Raw has been good like 3 weeks in a row now, and the Payback card is very solid.
End the show with a Balor debut and they'll have won me back over.
Raw has been good like 3 weeks in a row now, and the Payback card is very solid.
End the show with a Balor debut and they'll have won me back over.
At 4/26/16 11:55 AM, PsychoGoldfish wrote: I think, as a tag team, they are going to be mid-card at best. Frankly, as heels, they don't really draw enough heat. Their gimmick is unique, making it a novelty, but it's not very deep. In order for any character to really get over, it has to have something the audience can identify with. Cosplaying as turn-of-the-century strong men doesn't really do that.
I know this is true, but they are more talented than the Usos or Golden Truth.
Sadly, I see them having a similar path to the Wyatt Family. They are just too different, and creative will have no idea how to use them. Enjoy the next few months, because that's all the push they are gonna get.
It is sad that the Wyatt family has been doomed to be jobbers. I enjoy the fact that they are different and creative. This is why we can't have nice thing in Wrestling. They have to make room for John Cena, who is just a copy of Stone Cold.
At 4/27/16 11:19 AM, DoctorStrongbad wrote: I know this is true, but they are more talented than the Usos or Golden Truth.
Agreed, but in-ring talent doesn't matter to WWE Creative. They want superstars they are comfortable writing for, which is why every storyline is pretty much stuff you've already seen before.
Sadly, I see them having a similar path to the Wyatt Family. They are just too different, and creative will have no idea how to use them. Enjoy the next few months, because that's all the push they are gonna get.
It looks like they are going to have the Wyatts (or at least Bray) go babyface. That's going to cause Bray to tweak his character somewhat, so anything could happen there. He's talented enough to pull it off, but I still doubt the writers will know how to use him.
It is sad that the Wyatt family has been doomed to be jobbers. I enjoy the fact that they are different and creative. This is why we can't have nice thing in Wrestling. They have to make room for John Cena, who is just a copy of Stone Cold.
Not even close. Stone Cold consistently walked the line between heel and babyface. He was genuinely entertaining and always made small changes to keep himself from getting stale. Cena has been the same character, and put on the exact same matches, for a decade.
Roman Reigns is the guy they are currently trying to make into a Stone Cold copy (because they failed at making him a Cena copy). He's the lone wolf character who stood up to authority and prefers to kick ass rather than talk.
At 4/26/16 04:49 PM, TheMaster wrote: Raw has been good like 3 weeks in a row now, and the Payback card is very solid.
End the show with a Balor debut and they'll have won me back over.
Balor debut would be too soon. They already debuted so much new talent. You have to keep something for later.
At 4/27/16 09:44 PM, DoctorStrongbad wrote:At 4/26/16 04:49 PM, TheMaster wrote: Raw has been good like 3 weeks in a row now, and the Payback card is very solid.Balor debut would be too soon. They already debuted so much new talent. You have to keep something for later.
End the show with a Balor debut and they'll have won me back over.
Timing is perfect. He's just lost the NXT belt and you've got Gallows and Anderson being rejected by AJ. Have them decide that if AJ doesn't appreciate them they'll help someone who does, Balor, the original leader of Bullet Club.
Do the swerve at Payback where they come out as if they're going to attack Roman, but turn on AJ instead. Balor comes out and forms the Balor Club, setting up AJ vs Balor Club feud which you can run until a blow off between Finn and AJ at Summerslam. Writes itself.
AJ doesn't need to lose clean, Roman keeps the belt and you establish the new dominant faction in the company. Everybody wins.
At 4/27/16 11:33 AM, PsychoGoldfish wrote: Agreed, but in-ring talent doesn't matter to WWE Creative. They want superstars they are comfortable writing for, which is why every storyline is pretty much stuff you've already seen before.
I know this is true , but I dislike it. I would really see talent and skill instead of jobbers and repackaged nonsense. Who cares if it makes writers have an easuer job.
It looks like they are going to have the Wyatts (or at least Bray) go babyface. That's going to cause Bray to tweak his character somewhat, so anything could happen there. He's talented enough to pull it off, but I still doubt the writers will know how to use him.
I would be okay with Bray turning face. Maybe he would actually get some consistent wins.
Stone Cold consistently walked the line between heel and babyface. Cena has been the same character, and put on the exact same matches, for a decade.
Yes, John Cena is boring and terrible. He is always the same and it always sucks.
