At 4/7/13 08:04 PM, ViceFullbuster wrote: too funny
It says it all, doesn't it? Ten years of boredom? When will it end?

At 4/7/13 08:04 PM, ViceFullbuster wrote: too funny
It says it all, doesn't it? Ten years of boredom? When will it end?
Well this Monday, RAW is gonna be in South Carolina. My brother and I are gonna go see it live! So excited!
At 4/12/13 01:24 PM, The-Great-One wrote: Well this Monday, RAW is gonna be in South Carolina. My brother and I are gonna go see it live! So excited!
Have fun man! Make the crowd just as good as last week...hahaha.
Also I've been hearing rumors left and right about Batista returning. Supposedly he said he "definitely" wants to return to WWE.
At 4/11/13 10:28 PM, Ganon-Dorf wrote: I don't think that Rock got hurt, there is a story going around that he pulled an Ultimate Warrior and went home after Mania. I was at Wrestlemania 18 and I can say that it was one of the best live events in my life (besides Dream Theater and Iron Maiden in the same concert....Portnoy was still with Dream Theater as well =) ). The Rock vs. Cena was a bit predictable, especially since Rock didn't wrestle until after he won the title till Mania, he was being used as a filler champ so he could job to Cena (never though I'd say that about the Rock). Henry vs. Ryback sucked, especially the way it ended, Ryback should have won full stop.
Rock is definitely hurt, the injuries they ran down monday are 100% legit. End of the day he went home because he's an actor first, the coming in for WWE when he can is because he loves the business and wants to give back. But he is not now, nor will he be, a "wrestling first" guy. Henry vs. Ryback did really suck. I didn't expect much but it definitely blew chunks live. I didn't really mind the finish since I think keeping Henry strong is a good idea here and Ryback isn't hurt by the loss since he basically smashed Henry after the fact.
The Hall of Fame should have had Backlund and Sammartino inducted last, Foly should have been after Trump however, but you cannot make any argument that Sammartino should have been last if you know about his history in the WWF and his history with the Hall of Fame.
I'm not saying it was bad to induct Bruno last. But I can see how reading that post back it comes off as I did. Apologies. I think had I been handling the inductions I would probably have gone something like this: Trish, Backlund, Booker, Trump, Foley, Sammartino. The problem with the way they did it is you had all the modern talents the fans felt a real connection with go first, then you saved a person who while deserving of induction, is just seen as a shit heel of a rich guy (Trump), and then two guys that while very important to the company and deserving of respect, are not necessarily known or appreciated as much by the modern audience. Though I think Backlunds induction was marred by Maria Menunous going waaaay too long, and Backlund having played "Mr. Backlund" too well for too long so that people aren't really sure if he isn't bat shit. The audience was good for Bruno though, and he was quite short out there. So that was really my problem, they should have sprinkled and mixed things up better, I felt Mania perhaps suffered a little from that similar idea but in reverse (blasting out all of the undercard first then doing main event after main event).
At 4/12/13 09:33 PM, aviewaskewed wrote:
a big paragraph that had quoted text from me as well so you can all scroll up and read it.
I've got a few links about Rocks injuries:
ubb=get_topic;f=1;t=132714;p=0 e858b005c16a0bd1ec0e37346f3e2 w-planned-beatdown-angle-rock/
The last link is the only one that talks about injuries, the only concrete facts I can gather is that a Rock/Lesnar storyline was planned and that it had to be scrapped because the Rock wasn't able to attend Raw for whatever reasons.
At 4/11/13 10:38 PM, aPerfektFlaw wrote: New poster to this club, but a LONG time WWF/WWE fan. Long story short, my fav's are The Rock, Ryback, and Umaga. Now, I want to ask you knowledge fellows. Do you guys think Ryback will FINALLY get his title rein in the next few months/year? It's much over-due if you ask me!
Ryback has been pushed to a status of Sheamus and Orton, I'm not sure he's world champ material yet though. He needs to get some better mic skills; I could see him raping Dolph Ziggler for the heavyweight title though, they aren't going to spend a year pushing him only to delegate him back to a jobber.
I've just watched Smackdown and I was okay with the way it turned out, except for one thing, where the hell was sin cara. I heard he was scheduled for Smackdown and he didn't have a match. I mean im not gonna lie, sin cara is my favorite wrestler since he came on the scene. I actually heard there's was gonna be a sin cara vs cesaro match for the U.S. title after his concussion injury. I was excited for that match but it seems they dropped everything and said screw it. In my honest opinion they need to push him, just look at his potential in the ring, some of the stuff he does is what rey mysterio did back in wcw. I seriously hope he's not obtaining jobber status because thats pure waste of potential. maybe soon wwe will push him at least some titles in the future. I can only hope
At 4/12/13 10:34 PM, omega88x wrote: I've just watched Smackdown and I was okay with the way it turned out, except for one thing, where the hell was sin cara. I heard he was scheduled for Smackdown and he didn't have a match. I mean im not gonna lie, sin cara is my favorite wrestler since he came on the scene. I actually heard there's was gonna be a sin cara vs cesaro match for the U.S. title after his concussion injury. I was excited for that match but it seems they dropped everything and said screw it. In my honest opinion they need to push him, just look at his potential in the ring, some of the stuff he does is what rey mysterio did back in wcw. I seriously hope he's not obtaining jobber status because thats pure waste of potential. maybe soon wwe will push him at least some titles in the future. I can only hope
He was planned to have a match for the US title against Cesaro at WM, but he got injured for the 1000th time which prevented that whole thing from happening (also left Cesaro without a match on the card). They need to release him already, he can't stop getting injured and he keeps fucking up WWE's plans. Rey Mysterio never got injured this much in WCW.
