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Where is/How to? Memberlist

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Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2008-05-24 13:09:02

Damn, I've said so much here. Please bear with me Wi/Ht? with this uber long essay of mine regarding this forum. Get yourself a cup of tea, coffee or whatever whilst reading these long-ass posts of mine. :)

At 5/22/08 09:47 PM, gfoxcook wrote: There have been plenty of members who have disappeared off the face of the earth. That doesn't make me regret electing them, but Bahamut is certainly doing more right now than they are... right now... isn't he?

Indeed. Many of those members are no longer here, but myself, I don't intend to disappear anytime soon. Not if there's people who've been backing me up since I started posting here. Seriously, if it weren't for the very nice Wi/Ht?'ers from late 2004 'till recent, I wouldn't be here now.

In the beginning, I saw these stat threads and was curious about them. I wondered if I was on any of them, but no luck at the time. The two lists I looked up to were D0GMA's Elite Guard Rank List and ShittyKitty's NG Total Listing. I didn't fully understood your 10k pentalist at the time, but whilst lurking this forum, I had a look at the Level Up Lounge. Before posting, I wanted to check the place and see what the NGers were posting.

A few days later, I made my first NG achievement, which was writing 100 flash reviews. I posted it in the LUL and although assuming no-one would care, I mentioned it anyway. When I was seeing congrats list makers at the time congratulating me for it, I was surprised and happy. I appreciated them mentioning me and I continued to post more achievements that I came across. Then, I started making my own congrats lists and have been doing so since. No-one was mean to me about making them and I felt really confident. I thought this forum was a nice break from the Newgrounders in general (as in the whole site, not the shitty forum) where you'd expect people trying to be all hardcore and attack you for the smallest reasons.

Because of the very nice people in this forum, I felt very welcome to this forum and when I discovered the Regulars List, I noticed people were voting for me and I was like "Wow, they appreciate me that much?" After finding out what the Regulars List was about and how the regulars would recognise potentials more, I felt I had to help out more in threads where users ask questions. With just posting in the LUL and list threads, to me, that didn't seem enough. While I rarely help out users in their threads nowadays, I have helped out a lot of people in this forum in the past and I'm proud of that.

I will admit, I started to help out less when Afro_Stud dominated the forum by helping EVERYONE out! However, that didn't mean I'd lose my loyalty to the forums at all. I was still happy to come here, participate in current subjects and supporting list threads. I was still willing to come here regardless of how little I was helping out with users asking questions.

And that's another reason why I'm glad to still be here. I really enjoy supporting list threads that regulars, members and others make every week, fortnight, month or so. When I was still inexperienced, I was amazed at all these lists. I did think to myself "Damn, they must put in a lot of effort to make these lists." and of course, some lists were automated, but the manually-done lists, those I wondered even more. Without the support from users such as myself, some of these list makers would have given up making them long ago. Making those lists without anyone supporting them would have been a waste of time.

That is one of the reasons why I still visit this forum: The stat lists. They were what I looked up to when I first came here and I still like 'em. I wished to continue supporting these lists, even though two of my favourites have been dead for three years now (i.e. D0GMA's EGRL and SK's NGTL). Now in a newer generation, we have Casualty's NG Log, which I like very much since I can log my stats daily, see how I did the previous day and sometimes, look at where I'm ranked with other NG Loggers for almost any kind of stat. The NG Log reminded me of SK's NGTL, but not pulling so much data from the site, so there's been no bitching from Wade about it.

D0GMA's EGRL, I miss that list also, but I still appreciate the Top 300 B/P updates that were made by absent, Denvish, Afro_Stud, life and now Afro_Stud again. While they only show the top 300 B/P'ers and not every single Elite Guard user like D0GMA's EGRL did, it was still good enough for me.

The 10k pentalist (or rather 2x10k pentalist when I got my first 10k stat) was another list I looked up to and I was glad that the list continued even after the thread thread incident. Of course, the list was reduced from 1x10k to 2x10k, but for having to do it manually, it was reasonable. Unfortunately, the last ever gfox update was in last March and before that, a 15 month gap in-between. Luckily I'm going to start updating the pentalist at the end of May assuming there's no server problems and myself and Casualty get the site sorted out in time.

A few years ago, I never imagined myself doing these lists. I never thought I could make any list updates, despite my decent knowledge in Excel/OpenOffice Calc. Myself being the one who'd run the Wi/Ht? Regulars List was something I never thought would happen. I just assumed Xiivi was going to keep running the list no matter what and of course, I was wrong about that. He stopped making the updates in late 2006, which resulted in the death of the Regulars List.

A few months later, there was another Wi/Ht? Member election. There were a good amount of potentials at the time and I wondered if I was going to make it then. I had some doubts that maybe I'll have been a vote too short to becoming a new member at the time. I didn't want to build my hopes up incase I ended not being a member and feeling hugely disappointed. Fortunately for me, I was elected to a member. Of course, I was pleased that I got in the Memberlist and was very proud of it. It just showed I was still appreciated in the forum and was appreciated enough by the voters to become a new Wi/Ht? Member.

When I became a member, I didn't make any plans to leave the forum a few months later like some appeared to have done (not saying they did it deliberately, but when some of them became members, they left shortly after). I wished to kept supporting the forum as I always did before the member election. The reasons why I stayed and am still here is because of the awesome posters such as yourself, gfox, and also the fact that I wanted to keep supporting the stat threads and the LUL, which I've been posting in since December 2004.

To me, the Wi/Ht? forum is my e-home. Never have I found a place on the Internet that's been so great to me. The users I've met here have to be some of the nicest people on Newgrounds, and that's why I'm still here. The fact that you all have been so great to me over the last few years and the amount of interesting discussions I've come across in all the big threads is why I'm still here. I still enjoy the amount of discussions I participate in this forum. That's why I can't leave anytime soon. I'd hate to move on, leave you all behind and never come back. I wish to continue posting in the Wi/Ht? forum and take part in the greatest discussions on this site.

Another thing about this forum is the support I've been given here. Some examples are when I first started posting here, when I had a feud with the Star Syndicate regarding my first flash and several other problems with them and of course, the support I've been given from gfox and NEVR on my member election just now. If this was in the General forum, it would have been a completely different story. You'd only get the idiots mindlessly bashing you for no apparrent reason. The Wi/Ht?'ers are the complete opposite of them and I appreciate that very much.

Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2008-05-24 13:10:12

To make it up, I have supported newer users to this forum and although there were huge spam attacks in the LUL in later 2007, there were some users who were new that I supported, but of course, some of us did insult some of those new users for being so stupid. If this was now, I would have tried to be a bit nicer to them. The only newer users I would have been bitter towards to are those who persisted to post crap when already warned not to (I won't name anyone, but you know who I'm referring to). The other users deserve support and should feel welcome here, just like how I was welcomed and supported here when I was new.

There's been a time when I was told off for doing something I shouldn't have done and I'll accept the fact that it was something I shouldn't have done, but of course, we learn by mistakes. Still, I prefer to be nicer to the young ones and help them out. It gives myself, the other Wi/Ht?'ers and the forum in general a better reputation. We shouldn't have our good reputation ruined due to bitterness from the older Wi/Ht?'ers.

Going back to my membership, sometimes I thought I wasn't contributing enough to the forum as I should have been. In 2007/2008, I rarely helped out users in their own threads. I guess I'm being too modest here and I'm not like that because of what Bonus said about me, but I really am a modest person overall. Luckily, I was having huge discussions with NEVR, NintendoMadness and others in the LUL around the time many idiots were spamming the fuck out of it with non-achievements. Those who I talked to brought me back a lot of faith in the Lounge before I considered leaving it for good. They also made me think that the Wi/Ht? Regulars List should return.

I didn't decide right away to bring the Regulars List back. I took some time by thinking it through and then go onto bumping the thread back to the first page. I was there to ask whether the list should come back or stay dead as it was. There were members/regulars saying that it should return and claimed it would be great if it did. Luckily I was willing to bring it back, but before confirming the resurrection, I had to contact Xiivi and ask whether it would be OK to take over the list or not. He had no objections to that and things were heading to the right direction.

My effort put in to running the Regulars List and possibly the 2x10k pentalist as well is appreciated by many users here and I'm proud of that. It shows I'm making a great contribution to this forum and have been doing so ever since I started posting here. Heh, I guess I've been appreciated so much that I've been asked to run a Member election sometime. I was thrilled, but like I've said in a previous post of mine, I don't wish to run a Member election until sometime next year. I feel this year is too soon considering I've only been running the Regulars List since February. Just give me some time and then I'll run the Member elections when I'm up to it. :)

Yes, I know I've gone on for too long here, but I wanted to say EVERYTHING about when I first came here, the support I've had here, the stat lists and so on. What I'm trying to say here is:

Thank you all for being some of the greatest people I know on the Internet! Thank you all for being so awesome to me! I appreciate everyone in this forum who have supported me and I support them back in return! You all are what have made this my absolute favourite forum on the Internet! Again, thank you very much!

Oh, and if you managed to read all of that and understood everything, thanks once again! :D

Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2008-05-24 13:25:38

<Crowd chants>Bahamut! Bahamut! Bahamut!</Crowd chants>




BBS Signature

Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2008-05-24 14:03:11

At 5/24/08 01:09 PM, Bahamut wrote: 2-post speech

That's the kind of speech that make men cheer and women swoon. Very nice :)

BBS Signature

Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2008-05-24 15:10:16

At 5/23/08 05:37 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 5/23/08 03:31 AM, Haggard wrote: I tried to get used to FF a few times (because greater knowledge of browsers is always a good thing), but it just doesn't feel right... for every little bit I need a new plugin. That's really annoying.
Heh, I know what you mean. I have 0 plugins for Opera (though I know you can use them), but I have like 6 for Firefox. To be fair, however, I only think two or three plugins are really all that necessary for FireFox. The rest I have just because they're fun.

