list, and resort by blamcount)

We shall see, we shall see...

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2003-07-25 09:35:37

At 7/25/03 08:12 AM, gfoxcook wrote:

Forecasts beyond that are really questionable. importracer666 is likely to get to that "new" 50 rank 3-5 days before pingpong does, which raises the bar and gives more time for x-death619 to catch up.
x-death619, eh? I better check that profile, don't remember if I did before or not.

x-death was the one I FUed a couple weeks ago. (S)He is currently 69, 1500 off the top 50, and earning over 30/day. As it stands, pinpong would make it first, but the other three are going to start altering the top 50 and x-death needed to come to people's attention.

2k cut it back in May. But pretty soon, 3k isn't even gonna cut it anymore. Protections are starting to finally pile up, though they're still nowhere near the quantity of blams.

I was just trying to give an idea how far behind they are on the current mark.

I'd say 68 is the only real possible gap on my list. It's actually possible 68 is someone I have a link to, I should probably check on that sometime. If they're falling, it's no worry really.

But... while combing through the top 50 to 150, say, I'm thinking I might start making a new list. Not necessarily for every-few-day updates like my top 50 protectors list, but more for curiosity's sake...

Check your e-mail ;)

what say everyone to finding out how they rank... BLAM-WISE, eh? #;-}>

(I already have plenty of data for it, after all... I'd just have to find the blammers who have under 2600 saves that should be on the list, and resort by blamcount)

See above :-P~~

We shall see, we shall see...

Only if you go check your e-mail sheesh some guys can't take a hint.

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2003-07-26 00:01:52

At 7/25/03 09:35 AM, D0GMA wrote:
But... while combing through the top 50 to 150, say, I'm thinking I might start making a new list. Not necessarily for every-few-day updates like my top 50 protectors list, but more for curiosity's sake...
Check your e-mail ;)

Already did.

what say everyone to finding out how they rank... BLAM-WISE, eh? #;-}>

(I already have plenty of data for it, after all... I'd just have to find the blammers who have under 2600 saves that should be on the list, and resort by blamcount)
See above :-P~~


We shall see, we shall see...
Only if you go check your e-mail sheesh some guys can't take a hint.


Sheesh indeed! Check your OWN e-mail, you bloody ijit! #;-}>

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2003-07-26 00:35:56

joo r teh siwwy. Your post sounded like you hadn't gotten it yet. I rarely look forward to opening my e-mail these days and actually try to avoid it. I made the mistake of clicking a few too many "Click this link to be removed from our list" which really should be labelled "Click here so we know this address works and can sell it to everyone under the sun." ~sigh~

Oh well, between my message rules and blocked senders I end up with 30 crapmail in my in-box while 40 go straight to trash. Trouble is, that's every day.

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2003-07-26 00:52:02

At 7/26/03 12:35 AM, D0GMA wrote: joo r teh siwwy. Your post sounded like you hadn't gotten it yet.

No it didn't. My post sounded like I was replying to the post I was replying to.

WHICH I WAS! #;-}>

I rarely look forward to opening my e-mail these days and actually try to avoid it.

Ayup. I don't go into my e-mail more than once or twice a week unless I have a reason to (working things out after winning an ebay auction, having a conversation with liljim (the main person I e-mail with lately #;-}>), or... say... FINDING OUT IF SOMEONE GOT THE XLS FILE I SENT THEM. #;-}> Jesus. You'd think you'd find out if I got the mail by checking your own mail before you start interpreting my BBS posts to mean I didn't get it. #;-}>

I made the mistake of clicking a few too many "Click this link to be removed from our list" which really should be labelled "Click here so we know this address works and can sell it to everyone under the sun." ~sigh~

For me it's more like I want to avoid family members who e-mail me too often (including a certain aunt who sends way too many religious-ish forwards).

Oh well, between my message rules and blocked senders I end up with 30 crapmail in my in-box while 40 go straight to trash. Trouble is, that's every day.

heh. ANYWAY. Did you finally go in and find my mail and answer my questions about your xls, and check out my xls, and INVENT A CURE TO CANCER? Perhaps I will open my e-mail and find out.

:::does so:::

ah yes, there it is. :::replies via e-mail:::

See how easy it is? #;-}>

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2003-07-26 01:22:38

According to that list in number 27 seems i havent been away long enough then if that is true unless alot of people slack :-p
Mind you makes less work to catch up so im quite pleased with that....

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2003-07-26 01:35:22

At 7/26/03 01:22 AM, the_phantom_spancker wrote: According to that list in number 27 seems i havent been away long enough then if that is true unless alot of people slack :-p
Mind you makes less work to catch up so im quite pleased with that....