At 4/12/13 10:18 PM, Ganon-Dorf wrote: The last link is the only one that talks about injuries, the only concrete facts I can gather is that a Rock/Lesnar storyline was planned and that it had to be scrapped because the Rock wasn't able to attend Raw for whatever reasons.
There was apparently an idea towards setting something up with them that'd build towards Mania 30...personally I'd like to see guys like that stop beating on each other and try to pull the rest of the roster up to their level but...seems WWE is never going to do that.
Apple is a communist dynasty that is trying to take the world down in flames under its oppressive boot. Samsung will surge the universe into glory #androidnation
Sig by Decky
Well, I was Live at RAW on Monday. IT WAS AWESOME! One of the best RAW's ever! Except for that match with Kaitlyn and the Bella Twins. I liked the Diva's match on Superstars more (which I saw before RAW started) between Natalya and Tamina Snuka.
Kane's fire live is always amazing! If you get a chance to see RAW live and you know Kane is gonna be there then YOU GO! It's amazing to see that fire! My brother and I got pretty great seats at great prices to. You don't have to spend an arm and a leg to get a great view of the ring. I will say this though if you can TAKE A WOMAN WITH YOU! That way you can smuggle in candy and drinks. That shit costs quite a bit. For foods like popcorn which can be shared as well as pizza and nachos, the prices are reasonable, but everything else will cost you more than your tickets probably.
Sorry about that rant. I did enjoy hearing Cena, he's getting better on the microphone. It was like old times. Hope it keeps up.
Also, after RAW went off the air, we got an encore match of John Cena, Kane, and Daniel Bryan vs. The Shield. That was awesome, but not just that, after the match Daniel Bryan choke slammed Seth Rollins.
At 4/16/13 10:29 PM, Piemix wrote: cena needs a push off a bridge.
Fixed it!
Hopefully Ryback eats him. I thought Cena going back to dork land on monday hurt Ryback, also Ryback walking away and seeming to back down on him was a bad call.
At 4/17/13 10:15 PM, aviewaskewed wrote: Hopefully Ryback eats him. I thought Cena going back to dork land on monday hurt Ryback, also Ryback walking away and seeming to back down on him was a bad call.
What they did to Ryback giving him this fucked up storyline, that was stupid... it makes sense and probably looked good on paper, but execution is everything. I liked Cena on Monday, Ryback shouldn't have backed down, we should have just had a brawl and have Ryback be a legitimate threat to Cena's title, even if Cena would win the belt back at Extreme Rules or another Pay-Per-View, at least Ryback would seem more intimidating and give Ryback the push he deserves.
Despite Cena on the mic on Monday, whether or not he will follow it up... I don't know. I doubt it. However you can't deny that Cena this Monday was a breath of fresh air compared to what we've been hearing from him for the PAST YEAR!
At 4/17/13 11:03 PM, The-Great-One wrote: What they did to Ryback giving him this fucked up storyline, that was stupid... it makes sense and probably looked good on paper, but execution is everything. I liked Cena on Monday, Ryback shouldn't have backed down, we should have just had a brawl and have Ryback be a legitimate threat to Cena's title, even if Cena would win the belt back at Extreme Rules or another Pay-Per-View, at least Ryback would seem more intimidating and give Ryback the push he deserves.
Didn't they fuck up Umaga's push just like that a few years ago? Come on, it is the WWE that we are talking about. Vince has long lost the plot, all he does is sucking Cena's big fat juicy cock these days.
At 4/18/13 10:26 AM, Dream-of-Duke wrote: Didn't they fuck up Umaga's push just like that a few years ago? Come on, it is the WWE that we are talking about. Vince has long lost the plot, all he does is sucking Cena's big fat juicy cock these days.
Yeah they did. They also fucked up The Great Khali the same way. To Vince, Cena is his Hulk Hogan. The only difference was that Hogan had some personality and character to himself. Cena has lost that. Although Monday I thought he was pretty good on the mic with Ryback... we can only see if he can keep it up.
Last week's RAW = the single best RAW audience I've ever seen!
It's official: Fandango's theme has created something more powerful than the "YES!" chants. He's also been showing off his actual wrestling skills finally, so he's finally off to a good start.
Dolph is finally where he should be; congrats are in order. Now we just need Mike Mondo as ROH Champ, and the giant middle finger to the Spirit Squad will be complete. :P
Given Punk's shoot, I wonder if the end of his tenure is coming up? He has indeed done everything big in WWE, so yeah....
The Booker/Long situation is getting interesting. Long's been made to actually look like the heel in this situation, if there is one.
At 4/7/13 08:59 PM, Zachary wrote: Undertaker's intros are always spectacular. Those hands grabbing up at him looked boss as fuck.
No argument there. Definitely one of his best.
At 4/11/13 01:41 AM, aviewaskewed wrote: I was there for both the Hall and Mania. God I'm not sure if I hope me screaming for Cena to "die in a fire" when he won the belt should make the DVD.
That's our avie! :P
Mania was fun live, but the card was very lackluster, Taker/Punk easily best thing on the show, Lesnar/H a good brawl. Rock/Cena absolutely sucked until right at the end, but since Rock got so massively hurt that makes sense. The Hall was easily better and a really great night but both shows were wrongly paced. Mania throwing all the undercard out at first was pretty bizarre and hurt them I think. They definitely got hurt with the Hall in throwing all the names people had a connection with out first and then saving Trump, Backlund, then Bruno for last was a bad call as well I felt. Still, I really enjoyed myself at both events and it was great to see truly deserving talents honored on saturday, and two of my all time favorites steal the show sunday.
I was pissed that Backlund & Booker got their inductions cut short on the TV airing over Trump; that was utter bullshit. I loved Foley's induction, though, w/ Jericho letting Foley pin him. Oh, and congrats to Trish & her future little bundle of Stratusfaction.
I was very pleased that WWE took out the Tons of Funk match to let the more important stuff have more time, considering how some past WMs screwed over more important matches w/ pointless crap. Not to say that match would've been pointless crap, but it would've been a space-waster in comparison to the rest of the card.
I wasn't expecting Trips to win, but it was an awesome brawl. Awesome touch when Trips slapped the Komura Lock on Lesnar, and, of course, breakin' out the ol' sledgehammer.
Punk/Taker was awesome, just as I expected.
I didn't want Cena to win; although, considering the injury, it was probably for the best, I suppose. Cena did have some cool moments, though, like the Rock Bottom and when he faked the People's Elbow.
I wasn't expecting Hell No to retain. I loved Bryan chanting "YES!" w/ the fans at the end; that was just so awesome. ^_^
I feel cheated w/ Henry/Ryback; it should've been a dream match, but it wasn't. I don't care if they justify it as setting up the Cena feud; I STILL FEEL CHEATED. >:(
At 4/13/13 12:36 AM, mothballs wrote:At 4/12/13 10:34 PM, omega88x wrote: I've just watched Smackdown and I was okay with the way it turned out, except for one thing, where the hell was sin cara.He was planned to have a match for the US title against Cesaro at WM, but he got injured for the 1000th time which prevented that whole thing from happening (also left Cesaro without a match on the card). They need to release him already, he can't stop getting injured and he keeps fucking up WWE's plans. Rey Mysterio never got injured this much in WCW.
*facepalm* BLARGH.......
At 4/20/13 04:15 PM, Swackman wrote: Last week's RAW = the single best RAW audience I've ever seen!
It was a hot crowd, the thing I love about the UK is they love their wrestling and that usually leads to more wrestling on shows they do there and less stupid.
It's official: Fandango's theme has created something more powerful than the "YES!" chants. He's also been showing off his actual wrestling skills finally, so he's finally off to a good start.
Gimmick still sucks, but he's very over in the UK. Fandangoing doesn't really matter or work in the US though so...I think the jury is still out on him. I did like we got some more wrestling and they've gotten away from the top rope leg drop and such as a finish. Maybe there's still hope.
Dolph is finally where he should be; congrats are in order.
Nah, one week isn't going to get the job done. I thought he looked good this week, and I really hope AJ gets the divas belt as having them as a "power couple" in the WWE could be fantastic.
Given Punk's shoot, I wonder if the end of his tenure is coming up? He has indeed done everything big in WWE, so yeah....
That was NOT a shoot. In no way was that situation a shoot. Punk is taking time off because he has been working hurt and that hellacious bump he took at Mania onto the announce table screwed his knees good. He needs to rest up (I was in the house and that bump looked sick.
The Booker/Long situation is getting interesting. Long's been made to actually look like the heel in this situation, if there is one.
I'm on the fence about turning Teddy (clearly that's where we're going). I mean, I know he can do the job, but honestly? Would he really be a heel here? Yeah you can say that even though he was the boss, Book is now, and Book has never dissed him so he should accept that things changed and he should be happy. But considering how badly Teddy has been fucked around and fucked out of his "job" in the storylines over the last 3 or better years, I think he would actually make sense if he starts saying "goddamn I was the longest tenured GM here, I did a damn good job, and I got fucked!"
I'd stay away from it. Just because it's like having Kane and Taker together as a regular team, there's no team that could realistically beat these guys. Since it seems The Shield are being positioned to ultimately go after the tag belts (or maybe I'm just assuming shit, next week they've got Cena and Ryback) I'd hate to have a team like Show and Henry around for them to try and take...then again, maybe it'll make them look even more bad ass.
