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The Wrestling (WWE) Club

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2018-07-16 23:37:46

RAW was really boring tonight. After Lashley beat Reigns last night at the PPV, they are having a re-match. However, they dragged it out into two different Triple threat matches. Such a waste of time. Woken Matt and Bray did not get to fight the B team for a chance to win the Tag Team titles back.

The next PPV is Summer Slam. Hopefully, we will see the return of Hulk Hogan. That is just what WWE needs to make things more interesting.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2018-07-18 21:53:13

At 7/18/18 08:48 PM, FastbootsZA wrote: Tommaso Ciampa just won the NXT title


Do you think Russev and Aiden should stick together? I think they make a great pair.

Randy Orten went crazy and was pulling on Hardy's earlobes trying to stretch them out. That seemed really unnecessary. It looks like Hell Orten is back.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2018-07-18 23:15:10

I just realized something how come WWE has never been to Manila and the Philippines?

They would do super well there

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2018-07-19 11:58:41

At 7/19/18 11:02 AM, FastbootsZA wrote:
At 7/18/18 09:53 PM, DoctorStrongbad wrote:
Do you think Russev and Aiden should stick together? I think they make a great pair.
Rusev will turn on Aiden blaming him for the loss at extreme rules.

I really want to see Russev with a championship. He is really over and the crowds chant his name. How many longer will they force him to be a midcarder?

Randy Orten went crazy and was pulling on Hardy's earlobes trying to stretch them out. That seemed really unnecessary. It looks like Hell Orten is back.
To be honest I like Orton better as a heel

Yes, Orten makes a great heel. WWE always lets him go for any title that he wants.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2018-07-23 00:02:24

Stephanie McMahon will return to make a Historic announcement. WWE has just announced through the Twitter account that Monday Night Raw commissioner Stephanie McMahon will return next Monday to make a historic announcement.

What do you think the announcement will be? It could be Hulk Hogan's return to WWE. That would be the biggest return of all time.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2018-07-23 23:38:53

On RAW tonight, They brought out all the Wrestlers,and management for a big announcement. I thought it was going to be about Hulk Hogan's return, but is was an all girl PPV. Seriously, an all girl PPV.

That sounds like the worst idea they have had in a long time.

Roamin Reigns won the main event to fight Brock Lesnar for the title again.

Another boring and overused idea.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2018-07-24 09:29:40

At 7/15/18 09:29 PM, ZJ wrote: Bobby Lashley won tonight which probably means we’ll be spared another Roman v. Brock match at this year's SummerSlam. Hooray!

This post has not aged well.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2018-07-24 21:46:57

At 7/24/18 12:57 AM, MPPlantOfficial wrote:
At 7/23/18 11:38 PM, DoctorStrongbad wrote: On RAW tonight, They brought out all the Wrestlers,and management for a big announcement. I thought it was going to be about Hulk Hogan's return, but is was an all girl PPV. Seriously, an all girl PPV.
It's testing grounds to see if they need to invest more segments and storylines in the women's roster. To be honest I don't think they can sell out the arena without putting Ronda in there as their main draw. I could see this PPV as a huge moment for Ronda.

Yes, we are all waiting for Hulk Hogan's return.

They only good thing that I could see from an all girl PPV would be if they gave the girls their own show. Like they did with the cruiserweights. They could give them Wednesday or Thursday night as a time slot.

Roamin Reigns won the main event to fight Brock Lesnar for the title again.
Well it's gonna on the main event for sure so it's either gonna be Beach Balls or walkout or both. To be honest I think it should be dominantly walkout. Fans don't deserve to be treated like shit for the past few YEARS now. At least 90% of the arena should walk out this time. Even people in ringside. Even if there's a potential Braun cash in at the end of the match. This shit has gone too far.

Roman Reigns has been Wrestling poison for years. He only has a job because he is related to the Rock. They keep forcing him down our throats for years, and it isn't working. Reigns gets so many boos. If I was there, I would Walk out on Reigns.
WWE needs to listen to the fans.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2018-07-26 11:48:59

At 7/26/18 09:51 AM, FastbootsZA wrote: 13 years ago I never thought that both AJ and Joe would be in the wwe competing for the wwe title

I know right. I remember all the times they were on TNA. It is amazing what can happen when you spend enough money.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2018-07-26 22:46:08

At 7/26/18 12:57 PM, MPPlantOfficial wrote:
At 7/26/18 11:48 AM, DoctorStrongbad wrote: I know right. I remember all the times they were on TNA. It is amazing what can happen when you spend enough money.
Sounds very, VERY good on paper especially since you still have Kurt in the roster and technically he's still a performing talent cleared for wrestling. They have the potential to make magic happen here.
Unfortunately I have NO faith in WWE actually giving them the time and good slot in the card to live up to their full potential.
They didn't even make it in the poster. Instead you have Alexa, Rousey and these 2 assholes who've failed to entertain in their past clashes, one of which was even a steel cage match....

Roman Reigns is going to ruin the main event. He is garbage. They need to remove him from any PPV, so he stops ruining them. Hopefully Brock Lesnar severely injures Reigns and he is hurt for a long time.

If Hulk Hogan returns, if would make Summer Slam great.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2018-07-26 23:59:53

At 7/26/18 11:43 PM, MPPlantOfficial wrote:
At 7/26/18 10:46 PM, DoctorStrongbad wrote: Roman Reigns is going to ruin the main event. He is garbage. They need to remove him from any PPV, so he stops ruining them. Hopefully Brock Lesnar severely injures Reigns and he is hurt for a long time.

If Hulk Hogan returns, if would make Summer Slam great.
Not gonna happen. Roman works a "safe" wrestling style. I mean one his "high energy" spots is 10 Lariats in the corner. TEN FUCKING LARIATS for God's sake. Maybe just maybe he lands wrong in one of these idiotic "Suplex City" sequences. Lesnar is just as bad as Roman movewise.

Roman does his stupid super lame Punch and the Spear. Both moves he did not name or come up with. Nothing he does is original or exciting. His catch phrase is " Believe that. " What the hell is that? Could it be anymore generic?

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2018-07-30 23:28:46

RAW was a big wait for nothing. You had to wait three hours to see if Brock Lesnar was going to come to the ring. Three hours.
He came out at 11:05 and was a jerk. He did his finisher on Kurt Angle, and then chocked Paul Heyman. I have no idea why they are trying to make Lesnar such an ass? They must really want him to lose.

The only good part of the night was when Roman Reigns was forced to leave the arena. The police escorted him away.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2018-08-06 02:29:02


John Morrison talks about the possibility of a WWE return. If he does return, he should team up with the Miz. That would make a great Tag Team.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2018-08-06 23:48:58

RAW was just dreadful tonight. They continue to force Roman Reigns down out throats. They are making Brock Lesnar a giant jerk to try and force people to cheer Reigns. It is not working that well.

Even though Rhonda Rousey had been on RAW for over two months. Tonight was her first " official match. " It was a squash match against Alicia Fox. Such a lame main event.

Nobody cares about the all girl Main Event. They should gives the girls their own show like they did with the luchadores. That way people can not watch it unless they are really into it.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2018-08-07 01:57:13

At 8/7/18 12:28 AM, MPPlantOfficial wrote:
At 8/6/18 11:48 PM, DoctorStrongbad wrote: RAW was just dreadful tonight.
Stopped watching WWE tonight. Not even an update. Feels good man.

I might have to join you soon.

There's just too much good shows and other media to consume right now. Maybe IF Vince focuses 100% on XFL and lets go of WWE then we'll have a watchable product again.

It is insulting to see Reigns vs Lesnar once again. It is almost as bad as the eight times they had New Day vs. The Usos.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2018-08-07 22:34:11

At 8/7/18 02:08 AM, MPPlantOfficial wrote:
At 8/7/18 01:57 AM, DoctorStrongbad wrote: It is insulting to see Reigns vs Lesnar once again. It is almost as bad as the eight times they had New Day vs. The Usos.
Almost as bad? It's way way worse. At least with New Day Usos you're getting some variations with each bout.

