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The Wrestling (WWE) Club

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2013-01-15 11:01:41

It's that time again. Wrestlecrap.com is having their vote for the Gooker Award! For those of you who don't know they select the very worst stuff that happened and let us vote on what we think was the top thing that made us cringe. You can vote right here.

I have my doubts about the Hardy's coming back. Jeff has been a proven liability due to his personal problems, and Matt really burned his bridges when he was released from the WWE due to his poor attitude. What would they offer anyway? The tag team division has been a joke for years and would only be for nostalgia. Once that wears off then what? They can't trust Jeff and they probably wouldn't push Matt.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2013-01-15 12:34:34

I've just started watching again after stopping in about 2000/2001.

I have no idea who 90% of these people are.

Formerly TheMaster | PSN: Absurd-Ditties | Steam | Letterboxd

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2013-01-16 18:38:47

I have to say, I've greatly underestimated what WWE has done by turning Del Rio face. It finally dawned on me by the end of the match on Friday just what they were trying to do: create the next Eddie Guererro - a guy who by all means should be a heel, but has something about his character that gets the audience to root for him anyway.

And to my surprise, they appear to have SUCCEEDED.

Not only did they get the crowd behind him, but he had the match of his career. Please, someone tell me otherwise. The way he won it was friggin' glorious.

I guess he's gonna drop driving up to the ring? Actually, I hope he keeps that; he does drive some cool shit out there.

I thought Foley already WAS in the Hall of Fame? Guess not.........so, uh, congrats. :P

I knew Kaitlyn would get the title tonight. Even better, she won w/ a SPEAR! SPEAR! SPEAR! Does it much, much better than Kelly Kelly, too. :P Wasn't expecting Eve to 'quit', though.

Guess we can expect Miz to pull the Figure Four in matches now, eh? Seriously, AAAAAAAAAAAWESOOOOOOOOOOOOME moment with him & Flair.

I'm liking how WWE seems to be having Orton & Cena put people over more now rather than squashing em. That needs to continue if they expect to deal with their newfound competition.

Note to self: Don't mention Dr. Phil around psychiatrists. Hilarious as always.

Now that Langston has actually started speaking, he's finally showing a hint of something other than being big, which is what he needs to do if he wants to get anywhere.

Btw, I've been meaning to mention this: While I like the AJ/Ziggler angle, I hate Cena's part in it. Honestly, the whole thing has made Cena look like a colossal prick, going straight to the jokes and not even attempting to explain himself to her. Not what WWE wants to be doing with their 'top' babyface. :/

Definitely approve of the Rumble theme; awesome song. I mean, not like that song needs any more exposure, but yeah, still an awesome song.

In speaking of music, gotta love them Rock COncerts. :P


I expected Knox' debut to be as impactful as Doc's, and I was right. Angle sold it really well, too.

Bully Ray would probably be the last person, kayfabe or irl, that I'd ever expect to soon be Hogan's son-in-law - no offense to either person. Despite probably being kayfabe, I'm getting Trpis/Steph vibes, here - that there's actually something between him & Brooke behind the scenes........or is it just me?


More highlights from the PPV, including The Briscoes getting their 8th Tag Title run & Lethal being really, really pissed.

At 1/9/13 04:16 AM, Piemix wrote: Damn, this club really is dead.

This club will never be completely dead. ;)

We just had one of the best RAWs in ages, and that Rock and Punk promo blew the roof off my house.

I despise the hell out of the Rock, though - gonna be a total fanboy here and say that CM Punk is the absolute man.

He schooled Rock in that promo. Even his fans can admit it, I honestly didn't think Dwayne did too terrible but his same lame jokes and name calling got tiring and our champion destroyed him and made him look like an idiot.

I got to say - these guys have such excellent chemistry it's unreal. And better yet, their gimmicks are completely different; the comedian jock vs. the rebel punk rocker. I rather really impressed with what creative built up for us.

I happen to like those lame jokes. :P He does better ones than Cena, anyway - although I'll even be made to laugh by his 50% of the time.

At 1/15/13 12:42 AM, Piemix wrote:
At 1/10/13 09:14 PM, Kraidle wrote: The club is going so much stronger than I thought it would be... Seeing as it's still here.
Haha great to see you back again!