Top 3... scratch that... Top *2* Important Firefox plugins:

Adblock Plus

Yep, AdBlock is definatly a plugin one needs. I'm glad Opera has the filter.ini. It works really well.
NoScript is also very useful. But I think in Opera I just have to press F12 to turn off scripts.

That's right. And "editieren" is often used here (which clearly derives from Latin) as well, but mostly in a EDP context. However, to get to the "edit"-menu I have to press alt+B (for "Bearbeiten").

Hehe. Yeah, the could as well write "Editieren" in the menu bar. ^^

Of course, in England and America, this is how the shortcut alt+_ letters go on our Opera menubars:

File Edit View Bookmarks Widgets Tools Help

I have Datei Bearbeiten Ansicht Lesezeichen Widgets Feeds E-Mail Extras Fenster Hilfe
Feeds and E-Mail are there because I subscribed to a few RSS-feeds (like nba.com ^^) and E-Mail because I also use Opera as an e-mail client.
I usually hide the "Widgets" since I don't use any but I have to do it again every time I update the browser. Which gets very annoying after a while...

I think that also derives from a Latin word (filum). But it's "Datei" in german. So that's why I have to use alt+D. ;)
I was leaning towards Latin as well, but I wasn't positive. Ahhh, data-derived menu title in German.... fascinating!

And of course, I know German has SOME Latin-derived words, but I was under the impression you have far less than English, since English is supposed to be half Germanic + half Latinate together, which would make it by definition more Latinate than German is. #;-}>

Englisch and German both derive from the same branch of languages (West Germanic languages). That's one of the reasons why it's not that hard for german people to learn english (and of course for english native speakers to learn german), because there are many similarities between those languages. ;)
But I really don't know which language contains more latin-derived words. I didn't learn latin, so often I don't even know that a word is latin-derived, until someone tells me. XD

I'm sure Spanish, French, and Italian have more than English does, in turn.

And that's why it would be good idea to learn latin first before learing those languages. Because then you have good knowledge of the basics of these languages. ^^

At 5/24/08 01:09 PM, Bahamut wrote: two epic posts.

Indeed epic posts. I have to admit that I didn't notice that little quarrel between you and Bonus (well, I did notice it, but I didn't pay much attention), but I have to say that I think that you are one of the greatest users that post here regularly. ;)

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2008-05-24 17:50:09

Englisch and German both derive from the same branch of languages (West Germanic languages). That's one of the reasons why it's not that hard for german people to learn english (and of course for english native speakers to learn german), because there are many similarities between those languages. ;)

If I may be so bold as to interject on this point, and I pray that you will forgive me for doing so should I appear to be speaking above my station, so to speak :), then perhaps I might be of assistance in this matter.

You are indeed correct to say that English and German are both Western Germanic languages thus facilitating the matter of the study of the one assuming a sound grasp of the other. However, as has been already cited within this page, English has absorbed a very considerable amount of Latinate vocabulary in the last 1,000 years or so since the Norman Conquest, for which reason it is something of an oddball within the Germanic family.

A recent study on this matter put the percentage of Latin based words in English (according to the O.E.D. at 28.24%, which when combined with the 28.3% acquired from Old French and Norman (themselves both offshoots of Latin), gives you a total of 56.54% of the total language. Both of these are more significant than the percentage attributed to Old English and various other related languages (Dutch, Old Norwegian etc.) at 25&. However, it is also expedient to bear in mind the fact that about four fifths of the most common words in English are of Germanic origin.

On the other hand, while German will indeed have adopted various portions of Latinate vocabulary into its lexicon over the course of time, it will be of a substantially lesser degree than its English counterpart. Indeed, if memory serves, the Germans had a rather charming characteristic when it came to the adoption of new vocabulary to describe new technologies. A good example is that of the word "television". For those countries whose languages were of Romance in origin, there was precious little reason wherefore the English word could not be adapted into their own lexicon by virtue of the fact that the English word is already somewhat Latinate in itself. The Germans, on the other hand chose to take the etymology of television and translate that into German thus giving them the word "Fernsehen".

Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2008-05-24 18:08:37

At 5/24/08 05:50 PM, Perceptor wrote: interesting stuff

Nice informations you have here. ;)
As I've already stated, I don't know how many latin-derived words there are in the german language. Could be far less than 25%, or could be a little less than 25%...

Indeed, if memory serves, the Germans had a rather charming characteristic when it came to the adoption of new vocabulary to describe new technologies. A good example is that of the word "television". For those countries whose languages were of Romance in origin, there was precious little reason wherefore the English word could not be adapted into their own lexicon by virtue of the fact that the English word is already somewhat Latinate in itself. The Germans, on the other hand chose to take the etymology of television and translate that into German thus giving them the word "Fernsehen".

Well, that "charming characterstic" developed to a very annoying habit of "everything that sounds like english is cool". For example, a mobile phone is called "handy". Sounds english (and is indeed a handy english word ;) ), but no one will understand me if I ask someone if he/she could lend me a "handy".
Also many companies tend to think that they are "cool" (or whatever you might call it) if they present an english slogan for their marketing. However, "Powered by emotion", "Come in and find out" or similar slogans will not be understood by many people. Especially the older generations can't speak that well, thus they will not understand those slogans, or translate them completly wrong.

But back to the word "television". The funny thing is that "TV" (for "television") is the common abbriviation for "Fernseher" in Germany. But no one would use the word "television" in common speech. ^^

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2008-05-24 18:10:10

At 5/24/08 06:08 PM, Haggard wrote: but no one will understand me if I ask someone if he/she could lend me a "handy".

Let me rephrase that sentence... "No english speaking person will understand me if I ask..."
Sounds less confusing.

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2008-05-24 18:25:44

Hmm, unfortunately, that does indeed appear to be a characteristic that is being copied around the world to a rather alarming extent, much to my chagrin. The Japanese are absolutely infamous therefor when it comes to a lot of contemporary culture. Personally, I have no objection to languages borrowing words and even set phrases from each other in order to better express some concepts not easily described in their own language. In fact, it is precisely this factor in English that makes me appreciate just how wonderfully adaptable it is. It's probably just as well, though, seeing as to someone who's used to Romance languages in which a verb can have upwards of 80 forms, English conjugation is deathly dull.

However, you are right when you say that a lot of what those German companies are using just doesn't make much sense. Were someone to ask me for the usage of a "handy", I would be more likely to pass them something with which to blow their nose.

My favourite example, however, of poor usage of English (specifically in translation) is that of a Coca Cola advert a few decades ago. Apparently, the slogan "Come alive to the Coca Cola generation" when translated into one particular language read something along the lines of "Coca Cola brings your dead relatives back to life."

Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2008-05-24 20:45:02

At 5/24/08 01:10 PM, Bahamut wrote: We shouldn't have our good reputation ruined due to bitterness from the older Wi/Ht?'ers.

I hate everyone equally. >:-(

They also made me think that the Wi/Ht? Regulars List should return.

Aliens and Star Trek II are good examples of sequels that did better than the originals.

At 5/24/08 01:25 PM, Casualty wrote: <Crowd chants>Bahamut! Bahamut! Bahamut!</Crowd chants>

Happy Birthday Bahamut!

At 5/24/08 02:03 PM, NEVR wrote:
At 5/24/08 01:09 PM, Bahamut wrote: 2-post speech
That's the kind of speech that make men cheer and women swoon. Very nice :)

... or put old farts to sleep. Wait a minute!

Well said Bahamut, but what was the middle part again? **wink**

Levels --- Badges

Chaos, panic and disorder; my work here is done.

BBS Signature

Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2008-05-26 09:52:49

At 5/23/08 10:40 PM, Bahamut wrote:
At 5/22/08 09:13 PM, NEVR wrote: I've waited 17 hours and nobody has posted, so I'm taking the 1,000th reply. Sorry :)
Haha. I was thinking of taking that 1000th reply, but I thought "No, gfox must take it!" Damn you NEVR! You should have NEVR (lol) done that.

Um... A) I wasn't around in time.

B) If NEVR hadn't finally replied again after 17 hours of thread-silence, surely someone else would have posted without even noticing they were gonna be reply #1000, so isn't it better NEVR did it fully conscious of what post he was making in the thread?

C) I don't care about post landmarks in this particular thread. Sorry, guys. Only pentalist, VP list, and LUL threadmarks impress or thrill me. #;-}>

The fact that I originally made this thread is really a non-issue to me. It's fully utilitarian, it has no warm spot in me heart, which is why I don't mind it being 10+ pages down in the forum as I recently mentioned... versus my two list topics that I hate to see sink (and to a lesser degree, ye olde top 50 blam and top 50 save list topics as well).

And I know he didn't talk about me specifically, but I did ask what he thought about me.

Ah, so you feel you brought it on yourself by asking him that. Fair enough.

By Flash, I meant making the damn movies.

Oh. I didn't know right-clicking was so important during teh making of flashes.

To me, thinking of flash and right-clicking at the same time makes me think of how I right-click->lowqualityselect for just about any flash movie that's all big and laggy and graphics-intensive. Which is a lot, these days.

So it was before I came here.

... again... I don't think it has a precise end. Fretting about whether it was before or after you got here (or... RIGHT WHEN YOU DID... OMG, IT WAS YOU!!! YOU KILLED IT!!! YOUUUUU!!! #;-}>) is quite silly to me, man.