Roman Reigns is the guy they are currently trying to make into a Stone Cold copy (because they failed at making him a Cena copy). He's the lone wolf character who stood up to authority and prefers to kick ass rather than talk.
I have no idea how to make Reigns look good or interesting. You can not make chicken salad out of shit. Roman Reigns is shit from his name, to his mic skills, to his finisher " Superman punch. "
At 4/30/16 01:18 AM, DoctorStrongbad wrote: I have no idea how to make Reigns look good or interesting. You can not make chicken salad out of shit. Roman Reigns is shit from his name, to his mic skills, to his finisher " Superman punch. "
I always hear people knock the Superman Punch. I think it is pretty flashy and fun. If we're gonna knock that finisher down, then there is a laundry list to go through. I hate the name of the move, but overall it is fun to watch be executed. As for Roman Reigns himself... I honestly don't know what to do with the guy either. He came in as part of a group, he was the muscle of the group. He's the only one in the group that wears the same outfit he had in the group, so he hasn't really branched.
He feels like to me at least the Lex Luger of this generation.
At 4/30/16 04:09 AM, The-Great-One wrote:At 4/30/16 01:18 AM, DoctorStrongbad wrote: I have no idea how to make Reigns look good or interesting. You can not make chicken salad out of shit. Roman Reigns is shit from his name, to his mic skills, to his finisher " Superman punch. "I always hear people knock the Superman Punch. I think it is pretty flashy and fun.
It might be okay, but it really needs a new name. Especially, not named after anybody.
If we're gonna knock that finisher down, then there is a laundry list to go through. I hate the name of the move, but overall it is fun to watch be executed. As for Roman Reigns himself... I honestly don't know what to do with the guy either. He came in as part of a group, he was the muscle of the group. He's the only one in the group that wears the same outfit he had in the group, so he hasn't really branched.
He either needs an escort or a coach to talk for him. Working on his wrestling moves, or making new ones would be a good idea.
He feels like to me at least the Lex Luger of this generation.
Lex Luger has some mic skills, and had the torture Rack finisher. It was new and looks cool.
At 4/30/16 02:03 PM, DoctorStrongbad wrote: It might be okay, but it really needs a new name. Especially, not named after anybody.
It's a real move, though. As in, in shoot fighting. Superman punch isn't something WWE has come up for it, that's what it's called.
It's not even Roman's finisher, just a signature. The spear is his finish.
At 4/30/16 04:27 PM, TheMaster wrote: It's a real move, though. As in, in shoot fighting. Superman punch isn't something WWE has come up for it, that's what it's called.
He could of named it. The Roman Punch or Reign's Bang or something.
It's not even Roman's finisher, just a signature. The spear is his finish.
The spear was old when Edge used it. It was old when Goldberg used it.
EDIT: Fuck, that wasn't planned either, at first i thought it was since his opponent kinda taunted near him but it looks like Enzo got seriously hurt, Cass's concerned face in the corner was super upsetting.
EDIT 2: Well he was taken to the local hospital or something but according to Cole he's talking and moving his fingers, hopefully it was more of a scare than something really damaging.
At 5/1/16 08:16 PM, Radaketor wrote: DID ENZO JUST FUCKING DIE?
Legit thought he had. Wasn't moving. Palpable relief when he finally spoke to the ref.
That was brutal. Hopefully he makes a full recovery.
Screwjob 2.0
It didn't even make sense... why would the referee ever do that for anyone other than his boss? At least with Bret and Shawn it made some sort of sense.
Why did i even get my hopes up at the end of the bout? Of course Vinnie would never allow someone that was in TNA to get the top title in the company.
RAW after the PPV tonight. How many rematches will we see?
At 5/1/16 09:54 PM, Radaketor wrote: Screwjob 2.0
It didn't even make sense... why would the referee ever do that for anyone other than his boss? At least with Bret and Shawn it made some sort of sense.
All that finish showed me is WWE creative is STILL stuck in the past. What a retarded angle to take.
At 5/2/16 11:49 AM, PsychoGoldfish wrote: All that finish showed me is WWE creative is STILL stuck in the past. What a retarded angle to take.
The only good thing that could happen is seeing more of Brett Hart.
At 5/2/16 01:21 PM, DoctorStrongbad wrote:At 5/2/16 11:49 AM, PsychoGoldfish wrote: All that finish showed me is WWE creative is STILL stuck in the past. What a retarded angle to take.The only good thing that could happen is seeing more of Brett Hart.
