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The Wrestling (WWE) Club

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2018-06-21 03:07:08

At 6/20/18 06:49 AM, MPPlantOfficial wrote: I would just like to say that the Youtube Wrestling community is hands down the dumbest community I've ever had the displeasure of being a part of.

Is there a particular group or videos to check this out?

Jesus Christ on one side it's a bunch of kids calling each other Faggots for not liking one brand of wrestling over the other.

Little kids are always making fun of each other.

Apparently it's "bad" to be a smark (i.e. A non-Stupid wrestling fan). Using your brain is "bad." Having a preference of who to cheer for other than who WWE want you to is "bad."
Being a mouthbreathing sheep who likes anything and everything the company gives you is "good".

Why are you part of this Youtube community again? lol

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2018-06-22 12:27:33

At 6/21/18 10:31 PM, FastbootsZA wrote: The Undisputed Era just won back the NXT tag team titles from the Moustache Mountain

Nice. Do you think they will be able to keep the titles this time?

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2018-06-24 04:07:47

Last weekend, whilst hungover, I decided I was going to re-sub to WWE network so that I could watch the first episode of WCW Monday Nitro and then work through the available WCW content (Nitro + PPVs) chronologically from there. Just got done watching Starrcade 1995 last night, so about to move onto the 1996 stuff.

Flair, Hogan, Macho and (pre-Crow) Sting are the big names and it made me realise how little I've actually seen of these guys work. I don't find Hogan all that interesting to watch, but Flair usually gets a chuckle, Macho is always fun and Sting is the man. Almost forgot about Lex. Again, not a guy I ever saw wrestle much, but he's alright. He just comes across as a bit plain compared to those other guys. Same with The Giant. At this point he's not been much more than a gimmicky big man. All he's really done is choke-slam a few people after matches.

One of the biggest surprises for me was watching Dean Malenko in the ring. I have a vague memory of his WWF run and remember him from the Smackdown video games. I always dismissed him as some average mid-card guy but god damn, this guy is good. Watching him go against Eddie Guerrero and Chris Benoit have been some of the best matches I've seen in this WCW run so far.

Looking forward to getting into the 1996 content, because this is the year of the nWo!

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2018-06-24 10:14:33

At 6/24/18 04:07 AM, Dean wrote:
Looking forward to getting into the 1996 content, because this is the year of the nWo!

You ever heard of OSW Review? They're some Irish guys who review old wrestling PPVs through video podcasts. They did a bunch of reviews on the insanity that was 1995 WCW and I think you'd love it if you haven't seen it already.

Here's one of my favorite reviews from them:


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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2018-06-24 16:35:18

At 6/24/18 10:14 AM, ZJ wrote: You ever heard of OSW Review? They're some Irish guys who review old wrestling PPVs through video podcasts. They did a bunch of reviews on the insanity that was 1995 WCW and I think you'd love it if you haven't seen it already.

I haven't heard of them, but I'll check their stuff out. It's actually YouTube that has kept my interest in wrestling alive. I have no idea why but my suggested videos feed is always full of wresting stuff so I watch the odd video that catches my attention.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2018-06-24 23:57:15

At 6/24/18 04:07 AM, Dean wrote: Last weekend, whilst hungover, I decided I was going to re-sub to WWE network so that I could watch the first episode of WCW Monday Nitro and then work through the available WCW content (Nitro + PPVs) chronologically from there. Just got done watching Starrcade 1995 last night, so about to move onto the 1996 stuff.

WCW had some great stuff. They did tend to get overlooked next to WWE at the time.

Flair, Hogan, Macho and (pre-Crow) Sting are the big names and it made me realise how little I've actually seen of these guys work.

They were all good at that time. Hogan was the still the big name.

Looking forward to getting into the 1996 content, because this is the year of the nWo!

The nWo were the best stable of all time. They really started a revolution once it began.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2018-06-25 23:18:29

At 6/25/18 10:27 PM, MPPlantOfficial wrote: Again tonight Roman eats a Rollup. A ROLL UP. From a jobber like The Revival nonetheless.
If you're gonna put the guy in the main title picture how is he supposed to have any cred with that?

They are forcing Roman and Lashly to tag team so people will like them. They are both boring.
The Revival lost last week, so they won this match.
Nothing odd about that.

Could it be possible WWE are actually giving the Lesnar match to Lashley?

That could happen.

Does this mean WWE are finally pulling the trigger on Braun when he cashes in that night? Has Vinnie finally given up on Roman? I wouldn't get my hopes up.

Braun walked around with the case all night.

Reigns is garbage and hopefully they stop pushing him.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2018-06-26 00:44:48

At 6/26/18 12:29 AM, MPPlantOfficial wrote: Love love LOVE the Bayley beatdown!!!

They make better enemies than friends. Was nice to see Bayley get mad for once.

Hopefully this is a real turn and they won't have her act like nothing happened again like they usually do. This story is finally paying off despite the rocky buildup.