He seemed to be pretty active when I was around, or do you mean well before I came here? That I can understand.

SK pretty much had activity... then not so much. So if you remember him being active after you became a regular, then that was before he ever went fully off the boards, yes. He didn't have a drop-off period prior to that that I can remember.

Same for SK, it seemed active back in early 2005. I remember D0GMA posting a lot when I first came here.

Dogma on ther other hand, had gone through multiple drop-off periods compared to SK before drifting away seemingly for good. Dogma, if you didn't know, started the EGRL in June of 2003, a couple months after I started my top 50 saves list in April.... and for many many months the list was only updated by Dogma... then Dogma disappeared, others such as LockClock updated the list..... and then Dogma came back and started updating the list again, this time in awesome web format.

So there've been many ages and eras in teh Dogma Wi/Ht? history vs. really more like one or two eras in SK Wi/Ht? history, that were more contiguous.

I assume you've got Anniversary for the Wii. What do you think of it?

I haven't played it too much. Too many other games for teh Wii to play. Yeah, I know, I overbought wayyyyy too many games for my Wii since getting it in late August of 2007. #;-}>


Ah, of course. Shoulda known that blighter would ditch us some day for greener (to him) pastures!

Well yes, it was the biggest manually made list, but mine aren't gonna be manual. ;)

I'm just saying maybe that's what Casualty meant.

I really appreciate the support I'm getting from you and NEVR. :')

:::holds you up, like a bra:::

At 5/24/08 01:09 PM, Bahamut wrote: Damn, I've said so much here. Please bear with me Wi/Ht? with this uber long essay of mine regarding this forum. Get yourself a cup of tea, coffee or whatever whilst reading these long-ass posts of mine. :)

I'm not gonna bother to reply point by point to your super-essay about what Wi/Ht? means to you and all, but I'll read it... Doo do doooooo....


:::eyes glaze over:::

Few points:

I think you'd mentioned before that the EGRL and NGTL were your first awe-inducing lists, and that you didn't really comprehend the pentalist at first. But what about my ol' top VP list updates? I was doing those when you came in late 2004 and were finding your bearings in early 2005, surely... wasn't I? Hm... now I can't recall when I retired from that to focus solely on the pentalist.


You mentioned Dogma's list being updated by absent, Denvish, Afro_Stud (twice) and life, but you didn't mention LockClock and others that did it earlier on... maybe they were before your time. But I think LockClock actually went through two periods of doing some fill-in updates, and the second period I thought was late enough that you'd have seen it... also, I think others, such as jonthomson and FIGMENTUM, may have even tried a single update way back when.

VP list has the longest continuous history of being updated, but being mostly updated by Captain Bob, NGling, myself, and Wylo, it doesn't have the NUMBER of list maintainers that Dogma's EGRL has, that's for sure.

Re: Xiivi "always running the Regulars List," that's sorta funny.... cause once upon a time many of us may have assumed RedCircle always would, seeing as how he created it. #;-}>

But what have we learned from lists on this forum? They are organic. Every single list will, at some point, be updated by someone (or ones) other than the original creator. You taking on the pentalist is pretty much gonna complete that for the old classic ones (there are, of course, more recent lists, such as the new top 100 audio responses list, that haven't been around long enough to have more than one updater).

Hm, I did find one spot I wanted to reply to specifically and quote at the same time:

When I became a member, I didn't make any plans to leave the forum a few months later like some appeared to have done (not saying they did it deliberately, but when some of them became members, they left shortly after). I wished to kept supporting the forum as I always did before the member election. The reasons why I stayed and am still here is because of the awesome posters such as yourself, gfox, and also the fact that I wanted to keep supporting the stat threads and the LUL, which I've been posting in since December 2004.

That's an interesting observation. I think much of the time it might be a coincidence, but it's also possible that to some potentials, becoming an elected member is so much of a "hall of fame recognition" that they feel like... they're beyond being a simple user on the forum anymore. Much like for so many HOFs in reality, retirement is kinda presupposed. For most American sports hall of fames, you must have been retired for a certain period of time (often 5 years) to even be eligible... then, of course, there's the Rock 'n' Roll HOF, where you can get elected once 25 years have gone by since you or your group started producing music. But generally, by the time you're seasoned enough to get in, you're nearing retirement if not already there. #;-}>

So maybe that works into the mindset of some of the people we elect.

But we can't go around prejudging all the candidates and trying to avoid electing people who will feel it's such an honour that now they can go all inactive. #;-}>

If this was in the General forum, it would have been a completely different story. You'd only get the idiots mindlessly bashing you for no apparrent reason. The Wi/Ht?'ers are the complete opposite of them and I appreciate that very much.

Hell no. This is Wi/Ht?. Even when someone bashes you, like Bonus just did, it isn't done mindlessly for no apparent reason, at least. #;-}>

Oh, and if you managed to read all of that and understood everything, thanks once again! :D

Woot woot. You should edit all of that into a swell news comment in your profile, to serve as an enduring monument to your Wi/Ht?iness for ALL TIME. #;-}>


gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2008-05-26 10:06:23

At 5/24/08 03:10 PM, Haggard wrote: Yep, AdBlock is definatly a plugin one needs. I'm glad Opera has the filter.ini. It works really well.
NoScript is also very useful. But I think in Opera I just have to press F12 to turn off scripts.

Ah, okay. Nifteh.

Hehe. Yeah, the could as well write "Editieren" in the menu bar. ^^


Englisch and German both derive from the same branch of languages (West Germanic languages). That's one of the reasons why it's not that hard for german people to learn english (and of course for english native speakers to learn german), because there are many similarities between those languages. ;)
But I really don't know which language contains more latin-derived words. I didn't learn latin, so often I don't even know that a word is latin-derived, until someone tells me. XD

I took three years of Latin (and half a year of Greek), and I'm not always positive either, so what does THAT tell ya?

I'm sure Spanish, French, and Italian have more than English does, in turn.
And that's why it would be good idea to learn latin first before learing those languages. Because then you have good knowledge of the basics of these languages. ^^

I took 2 years of Spanish while growing up in Texas. Then after moving to Japan I had to choose between only French, German, and Japanese... no Spanish option to continue, so I chose Japanese for obvious reasons. Then after moving back to the US, in Pennsylvania, there was Spanish, French, and Latin.... I coulda gone back to Spanish, I suppose, but I wanted to try Latin out. I took a half year of Greek from one of the Latin teachers as well. Then in college I didn't really take any languages except one semester (so a half year as well) of French, just to see what it was like.

(English, duh) -> Spanish -> Japanese -> Latin -> Greek -> French


At 5/24/08 05:50 PM, Perceptor wrote: If I may be so bold as to interject on this point, and I pray that you will forgive me for doing so should I appear to be speaking above my station, so to speak :), then perhaps I might be of assistance in this matter.


(come on, dude.... speaking above your station? What do you think this is, a caste system in India? FREEDOM OF TEH SPEECH, MOFO)

You are indeed correct to say that English and German are both Western Germanic languages thus facilitating the matter of the study of the one assuming a sound grasp of the other. However, as has been already cited within this page, English has absorbed a very considerable amount of Latinate vocabulary in the last 1,000 years or so since the Norman Conquest, for which reason it is something of an oddball within the Germanic family.

Mmmm... oddball...

A recent study on this matter put the percentage of Latin based words in English (according to the O.E.D. at 28.24%, which when combined with the 28.3% acquired from Old French and Norman (themselves both offshoots of Latin), gives you a total of 56.54% of the total language. Both of these are more significant than the percentage attributed to Old English and various other related languages (Dutch, Old Norwegian etc.) at 25&. However, it is also expedient to bear in mind the fact that about four fifths of the most common words in English are of Germanic origin.

How can 80% of English be Germanic in origin, yet 56.54% of English be Latinate in origin? Oh wait, you did say 80% of the "most common words," whatever those are, and however small a proportion of the total amount of words in the English language they are...

Of course, there's probably a fair number of English words that are compounds of Latin AND Germanic roots/-fixes, I'd wager.

On the other hand, while German will indeed have adopted various portions of Latinate vocabulary into its lexicon over the course of time, it will be of a substantially lesser degree than its English counterpart. Indeed, if memory serves, the Germans had a rather charming characteristic when it came to the adoption of new vocabulary to describe new technologies. A good example is that of the word "television". For those countries whose languages were of Romance in origin, there was precious little reason wherefore the English word could not be adapted into their own lexicon by virtue of the fact that the English word is already somewhat Latinate in itself. The Germans, on the other hand chose to take the etymology of television and translate that into German thus giving them the word "Fernsehen".

Whoa. Fernsehen. Trippy.

At 5/24/08 06:08 PM, Haggard wrote: As I've already stated, I don't know how many latin-derived words there are in the german language. Could be far less than 25%, or could be a little less than 25%...

What seems clear, though, is that it's certainly far less than the 56.54% in English, which is what I woulda guessed. #;-}>

Well, that "charming characterstic" developed to a very annoying habit of "everything that sounds like english is cool". For example, a mobile phone is called "handy". Sounds english (and is indeed a handy english word ;) ), but no one will understand me if I ask someone if he/she could lend me a "handy".


Also many companies tend to think that they are "cool" (or whatever you might call it) if they present an english slogan for their marketing. However, "Powered by emotion", "Come in and find out" or similar slogans will not be understood by many people. Especially the older generations can't speak that well, thus they will not understand those slogans, or translate them completly wrong.

Japan's been doing that since at LEAST the 1980s, as I found out while living there in 88 to 91.

But back to the word "television". The funny thing is that "TV" (for "television") is the common abbriviation for "Fernseher" in Germany. But no one would use the word "television" in common speech. ^^

Well, it's pretty rare that anyone in America says "television" instead of TV, too, yanno.