That's our avie! :P
Also, if he says "The Ryback" one more time, I'm reaching through the TV and smacking him. That kind of shit needs to stop, if he stopped doing that, the promos he's cut on Ryback of late would be much more believable and credible for me. When he resorts to that stuff it makes me think he's trying to be funny and this should not be a situation where he should trying to be funny. Ryback is a beast, who beat his ass, and wants his belt. Cena should be pissed and concerned at all times when dealing with Ryback until the issue is settled.
I was pissed that Backlund & Booker got their inductions cut short on the TV airing over Trump; that was utter bullshit. I loved Foley's induction, though, w/ Jericho letting Foley pin him. Oh, and congrats to Trish & her future little bundle of Stratusfaction.
We popped big for Foley going over Jericho. Backlunds induction was a bit of a mess since Menuonos went long and pissed the audience off, then some people wanted to be idiots and get Bob to do "Mr. Backlund"
I was very pleased that WWE took out the Tons of Funk match to let the more important stuff have more time, considering how some past WMs screwed over more important matches w/ pointless crap. Not to say that match would've been pointless crap, but it would've been a space-waster in comparison to the rest of the card.
I think they could have gotten on the show if WWE knew how to properly time out their damn shows and cut it out with all the "look at us, look at us! We're so great!" video packages and other stuff.
I wasn't expecting Trips to win, but it was an awesome brawl. Awesome touch when Trips slapped the Komura Lock on Lesnar, and, of course, breakin' out the ol' sledgehammer.
First time was great. When he kept doing that my section at least turned on it and we were yelling at Lesnar to just move so he could stop applying it over and over already.
Punk/Taker was awesome, just as I expected.
Just fantastic stuff there.
I didn't want Cena to win; although, considering the injury, it was probably for the best, I suppose. Cena did have some cool moments, though, like the Rock Bottom and when he faked the People's Elbow.
I think the whole thing was a big mistake. Putting the belt on Rock seemed like a good idea on paper (even I could see some benefit) but it didn't work at all in practice because Rock was on junket after junket for GI Joe and the studio absolutely didn't need him promoting WWE. Cena wasn't over, Rock is over but to put him over Punk hurt him, and I think this was something the fans didn't want. WWE is definitely scared and nervous about the Mania buyrates.
I wasn't expecting Hell No to retain. I loved Bryan chanting "YES!" w/ the fans at the end; that was just so awesome. ^_^
I didn't either, but I don't think that was the bad call though. The bad call was Ziggler being ineffective at cheating and eating the pin.
I feel cheated w/ Henry/Ryback; it should've been a dream match, but it wasn't. I don't care if they justify it as setting up the Cena feud; I STILL FEEL CHEATED. >:(
Henry is very good, Ryback is still young. Neither one can really carry a dude, but I thought the work would be better then it was. At one point I believe I yelled something like "I paid for wrestling, not hugging, the fuck?"
*facepalm* BLARGH.......
I know they hoped this guy would replace Mysterio as the masked super hero guy for the kids but...yeah, I don't think it's going to work for them. If they want that, perhaps they should go grab a guy like Sanjay Dutt or some such and just put him under a hood.
At 4/17/13 10:15 PM, aviewaskewed wrote:At 4/16/13 10:29 PM, Piemix wrote: cena needs a push off a bridge.Fixed it!
Hopefully Ryback eats him. I thought Cena going back to dork land on monday hurt Ryback, also Ryback walking away and seeming to back down on him was a bad call.
lmao. yeah it was a bad decision, especially if they want to go for that dominant heel figure again like mark henry in 2011.
He did outstanding work with foley last night though. feel free to disagree. I've also noticed that cena's a little bit back to his old arrogant 2005 self again. I'd like to see more you can't see me's as we've been missing them since 2007. However, at this point, it's probably going to piss the audience off even more. Seems like the only fans he has left are the screaming 8-year olds, women, Indians/Middle-Easterns, and 30-60 year old virgins.
Apple is a communist dynasty that is trying to take the world down in flames under its oppressive boot. Samsung will surge the universe into glory #androidnation
Sig by Decky
At 4/23/13 09:00 PM, aviewaskewed wrote: I'd stay away from it. Just because it's like having Kane and Taker together as a regular team, there's no team that could realistically beat these guys. Since it seems The Shield are being positioned to ultimately go after the tag belts (or maybe I'm just assuming shit, next week they've got Cena and Ryback) I'd hate to have a team like Show and Henry around for them to try and take...then again, maybe it'll make them look even more bad ass.
With Big Show and Mark Henry, that's a dominating team, no questions about it. If they have The Shield beat Big Show and Mark Henry, that would put The Shield over the top. However as far as I see The Shield, they're playing the cowards card. Now the nWo would do the same thing, but let me tell you something, at least they would stay around for the fight.
I see The Shield try to gang up on The Undertaker. Kane and Daniel Bryan run down and they back off. The Shield have no personality to them, they really need someone to represent them on the mic. I still believe that if Paul Heyman was on the mic and Brock Lesnar was the leader, then The Shield would be very impressive and truly seem unstoppable. However we can't have that, because Lesnar and Triple H have got to have this "feud".
The Shield left the Undertaker for dead tonight....The Shield left The Undertaker for dead...they beat his ass, they messed him up, and they left him broken and all indications are he won't be popping back up until probably next year.