Yeah, but you used to be around #20. Plus, you slid from what was it... like #29 on the combined top 50 back to now around #43? Gotta get workin', man! #;-}>

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2003-07-26 01:37:42

true but who said i wanted it back for sure i just wantmy ultimate goal the ultimate power of 10.00 voting.....

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2003-07-26 01:45:37

At 7/26/03 01:37 AM, the_phantom_spancker wrote: true but who said i wanted it back for sure i just wantmy ultimate goal the ultimate power of 10.00 voting.....

Ahhh, is that your ultimate goal.

Problem is, man... I'm not that far below you in exp points (plus, I've been depositing every day for over 6 months), and I've got 12,600 blams and protects...

but even with that, I only have 8.10%.

To get to 10.00%, you're gonna have to get up to around 15,000 blams and protects and deposit for half a year.

and if you don't want to get that many blams and protects, you're going to have to deposit for 1.5 years, probably.

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2003-07-26 07:38:12

protections rank, number, name -- as of 07/26/2003 at 05:36 CDT
01 11,513 *** ramagi
02 10,750 *** RyoHahn
03 7,927 *** fixit
04 7,199 *** thisisasignin
05 6,289 *** DrMSM
06 6,236 *** gfoxcook
07 6,147 *** Recon_Rebel
08 6,072 *** Bila
09 6,030 *** poxpower
10 5,391 *** TheJoe324
11 5,053 *** Stormwarden
12 4,924 *** alexsmolik
13 4,906 Toocool100
14 4,799 *** NemesisM66
15 4,396 *** helldoll81
16 4,262 *** Mr_Chuckles
17 4,205 *** vuorimies
18 4,100 *** Crono-
19 4,059 *** HeRetiK
20 3,968 *** chaotic1
21 3,828 *** XkwiziTOnE
22 3,753 *** HAQnSPITT
23 3,752 *** Newgrundling
24 3,700 *** leeboy105
25 3,430 *** RageVI
26 3,422 CTTcrew_l2edfoX
27 3,390 *** XwaynecoltX
28 3,374 the_phantom_spancker
29 3,243 *** Captain_Bob
30 3,217 *** b33r53x
31 3,192 Ppk3000
32 3,159 *** kevr1
33 3,102 *** Dark00Stir-fry
34 3,085 _redruM_
35 3,032 *** simply_forgotten
36 3,011 *** staphita
38 2,970 Mystboy
37 2,967 agent66
39 2,932 Bigmanbrainy
40 2,909 pingpong08
41 2,865 Mike277
42 2,848 biteme2514
43 2,776 Overtired
44 2,767 *** D0GMA
45 2,760 *** GreenVeinVince
46 2,758 ImportRacer666
47 2,663 *** stafffighter
48 2,658 *** Drimarki
49 2,622 format
50 2,602 GSX_Boy

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2003-07-26 07:42:46

Congrats to:

D0GMA on his promotion to Elite Guard Praporshchik (30th)

since the last update of the list.

Welcome to:

no one! It's only been 2 days after all.

Farewell to:

no one, obviously.


GSX_Boy and format... but no one's close right now (cept lightning)

Greg's Notes:

I have now assembled a Top 50 Blammers List.

Since it turns out 35 people are currently on both lists, and thus I only need keep track of 65 people for two top 50 lists, I may continue to do this. Time shall tell, but it seems to me that if I do do both, the extra work may make me update both lists a little less often than the 5-7 day pattern I normally update the protectors list on.

You may check out the most recent Top 50 Blammers List by clicking the link I just posted. Enjoy comparing the lists to each other and to the Top 50 Combined B/P List. People on both the Top 50 Blammers List and the Top 50 Protectors List are denoted with ***.

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2003-07-26 07:45:03

Ive seen your new list and am horrifyed to find im not on it, i will have to try and change that can you please add the 50+'s
thanks dude

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2003-07-26 07:50:22

At 7/26/03 07:45 AM, the_phantom_spancker wrote: Ive seen your new list and am horrifyed to find im not on it, i will have to try and change that can you please add the 50+'s
thanks dude

I'm sorry, dude, but do you know how much work it is just to maintain the top 50 of anything? And now I'm trying out doing it for TWO different criteria, blammers AND protectors.

If I started adding 50+s, the number of people I'd have to keep track of (aside from seeing if they're passing #50 on my lists, of course) would go way up, and so would the time.

Only D0GMA and NGling are insane enough to try to keep lists of 200+ people. Sorry. #;-}>

But I wouldn't worry if I were you. You're not that far off this list, I don't think. You've got about 3300 blams, right? Just get like 50-100 more by next week and you might make #50.

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature