At 1/3/04 08:11 AM, jonthomson wrote:At 1/2/04 10:42 PM, gfoxcook wrote:Glad you like the new format. Still waiting to hear what jon has to say. I'm gonna guess he prefers the new way as well, but I'm open to suggestions.Yeah, it looks better. Suppose for you and me you could put _'s in as opposed to leading zeroes in the user ID#, but that's the only thing I'd suggest.
Good idea. I'll try to remember it next time a member's added.
At 1/3/04 03:54 PM, Afterburner wrote:At 1/3/04 12:00 PM, leeboy105 wrote: I think it would be a lot simpler if we just drew up a shortlist of potential members and then everyone already in the club had one vote. It would be simpler to tally the votes up and prevent confusion. Just my opinion.I agree with leeboy105. I like the idea of one vote rather than betting across the board.
Okies. Not that we've heard from everyone, but no one but me likes to vote for more than one at a time, so single votes it is. That IS the way we used to do it, but things had kinda switched to a "two at once" thing in July, so... back to basics, cool. The voting for more than one person and more than one person being added to the membership are two different things, though, I might point out. Nevertheless...
And from what a few people were discussing in level up!, we're going to go back to e-mail voting. I think the only reason we DIDN'T do that this last time was that lightning called for the vote in level up!, and with all the new members lately, we're probably not sure we've got up to date and complete e-mail addies. So anywho...
I just took Spancker's last e-mail list and made a file from it, linking everyone's number and name with their e-mails, and I added e-mails for new people who've joined since July or so.
I'm not sure about Mystboy's, but he was the only person left when I came down to one e-mail addy and I didn't know where to put it (he doesn't have his listed in his profile).
So anyway, I'm going to paste the list right here, but I'll snip out the so I don't give out anyone's addy that doesn't want to be given out by accident. Let me know here (or by e-mail) if that's not your username anymore, or if you know your domain name's changed or whatever, gimme your new e-mail in that case. Recon and I can then conduct voting much easier next time. Okay, here we go:
01 spancker - simonbaker95
02 Drimarki - nebojirapoatic
03 Recon - recon_rebel
04 leeboy - leeboy105
05 jessica - tfclock
06 XkwiziTOnE - xkwizit632
07 lightning - supermonkey5500
08 James - slimjim63
09 gfox - gfoxcook
10 redrum - heavy__metal__hero
11 Afterburner - Napalm_Warrior
12 Dogma - Ajax695
13 Dobio - droptehbombshell
14 Crono - crono2475 or cronodbz3 ?
15 Mystboy - da_bomb_411 ?
16 MacBeth - Macbeth
17 jon - jon
gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!
a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)