Yeah, these guys are made. I think more promo time is in order. But honestly, what more character do you need? They've explained themselves as the guys that come out, destroy anybody they don't like, and then leave. Works for me.
And a double-amen from me!
The WWE has finally done something truly right with these 3 guys. BELIEVE IN THE SHIELD!!!!!!!
At 4/23/13 09:00 PM, aviewaskewed wrote:At 4/20/13 04:15 PM, Swackman wrote: It's official: Fandango's theme has created something more powerful than the "YES!" chants. He's also been showing off his actual wrestling skills finally, so he's finally off to a good start.Gimmick still sucks, but he's very over in the UK. Fandangoing doesn't really matter or work in the US though so...I think the jury is still out on him. I did like we got some more wrestling and they've gotten away from the top rope leg drop and such as a finish. Maybe there's still hope.
Well, Fandango-ing does still seem to be a thing, but he can't exactly live off of that forever, especially if he's as good as he's actually supposed to be in-ring.
Dolph is finally where he should be; congrats are in order.Nah, one week isn't going to get the job done. I thought he looked good this week, and I really hope AJ gets the divas belt as having them as a "power couple" in the WWE could be fantastic.
Me, too; they'd be the best power couple in recent years. ^_^
Given Punk's shoot, I wonder if the end of his tenure is coming up? He has indeed done everything big in WWE, so yeah....That was NOT a shoot. In no way was that situation a shoot. Punk is taking time off because he has been working hurt and that hellacious bump he took at Mania onto the announce table screwed his knees good. He needs to rest up (I was in the house and that bump looked sick.
Ah, ok; didn't realize he re-fucked up that knees again. :/ Well, fugnuts..... I must've not realized he legitimately hurt himself during the match; I should look it over again since I have it recorded.
The Booker/Long situation is getting interesting. Long's been made to actually look like the heel in this situation, if there is one.I'm on the fence about turning Teddy (clearly that's where we're going). I mean, I know he can do the job, but honestly? Would he really be a heel here? Yeah you can say that even though he was the boss, Book is now, and Book has never dissed him so he should accept that things changed and he should be happy. But considering how badly Teddy has been fucked around and fucked out of his "job" in the storylines over the last 3 or better years, I think he would actually make sense if he starts saying "goddamn I was the longest tenured GM here, I did a damn good job, and I got fucked!"
Well, given the grief the poor bastard has gone through over the last several years, one can't blame him if he does turn. I forget that he was actually a heel at one time, since he's been a face for so long.
Show & THAT'S A TAG TEAM!I'd stay away from it. Just because it's like having Kane and Taker together as a regular team, there's no team that could realistically beat these guys. Since it seems The Shield are being positioned to ultimately go after the tag belts (or maybe I'm just assuming shit, next week they've got Cena and Ryback) I'd hate to have a team like Show and Henry around for them to try and take...then again, maybe it'll make them look even more bad ass.
Those two would be frigging AWESOME for a future Shield match, since those 3 are running a tad low on opponents. :P
That's our avie! :PAlso, if he says "The Ryback" one more time, I'm reaching through the TV and smacking him. That kind of shit needs to stop, if he stopped doing that, the promos he's cut on Ryback of late would be much more believable and credible for me. When he resorts to that stuff it makes me think he's trying to be funny and this should not be a situation where he should trying to be funny. Ryback is a beast, who beat his ass, and wants his belt. Cena should be pissed and concerned at all times when dealing with Ryback until the issue is settled.
I really hope Ryback gets the title off of Cen, although I'm still questioning why he was turned heel; god forbid a face not named The Rock faces Cena for the title!
I was pissed that Backlund & Booker got their inductions cut short on the TV airing over Trump; that was utter bullshit. I loved Foley's induction, though, w/ Jericho letting Foley pin him. Oh, and congrats to Trish & her future little bundle of Stratusfaction.We popped big for Foley going over Jericho. Backlunds induction was a bit of a mess since Menuonos went long and pissed the audience off, then some people wanted to be idiots and get Bob to do "Mr. Backlund"
Guess I should be glad the Backlund induction was cut short for me, then. :/
I was very pleased that WWE took out the Tons of Funk match to let the more important stuff have more time, considering how some past WMs screwed over more important matches w/ pointless crap. Not to say that match would've been pointless crap, but it would've been a space-waster in comparison to the rest of the card.I think they could have gotten on the show if WWE knew how to properly time out their damn shows and cut it out with all the "look at us, look at us! We're so great!" video packages and other stuff.
Yeah, dem video packages are getting a little annoying. That being said, the match wasn't necessary in the grand scheme, really.
I wasn't expecting Trips to win, but it was an awesome brawl. Awesome touch when Trips slapped the Komura Lock on Lesnar, and, of course, breakin' out the ol' sledgehammer.First time was great. When he kept doing that my section at least turned on it and we were yelling at Lesnar to just move so he could stop applying it over and over already.
It probably made Trips slapping it on Lesnar more awesome, though, as a way of saying, "Alright, ya wanna keep using that shit? LET'S SEE HOW YOU LIKE IT, ASSHOLE!"