They will end up fighting at the next PPV. They have so many girls, but they keep doing the matches.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2018-06-26 02:51:02

At 6/26/18 12:53 AM, MPPlantOfficial wrote:
At 6/26/18 12:44 AM, DoctorStrongbad wrote: They will end up fighting at the next PPV.
Bayley wasn't even in the last PPV.
Hopefully they get a good spot on the main card this time. 1st or 2nd match.

I heard a rumor that she was suppose to be leaving WWE before the end of the year.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2018-06-26 13:45:36

At 6/26/18 03:27 AM, MPPlantOfficial wrote:
At 6/26/18 02:51 AM, DoctorStrongbad wrote: I heard a rumor that she was suppose to be leaving WWE before the end of the year.
Where'd you hear that?
Hopefully Vinnie was listening to that pop last night and knowing letting her go would be stupid.
They really dropped the ball on her. She had so much momentum going in.

On a different wrestling website, they had said that she was unhappy with WWE. Sometimes, it can be tough to tell which rumors are true or false.

Though I hate to say this but Dakota Kai is like a Miles better Bayley. Agility comparable to Charlotte, beautiful drop kick, fluid in the ring (Bayley is pretty awkward in the ring but that's also part of her appeal and character) and plays the part of that scared, reluctant babyface to a tee. She's part Samoan too so that's a bonus

Bayley always looks too little, scrawny, and hugging gimmick is just silly. I like the Riot squad, but not sure if they should split up or stick together?

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2018-06-26 22:30:01

Russev won tonight and hopefully defeats AJ in the future for the championship on Russev Day.

Daniel Bryan got his ass kicked by the Bludgeon Brothers. Kane came out to help him, and Paige gave them a shot at The Tag team titles. It must be nice to get a free title shot because you used to be the Commissioner of SmackDown.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2018-06-27 02:44:15

At 6/26/18 11:16 PM, MPPlantOfficial wrote:
At 6/26/18 01:45 PM, DoctorStrongbad wrote: On a different wrestling website, they had said that she was unhappy with WWE.
Probably is true but their moods are subject to change. I mean looks at Ziggler. How many times has he almost left WWE now? It's the $$$ keeping them there. Bayley is still making a decent amount of cash for them and I'm betting next week they'll launch a new shirt for her Heel run. Hopefully that sells too.

The money is the best part of the job. I am glad that Ziggler came back with his new partner. Dolph does have mic skills and wrestling moves. Unlike Boring Reigns.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2018-06-27 22:19:56

At 6/27/18 02:59 AM, MPPlantOfficial wrote:
At 6/27/18 02:44 AM, DoctorStrongbad wrote: The money is the best part of the job. I am glad that Ziggler came back with his new partner. Dolph does have mic skills and wrestling moves. Unlike Boring Reigns.
Only thing I've read about Bayley was that she wanted to pursue a Psychology degree down the line and eventually land a job in a teaching position or guidance councellor.

I could see Bayley as a teacher for young kids.

With the amount of money they're earning they'll have enough to do whatever they want after retiring (unless it all goes to medical bills). Even Vicki Guerrero pursued a career in the medical field after retiring. It's never too late

They do make plenty of money for a normal person. Just not as much as a movie star.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2018-06-27 22:42:03

At 6/27/18 10:27 PM, MPPlantOfficial wrote:
At 6/27/18 10:19 PM, DoctorStrongbad wrote: They do make plenty of money for a normal person. Just not as much as a movie star.
Enough for college at least.

College is really expensive in America these days. Plus is gets more expensive every year

Christian said with his 1st pay check after getting signed by WWE (not even had a first match yet. Pay just for getting signed) he was able to pay off all his college bills. And this was back in the 90s when WWE wasn't as rich as it is in present day

That is awesome.

BTW, I did hear something about Kane having a degree in English. I also heard that Kane was trying to run in some political role, like a mayor?

That is why I was surprised that he came back to WWE to wrestle.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2018-06-27 23:46:22

At 6/27/18 10:53 PM, MPPlantOfficial wrote:
At 6/27/18 10:42 PM, DoctorStrongbad wrote: BTW, I did hear something about Kane having a degree in English. I also heard that Kane was trying to run in some political role, like a mayor?

That is why I was surprised that he came back to WWE to wrestle.

Hey, I was correct about him running for Mayor.

Yeah. Kane is actually a very smart guy. Chose to invest his money instead of spending it on booze on luxuries he doesn't need

Kane is a smart guy and made some good investments.

I remember when he was an executive back in the day. Unfortunately, he wrestled and ended up losing that title.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2018-06-28 11:17:39

At 6/28/18 04:21 AM, MPPlantOfficial wrote: What the fuck!!

Kevin Owens is awesome. He seems like a cool guy to hang out with and just chill. You can tell that he is not a gym rat. lol

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2018-07-02 17:21:06


This is all you need to know before RAW tonight.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2018-07-03 11:39:47

At 7/3/18 08:02 AM, MPPlantOfficial wrote: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gf97KOY_LjM
Look at the dedication of this girl. She's like 10 years old and already running the ropes.
It's like getting lashed on the back every time you hit the ropes like that. She'll be tough as nails by the time she's 15.
Some wrestlers even start training at 18.