At 5/24/08 06:25 PM, Perceptor wrote: Hmm, unfortunately, that does indeed appear to be a characteristic that is being copied around the world to a rather alarming extent, much to my chagrin. The Japanese are absolutely infamous therefor when it comes to a lot of contemporary culture.


And then on the other hand, we have the French, who actually have a governmental effort to prevent too many English words from entering their vocabulary, eh? So... it all balances out between countries that don't mind English words creeping in... and countries that do.

One thing's for certain. By a few 100 years from now, we'll all be speaking a mix of Chinese, English, and/or Spanish (in decreasing order of likelihood in terms of as a "solo worldwide language"). GOOD LUCK TO US.

My favourite example, however, of poor usage of English (specifically in translation) is that of a Coca Cola advert a few decades ago. Apparently, the slogan "Come alive to the Coca Cola generation" when translated into one particular language read something along the lines of "Coca Cola brings your dead relatives back to life."

Haha. Yes, I've heard of that one. What country was that slogan mistranslated in, though?

At 5/24/08 08:45 PM, ReconRebel wrote: Aliens and Star Trek II are good examples of sequels that did better than the originals.

Also... Alien is probably better than Aliens from an artistic standpoint, but from an enjoyment/entertainment standpoint, Aliens wins.

ST II is better than ST I in just about any measurement.

I'd throw Empire Strikes Back in there as well. Nothing against Star Wars... but ep 5 is just way better than ep 4. They're both better than ep 6, of course.

A huge exception to these examples is Indiana Jones, where the 2nd one is the worst one, easily, IMO. Yes, even including the new 4th one. Man, did the 2nd one suck hard. 1 -> 3 -> 4 ->2

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2008-05-26 10:50:18

At 5/26/08 10:06 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 5/24/08 03:10 PM, Haggard wrote: Hehe. Yeah, the could as well write "Editieren" in the menu bar. ^^

It's time for a new revolution! (another marketing slogan, but fits in quite well here :D )

But I really don't know which language contains more latin-derived words. I didn't learn latin, so often I don't even know that a word is latin-derived, until someone tells me. XD
I took three years of Latin (and half a year of Greek), and I'm not always positive either, so what does THAT tell ya?

Hm, that you are as forgetful as me when it comes to languages? I learned french for 4 years, but my knowledge of french is VERY limited... ^^

I'm sure Spanish, French, and Italian have more than English does, in turn.
And that's why it would be good idea to learn latin first before learing those languages. Because then you have good knowledge of the basics of these languages. ^^
(English, duh) -> Spanish -> Japanese -> Latin -> Greek -> French


Quite a lot languages there... I had english in school and french (as mentioned above). I only took french because I needed a second foreign language for the Abitur (= German university entrance qualification). I had the choice of learning french from 7th to 10th grade or learning spanish from 11th to 13th grade.
However, 11th to 13th grade is the Oberstufe (or "sixth form" how the british call it), and I thought it would be easier to choose french earlier on (and it was indeed).

So, (German obviously) -> English -> French

Doesn't make that much sense either. ^^

At 5/24/08 05:50 PM, Perceptor wrote:
The Germans, on the other hand chose to take the etymology of television and translate that into German thus giving them the word "Fernsehen".

Whoa. Fernsehen. Trippy.

Yes. A word by word translation of "television". ^^

At 5/24/08 06:08 PM, Haggard wrote: Also many companies tend to think that they are "cool" (or whatever you might call it) if they present an english slogan for their marketing. However, "Powered by emotion", "Come in and find out" or similar slogans will not be understood by many people. Especially the older generations can't speak that well, thus they will not understand those slogans, or translate them completly wrong.
Japan's been doing that since at LEAST the 1980s, as I found out while living there in 88 to 91.

Good to know that my country isn't the only one who does that.... -_-

But back to the word "television". The funny thing is that "TV" (for "television") is the common abbriviation for "Fernseher" in Germany. But no one would use the word "television" in common speech. ^^
Well, it's pretty rare that anyone in America says "television" instead of TV, too, yanno.

Yeah, but "fernsehen" or "Fernseher" are often used in common speech.

At 5/24/08 06:25 PM, Perceptor wrote: My favourite example, however, of poor usage of English (specifically in translation) is that of a Coca Cola advert a few decades ago. Apparently, the slogan "Come alive to the Coca Cola generation" when translated into one particular language read something along the lines of "Coca Cola brings your dead relatives back to life."
Haha. Yes, I've heard of that one. What country was that slogan mistranslated in, though?

China. And it was Pepsi, not Coca Cola. ;)

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2008-05-26 11:54:15


(come on, dude.... speaking above your station? What do you think this is, a caste system in India? FREEDOM OF TEH SPEECH, MOFO)

Yes, yes, I know that you're not going to have a caste based system on Newgrounds; the only reason why I was erring on the side of caution was the fact that I am aware of the particular nature of this thread. Seeing as I'm not even classed as a regular yet, it wouldn't be implausible for someone to regard it as being just a tad presumptuous of me to start posting in a thread for people who are a level above that.

How can 80% of English be Germanic in origin, yet 56.54% of English be Latinate in origin? Oh wait, you did say 80% of the "most common words," whatever those are, and however small a proportion of the total amount of words in the English language they are...

Like I said, this 80% only applies to the most commonly used words in the English language. While English may have an absolutely insane number of linguistic doublets between Latinate and Germanic words, there are quite a few cases in which the Germanic word is nearly always used. If you walk into a house or a room, you go through a door, but would you ever say that you went through a portal? No, firstly, it sounds odd and pretentious even to my ears, and that's saying something. Secondly, the word "door" has become so entrenched in the English language that portal never had much of a chance. Thirdly, since the last few decades and the increasing rise of science-fiction, the word "portal" has taken on a rather different usage, thus further alienating it from the possibility of everyday use.

And then on the other hand, we have the French, who actually have a governmental effort to prevent too many English words from entering their vocabulary, eh? So... it all balances out between countries that don't mind English words creeping in... and countries that do.

Yes, if memory serves, there is a law in place banning the use of English words when there is a perfectly good word to express the same concept in French.

One thing's for certain. By a few 100 years from now, we'll all be speaking a mix of Chinese, English, and/or Spanish (in decreasing order of likelihood in terms of as a "solo worldwide language"). GOOD LUCK TO US.

Personally, I would almost wish that the major worldwide language would be something other than English. Frankly, the British, and the Americans to a very large extent, are pretty dire when it comes to learning other languages. The logic of "But everyone speaks English, don't they?" is so prevalent that getting people to appreciate the value of actually taking the effort to learn languages is quite arduous on occasion. However, it can pay dividends for you if used correctly; a former teacher of mine told me about this from her time in India. She said that if you speak to someone in English, they'll accept it simply by virtue of it being an official language. If you speak with them in Hindi, you'll earn some respect from them due to you having taken at least some effort to speak to them on their level. However, if you speak to them in the language they used in their village, you've just earned yourself massive brownie points, so to speak.

Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2008-05-30 19:41:27

To those who supported my epic speech:


At 5/24/08 08:45 PM, ReconRebel wrote:
At 5/24/08 01:10 PM, Bahamut wrote: We shouldn't have our good reputation ruined due to bitterness from the older Wi/Ht?'ers.
I hate everyone equally. >:-(

You're not nice! >:(

They also made me think that the Wi/Ht? Regulars List should return.
Aliens and Star Trek II are good examples-


At 5/24/08 01:25 PM, Casualty wrote: <Crowd chants>Bahamut! Bahamut! Bahamut!</Crowd chants>
Happy Birthday Bahamut!

I'm afraid you're 6 weeks too early for that.

Well said Bahamut, but what was the middle part again? **wink**

Which middle part do you mean exactly?

At 5/26/08 09:52 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 5/23/08 10:40 PM, Bahamut wrote: Haha. I was thinking of taking that 1000th reply, but I thought "No, gfox must take it!" Damn you NEVR! You should have NEVR (lol) done that.
Um... A) I wasn't around in time.


B) If NEVR hadn't finally replied again after 17 hours of thread-silence, surely someone else would have posted without even noticing they were gonna be reply #1000, so isn't it better NEVR did it fully conscious of what post he was making in the thread?

Actually, the thread could have stayed quiet until you had the chance. I mean, before I posted this, this thread was on page 3!

C) I don't care about post landmarks in this particular thread. Sorry, guys. Only pentalist, VP list, and LUL threadmarks impress or thrill me. #;-}>

But you could have...Ah forget it!

And I know he didn't talk about me specifically, but I did ask what he thought about me.
Ah, so you feel you brought it on yourself by asking him that. Fair enough.

Yes I did. And going back to where he called the newer users shitty users, I thought I was in between and wanted to hear his thoughts about me.

By Flash, I meant making the damn movies.
Oh. I didn't know right-clicking was so important during teh making of flashes.

Well, it is.

gfoxcook does not have any Portal submissions.

That makes me very sad. :(

others such as LockClock updated the list.....

Why was I not aware of this?! :S

I assume you've got Anniversary for the Wii. What do you think of it?
I haven't played it too much. Too many other games for teh Wii to play. Yeah, I know, I overbought wayyyyy too many games for my Wii since getting it in late August of 2007. #;-}>

Agh, damn you and the amount of games you need to play. Myself, I still need to get Metroid Prime 3 and Twilight Princess done before I get SSBB, but that'll be impossible. XP

I really appreciate the support I'm getting from you and NEVR. :')
holds you up, like a bra:::

Bahamut the bra? o__O

At 5/24/08 01:09 PM, Bahamut wrote: Damn, I've said so much here. Please bear with me Wi/Ht? with this uber long essay of mine regarding this forum. Get yourself a cup of tea, coffee or whatever whilst reading these long-ass posts of mine. :)
Few points:

I think you'd mentioned before that the EGRL and NGTL were your first awe-inducing lists, and that you didn't really comprehend the pentalist at first. But what about my ol' top VP list updates? I was doing those when you came in late 2004 and were finding your bearings in early 2005, surely... wasn't I? Hm... now I can't recall when I retired from that to focus solely on the pentalist.

