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The Wrestling (WWE) Club

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-05-21 12:13:07

Wow. That holy mordeci dude vs undertaker? That would be awesome.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-05-21 12:22:59

At 5/20/04 07:58 PM, Mysterio-619 wrote:
They had a 4 way tag team TLC match be4 on RAW didnt they? I think it was

Benoit and jericho
Edge and christian
hardy boyz
dudley boyz

Actually, the match was Christian and Chris Jericho vs. Bubba Ray and Spike Dudley vs. Jeff Hardy and Rob Van Dam vs. Kane and The Hurricane (Notes: This match happened on the first RAW roulette; D-Von and Matt Hardy were on SD at the time; Bubba Ray wanted Tommy Dreamer as his partner, but Spike whined; Hurricane got taken out before the match started, so Kane fought alone AND WON IT!)

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-05-21 16:29:51

is was cool when Jericho did the walls on top of the ladder..hey rook, long time no see. Whats up man?

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-05-21 17:13:30

Speaking of the Walls of Jericho on the ladder, I just did it for the first time on "WWE Smackdown Here Comes The Pain" I didnt know you could do that. Pretty cool though.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-05-21 19:02:46

Mordecai!! Dude, he looks kindof weird...and what was that move?? It was like a razor's edge!! Sa-weet! Well, it is obvious that the Mordecai vs Taker thing will happen at Summerslam!! That would be awesome...but not just a singles match...maybe a first blood match, or a hardcore match, or, the best one, a casket match!! Sa-Weet!!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-05-21 19:12:32

Mordeci vs Undertaker in a Hell in the Cell match. Or a casket match, now that you think of it. But casket matches are really that fun to watch.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-05-21 19:52:03

At 5/21/04 07:12 PM, Mysterio-619 wrote: Mordeci vs Undertaker in a Hell in the Cell match. Or a casket match, now that you think of it. But casket matches are really that fun to watch.

Do both! HITC casket match...awesome!


Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-05-21 20:18:40

Yeah both would be spectacular, with caskets all around the outside of the cage and one inside!!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-05-21 20:19:48

At 5/21/04 04:29 PM, Outlaw88 wrote: is was cool when Jericho did the walls on top of the ladder..hey rook, long time no see. Whats up man?

I'm just gellin' :)
Anyway, the move Mordecai does is called "The Crucifix," but yeah, it's razor's edge.
Did anyone else mark out for Chavo Sr. winning the title?

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-05-21 21:58:53

I knew Chavo Classic would win it, right when chavo said he could never beat him! HA! Chavo should not act so cocky!! But then again, if he didn't, his character would suck!! I could tell Chavo would be pinned after the dudley dog! But...yea, Chavo classic, he has to be over 220!

Mordecai, that move is "The Crucifix" but it is not the Razor's Edge! I looked into it, sort of! In SD Shut your mouth, There is a powerbomb called superpowerbomb#1 or 2. It is the same thing as what he does, and the other superpb is the awesome bomb (Mike awesome!) Look into it if ya have the game, you could probably make Mordecai!! That is what we need! We need a competition. The people with the game can either make Eugene CAW or MMordecai CAW, depending on your personal preferance!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-05-22 00:04:04

At 5/21/04 05:13 PM, Mysterio-619 wrote: Speaking of the Walls of Jericho on the ladder, I just did it for the first time on "WWE Smackdown Here Comes The Pain" I didnt know you could do that. Pretty cool though.

what how do you do man? I just figured out you can push people of the semi. the move is it trusts down or chokeslam 1. The best place to throw people of is that building. it would be cool if the ladder was in the hiac.

Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.

eX(Wi/Ht? #45)

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-05-22 00:31:04

At 5/22/04 12:04 AM, Iscrulz wrote:
At 5/21/04 05:13 PM, Mysterio-619 wrote: Speaking of the Walls of Jericho on the ladder, I just did it for the first time on "WWE Smackdown Here Comes The Pain" I didnt know you could do that. Pretty cool though.
what how do you do man?

In the game, choose a ladder match, put it on 2 player, so you can do it quicker, be Jericho, then choose a ladder match. Okay, while in the match, when both men are on the ladder, keep pressing the circle button and x button. After the guy tumbles a bit, and almost falls from the ladder, press the circle button again! There you go!! have fun!!

Hey, we should do that too! We should have like 3 matches in one! A Hell in a Cell, ladder, lumberjack match! There are superstars everywhere outside the cage! They wait untill they break it open...and why would they?? Because on the top part of the cage is a ladder, and above that is the belt!! SA-Weet!!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-05-22 01:37:10

man im going to play HCTP now see yah

PS whenever rock makes movies i think hes crap and then when he comes back he amazes me time after time

PPS to the guy who hates eugene the gimmick does suck but the real guy is a very great wrestler i hope his gimmick changes but slowly so he doesnt get hated by fans

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-05-22 04:58:48

YES! I am back from banland.

So, when do we get to see Taker and this Mordecai go at it?

