My prediction is Lesnar wins via DQ. They ultimately need to keep Rollins strong, while also keeping Lesnar at the top. I can imagine the match has Seth bash Lesnar with a chair or does something to the referee again. Anyway this will keep Brock as #1 contender and they will have another match with some kind of extreme stipulation that means Rollins could have a legit chance at winning. He won't, because ultimately the Brock has to be the top of the food chain or they are wasting their money on him. Plus, they already have Seth falling out with the Authority for his next major storyline.
Do you guys think Seth can hang for long as a solo star? I wonder if he might be stronger as a babyface. It would be cool to see him play up the 'architect' aspect of his character and create a new faction out of NXT talent.
I know nobody really cares for Cena, but do you guys REALLY want him to drop the belt? Think about it for a minute. The best parts of Raw the past few weeks have easily been seeing Cena put the title up against hungry midcard guys. Seeing Cesaro, in particular, step up has been amazing. The US Open challenge is exactly the kind of vehicle the midcard titles should be for. If Owens wins, that goes away.
And Owens' future is far from over if he loses to Cena. That guy will have a chip on his shoulder and simply NEED to become a champion again. Put in in the IC Title picture, and suddenly THAT belt gets legit as well. I can't be the only person who doesn't give a shit at all about Ryback, the Miz OR the Big Show right now. Owens vs Ryback would actually be a solid draw. Afterwards, Owens could then try to one-up Cena by having his own weekly challenge.
CENAWINS could actually be best for business this one time. He really is at a point in his career where he's ready to put guys over, even if he never loses. You can see him selling more than he ever did before, and even though he's botching a lot, he IS trying to mix up his move set. In fact, if he would just give up the springboard stunner, most of his updates aren't so bad. At some point he will be world champ again, but he will have helped create a new group of stars that can believably beat him, and any matches they have as main events will cement the next generation as legit stars.
Looking over the horizon, it won't be long before Samoa Joe and Finn Balor are moved up too. Balor is really poised to be the next Daniel Bryan I think. And Joe could easily slide into the top card position. Everyone wants to see him and Owens go at it. That would be a great IC bout right there!
Did anyone else actually get an inkling of hope, after Raw, that maybe they are finally going to let the Divas have real matches? On NXT the women have been very impressive in the ring. Paige is already in a position where she can get the Divas title off the Bellas, and now she has some legit talent she can show off her considerable talents with. And there's NO WAY they are making a "Total Diva" out of Charlotte.