The Top VP updates I was looking forward to, but I knew I couldn't reach it at the time.. I knew I had to wait a year or two before I could enter the list. And well, it did take two years to get onto the VP list. It was the same for the Top EXP users. I didn't focus on it too much at first because it was a further goal to reach.


You mentioned Dogma's list being updated by absent, Denvish, Afro_Stud (twice) and life, but you didn't mention LockClock and others that did it earlier on... maybe they were before your time. But I think LockClock actually went through two periods of doing some fill-in updates, and the second period I thought was late enough that you'd have seen it... also, I think others, such as jonthomson and FIGMENTUM, may have even tried a single update way back when.

Again, why didn't I knew any of that until now?

Re: Xiivi "always running the Regulars List," that's sorta funny.... cause once upon a time many of us may have assumed RedCircle always would, seeing as how he created it. #;-}>

True, but the only updates by RedCircle I witnessed were the ones I became a regular and the one before that. Then it was temporary taken overy by Tommy and then Xiivi did it until late 2006.

But what have we learned from lists on this forum? They are organic. Every single list will, at some point, be updated by someone (or ones) other than the original creator. You taking on the pentalist is pretty much gonna complete that for the old classic ones (there are, of course, more recent lists, such as the new top 100 audio responses list, that haven't been around long enough to have more than one updater).

We'll just have to see. I can't see myself quitting anytime soon, but someday, those lists are likely to be passed onto someone else. Now, however, I'm gonna keep these updates running as long as I can.

But we can't go around prejudging all the candidates and trying to avoid electing people who will feel it's such an honour that now they can go all inactive. #;-}>

No, but all I was saying that several seemed to have lost activity in this forum after membership.

If this was in the General forum, it would have been a completely different story. You'd only get the idiots mindlessly bashing you for no apparrent reason. The Wi/Ht?'ers are the complete opposite of them and I appreciate that very much.
Hell no. This is Wi/Ht?. Even when someone bashes you, like Bonus just did, it isn't done mindlessly for no apparent reason, at least. #;-}>

Well, yes. There was Bonus bashing me, but at least it was just the one person doing that. It's gonna happen in this forum every now and again.

Oh, and if you managed to read all of that and understood everything, thanks once again! :D
Woot woot. You should edit all of that into a swell news comment in your profile, to serve as an enduring monument to your Wi/Ht?iness for ALL TIME. #;-}>

I'll make a news post containing all of that sometime, but that'll only be for a news post entry between #33 - 35. :P

Post #17777. Yay, lucky 7's...CURSE THAT 1!

Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2008-05-31 05:15:14

At 5/30/08 07:41 PM, Bahamut wrote:
I really appreciate the support I'm getting from you and NEVR. :')
holds you up, like a bra:::
Bahamut the bra? o__O


This is an alt opportunity.

Well, yes. There was Bonus bashing me, but at least it was just the one person doing that. It's gonna happen in this forum every now and again.

Bonus bashes most people, it's no big deal.

BBS Signature

Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2008-06-01 12:59:47

At 5/26/08 11:54 AM, Perceptor wrote:
(come on, dude.... speaking above your station? What do you think this is, a caste system in India? FREEDOM OF TEH SPEECH, MOFO)
Yes, yes, I know that you're not going to have a caste based system on Newgrounds; the only reason why I was erring on the side of caution was the fact that I am aware of the particular nature of this thread. Seeing as I'm not even classed as a regular yet, it wouldn't be implausible for someone to regard it as being just a tad presumptuous of me to start posting in a thread for people who are a level above that.

Don't you understand that acting like regulars are "people who are a level above you" and members are "people who are a level above that" is acting like there's a caste-based system here on Wi/Ht?, if not in Newgrounds in general? O_o

Dude... I don't judge people based on which "level" they've attained. And I certainly don't allow them or disallow them to post in various topics due to that. There are absolutely ZERO restrictions on who can post where on this forum. Every single user can post in every single topic. Freeing, eh?

Dividing people by Wi/Ht? "status" would be as stupid as only talking with people above a certain experience level. Do you think I view Coop any differently because he's in the 30s in exp level... than I do ramagi, for instance?

Like I said, this 80% only applies to the most commonly used words in the English language. While English may have an absolutely insane number of linguistic doublets between Latinate and Germanic words, there are quite a few cases in which the Germanic word is nearly always used. If you walk into a house or a room, you go through a door, but would you ever say that you went through a portal? No, firstly, it sounds odd and pretentious even to my ears, and that's saying something. Secondly, the word "door" has become so entrenched in the English language that portal never had much of a chance. Thirdly, since the last few decades and the increasing rise of science-fiction, the word "portal" has taken on a rather different usage, thus further alienating it from the possibility of everyday use.

The third point you made is the only real reason that using portal for door nowadays would be silly. Back in the 1800s, I'm pretty sure portal was used to mean door (or entryway or whatnot) more often than it is now.

And then on the other hand, we have the French, who actually have a governmental effort to prevent too many English words from entering their vocabulary, eh? So... it all balances out between countries that don't mind English words creeping in... and countries that do.
Yes, if memory serves, there is a law in place banning the use of English words when there is a perfectly good word to express the same concept in French.

There you go.

Japan, to its credit, has no problems with having two words for the same thing. They have a Japanese word and an English-based word for milk, for example. Just as, as you pointed out, English has so many Germanic-derived and Latin-derived terms for the same concepts. I love flexibility like that, though I'm sure it makes the language harder to learn for people who aren't children...

One thing's for certain. By a few 100 years from now, we'll all be speaking a mix of Chinese, English, and/or Spanish (in decreasing order of likelihood in terms of as a "solo worldwide language"). GOOD LUCK TO US.
Personally, I would almost wish that the major worldwide language would be something other than English.

I did just say that I put the odds highest on Chinese one day being the dominant language, didn't I (and then English, and then Spanish)? #;-}>

Frankly, the British, and the Americans to a very large extent, are pretty dire when it comes to learning other languages. The logic of "But everyone speaks English, don't they?" is so prevalent that getting people to appreciate the value of actually taking the effort to learn languages is quite arduous on occasion.

It's hard to counter that when half the signs in the city I lived in Japan for 3 years were in English, and the other half in Japanese. When a lot of countries mandate children learn English as basically the "official second language" of their country behind their own native tongue. For whatever global socio-political and economic reasons, English, thanks to the British and then the Americans, has reigned as the most important language for a lot of people to learn, especially if they want to do international business (or become an airline pilot, for that matter).

But like I said, I fully expect that Chinese and Spanish will contend with English for the "essential" crown.

Spanish is growing more and more important for people within the United States of America to learn. By 2050, half the US population will be at least partially Latino most likely.

You've got to realise that the reason the British never had a "second language" is that you look across the water from them to Europe, and there's a million choices. Granted, French, then Spanish and German, and finally Italian, are the most convenient choices due to the large countries that speak that most closely to it, and then perhaps Dutch, Portuguese, etc. etc....

But there was never a need to have any of those get promoted to be the "official second language" that I just mentioned English becoming in so many parts of the world.

Meanwhile, America has always had a choice for second language: French (due to Quebec/Canada to the north) and Spanish (due to all of Latin America sans-Portuguese-speaking-Brazil to the south).

Thanks to population growth, immigration patterns, and more and more people of mixed-race/ethnicity marriages and children, Spanish has defined itself as America's "must learn" 2nd language, just as English has done so for so many elsewhere on the globe.

So worry not, by 2050 or 2100, Americans won't be thought of as so resistant to learning more than just English, trust me.

However, it can pay dividends for you if used correctly; a former teacher of mine told me about this from her time in India. She said that if you speak to someone in English, they'll accept it simply by virtue of it being an official language. If you speak with them in Hindi, you'll earn some respect from them due to you having taken at least some effort to speak to them on their level. However, if you speak to them in the language they used in their village, you've just earned yourself massive brownie points, so to speak.

India has three tiers of language, due to the colonial language (English), the overarching regional/national language (Hindi), and the local languages that are so fractious and numerous.

So does China, with English, Mandarin/Cantonese, and then all the other variants as the three tiers.

But both of those systems are unsustainable over the decades. Both countries are going to become the dominant forces on the planet, thanks both to population and increasing urbanisation and technology-usage. As that happens, they will more and more converge on the top two tiers of language, and the bottom tier (the local one) will die out.

Just look at Ireland. People who speak Irish are very few now, English is king, but Irish was once widespread. Time + the modern world = eliminates a lot of culture.

It's just the way it is.

But on the plus side, when the number of languages on the planet reduces, the communication between people who used to war increases, and eventually everyone gets along better.

That's not always true, of course, but there is a correlation between langauge and conflict (or lack thereof). Do you really think it's a coincidence that the USA's closest allies, despite all the shit we've brought on ourselves thanks to Bush's administration's bullshit in Iraq.... are countries such as the UK and Australia? i.e. English-speaking countries with a common link of "hey, we were all British once."?