The Usos have a little varation, but not much.

With Reigns and Lesnar? The "wrestling" styles of both these sons of bitches is [Move #1, Move #1,Move #1,Move #1....], [Move #2, Move #2, ....], [Finisher attempt, kickout, Finisher attempt, kickout, Finisher attempt, kickout, ], [Finisher, Pin]

It can not be said enough, Roman Reigns is a horrible wrestler. He is one of the worst wrestlers in the business today.

It wasn't entertaining the first time.

It is very boring watching the same stale match over and over.

SmackDown has really been letting me down. I do not want to see Aiden and Russev become enemies. I do not want to see them fight in any match. It will be one sided and stupid.

The Divas are always boring.

The only thing good is that The Miz is telling Daniel was a loser he is. The Miz is correct Daniel Bryan is a big crybaby that needs to retire already.

The Miz also has a TV show that is not bad.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2018-08-14 00:12:39

RAW was actually a little bit better this week. There was less all diva crap this week. Paul Heyman punked out Roman Reigns. It was awesome. Reigns is really stupid.

However, They are still doing the stupid B team gimmick. They need to give Woken Matt more time talking and in the ring. They should also do more with Elias.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2018-08-14 04:05:21

At 8/14/18 03:12 AM, MPPlantOfficial wrote:
At 8/14/18 12:12 AM, DoctorStrongbad wrote: Paul Heyman punked out Roman Reigns. It was awesome. Reigns is really stupid.
To be honest I don't think it was.

Watching Reigns get maced and blinded was great. If they did something like that to him every week, more people would watch RAW.

Ignored everything else this week but watched Dean Ambrose' return and that was pretty cool. Yet another missed opportunity for WWE to surprise the audience and get an even bigger pop but that's WWE for you...

Dean Ambrose was always boring to me. That punch first and never think gimmick gets old quickly. If Ambrose betrays Rollins at the PPV, that would be interesting.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2018-08-14 14:09:43

At 8/14/18 04:16 AM, MPPlantOfficial wrote:
At 8/14/18 04:05 AM, DoctorStrongbad wrote: Watching Reigns get maced and blinded was great. If they did something like that to him every week, more people would watch RAW.
Maybe but the point of that move was (YET AGAIN) another attempt to get some cheap "babyface" sympathy for Reigns. I'm hoping for a double swerve in SS where Heyman joins Reigns or whoever else.

I can understand what they are going for, but most fans still hate Reigns. Whenever he is attacked unfairly, the crowd will cheer for it. The crowd enjoys watching Roman get his ass kicked.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2018-08-17 13:50:37

My Predictions for Summerslam

Brock Lesnar (Universal Championship match)

Alexa Bliss (Raw women's championship match)

Kevin Owens (Money in the bank contract match)

Samoa Joe (WWE championship match)

Carmella (Smackdown Women's championship triple threat match)

Dolph Ziggler (Intercontinental championship match)

Drew Gulak (Cruiserweight championship match)

The Miz This might be the most of the two most important matches. Miz needs to win.

Shinsuke Nakamura (United States championship match)

The Bludgeon Brothers (Smackdown tag team championship match)

Baron Corbin

Rusev & Lana (Mixed tag team match) The second important match. Aiden English needs to help Russev win in Russev Day.

The B Team (Raw tag team championship match)

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2018-08-19 03:25:37

At 8/18/18 02:00 PM, RichCash wrote: The Million Dollar Man retired?

Yes, he did. Don't worry, he did have a son that is a wrestler.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2018-08-19 15:35:53

At 7/24/18 09:29 AM, ZJ wrote:
At 7/15/18 09:29 PM, ZJ wrote: Bobby Lashley won tonight which probably means we’ll be spared another Roman v. Brock match at this year's SummerSlam. Hooray!
This post has not aged well.