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-05-22 08:35:52

Ok, play with Jericho, or a created played with the walls of jericho as a special. If you have two controllers pick a two player game and make your opponent climb the ladder and then you. After that press down circle a couple times and he will do it. Its pretty awesome. He does it and then he pushes him off the ladder and he falls on his head. Ok now. If you have only 1 controller, set up the ladder in the ring, far from the belt (so he cant get it) and then you go outside the ring. Your opponent will eventually climb up and thats where you come in. When fighting a computer on a ladder you have to press it really fast. You could also press X to punch him while on the ladder.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-05-22 09:29:47


Eddie will probably not be on SD this week
Mordecai will prevent another match
Undertaker will have a match against Booker T
1 one contender will be decided
yet another Rico & Haas match
Chavo will ask for cruiser weight title shot against Classic or they will seitch and Chavo will protect Classic

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-05-22 10:57:55

did anyone notice we finally reached page 100? hell yeah!

I hate the Eugene gimmick, bit I don't hate the wrestler...

heh taco bell...funny pic!

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-05-22 11:12:15

Old gimmicks that died slowly:

Right to Censor! That was an odd group, was it not! Some people whom were the farthest thing from clean, especialy Val Venus!

Hey, can i do this little thing once in a while just to stir up conversation? It could be my little gimmick, like red's rant is redangleking's gimmick! It would be called:

Gimmicks a Plenty!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-05-22 11:52:44

OMG! I just did a swaton bomb off the ladder!!!!!!!!!111 To do it, just listen to my directions before but make sure your created character has that move.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-05-22 12:23:43

At 5/22/04 11:52 AM, Mysterio-619 wrote: OMG! I just did a swaton bomb off the ladder!!!!!!!!!111 To do it, just listen to my directions before but make sure your created character has that move.

That is easy, do you know you can escape the Elimination chamber?? It is simple, just make sure the person you are looking at, player focus, is on the highest point on the little cell of the chamber, in the corner. Then, while they are there, climb on the turnbuckle, while focused on them at the top of any of the chambers that they are on. So guy on chamber cell that holds other players, you on turnbuckle below it, your player focused on them, then do a diving attack on them and you should dive right out of the chamber!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-05-22 12:25:55

At 5/22/04 12:23 PM, ----FCC---- wrote: stuff

There is another way. When you throw someone off the cell thingy climb on too it and do a diving attack and you should end up on top of the cell.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-05-22 12:32:31

Is there any way to get off the truck in the parking lot rather then falling off it? Anyway I got some tips just in case if anyone needs it:

There is a helicopter you can climb you have to go outside and climb the ladder when it comes to you. Press square to climb. You can also climb the pole.

In the excersice *sp* room there is another hidden room in there. Throw opponent into the crack two times

unlock bret hart - make it to wrestlemania with shawn michaels where you will be ambushed by bret hart.

I got alot more but I aint typing alot right now. My fingers hurt.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-05-22 12:37:34

I got one:

Use RVD! Ok now follow directions:

Choose hardcore match, any arena but not backstage

With RVD, do one of his taunts that makes him do an air split.

Quickly, while in the air, and with a special, click the special button!

If timed correctly, you do a 5-star, but only works on the outside of the ring only though!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-05-22 13:19:39

hey guys wats up.... hey mystreio congrates on being the first person to post on page 100, i think that it will be kane vs benoit in a HITC match.

Mordici has to be bigger then the bigshow. when i forst saw the promo i thought he was gonna be gay but he is sweet!!!

that TLC match for the tag titles was the best, kane kiked ass, didnt it win best match on the 10 year raw anniversery. all TLC fatal four way matches are the best.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-05-22 13:22:00

DAMNIT! Mordeci has been added to the superstar page, but I cant see his profile >:(

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-05-22 13:23:17

opps srry i thought i wasa reading page 100 i was on page 99 cause it said FCC srry i dont remember your name, was the last poat and on page 99 he was the last post so meh, i ment congrates iscrulz on being first to post on page 100

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-05-22 13:24:24

At 5/22/04 01:22 PM, Mysterio-619 wrote: DAMNIT! Mordeci has been added to the superstar page, but I cant see his profile >:(


Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-05-22 13:37:33

sure FCC, you can name a gimmick...I thought that RTC was a great Idea since I hate censorship. Also is showed WWE that Stevie can be a great heel.

since your here a lot now...You are # 90! welcome to the club!

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-05-22 15:05:08

At 5/22/04 01:37 PM, Outlaw88 wrote: sure FCC, you can name a gimmick...I thought that RTC was a great Idea since I hate censorship. Also is showed WWE that Stevie can be a great heel.

since your here a lot now...You are # 90! welcome to the club!

Dude, I have been a member! I was like # 86 or something!! Go back in the posts, you will see it!!

Hall of Fame Gimmicks:

The New Age Outlaws!

numerous tag titles, part of DX, The R.O.A.D.D.O.GG! And B.A. Billy Gunn! Each was also pretty good in singles comp too!!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-05-22 15:11:18

My name was Bibby_Ney, but I changed it several times and I am # 80! And, I am going to say I will be...my man, Mordecai!

No one has taken him yet, i shall be the first!!