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2008-06-01 13:13:10

At 5/26/08 10:50 AM, Haggard wrote: It's time for a new revolution! (another marketing slogan, but fits in quite well here :D )

Is that an Apple/Mac slogan there in Germany or something? #;-}>

Hm, that you are as forgetful as me when it comes to languages? I learned french for 4 years, but my knowledge of french is VERY limited... ^^

No, that determining the etymology of words is very different than learning a language for spoken/written communication purposes!

Quite a lot languages there... I had english in school and french (as mentioned above). I only took french because I needed a second foreign language for the Abitur (= German university entrance qualification). I had the choice of learning french from 7th to 10th grade or learning spanish from 11th to 13th grade.
However, 11th to 13th grade is the Oberstufe (or "sixth form" how the british call it), and I thought it would be easier to choose french earlier on (and it was indeed).

So in Germany every kid basically learns German, English, and Spanish, or German, English, and French? For serious? That's pretty cool.

So, (German obviously) -> English -> French

Doesn't make that much sense either. ^^

Yeah, but you didn't switch as many times as me, so... And you're way closer to fluent in your second language than I am in my... uh... I don't even really know which of the languages I've learned some of counts as my second. I guess Spanish.

Well, it's pretty rare that anyone in America says "television" instead of TV, too, yanno.
Yeah, but "fernsehen" or "Fernseher" are often used in common speech.

Probably not written or typed down too often, though, right? Television is certainly said outloud way more often than it is ever typed down on teh intrawebs, for instance, proportionally speaking.

Haha. Yes, I've heard of that one. What country was that slogan mistranslated in, though?
China. And it was Pepsi, not Coca Cola. ;)

That makes a lot more sense, since "Pepsi Generation" was a stupid-ass marketing idea here in America first, of course. I'd never heard "Coca Cola Generation" before, but I figured it was possible Coke used that somewhere in the world, if not here. #;-}>

At 5/30/08 07:41 PM, Bahamut wrote: To those who supported my epic speech:


You're welcome. But TBH, it wasn't THAT epic. It was mostly just long. #;-}>

At 5/26/08 09:52 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 5/23/08 10:40 PM, Bahamut wrote: Haha. I was thinking of taking that 1000th reply, but I thought "No, gfox must take it!" Damn you NEVR! You should have NEVR (lol) done that.
Um... A) I wasn't around in time.


B) If NEVR hadn't finally replied again after 17 hours of thread-silence, surely someone else would have posted without even noticing they were gonna be reply #1000, so isn't it better NEVR did it fully conscious of what post he was making in the thread?
Actually, the thread could have stayed quiet until you had the chance. I mean, before I posted this, this thread was on page 3!

Noobs constantly bump topics from 3-9 months ago. You think this topic would be exempt from that chance? Also, there's always the middle layer between regulars and noobs, who might bump this and say "hey, how do I become a member here?"

Which has happened before, after all. Page 3 isn't safe. NO PAGE IS SAFE.

There's this little thing called the "search bar." #;-}>

C) I don't care about post landmarks in this particular thread. Sorry, guys. Only pentalist, VP list, and LUL threadmarks impress or thrill me. #;-}>
But you could have...Ah forget it!

I DON'T CARE. #;-}>

Yes I did. And going back to where he called the newer users shitty users, I thought I was in between and wanted to hear his thoughts about me.

And so you did. I HOPE YOU'RE HAPPY.

By Flash, I meant making the damn movies.
Oh. I didn't know right-clicking was so important during teh making of flashes.
Well, it is.

gfoxcook does not have any Portal submissions.

That makes me very sad. :(

I've used flash before. Just a bit. Not enough to learn to use the right-click menu in it, clearly. O_o

Agh, damn you and the amount of games you need to play. Myself, I still need to get Metroid Prime 3 and Twilight Princess done before I get SSBB, but that'll be impossible. XP

You don't need to finish them before you get Brawl. I mean, you COULD finish them first, but it's not really required, man.

I really appreciate the support I'm getting from you and NEVR. :')
holds you up, like a bra:::
Bahamut the bra? o__O

Uh... that meant :::gfox holds you up to support you, just like a bra supports (holds up) teh boobies:::

Capisce, now? I didn't say you were like a bra, I said what I was doing to you was like a bra... ON YOU. #;-}>

The Top VP updates I was looking forward to, but I knew I couldn't reach it at the time.. I knew I had to wait a year or two before I could enter the list. And well, it did take two years to get onto the VP list. It was the same for the Top EXP users. I didn't focus on it too much at first because it was a further goal to reach.

Ah. Damned realism. #;-}>

Again, why didn't I knew any of that until now?


(or read all the pages of the list topics!)

Re: Xiivi "always running the Regulars List," that's sorta funny.... cause once upon a time many of us may have assumed RedCircle always would, seeing as how he created it. #;-}>
True, but the only updates by RedCircle I witnessed were the ones I became a regular and the one before that. Then it was temporary taken overy by Tommy and then Xiivi did it until late 2006.

See, I didn't remember Tommy ever updated it. So you've got one bit o' memory over me. #;-}>

I probably wasn't around much when he was temporarily updating it.

No, but all I was saying that several seemed to have lost activity in this forum after membership.

That fact is indisputable, but just like with assigning blame to the Thread Thread incident for people falling off the face of the planet Wi/Ht?, we can't assign blame solely on membership for some of those users disappearing. Some of them/many of them/or even all of them may have fallen off the face of the planet even without being elected. YA NEVER KNOW, unless you gots a time machine and the ability to change the results of the elections.

Well, yes. There was Bonus bashing me, but at least it was just the one person doing that. It's gonna happen in this forum every now and again.

Helps for relieving stress.

I'll make a news post containing all of that sometime, but that'll only be for a news post entry between #33 - 35. :P


Post #17777. Yay, lucky 7's...CURSE THAT 1!

Just need 60,000 more, man.

At 5/31/08 05:15 AM, NEVR wrote:
At 5/30/08 07:41 PM, Bahamut wrote:
holds you up, like a bra:::
Bahamut the bra? o__O

This is an alt opportunity.

Oh vey... such a misunderstanding by how Bahamut didn't read that INTRAWEB ACTION the same way I intended it to be read. OH WELL.

Well, yes. There was Bonus bashing me, but at least it was just the one person doing that. It's gonna happen in this forum every now and again.
Bonus bashes most people, it's no big deal.

Why won't he bash ME more? ;_;

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2008-06-01 14:57:41

At 6/1/08 01:13 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 5/26/08 10:50 AM, Haggard wrote: It's time for a new revolution! (another marketing slogan, but fits in quite well here :D )
Is that an Apple/Mac slogan there in Germany or something? #;-}>

No, it's a slogan for a car "which everyone can afford". But I don't know the brand of the car... ^^

Hm, that you are as forgetful as me when it comes to languages? I learned french for 4 years, but my knowledge of french is VERY limited... ^^
No, that determining the etymology of words is very different than learning a language for spoken/written communication purposes!

Oh. Oh yeah.

Quite a lot languages there... I had english in school and french (as mentioned above). I only took french because I needed a second foreign language for the Abitur (= German university entrance qualification). I had the choice of learning french from 7th to 10th grade or learning spanish from 11th to 13th grade.
However, 11th to 13th grade is the Oberstufe (or "sixth form" how the british call it), and I thought it would be easier to choose french earlier on (and it was indeed).
So in Germany every kid basically learns German, English, and Spanish, or German, English, and French? For serious? That's pretty cool.

Every kid that wants to recieve his/her Abitur, yes. Of course you can choose every other language as well, if the school offers to learn such a language.
At my school I could choose between French (from grade 7 to 10) or Spanish or Latin from grade 11 to 13.

Of course, if a kid leaves school after the 9th ("Hauptschulabschluss") or the 10th ("Realschulabschluss") grade, then he/she doesn't have to bother learning a second language.

But every kid here definatly learns english in school. Which is a cool thing as well.

So, (German obviously) -> English -> French

Doesn't make that much sense either. ^^
Yeah, but you didn't switch as many times as me, so... And you're way closer to fluent in your second language than I am in my... uh... I don't even really know which of the languages I've learned some of counts as my second. I guess Spanish.

I don't know... I was always pretty bad at french, because I don't like the language, because of all those nasals. And hardly ever you pronounce a word like it is written. That's pretty difficult if you are trying to learn the language.

Well, it's pretty rare that anyone in America says "television" instead of TV, too, yanno.
Yeah, but "fernsehen" or "Fernseher" are often used in common speech.
Probably not written or typed down too often, though, right? Television is certainly said outloud way more often than it is ever typed down on teh intrawebs, for instance, proportionally speaking.

Well, you wouldn't write "Ich guck jetzt Television" (="I'm watching television"). You would either use "Fernsehen" or "TV", but never "Television". Yet, "TV" is the only abbriviation for the word "Fernsehen". ^^

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2008-06-05 02:09:32

At 6/1/08 02:57 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 6/1/08 01:13 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 5/26/08 10:50 AM, Haggard wrote: It's time for a new revolution! (another marketing slogan, but fits in quite well here :D )
Is that an Apple/Mac slogan there in Germany or something? #;-}>
No, it's a slogan for a car "which everyone can afford". But I don't know the brand of the car... ^^

Whoa. O_O

The only TRUE "revolutionary" car would be one that runs on AIR, man. Air.

No, that determining the etymology of words is very different than learning a language for spoken/written communication purposes!
Oh. Oh yeah.


Every kid that wants to recieve his/her Abitur, yes. Of course you can choose every other language as well, if the school offers to learn such a language.
At my school I could choose between French (from grade 7 to 10) or Spanish or Latin from grade 11 to 13.

What's Abitur? A degree?