Honestly that match has been years in the making why in the fuck didnt they roll with it

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2018-08-19 18:11:53

At 8/18/18 09:40 PM, FastbootsZA wrote: That was a pretty good darn takeover

Which match was your favorite? Do you think it will be better than Summer Slam?

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2018-08-19 23:50:45

Summer Slam Results

Andrade "Cien" Almas & Zelina Vega def. Rusev & Lana via pinfall

Cruiserweight Championship -- Cedric Alexander (c) def. Drew Gulak via pinfall to retain the title

Raw Tag Team Championship -- The B-Team (c) def. The Revival via pinfall to retain the titles

Intercontinental Championship -- Seth Rollins def. Dolph Ziggler (c) via pinfall to win the title

SmackDown Tag Team Championship -- New Day def. Bludgeon Brothers (c) via disqualification

Money in the Bank briefcase -- Braun Strowman (h) def. Kevin Owens via pinfall to retain

SmackDown Women's Championship -- Charlotte Flair def. Becky Lynch (via pinfall) and Carmella (c) to win the title

WWE Championship -- Samoa Joe def. AJ Styles (c) via disqualification

The Miz def. Daniel Bryan via pinfall

Finn Balor def. Baron Corbin via pinfall

United States Championship -- Shinsuke Nakamura (c) def. Jeff Hardy via pinfall to retain the title

Raw Women's Championship -- Ronda Rousey def. Alexa Bliss (c) via submission to win the title

Universal Championship -- Roman Reigns def. Brock Lesnar (c) via pinfall to win the title

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2018-08-20 02:52:16

At 8/20/18 12:09 AM, MPPlantOfficial wrote: Hold up. Just saw the Balor entrance right now.
Brought out the Demon for Corbin? Really???

It did feel like a big waste.

I mean I get that it's Summerslam but why?

Looks like Balor can't win unless he goes Demon mode.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2018-08-20 21:04:32 (edited 2018-08-20 21:05:36)

SummerSlam 2018 was fucking garbage I discontinued my subscription to the WWE network

The matches felt short and predictable im the same fashion as that shitty lesnar vs goldberg match in 2017

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2018-08-21 01:17:01

At 8/20/18 09:04 PM, StatKing wrote: SummerSlam 2018 was fucking garbage I discontinued my subscription to the WWE network

Summer Slam did have some bad matches. Especially, Russev and Lesnar losing.

The matches felt short and predictable im the same fashion as that shitty lesnar vs goldberg match in 2017

The only hope WWE has is when Hulk Hogan returns. If they give him a good role, and do not screw the whole thing up.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2018-08-21 22:50:22

At 8/21/18 10:00 PM, FastbootsZA wrote: Pretty good smackdown and congrats to the new day on winning the smackdown tag team titles

The Miz did an awesome job beating Daniel Bella at Summer Slam. He also made Mr. Bella look really stupid tonight.

I am happy that Aiden English helped Russev and Lana on Russev Day.

I did not like how the New Day won the titles tonight. They have had the titles enough times.

Let the Bar win the titles.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2018-08-22 23:04:55

At 8/22/18 12:15 AM, MPPlantOfficial wrote:
At 8/21/18 10:50 PM, DoctorStrongbad wrote: I did not like how the New Day won the titles tonight. They have had the titles enough times.

Let the Bar win the titles.
They are transitional title holders. Unfortunately Rowan needs surgery so it's only logical New Day hold it for a while.
While it would be great to have Sanity hold the belts I think that story is better told through a proper feud since they have similar gimmick to Bludgeon brothers.

Sanity is okay. their leader is the best one. I remember him from old school TNA.

Smackdown was decent tonight. Becky cut a pretty fire promo.
Also these kids yelling "I love you, Samoa" are hilarious

They were yelling really loud during the taping of the show. It was better than the match. lol

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2018-08-24 14:40:31

At 8/24/18 12:42 PM, RichCash wrote: Reigns is straight up garbage as champ.

I agree, but Reigns has always been garbage. He is only a wrestler because he is related to the Rock. He is the most hated person on WWE. Reigns gets all the boos.

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