I have to say, I've greatly underestimated what WWE has done by turning Del Rio face. It finally dawned on me by the end of the match on Friday just what they were trying to do: create the next Eddie Guererro - a guy who by all means should be a heel, but has something about his character that gets the audience to root for him anyway.
And to my surprise, they appear to have SUCCEEDED.
Not only did they get the crowd behind him, but he had the match of his career. Please, someone tell me otherwise. The way he won it was friggin' glorious.
I guess he's gonna drop driving up to the ring? Actually, I hope he keeps that; he does drive some cool shit out there.
I thought Foley already WAS in the Hall of Fame? Guess not.........so, uh, congrats. :P
I knew Kaitlyn would get the title tonight. Even better, she won w/ a SPEAR! SPEAR! SPEAR! Does it much, much better than Kelly Kelly, too. :P Wasn't expecting Eve to 'quit', though.
Guess we can expect Miz to pull the Figure Four in matches now, eh? Seriously, AAAAAAAAAAAWESOOOOOOOOOOOOME moment with him & Flair.
I'm liking how WWE seems to be having Orton & Cena put people over more now rather than squashing em. That needs to continue if they expect to deal with their newfound competition.
Note to self: Don't mention Dr. Phil around psychiatrists. Hilarious as always.
Now that Langston has actually started speaking, he's finally showing a hint of something other than being big, which is what he needs to do if he wants to get anywhere.
Btw, I've been meaning to mention this: While I like the AJ/Ziggler angle, I hate Cena's part in it. Honestly, the whole thing has made Cena look like a colossal prick, going straight to the jokes and not even attempting to explain himself to her. Not what WWE wants to be doing with their 'top' babyface. :/
Definitely approve of the Rumble theme; awesome song. I mean, not like that song needs any more exposure, but yeah, still an awesome song.
In speaking of music, gotta love them Rock COncerts. :P
I expected Knox' debut to be as impactful as Doc's, and I was right. Angle sold it really well, too.
Bully Ray would probably be the last person, kayfabe or irl, that I'd ever expect to soon be Hogan's son-in-law - no offense to either person. Despite probably being kayfabe, I'm getting Trpis/Steph vibes, here - that there's actually something between him & Brooke behind the scenes........or is it just me?
More highlights from the PPV, including The Briscoes getting their 8th Tag Title run & Lethal being really, really pissed.
At 1/9/13 04:16 AM, Piemix wrote:
Damn, this club really is dead.
This club will never be completely dead. ;)
We just had one of the best RAWs in ages, and that Rock and Punk promo blew the roof off my house.
I despise the hell out of the Rock, though - gonna be a total fanboy here and say that CM Punk is the absolute man.
He schooled Rock in that promo. Even his fans can admit it, I honestly didn't think Dwayne did too terrible but his same lame jokes and name calling got tiring and our champion destroyed him and made him look like an idiot.
I got to say - these guys have such excellent chemistry it's unreal. And better yet, their gimmicks are completely different; the comedian jock vs. the rebel punk rocker. I rather really impressed with what creative built up for us.
I happen to like those lame jokes. :P He does better ones than Cena, anyway - although I'll even be made to laugh by his 50% of the time.
At 1/15/13 12:42 AM, Piemix wrote:
At 1/10/13 09:14 PM, Kraidle wrote:
The club is going so much stronger than I thought it would be... Seeing as it's still here.
Haha great to see you back again!
And Cena/Ziggler just put on the best match on RAW I've seen in a ton of years
It was pretty damn good. Ziggler did some awesome shit, as he's prone to do.
At 1/15/13 11:01 AM, Outlaw88 wrote:
It's that time again. Wrestlecrap.com is having their vote for the Gooker Award! For those of you who don't know they select the very worst stuff that happened and let us vote on what we think was the top thing that made us cringe. You can vote right here.
I call bullshit on some of that being on there. the AJ (Lee) angle has been gold thus far, and the Aces & Eights angle has been some of the best stuff TNA's done in forever. I guess it was slim pickings this year?
Voted for 'Farting Natalya'.........that was godawful. The Claire Lynch angle seems to be winning, though.....yeah, that was somewhat dumb, but IMO not as dumb as that. :/
I have my doubts about the Hardy's coming back. Jeff has been a proven liability due to his personal problems, and Matt really burned his bridges when he was released from the WWE due to his poor attitude. What would they offer anyway? The tag team division has been a joke for years and would only be for nostalgia. Once that wears off then what? They can't trust Jeff and they probably wouldn't push Matt.
There's little chance of it, that's for sure. Jeff did get his act back together, but the trust's probably dead & gone, and Matt has pissed everyone - even the audience - off.
At 1/15/13 12:34 PM, TheMaster wrote:
I've just started watching again after stopping in about 2000/2001.
I have no idea who 90% of these people are.
About a year before when I actually started, lol.