Of course, if a kid leaves school after the 9th ("Hauptschulabschluss") or the 10th ("Realschulabschluss") grade, then he/she doesn't have to bother learning a second language.

Oh, not even a second one? Let alone a third one?

But every kid here definatly learns english in school. Which is a cool thing as well.

... so wait, by second language, you meant second in addition to English. #;-}>

I don't know... I was always pretty bad at french, because I don't like the language, because of all those nasals. And hardly ever you pronounce a word like it is written. That's pretty difficult if you are trying to learn the language.

Yes, but my point was you're fluent in German and effectively fluent in English, so...

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2008-06-05 04:54:06

At 6/5/08 02:09 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 6/1/08 02:57 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 6/1/08 01:13 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 5/26/08 10:50 AM, Haggard wrote: It's time for a new revolution! (another marketing slogan, but fits in quite well here :D )
Is that an Apple/Mac slogan there in Germany or something? #;-}>
No, it's a slogan for a car "which everyone can afford". But I don't know the brand of the car... ^^
Whoa. O_O

The only TRUE "revolutionary" car would be one that runs on AIR, man. Air.

No doubt.

Every kid that wants to recieve his/her Abitur, yes. Of course you can choose every other language as well, if the school offers to learn such a language.
At my school I could choose between French (from grade 7 to 10) or Spanish or Latin from grade 11 to 13.
What's Abitur? A degree?

Yes. The highest school leaving certificate you can achieve.

Of course, if a kid leaves school after the 9th ("Hauptschulabschluss") or the 10th ("Realschulabschluss") grade, then he/she doesn't have to bother learning a second language.
Oh, not even a second one? Let alone a third one?

But every kid here definatly learns english in school. Which is a cool thing as well.
... so wait, by second language, you meant second in addition to English. #;-}>

Oh... yeah. I meant "second foreign language".

I don't know... I was always pretty bad at french, because I don't like the language, because of all those nasals. And hardly ever you pronounce a word like it is written. That's pretty difficult if you are trying to learn the language.
Yes, but my point was you're fluent in German and effectively fluent in English, so...

Yeah, I misunderstood you there. As I was talking about a "second language" and actually meant a "second foreign language" I thought you were talking about a "second foreign language" as well when you wrote "second language". ^^

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2008-06-06 22:53:31

At 6/5/08 04:54 AM, Haggard wrote:
At 6/5/08 02:09 AM, gfoxcook wrote: The only TRUE "revolutionary" car would be one that runs on AIR, man. Air.
No doubt.

Of course, normal cars do run on air. But air with little bits of gasoline sprayed in, so... yeah... not as cheap. #;-}>

... so wait, by second language, you meant second in addition to English. #;-}>
Oh... yeah. I meant "second foreign language".


Yes, but my point was you're fluent in German and effectively fluent in English, so...
Yeah, I misunderstood you there. As I was talking about a "second language" and actually meant a "second foreign language" I thought you were talking about a "second foreign language" as well when you wrote "second language". ^^

Yeah, by second language I meant "first foreign language." #;-}>

We sometimes don't think of the language we THINK in as being a language we've learned, but of course it is, even if it is the "default" setting in our brains.

And the main reason I refer to the 1st foreign language as a second language is that in America a common concept for immigrant students is "ESL" (English as a Second Language). So that's just the common way to refer to it. How German and Japanese (and perhaps some other countries) kids learn English almost by default after they learn their native tongues earlier on.... is "ESL" to us.

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2008-06-07 09:27:51

At 5/31/08 05:15 AM, NEVR wrote:
At 5/30/08 07:41 PM, Bahamut wrote: Bahamut the bra? o__O

This is an alt opportunity.

Yes, but I don't feel like making any more alts and depositing them. If you or someone else wants to take that name, fine by me.

Well, yes. There was Bonus bashing me, but at least it was just the one person doing that. It's gonna happen in this forum every now and again.
Bonus bashes most people, it's no big deal.

He appeared to bash those who didn't vote gfox for best poster on the BBS awards, but that's OK. XP

At 6/1/08 01:13 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 5/30/08 07:41 PM, Bahamut wrote: To those who supported my epic speech:

You're welcome. But TBH, it wasn't THAT epic. It was mostly just long. #;-}>

Well, NEVR and Haggard declared it as epic and since it was made by me, it HAD to be epic!

Actually, the thread could have stayed quiet until you had the chance. I mean, before I posted this, this thread was on page 3!
Noobs constantly bump topics from 3-9 months ago. You think this topic would be exempt from that chance? Also, there's always the middle layer between regulars and noobs, who might bump this and say "hey, how do I become a member here?"

I'm pretty sure this thread would have been OK for another 17 hours.

Which has happened before, after all. Page 3 isn't safe. NO PAGE IS SAFE.

There's this little thing called the "search bar." #;-}>

Yes, but no-one has asked that since, unless I'm forgetting someone.

Yes I did. And going back to where he called the newer users shitty users, I thought I was in between and wanted to hear his thoughts about me.
And so you did. I HOPE YOU'RE HAPPY.


Well, it is.

gfoxcook does not have any Portal submissions.

That makes me very sad. :(
I've used flash before. Just a bit. Not enough to learn to use the right-click menu in it, clearly. O_o

Right-click frames on timetables to insert keyframes.

Agh, damn you and the amount of games you need to play. Myself, I still need to get Metroid Prime 3 and Twilight Princess done before I get SSBB, but that'll be impossible. XP
You don't need to finish them before you get Brawl. I mean, you COULD finish them first, but it's not really required, man.

I feel I need to complete these games sooner, but I can't if Mario Kart Wii is now in my way. I've lost some determination to winning all the Grand Prix races after finding out ROB isn't in the game. *sigh* So there is a reason to keep Mario Kart DS.

Bahamut the bra? o__O
Uh... that meant :::gfox holds you up to support you, just like a bra supports (holds up) teh boobies:::

I know, I know.

The Top VP updates I was looking forward to, but I knew I couldn't reach it at the time.. I knew I had to wait a year or two before I could enter the list. And well, it did take two years to get onto the VP list. It was the same for the Top EXP users. I didn't focus on it too much at first because it was a further goal to reach.
Ah. Damned realism. #;-}>


Again, why didn't I knew any of that until now?

Or maybe I caused them. ;)

(or read all the pages of the list topics!)

I could, but there's too much. Sometime, I'll check it out. :)

True, but the only updates by RedCircle I witnessed were the ones I became a regular and the one before that. Then it was temporary taken overy by Tommy and then Xiivi did it until late 2006.
See, I didn't remember Tommy ever updated it. So you've got one bit o' memory over me. #;-}>

I easily remembered him updating once because:

1. He held an update or two after the one where I became a regular.
2. I was looking through all the regulars updates when preparing to revive it.

I'll make a news post containing all of that sometime, but that'll only be for a news post entry between #33 - 35. :P

Okay? Okay?! I thought you would have been more excited than that!

Post #17777. Yay, lucky 7's...CURSE THAT 1!
Just need 60,000 more, man.

I know, but that'll take years!

Bonus bashes most people, it's no big deal.
Why won't he bash ME more? ;_;

He likes you too much.

Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2008-06-07 10:06:17

At 6/6/08 10:53 PM, gfoxcook wrote: We sometimes don't think of the language we THINK in as being a language we've learned, but of course it is, even if it is the "default" setting in our brains.

Yes, that's what got me to write "second language" while meaning "second foreign language" I guess. Of course one learns his/her native language, but it somehow seems as if one didn't... because one could speak that language without even going to school.
But one HAS to learn it nevertheless. ^^

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2008-06-08 23:40:01

At 6/7/08 09:27 AM, Bahamut wrote: Yes, but I don't feel like making any more alts and depositing them. If you or someone else wants to take that name, fine by me.


You heard it here, folks. TEH BAHAMUT HAS REACHED THE LIMIT.

They said it couldn't be done.

He appeared to bash those who didn't vote gfox for best poster on the BBS awards, but that's OK. XP


Like I said in that thread. 50% (if not more) of the people voting in those things every year never leave General. And since I haven't posted (much) in General since 2003, who can blame those General folks for not even knowing who I am? Yanno?

I'm like Dennis Kucinich.

Who you either don't know, or if you DO know him.... you know exactly what I mean. #;-}>

Back in 2003... I coulda been a contender... I coulda been a Barack Obama.

At 6/1/08 01:13 PM, gfoxcook wrote: You're welcome. But TBH, it wasn't THAT epic. It was mostly just long. #;-}>
Well, NEVR and Haggard declared it as epic and since it was made by me, it HAD to be epic!

.... :::stifles urge to yawn again:::

Yes, but no-one has asked that since, unless I'm forgetting someone.

Noobs asking how to become teh Wi/Ht? members? It may not have happened RECENTLY, but trust me, that's been the reason for this topic being bumped many times in the past. Read up on some ol' pages if you like. I'd guesstimate in the 5-10 pagerange especially.

I feel I need to complete these games sooner, but I can't if Mario Kart Wii is now in my way. I've lost some determination to winning all the Grand Prix races after finding out ROB isn't in the game. *sigh* So there is a reason to keep Mario Kart DS.


Whoa... you mean ROB's in DS? Fascinating.

Uh... that meant :::gfox holds you up to support you, just like a bra supports (holds up) teh boobies:::
I know, I know.

Okay. Damn that multi-interpretable English language and all. #;-}>

Again, why didn't I knew any of that until now?
Or maybe I caused them. ;)



I could, but there's too much. Sometime, I'll check it out. :)

Someday... when you're REALLY REALLY bored... living in the retirement home.


Or the looney bin.


Okay? Okay?! I thought you would have been more excited than that!