I wasn't expecting Hell No to retain. I loved Bryan chanting "YES!" w/ the fans at the end; that was just so awesome. ^_^I didn't either, but I don't think that was the bad call though. The bad call was Ziggler being ineffective at cheating and eating the pin.
Oh, no, not a bad call at all, just surprising.
I feel cheated w/ Henry/Ryback; it should've been a dream match, but it wasn't. I don't care if they justify it as setting up the Cena feud; I STILL FEEL CHEATED. >:(Henry is very good, Ryback is still young. Neither one can really carry a dude, but I thought the work would be better then it was. At one point I believe I yelled something like "I paid for wrestling, not hugging, the fuck?"
Yeah, it SHOULD'VE been the most underrated match on the card, but it wasn't. The ball was seriously dropped with that match.
*facepalm* BLARGH.......I know they hoped this guy would replace Mysterio as the masked super hero guy for the kids but...yeah, I don't think it's going to work for them.
You'd think that a guy who had his own friggin' comic book series would be perfect for that role; alas, it doesn't seem to be going as planned, and that's a damn shame.
If they want that, perhaps they should go grab a guy like Sanjay Dutt or some such and just put him under a hood.
Chances of Sonjay ever leaving TNA = ZERO. They've stuck to him like glue, probably because he's the one Indian wrestler on TV who isn't either (1) currently a joke wrestler or (2) merely a big dude who doesn't have much in-ring ability.
If WWE actually bothers to give Mahal his due, he'd give Sonjay a run for his money.
Getting drunk, watching Barbed Wire City (latest ECW documentary) got another stack of Hardcore TV to watch after...let's have some mother fucking fun up in here!
And a double-amen from me!
Thank you both. Always nice to see things I say being validated and enjoyed by other fans. I'm only pissed most of the time cause I love this shit so much.
The WWE has finally done something truly right with these 3 guys. BELIEVE IN THE SHIELD!!!!!!!
The only thing I can criticize from monday is frankly? All respect to Kofi and the Usos, but they a) shouldn't be in the ring with The Shield, and b) they should be running them the fuck over. I'm not ready to ring the bell and say "everybody panic!" but that was not a good sign for me. Everything I hear is they're behind this...but man I just hope they're not in "let's kill time till Punk gets back and we can turn these guys into his boys". I hope...I can think of four or five way better angles then that, all due respect to everybody mentioned (Punk should come back a face, especially now that Ryback has been raped by the useless shit heads in creative...they aren't bookers, they aren't creative, fuck them!)
Well, Fandango-ing does still seem to be a thing, but he can't exactly live off of that forever, especially if he's as good as he's actually supposed to be in-ring.
It's a meme man. Memes die, we're internet people, we know that. That's why I won't get behind it, well that and he's a fucking heel. So what is the point promoting it, there's no push to turn him, there's no way to capitilize or monetize this from what I can see. It's kind of like the twitter thing comes off to's just "hey look, we're hip, we're cool". No wait, I take that back, they apparently have some idea to monetize the twitter. But Fandango? Nope. So to me, find a way to make money off it already dammit! Because I sat with the second biggest crowd WWE ever drew (and we were close to being the biggest) and know what we chanted at this kid? "You can't wrestle". FIX HIM.
Me, too; they'd be the best power couple in recent years. ^_^
Again, we could see how well this'd work...they can't. Stupid. So wasteful.
Ah, ok; didn't realize he re-fucked up that knees again. :/ Well, fugnuts..... I must've not realized he legitimately hurt himself during the match; I should look it over again since I have it recorded.
Check out the bump where he goes to dive on Taker and that table does not break. I turned to my buddy once that happened and I said "he is fucking hurt, there's no way he isn't hurt". So he's down to either take a rest, or get surgery, and he's smartly getting the rest. When he comes back too, he'll be worth so much more.
Well, given the grief the poor bastard has gone through over the last several years, one can't blame him if he does turn. I forget that he was actually a heel at one time, since he's been a face for so long.
That's the problem. A heel who is totally justified, is not a heel at all.
Those two would be frigging AWESOME for a future Shield match, since those 3 are running a tad low on opponents. :P
It is definitely an issue as they continue to book them as a six man. Hard to get other credible teams together to try and oppose them.
I really hope Ryback gets the title off of Cen, although I'm still questioning why he was turned heel; god forbid a face not named The Rock faces Cena for the title!
I really think this is a bigger strategy now that Vince is basically going to remove anyone who comes even close to getting over more then Cena. Punk was doing it, what happened? Turned heel and neutered to try and wreck him. Now it's Ryback. It's the only thing that makes any sense in my head. Vince wants Cena as THE guy, and instead of building up heels like Wade Barrett, it's "oh let's take headline babyfaces competitive to Cena and turn them" it's an insane strategy and this is the sad eulogy to Vince's career. The sad final years.
Guess I should be glad the Backlund induction was cut short for me, then. :/
I'm really curious to watch the DVD, but yeah, I felt like Backlunds induction was marred, and there was some half-retarded ass in front of us that kept yelling for the chicken wing. Great ceremony, but at some points I wanted to slap that crowd stupid.