Bret looked so fucking bored on Sunday. He's super jaded about modern wrestling, his podcast is nothing but moaning. Clearly just there for the cash.
At 5/3/16 10:55 AM, TheMaster wrote:At 5/2/16 01:21 PM, DoctorStrongbad wrote:Bret looked so fucking bored on Sunday. He's super jaded about modern wrestling, his podcast is nothing but moaning. Clearly just there for the cash.At 5/2/16 11:49 AM, PsychoGoldfish wrote: All that finish showed me is WWE creative is STILL stuck in the past. What a retarded angle to take.The only good thing that could happen is seeing more of Brett Hart.
RAW was okay last night. Stephanie is pretending to be nice, but she did cancel the Ambrose asylum. Chris Jericho's Highlight reel has returned.
The Vaudevillians said that Enzo was " the realist guy in the emergency room. They also did the proper version of, How are you doing? " They did earn some heat, but they could of went way worse with it.
Last match was Reigns wins, so borring.
At 4/14/03 01:23 PM, Frank wrote: this is the wrestling club! Talk about anything that has to do with wrestling (preferably the wwe).
I residentevilfan shall be member #1
yeahaaaaaaaaa, I'm in, fan since the 80's, here is my reference ^^
110 comments since 2007 (WCW, ECW, mostly WWE naturally)
At 5/7/16 03:40 AM, EGeraldhuebner wrote:At 4/14/03 01:23 PM, Frank wrote: this is the wrestling club! Talk about anything that has to do with wrestling (preferably the wwe).yeahaaaaaaaaa, I'm in, fan since the 80's, here is my reference ^^
I residentevilfan shall be member #1
110 comments since 2007 (WCW, ECW, mostly WWE naturally)
What are your thoughts on the Vaudevillians? Do you like them? Should they win the tag team titles?
At 5/8/16 04:58 PM, Radaketor wrote: Fuck you, WWE.
Hornswaggle still had a job?
At 5/8/16 10:24 PM, EKM wrote: I'm not surprised that Hornswoggle was still with the WWE, because I remember back when JTG was with WWE from 2006 to 2014. It's crazy how that guy lasted that long barely being used on TV.
He must of been useful, or had an awesome contract.
At 5/9/16 10:36 AM, DomoMekko wrote:At 5/8/16 04:58 PM, Radaketor wrote: Fuck you, WWE.I really wish that they turned barrett face before he left
He was okay in singles. and I will miss the League of Nations.
At 5/9/16 02:38 PM, EKM wrote: The League of Nations was shit. Here are four guys WWE could have used to dominate, but instead, made them a bunch of losers banding together. Why? What was the point? It didn't make them look stronger in the end. These were four guys that all beat John Cena as singles competitors. LoN made them look weak. They could have used Sheamus, Wade Barrett and Drew McIntyre (when he was still around) and formed the European Connection or something and just aggressively beat the shit out of everyone.
I like stables. The League of Nations was a nifty idea with Soul Calibur ( a video game ) themed music. It would of been nice to seem them win more matches. Lately, whenever the WWE forms a stable they aytomatically become jobbers. It really stinks.
Barrett could go to TNA and try his luck over there.
At 5/9/16 03:08 PM, DoctorStrongbad wrote:At 5/9/16 02:38 PM, EKM wrote:I like stables. The League of Nations was a nifty idea with Soul Calibur ( a video game ) themed music. It would of been nice to seem them win more matches. Lately, whenever the WWE forms a stable they aytomatically become jobbers. It really stinks.
I think you have that backwards. They don't turn stables into jobbers, they put jobbers in stables. Sometimes it works, like with the New Day, sometimes it's passable, like Social Outcasts, and sometimes they just have no connection to the audience, with heat or likeability. That about sums up the League of Nations.
At 5/9/16 03:21 PM, PsychoGoldfish wrote: I think you have that backwards. They don't turn stables into jobbers, they put jobbers in stables. Sometimes it works, like with the New Day, sometimes it's passable, like Social Outcasts, and sometimes they just have no connection to the audience, with heat or likeability. That about sums up the League of Nations.
I miss the old school stables like the nWo. They were not jobbers and always had each other's back. Plus a cool concept and catch phrases.
At 5/8/16 04:58 PM, Radaketor wrote: Fuck you, WWE.
I can't get over "Dick Kick City" in the background.
It's all shits and giggles until someone giggles and shits.