My Raw/Judgment Review
Kane vs Chris if kane can stand up the whole time he can win but i think the reason he won the battle royale was because he was on the ground for half the match.
Kane and Lita kane probably asked lita to marry him date him or do him.
Kane is on a wining streak and it might stop and bad blood
Eugene teaming up with the rock was a good thing the rock has come back to the perminent roster
Shawn Michael will continue to interfier and might get a match against HHH at Bad Blood
The Undertaker beat the crap out of Booker and now he will probably go on to face mordecai who beat scotty mordecai is the complete oposite of taker
Chavo beat jackolin and will probably lose his title again very soon
Tori beat Dawn and will probably go back into the abis and we wont see her again for a while
The Dudleys may ask for a table match
Dupree will either talk trash or disapear
Eddie lost to disqualification so he will probably ask for a rematch but get denied