:::takes a big breath:::

WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOO......... :::more inhaling::: HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooo...

Post #17777. Yay, lucky 7's...CURSE THAT 1!
Just need 60,000 more, man.
I know, but that'll take years!

Not if you contradict ZAAL disease.

He likes you too much.

You mean he FANCIES me too much. BIG DIFFERENCE.

At 6/7/08 10:06 AM, Haggard wrote:
At 6/6/08 10:53 PM, gfoxcook wrote: We sometimes don't think of the language we THINK in as being a language we've learned, but of course it is, even if it is the "default" setting in our brains.
Yes, that's what got me to write "second language" while meaning "second foreign language" I guess. Of course one learns his/her native language, but it somehow seems as if one didn't... because one could speak that language without even going to school.
But one HAS to learn it nevertheless. ^^

Before one learns it from their family, friends, TV, school, overhearing people on the street, what have you.... before then, there is already thought in the brain, of course.

What "language" babies hear in their own minds... is a fascinating study in teh brain science areas and linguistics and such as well.

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2008-06-24 20:36:41

At 6/8/08 11:40 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 6/7/08 09:27 AM, Bahamut wrote: Yes, but I don't feel like making any more alts and depositing them. If you or someone else wants to take that name, fine by me.

You heard it here, folks. TEH BAHAMUT HAS REACHED THE LIMIT.

They said it couldn't be done.

Nah, I would have stopped eventually and I wish to stop now. I seriously have enough already.

Like I said in that thread. 50% (if not more) of the people voting in those things every year never leave General. And since I haven't posted (much) in General since 2003, who can blame those General folks for not even knowing who I am? Yanno?

They don't lurk enough in other forums.

Back in 2003... I coulda been a contender... I coulda been a Barack Obama.

You could have been the president of America? XD

Well, NEVR and Haggard declared it as epic and since it was made by me, it HAD to be epic!
.... :::stifles urge to yawn again:::


Yes, but no-one has asked that since, unless I'm forgetting someone.
Noobs asking how to become teh Wi/Ht? members? It may not have happened RECENTLY, but trust me, that's been the reason for this topic being bumped many times in the past. Read up on some ol' pages if you like. I'd guesstimate in the 5-10 pagerange especially.

I was pretty sure we'd have been OK anyway.

...I shouldn't keep this argument going, but oh well.

I feel I need to complete these games sooner, but I can't if Mario Kart Wii is now in my way. I've lost some determination to winning all the Grand Prix races after finding out ROB isn't in the game. *sigh* So there is a reason to keep Mario Kart DS.

Whoa... you mean ROB's in DS? Fascinating.

Yeah. Infact, I think that was his first video game appearance besides the actual ROB for the NES.

Or maybe I caused them. ;)

Yes, that's right.



I could, but there's too much. Sometime, I'll check it out. :)
Someday... when you're REALLY REALLY bored... living in the retirement home.

Are the elderly allowed to go on the Internet? I mean, they can't go to libraries, the games room, read newspapers, etc.

...That Simpsons episode I'm referring to here was actually on today.


Or the looney bin.


Okay? Okay?! I thought you would have been more excited than that!
takes a big breath:::
WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOO......... :::more inhaling::: HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooo...

That's more like it! :)

I know, but that'll take years!
Not if you contradict ZAAL disease.

Which will never happen.

He likes you too much.
You mean he FANCIES me too much. BIG DIFFERENCE.

Well, yes.

Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2008-06-26 23:04:28

At 6/24/08 08:36 PM, Bahamut wrote:
At 6/8/08 11:40 PM, gfoxcook wrote:

Jebus, Bahamut... the topic was resting nice and peacefully after 16 days... and then you had to go and unbury it. #;-}>


At 6/7/08 09:27 AM, Bahamut wrote: Yes, but I don't feel like making any more alts and depositing them. If you or someone else wants to take that name, fine by me.
You heard it here, folks. TEH BAHAMUT HAS REACHED THE LIMIT.
Nah, I would have stopped eventually and I wish to stop now. I seriously have enough already.

I see.

A LIKELY STORY, amiright?

Like I said in that thread. 50% (if not more) of the people voting in those things every year never leave General. And since I haven't posted (much) in General since 2003, who can blame those General folks for not even knowing who I am? Yanno?
They don't lurk enough in other forums.

But neither do I in others beyond this one, so who am I to talk?

Of course, it helps that this is the BEST forum, but still... it's not like the others are all as shitty as General is. #;-}>

Back in 2003... I coulda been a contender... I coulda been a Barack Obama.
You could have been the president of America? XD

.... Well... I wasn't 35 yet (and I'm still not), but... YEAH, YOU GET THE GENERAL IDEA.

Well, NEVR and Haggard declared it as epic and since it was made by me, it HAD to be epic!
.... :::stifles urge to yawn again:::

:::finally yawns::: Yeah... okay.

I was pretty sure we'd have been OK anyway.

...I shouldn't keep this argument going, but oh well.


Whoa... you mean ROB's in DS? Fascinating.
Yeah. Infact, I think that was his first video game appearance besides the actual ROB for the NES.

So we have Mario Kart DS to thank for ROB being in Brawl, perhaps?

Yes, that's right.







Are the elderly allowed to go on the Internet? I mean, they can't go to libraries, the games room, read newspapers, etc.

................. last time I checked, retirement homes weren't prisons or mental institutes, man. O_O

...That Simpsons episode I'm referring to here was actually on today.

Ohhhh... you base your view of reality on what you've learned from the Simpsons.

A) I thought you hated Simpsons due to your love for Futurama
B) Simpsons is why you aren't open to becoming a Star Wars fan, so THE SIMPSONS IS NOW DEAD TO ME


Or the looney bin.


WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOO......... :::more inhaling::: HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooo...
That's more like it! :)

Okay.... now.. I don't even remember what I was pretending to be so enthusiastic about, but... oh well. Such is teh lifes.

He likes you too much.
You mean he FANCIES me too much. BIG DIFFERENCE.
Well, yes.

Or no.


gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2008-06-27 19:39:30

At 6/26/08 11:04 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 6/24/08 08:36 PM, Bahamut wrote:
Jebus, Bahamut... the topic was resting nice and peacefully after 16 days... and then you had to go and unbury it. #;-}>

Thread grave digging?

Nah, I would have stopped eventually and I wish to stop now. I seriously have enough already.
I see.

A LIKELY STORY, amiright?

It's true.

They don't lurk enough in other forums.
But neither do I in others beyond this one, so who am I to talk?

You deserve more credit.

You could have been the president of America? XD
.... Well... I wasn't 35 yet (and I'm still not), but... YEAH, YOU GET THE GENERAL IDEA.

Please be the president after whoever the fuck is next.

Well, NEVR and Haggard declared it as epic and since it was made by me, it HAD to be epic!
.... :::stifles urge to yawn again:::
finally yawns::: Yeah... okay.

Why must you yawn so much?

...I shouldn't keep this argument going, but oh well.

Mortal Kombat guy?

Yeah. Infact, I think that was his first video game appearance besides the actual ROB for the NES.
So we have Mario Kart DS to thank for ROB being in Brawl, perhaps?

Yes we should. Whenever I get Brawl, I'm gonna do my best to unlock ROB.

Are the elderly allowed to go on the Internet? I mean, they can't go to libraries, the games room, read newspapers, etc.
................. last time I checked, retirement homes weren't prisons or mental institutes, man. O_O

I thought they were. XP

...That Simpsons episode I'm referring to here was actually on today.
Ohhhh... you base your view of reality on what you've learned from the Simpsons.

Yeah, that was it.

A) I thought you hated Simpsons due to your love for Futurama

Only the new Simpsons. The old Simpsons are great. Anything made after the cancellation of Futurama in 2003 can die in a fire. I could easily make a top 25/50 worst Simpsons episodes thanks to seasons 15 - 19.

B) Simpsons is why you aren't open to becoming a Star Wars fan

That and Family Guy.


Bastard! Bastard! Bastard! XP

That's more like it! :)
Okay.... now.. I don't even remember what I was pretending to be so enthusiastic about, but... oh well. Such is teh lifes.

And neither was I. Oh well, I'll remember it if I reread the last page or two, which I won't do right now.

Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2008-08-27 21:17:55

The votes for the latest Wi/Ht election have been tallied and 3 more people have made the list. There was only one tie this time around and seven of the twelve nominees received votes. My thanks to all the members who participated.

... and the winners are;

#36 Auz
#37 Wylo
#38 Haggard

Congratulations to Auz, Wylo and Haggard! If there's a frosty in the fridge, now's the time to crack it!

Where is/How to? Memberlist

Levels --- Badges

Chaos, panic and disorder; my work here is done.

BBS Signature

Response to Where is/How to? Memberlist 2008-08-27 22:59:00

At 8/27/08 09:17 PM, ReconRebel wrote: The votes for the latest Wi/Ht election have been tallied and 3 more people have made the list. There was only one tie this time around and seven of the twelve nominees received votes. My thanks to all the members who participated.


... and the winners are;

*rolls drums*

#36 Auz
#37 Wylo
#38 Haggard

Big congratulations, guys. Very well deserved. I have no idea why Auz wasn't a member yet. Wylo does a great job with the VP list and Haggard... is Haggard. Three great additions to the Memberlist!

Congratulations to Auz, Wylo and Haggard! If there's a frosty in the fridge, now's the time to crack it!

Sure, but I have a "request".

Leave #36 a blank spot. Move Auz to #37 and so on.

Then we wait the next elections to make gfox's dream come true: making 36Holla #36 on page 36. Beautiful, just from imagining that.

Oh, and a question: when are the next elections?

Once again, congrats!