And Cena/Ziggler just put on the best match on RAW I've seen in a ton of years

It was pretty damn good. Ziggler did some awesome shit, as he's prone to do.

At 1/15/13 11:01 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: It's that time again. Wrestlecrap.com is having their vote for the Gooker Award! For those of you who don't know they select the very worst stuff that happened and let us vote on what we think was the top thing that made us cringe. You can vote right here.

I call bullshit on some of that being on there. the AJ (Lee) angle has been gold thus far, and the Aces & Eights angle has been some of the best stuff TNA's done in forever. I guess it was slim pickings this year?

Voted for 'Farting Natalya'.........that was godawful. The Claire Lynch angle seems to be winning, though.....yeah, that was somewhat dumb, but IMO not as dumb as that. :/

I have my doubts about the Hardy's coming back. Jeff has been a proven liability due to his personal problems, and Matt really burned his bridges when he was released from the WWE due to his poor attitude. What would they offer anyway? The tag team division has been a joke for years and would only be for nostalgia. Once that wears off then what? They can't trust Jeff and they probably wouldn't push Matt.

There's little chance of it, that's for sure. Jeff did get his act back together, but the trust's probably dead & gone, and Matt has pissed everyone - even the audience - off.

At 1/15/13 12:34 PM, TheMaster wrote: I've just started watching again after stopping in about 2000/2001.

I have no idea who 90% of these people are.

About a year before when I actually started, lol.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2013-01-17 03:11:12

At 1/15/13 12:34 PM, TheMaster wrote: I have no idea who 90% of these people are.

The sad part is even fans who watch regularly can say that too!

Liked the work in the cage this week, hated the finish. It's especially criminal when you consider that the show started with them doing something very smart in putting Barrett over Orton cleanly. Enjoyed the Rock Concert, but more and more I think WWE is locked into an "either/or" proposition when it comes to Punk: Either he beats Rock at the Rumble and drops the belt at or before the Chamber to Rock, or he jobs to Rock then takes the streak at Mania. I'll be in the house for Mania and frankly I'd be scared a bit if they DO take the streak, but Punk is the most logical guy to do it right now. I'd rather he beat Rock as I think it's a "no downside" elevator for him. Because if the idea is for him to lose to both guys after his historic title run (which they have been marring the fuck out of lately by trying to act like he's a cheating ass all through it) with two loses to two of the top most guys in WWE history then it is once again taking a guy who could be a solid "number 1" or "number 2" guy on either the heel or face spectrum and saying "nope, you're quite good, but still below the absolute greatest". Taker is done next year if not this year, and Rock is closing on 40 and who knows how long he'll want to be in a split time role, Lesnar I think is still a question mark, but if he does sign a new deal, he'll never be full time. WWE NEEDS Punk and considering that he basically got sold a bill of goods to re-sign it seems doubtful to me he will again. So get what you can get NOW dammit, and then use him to build others when and if he does decide he's done after this deal.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2013-01-17 22:06:20

And once again, TNA impresses me with their surprises. It really IS who ya don't expect, ain't it? Wow.....well, it explains why they added Todd Whatshisface to the commentary booth......

Interesting seeing Dreamer there after just recently having a WWE appearance. Also nice seeing Spike again; according to a 'Where Are They Now?' article I read on wwe.com a while ago, he's some sort of financial advisor to other wrestlers now, or something like that. (Bet Flair has him on speed-dial, lol.)

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2013-01-19 20:31:59

This year has started off rather poorly wrestling wise, hopefully it will pick up.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2013-01-20 00:09:14

At 1/19/13 08:31 PM, WooldoorSockbat wrote: This year has started off rather poorly wrestling wise, hopefully it will pick up.

I feel the opposite. This year is starting off great so far, started with a great Raw, then followed by Del Rio winning the World Heavyweight Championship. They're really hyping up this Rumble, specifically Punk and Rock, and I think it's going to be interesting whichever way it goes. I'm really, really pulling for Punk. I don't care what happens again after this or ever, my year will be made if Punk beats The Rock.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2013-01-20 01:08:09

At 1/19/13 08:31 PM, WooldoorSockbat wrote: This year has started off rather poorly wrestling wise, hopefully it will pick up.

