At 2/26/16 01:16 PM, DoctorStrongbad wrote:
At 2/25/16 03:33 PM, wolfe wrote:
Why is Reigns the main event at Wrestlemania 32? Don't WWE understand people want him to be a heel not a face. For fuck sake, they were booing him! Give Ambrose the title, please..
Vince loves Reigns for some reason. The fans continue to boo him, but Vince will keep pushing Roman. I hate Reigns as well.
I wouldn't go so far as to say I hate him. He can put on an entertaining match and is getting stronger as a storyteller. His promo work is still quite weak, but no worse than a lot of other guys. He's a hard worker, and a lot less prone to injury, making him more dependable as a top star than some of the guys hardcore fans gravitate towards. He also appeals to the younger audience (who will be making WWE all their money when our crusty asses are dead) and sells a lot of merchandise. I totally get why Vince loves the guy. He's money.
If you can ignore that "MY FAVORITE GUY IS OVERLOOKED" mentality, and look purely at Roman's career, the problem is not with Reigns himself, but how creative has used him, and a lot of that even stems from Rollins being injured. The story they wanted to tell was the 2 top guys in the Sheild finally settling their differences with the biggest prize on the line, and I think the history between those guys would have made that an exciting payoff.
Instead, they had to use emergency plan B, wich was put the belt on another superstar. Cena wasn't available for the part, they didn't want to eat up Lesnar's contract too early, and no other full-timers are really established enough to be a credible threat. So they just grabbed the biggest heel with championship experience they could. Unfortunately it was also a guy they have booked so badly over the years fans no longer took him seriously.
Fans loved it when Roman took the belt of Shamus, and they really should have let him keep it for a while at that point. Play the part of the proud champion. Generate a fresh new rivalry. But they went back to the well AGAIN with the over-used authority angle. They missed the opportunity to build a new top heel.
The thing WWE keeps getting wrong is that need to have ONE top guy. That just kills any variety long-term because you know that one guy is always gonna come back again and again. People forget that Cena was (almost) never booed back when Lesnar, HHH, Batista, Orton and Shawn Michaels were also booked as top guys. We had enough variety that one guy didn't get stale as easily, and the PPVs has SO MUCH MORE going on.
Reigns isn't the problem, he's a symptom, and the fans are actually part of the problem.
Look at who else SHOULD be a top guy right now and look at what they all have in common. Daniel Bryan. Seth Rollins. Cesaro. Even CM Punk.
They are all guys why epitomized the high risk style that the fans think is the best thing ever. And they all keep getting injured (or worse, injuring other people) because of that style. I'm gonna go ahead and predict the same thing happens to AJ Styles sometime this year too.
You can't blame WWE one bit for not putting the guys that use that style in the top spots, because they are much more at risk to get hurt and fuck up all the plans. But when they don't use those guys, the fans get upset and just rage about how Vince only likes the big monster guys.