She looks dedicated and seems to be enjoying herself. I hope Hulk Hogan made some money from her ripping him off with " mania "

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2018-07-03 22:39:58

Smackdown was an okay show tonight. Jeff Hardy had a good match against the Miz. Looking forward to when The Miz had a championship again. Aiden English almost beat AJ Styles tonight. Russev had better win the championship at the PPV. I still think Dainel Bryan is boring. Looking forward to when Kane turns on him sometime soon.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2018-07-09 23:22:12

RAW was all about getting things ready for Extreme Rules. Lame Roman Reigns versus Boring Lashly. Kevin Owens versus Braun in the Steel Cage should be great. Dolph Ziggler has better keep his championship. Matt and Bray had better keep their Tag Team titles.

Still waiting to see when Hulk Hogan will return.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2018-07-11 03:10:54

At 7/11/18 03:00 AM, MPPlantOfficial wrote: Ok Extreme Rules card looks decent imo but
- New Day - SanitY on the pre show?

The New Day is really starting to get old and annoying

- Hardy/Wyatt vs B Team on the main card?

Hardy/Wyatt better keeps the belts.

I understand they're fighting for the titles but man... If anything I'd put Finn-Corbin on the preshow too (and I say this as a fan of Finn) but really what are they fighting for? It's like they just put them there for the sake of getting them into the card.

I am waiting for when Corbin get a push. He has the moves and the speed to go far.

Also this poster is fucking ugly.
Bryan looks like his face got pasted on his body and what is up with Kane's smile?

I have always hated Bryan. It would be awesome if Kane turns on him.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2018-07-13 18:09:46

My predictions for Extreme Rules

Alexa Bliss (Raw women's championship extreme rules match)

Bobby Lashley

Rusev (WWE Championship match) Russev wins it on Russev Day!

The Deleters of Worlds (Raw tag team championship match)

Carmella (Smackdown women's championship match)

The Bludgeon Brothers (Smackdown tag team championship match)

Dolph Ziggler (Intercontinental championship 30 minute iron man match)

Shinsuke Nakamura (United States championship match)

Baron Corbin

Kevin Owens (Steel Cage match)

Sanity (Tables match)

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2018-07-15 21:29:22

Bobby Lashley won tonight which probably means we’ll be spared another Roman v. Brock match at this year's SummerSlam. Hooray!

The Wrestling (WWE) Club

Sig by BlueHippo - AMA

Formerly PuddinN64 - BBS, Icon, and Portal Mod

"Your friends love you anyway" - Check out Guinea Something Good!

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2018-07-15 23:00:18

Extreme Rules results

Andrade "Cien" Almas def. Sin Cara via pinfall -- Kickoff Show.

SAnitY def. New Day (Tables Match)

Raw Tag Team Championship -- The B-Team def. Deleters of Worlds (c) via pinfall to win the titles.

Finn Balor def. Baron Corbin via pinfall

SmackDown Women's Championship -- Carmella (c) def. Asuka via pinfall to retain the title

United States Championship -- Shinsuke Nakamura def. Jeff Hardy (c) via pinfall to win the title

Kevin Owens def. Braun Strowman via escape (Steel Cage Match

SmackDown Tag Team Championship -- Bludgeon Brothers (c) def. Team Hell No via pinfall to retain the titles

Bobby Lashley def. Roman Reigns via pinfall

Raw Women's Championship -- Alexa Bliss (c) def. Nia Jax via pinfall to retain the title (Extreme Rules Match)

WWE Championship -- AJ Styles (c) def. Rusev via pinfall to retain the title

Intercontinental Championship -- Dolph Ziggler (c) def. Seth Rollins 5-4 in sudden death to retain the title (30-Minute Iron Man Match

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2018-07-15 23:55:05

At 7/15/18 11:39 PM, FastbootsZA wrote: And I only got 6 out of 12 predictions correct and congrats to the b team and nakamura on winning their titles

I had 7 out of 12 correct. The B team winning is garbage. Russev not winning on Russev Day is even worse. Are they ever going to let Russev win?

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2018-07-16 00:17:03



Last weekend I was at madison square garden for the live event.

It wasnt bad but pretty predictable were you guys there?

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2018-07-16 00:44:25

At 7/16/18 12:17 AM, StatKing wrote: @PsychoGoldfish


Last weekend I was at madison square garden for the live event.

It wasnt bad but pretty predictable were you guys there?

No, I was not there. Did you take any pictures? Get any autographs?

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2018-07-16 01:34:19 (edited 2018-07-16 01:34:34)

At 7/16/18 01:33 AM, StatKing wrote:
At 7/16/18 12:44 AM, DoctorStrongbad wrote:

No, I was not there. Did you take any pictures? Get any autographs?

Nah front row got to keep the chairs though it was worth noting there was

an undertaker match there

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2018-07-16 21:46:37

At 7/15/18 09:29 PM, ZJ wrote: Bobby Lashley won tonight which probably means we’ll be spared another Roman v. Brock match at this year's SummerSlam. Hooray!

Yeah after all this time why havnt they just had reigns win?

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2018-07-16 23:32:23



This is the biggest Wrestling news that I have heard all year. Looking forward on how he will return to the ring and TV.

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