I think it's decent so far. WWE usually kicks it into another gear at the Rumble as they build to Mania. TNA is trying, but I think the Hogans need to be out, Bubba needs to be revealed as the Aces and Eights leader already (face Bubba has never been a good idea) and we get to the next phase or whatever it is. There's hope here, but we'll see where they go. TNA too is cutting back PPV's pretty dramatically and this could be a great litmus test for will the product get better if they simply just focus on crafting good TV every week.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2013-01-20 19:08:07

At 1/20/13 12:09 AM, mothballs wrote:
At 1/19/13 08:31 PM, WooldoorSockbat wrote: This year has started off rather poorly wrestling wise, hopefully it will pick up.
I feel the opposite. This year is starting off great so far, started with a great Raw, then followed by Del Rio winning the World Heavyweight Championship. They're really hyping up this Rumble, specifically Punk and Rock, and I think it's going to be interesting whichever way it goes. I'm really, really pulling for Punk. I don't care what happens again after this or ever, my year will be made if Punk beats The Rock.

I don't want Punk to beat The Rock, John Cena is already billed as invincible with him kicking out of everything people do to him...he's not the Undertaker or Bruno Sammartino for christs' sakes. We really do not need Punk to beat everyone that comes at him, I'm more interested in where Ryback goes from here.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2013-01-21 10:56:20


Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2013-01-21 22:18:53

Please ignore that above post; I screwed up on what Sunday the Rumble was on. Not the first time I've screwed up on the date........... :/

Anyway, in agreement w/ the majority that this year has started off pretty good. WWE has actually been good, TNA no longer sucks, and ROH.......well, ROH is more or less the same, but that's good.

I don't think Bully's done that badly as a face - at least right now he hasn't. I disagree that he's the Aces & Eights leader, though; most signs point to Bischoff - unless he no longer works for the company.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2013-01-22 21:54:14

Watched RAW. All the matches were pretty damn good. However the segments with The Rock were tired and old. The nostalgia factor has worn off, if he doesn't bring something new to the table then we've got nothing. It is nice to see CM Punk pretty much strip this down.

John Cena was boring as well. Pretty much him attempting to be funny, but coming off corny as hell. You can tell that some of his energy has gone. The two cash cows are simply that, cash cows. The Rock is a great wrestler, there is no doubting that. We're not getting a lot of that though.

The way I see it is they REALLY need to turn John Cena here. I know he's Vince's golden boy and that brings in money for him, but come on. Do you not remember what WCW did your golden boy Hulk Hogan? Do you not remember how much money that made for WCW? Apparently not.

I say they should turn John Cena heel and make him the leader of The Shield. That has a lot of potential.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2013-01-27 17:20:20

Royal Rumble 2013 Predictions

Antonio Cesaro vs. The Miz

Team Hell No vs. Team Rhodes Scholars

Alberto del Rio vs. Big Show (Ziggler might cash in here)

2013 Royal Rumble Match - Dolph Ziggler

Apple is a communist dynasty that is trying to take the world down in flames under its oppressive boot. Samsung will surge the universe into glory #androidnation

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2013-01-27 18:54:20

Oh silly me, I apologize for the double post, but I forgot my Rock - CM Punk Prediction. Also i'll change up my RR match prediction too:

The Rock vs. CM Punk

Royal Rumble match winner - Brock Lesnar

Apple is a communist dynasty that is trying to take the world down in flames under its oppressive boot. Samsung will surge the universe into glory #androidnation

Sig by Decky

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2013-01-27 22:24:25

Why did Cena have to win the Rumble? Why couldn't they push Ryback? What does Cena have to gain from this win? Anything? Fuck all, he's at the top...good job writers, he isn't the fucking Undertaker or Sammartino, he isn't invincible.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2013-01-28 07:37:59

The Rock is WWE Champion. Well maybe we'll actually see more of him now.

Chris Jericho is back! Hell fucking yeah! Well chances are he's only back until Wrestlemania 29 and then he'll be gone again, but hey... I'm not complaining. I get to see more of Chris Jericho then I am happy as can be.

John Cena wins his 2nd Royal Rumble. Honestly I thought they were going to give it to Ryback. I'm just hoping we don't have The Rock vs. John Cena at Wrestlemania again. Yes it was a really damn good match, but I got this bad feeling that Cena is gonna take on Rock at Wrestlemania again, win the belt, and become this invincible bland superhero.