Yeah, dem video packages are getting a little annoying. That being said, the match wasn't necessary in the grand scheme, really.
No but you know what? It was a Mania pay day for them, it's the ability to say "I worked Mania". That's more important to me then another Rock/Cena video package. It's a matter of respecting the talent, and their hard work dammit.
It probably made Trips slapping it on Lesnar more awesome, though, as a way of saying, "Alright, ya wanna keep using that shit? LET'S SEE HOW YOU LIKE IT, ASSHOLE!"
Like I say, the slow down of repeatedly doing that spot was a buzzkill live, especially after Punk/Taker and I've heard criticisms from people that watched on PPV that it didn't come across any better there.
Oh, no, not a bad call at all, just surprising.
If you don't think Ziggler getting fucked in that finish, then winning the World belt the next night was stupid, I just don't know what to say, or how to explain it to you. Because it seems common sense to me that that was a horrible idea.
Yeah, it SHOULD'VE been the most underrated match on the card, but it wasn't. The ball was seriously dropped with that match.
Horrible stuff. Just horrible.
You'd think that a guy who had his own friggin' comic book series would be perfect for that role; alas, it doesn't seem to be going as planned, and that's a damn shame.
They got Generico in developmental, so there you go.
If WWE actually bothers to give Mahal his due, he'd give Sonjay a run for his money.
Not happening. Honestly? 3MB should be turned face I think. You market to kids? Awesome. Turn them. Know what my 11 year old niece's favorite thing in the world is right now? Fucking 1 Direction. These guys are the wrestling equivalent of that. Turn them and make some money.
Just finished Barbed Wire it. BUY IT. I can never explain how privileged I feel to have been a fan of that company (for a little while anyway) and how it has still impacted my life in so many ways (some of the principles in that film I have had nothing but positive interactions with, and hey, I actually pitched a reunion show to Tony Lewis just before the company shut well before RVD! Lol). Good stuff, special time. Thank God I was an ECW fan.
After watching this video of Daniel Bryant on commentary, I hope their comes a day where CM Punk and DB are the commentators for all of WWE. Maybe in like, 15 years?
I am a new terror born in death, a new superstition entering the unassailable fortress of forever. I am legend.
At 5/18/13 08:54 PM, RomanWarrior wrote: Miz is the greatest ever....
He's our Best in the World while Punk's out.
£1 accumulator on Orton, Henry, Jericho, The Shield, Ambrose, Triple H, Swagger and Cena to return £55.
Gave me a free £1 bet, which I stuck on Big Show, Sheamus, Fandango, Team Hello No, Kofi, Triple H, Swagger and Ryback to return £400,000.
I'm still somewhat in disbelief that WWE did the sensible thing & give every Shield member a strap! HOLY SHIT!
Ahem, anyway, so what does everyone else here think of Heel Josh Matthews? i was not expecting a heel turn from him, and I'm horribly worried that he'll be booked as Heel Cole 2.0 - which is bad b/c I think Josh is way more liked by the fans, so yeah..... (Correct if wrong.)
Dammit, Jack, watch that foot! It's obvious that that foot really did clunk Dolph in the skull, and not just sold really well; he's got to be way more careful next time!
Well, at least Ryback didn't lose. Didn't win, but didn't lose, either, and that's all that really matters when your opponent is Cena.
Btw, one has to wonder just how much longer Cena will be wrestling, given that Achilles' tendon injury.
Given what was said, did Miz give up the strap for a made-for-TV movie deal? PLEASE TELL ME I'M MISTAKEN ON THAT. Yes, I know he's gotten a bit of a movie career now, but COME ON!
As far as tonight's show:
Ohai, Doug.........THANK YOU HEYMAN; HIS RING NAME NO LONGER SUCKS! Not only that, but it double-nods to his Hennig heritage - basically the ring name HE SHOULD'VE HAD FROM THE FUCKING BEGINNING. Regardless, nice to see that something's finally being done w/ the guy, ESPECIALLY w/ Heyman backing him. Today's a good day to be Doug, Curtis Axel.
......I guess this is the lead-up to Trips' retirement?
At 5/8/13 01:30 AM, aviewaskewed wrote: Thank you both. Always nice to see things I say being validated and enjoyed by other fans. I'm only pissed most of the time cause I love this shit so much.
Well, we may not always agree on everything, but I like to think we agree on shit 90% of the time. ;P
It's a meme man. Memes die, we're internet people, we know that. That's why I won't get behind it, well that and he's a fucking heel. So what is the point promoting it, there's no push to turn him, there's no way to capitilize or monetize this from what I can see. It's kind of like the twitter thing comes off to's just "hey look, we're hip, we're cool". No wait, I take that back, they apparently have some idea to monetize the twitter. But Fandango? Nope. So to me, find a way to make money off it already dammit! Because I sat with the second biggest crowd WWE ever drew (and we were close to being the biggest) and know what we chanted at this kid? "You can't wrestle". FIX HIM.
Well, yeah, that's true; the "YES!" meme has certainly lasted, though. But you're right - JohnDango can't run on this alone.
And, of course, his loss to Jericho last night ain't doin' him any favors.