All I can say is, RAW tonight is gonna be awesome if I'm wrong.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2013-01-28 08:35:52

well what a shitty ending to that ppv that was

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2013-01-28 11:15:07

Well, this pretty much confirms Rock vs. Cena Part Deux...........

Kinda figured Rock would beat Punk, just because his 'Great One status' basically requires it in a similar vein to Taker. Which HOPEFULLY means he beats Cena again. *crosses fingers*

Did Ziggy cash in on Del Rio?

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2013-01-28 13:00:47

At 1/28/13 11:15 AM, Swackman wrote: Well, this pretty much confirms Rock vs. Cena Part Deux...........

Yeah, I was surprised that creative is really taking the predictable turn on this one.

Kinda figured Rock would beat Punk, just because his 'Great One status' basically requires it in a similar vein to Taker. Which HOPEFULLY means he beats Cena again. *crosses fingers*

He probably won't. Remember, 2013's year is Cena's, which is an indirect way of saying that Cena will be superman again this year.

Did Ziggy cash in on Del Rio?

That's what I thought was going to happen for sure. I was surprised.

Really predictable Royal Rumble, I really didn't think they were going to make Cena win the rumble. But to be fair, he's rebounding from his worst year so I guess credit is due.

Apple is a communist dynasty that is trying to take the world down in flames under its oppressive boot. Samsung will surge the universe into glory #androidnation

Sig by Decky

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2013-01-28 22:12:14

I doubt that Jericho is back for any amount of time...Fozzy is still on tour, they just don't have a show until Feb 23.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2013-01-29 07:28:26

At 1/28/13 10:12 PM, Ganon-Dorf wrote: I doubt that Jericho is back for any amount of time...Fozzy is still on tour, they just don't have a show until Feb 23.

I was told by someone he's signed through to Wrestlemania.

I really enjoyed seeing him. As someone who's only just gotten back into wrestling it's nice to see some familiar faces alongside all the guys I don't recognise.

Formerly TheMaster | PSN: Absurd-Ditties | Steam | Letterboxd

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2013-01-29 11:35:36

Why the fuck didn't they have Ziggler cash in on ADR when he was taped to the ropes.... all he had to do is come out, cash in, untape him and pin. That segment was MADE for a cash in. This would give the upcoming Ziggler vs. Jericho feud some fire instead of just being over the stupid briefcase again.

What I lack in accuracy, I make up for in enthusiasm

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2013-01-29 20:02:17

I still don't get how Ziggy's Money in The Bank didn't expire yet.
He should really fucking cash it in. Like seriously, he says he will, BUT NO.
Cena winning the Royal Rumble? I like Cena but....
I mean like Cena is already at the top, he doesn't need to go any higher.
We might see The Rock vs Cena at Wrestlemania again I bet.
And how the fuck did Del Rio win?!

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2013-01-30 11:31:01

At 1/30/13 08:32 AM, bhsqad15 wrote: Wow, so no Elimination Chamber for the WWE Championship, and in addition no Elimination Chamber for the World Heavyweight Championship. Instead it'll just be one of those crappy #1 Contenders Elimination Chamber Matches for the World Title (aka No Way Out 2008).

This saddens me. I wanted to see The Rock in an Elimination Chamber. I guess that's not gonna happen though.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2013-01-30 12:21:38

I'm so glad Jericho's picking up where he left off. I love face Jericho.....of course, that's probably because heel Jericho was getting a tad stale, and face Jericho NEVER gets stale. :P In my opinion, anyway.

......So, we're possibly looking at a Heyman-led stable of Punk, The Shield (KNEW they were tied to him; too obvious), and Lesnar? HEEL DREAM TEAM!!!! I hereby dub them "The Disgruntled" until further notice. It's pretty much set in stone now that this is a response to the A's-N-8's & SCUM.

Lol at Heyman' pathetic attempts at saving his own ass. :P He's so good at playing that slimy weasel role, ain't he?

.......Tensai must have a reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally good sense of humor to go through this shit....... :/

Even though JBL gets on my nerves, I do like the new dynamic he & Cole have; while Cole's a face again, he at least has fairly good comebacks & calls him out on his bullshit. Josh, however, is now in the position Cole used to be in, where he just sits there & takes it, which makes him look somewhat pathetic. :/

That guy who beat Barrett........something Dallas, I think.....they must be high on this kid to give him a clean win over him. That Scoop Slam was not what I was expecting, and I'm interested to see what else this kid's got. Hopefully he'll be in that tournament that starts tonight.