Check out the bump where he goes to dive on Taker and that table does not break. I turned to my buddy once that happened and I said "he is fucking hurt, there's no way he isn't hurt". So he's down to either take a rest, or get surgery, and he's smartly getting the rest. When he comes back too, he'll be worth so much more.
Oh I remember! I forgot about the table not breaking, and how I was surprised that it didn't, and then Punk limping afterward. Oh dear.....after being relatively injury-free, he's now gettin' damn close to knee brace territory.... :(
Well, given the grief the poor bastard has gone through over the last several years, one can't blame him if he does turn. I forget that he was actually a heel at one time, since he's been a face for so long.That's the problem. A heel who is totally justified, is not a heel at all.
Hm.....yeah, good point.
However, now that Booker's dealing w/ his elbow issues, Teddy's temporarily back in charge; I wonder how this'll change the story, here.
Those two would be frigging AWESOME for a future Shield match, since those 3 are running a tad low on opponents. :PIt is definitely an issue as they continue to book them as a six man. Hard to get other credible teams together to try and oppose them.
They'd probably the only team who'd be able to anything against the newly-crowned Tag Champs at this point. I mean, WHO ELSE IS THERE who could be credible going against them?
I really hope Ryback gets the title off of Cen, although I'm still questioning why he was turned heel; god forbid a face not named The Rock faces Cena for the title!I really think this is a bigger strategy now that Vince is basically going to remove anyone who comes even close to getting over more then Cena. Punk was doing it, what happened? Turned heel and neutered to try and wreck him. Now it's Ryback. It's the only thing that makes any sense in my head. Vince wants Cena as THE guy, and instead of building up heels like Wade Barrett, it's "oh let's take headline babyfaces competitive to Cena and turn them" it's an insane strategy and this is the sad eulogy to Vince's career. The sad final years.
REALLY sad. :/ Really goes to show Vince's senility - since I don't think any sane man would keep this up w/o knowing fans would get pissed.
Guess I should be glad the Backlund induction was cut short for me, then. :/I'm really curious to watch the DVD, but yeah, I felt like Backlunds induction was marred, and there was some half-retarded ass in front of us that kept yelling for the chicken wing. Great ceremony, but at some points I wanted to slap that crowd stupid.
I would've payed ya to do it. :P
Yeah, dem video packages are getting a little annoying. That being said, the match wasn't necessary in the grand scheme, really.No but you know what? It was a Mania pay day for them, it's the ability to say "I worked Mania". That's more important to me then another Rock/Cena video package. It's a matter of respecting the talent, and their hard work dammit.
You have a great point, there. All things considered, people DO like Tons of Funk / The Funkadactyls, and Tensai has actually gotten somewhere in the WWE for the first time in......ever? Giving em a Mania shot WOULD'VE been nice, and they probably would've had it if the video packages weren't there. However, since the packages WERE there, obviously, their match was the only thing they could've cut, really.
If you don't think Ziggler getting fucked in that finish, then winning the World belt the next night was stupid, I just don't know what to say, or how to explain it to you. Because it seems common sense to me that that was a horrible idea.
I meant Hell No retaining wasn't a bad call; in hindsight, yes, it would've been better if Dolph had succeeded in his cheating, and they still lost anyway, or if the cheating failed and then they succeeded at cheating later & won (although them dropping the belts to the Shield would've been bad for them, unlike Hell No losing em).
You'd think that a guy who had his own friggin' comic book series would be perfect for that role; alas, it doesn't seem to be going as planned, and that's a damn shame.They got Generico in developmental, so there you go.
If WWE actually bothers to give Mahal his due, he'd give Sonjay a run for his money.Not happening. Honestly? 3MB should be turned face I think. You market to kids? Awesome. Turn them. Know what my 11 year old niece's favorite thing in the world is right now? Fucking 1 Direction. These guys are the wrestling equivalent of that. Turn them and make some money.
That could work! Doubt Creative's smart enough to do it, though.
(This is one of the longest posts I've done in some time..... o_O )
Anyone got any ideas when THE STRAIGHT EDGE SUPERSTAR CM PUNK will return, as he is my favourate wrestler, and im sure others, he needs to come back to the ring, i know he was injured during his very close attempt at ending the streak at wrestlemania, but what its been over 5 weeks now? so where is he?....basicaly i cant wait till he makes his return to the ring where he belongs, and im hoping for more great things from him, a new feud, new title rain, controversey, whatever its going to be is going to be epic and thats the be all and end all....maybe he will re kindle the feud with ryback once he is done with cena, or even help him, as cena has only beat Punk the one time, but i believe that Punk may come back and take issue with the shield as i dont think they are actualy working together, or maybe he will even take on Fandango....who knows let me hear your thoughts Newgrounds
I won't lie; Layla tapping out to AJ really did it for me. It was the highlight of a night that gets bonus points for no Cena. Definitely think I was owed something like that though after sitting through the Henry-Sheamus match the night before...
Roman Reigns could possibly be injured, I really want his ankle to be alright as he's just in the budding growth of his career.
I also should come to this group after a PPV as it seems some great discussion was generated after Extreme rules that I missed out on.