I'm still confused as to Taz' reasoning behind joining the A's-N-8's, but I assume that's on purpose. The only reason I can handle Heel Commentator "Teflon Taz" is because.......well, he's still Taz.

As far as that aforementioned "Teflon" part, I expect Hulk to find a loophole that will end w/ Bully beating him senseless.

I still wonder if there's anything real to the Bully/Brooke situation.......


Well, the inevitable conclusion to Lethal getting his chance against Steen again worked out more smoothly than I expected, much to the shock of the other SCUM members. Should be one hell of a match.

The eventual winners of that Tag Gauntlet are rather obvious to me; they wouldn't reunite The American Wolves w/o that purpose in mind - unless they have O'Riley & Fish beat em somehow to further the feud, and then have those 2 teams duke it out for the Tag Titles.

Lol at Haas basically telling the censors to shove it. :P It does seem rather odd that they'd start restricting the swearing all of a sudden when they've gotten away with enough of it up until now, and they're still TV-14.

I hope to hell Haas didn't actually hurt that kid; it looked like he could've literally broke in half at any moment.... o_O

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2013-01-31 00:50:20

After watching Main event, I see a possible Brodus/Tensai team up and that would be pretty damn cool. The only bad thing I can say about Tensai dancing around, it just seems so out of place. But, I'd be lying if didn't burst out laughing when I saw him dance.

As for the Ryback and Cesaro conflict, do you think it means Ryback may get a title shot or do you think he's too big on the ladder for it.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2013-01-31 18:47:04

I'm.......not quite sure what to make of Tensai's face turn. I believe we're about to see a tag team that out-bizarres Team Hell No.

If the cheering wasn't recorded, surprisingly, the people appeared to be completely behind Tensai. Well, whatever works.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2013-02-01 17:00:40

At 1/31/13 04:48 PM, SCTE3 wrote: I thought this was a nice tweet.

Simple, he's a tool. He's an ass-kisser. He wants positive attention from people to boost his already gigantic ego.

Seeing the belt on The Rock makes me sick. The fact that this movie star just comes back and shows up on the show about 5 times a year is one thing, but to slap the WWE Championship is sickening. Punk carried that entire match they had. Now we're headed for The Rock vs Cena II (possibly a TT with Punk in it) and the extremely predictable WWE will let Cena take the title from The Rock because they wouldn't dare let anyone else do it.

The RR was a really bad show IMO. The only real good match was the United States Championship match, which wasn't even broadcasted on the actual show and we were forced to watch it through wwe.com. Del Rio vs Big Show was by far the worst match of the night - just complete crap that ended even worse than the actual match. Cena wins the RR match? No one saw that coming...nothing interesting about the Tag Title match but it was good. And obviously the WWE Championship match didn't turn out the way I wanted, but Punk always puts up a good match. It was heading towards maybe even a 5-star rating until all that match restart shit happened.

Seeing Brock Lesnar come back last Monday was a nice surprise. I wasn't expecting it but I sure was thrilled. I love Paul Heyman and I really didn't want to see him go - not only did that not happen the instant Lesnar came out but I realized that one of my favorites returned. I'm hearing lots of rumors about Lesnar vs. Undertaker in WM 29. I think that would be an interesting match, but I want to see The Undertaker start wrestling guys at WM that show up consistently.

Ziggler vs Del Rio at WM 29 is painfully obvious, and I'll expect Del Rio to win that one.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2013-02-01 21:43:49

At 1/28/13 07:37 AM, The-Great-One wrote: John Cena wins his 2nd Royal Rumble. Honestly I thought they were going to give it to Ryback. I'm just hoping we don't have The Rock vs. John Cena at Wrestlemania again. Yes it was a really damn good match, but I got this bad feeling that Cena is gonna take on Rock at Wrestlemania again, win the belt, and become this invincible bland superhero.
All I can say is, RAW tonight is gonna be awesome if I'm wrong.

Unfortunately, I think that you are right. Cena will probably make the Rock tap out at WM29. After all, Cena has to come out on top in every feud because he sucks off Vince.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2013-02-02 00:37:09

At 2/1/13 09:43 PM, Dream-of-Duke wrote: Unfortunately, I think that you are right. Cena will probably make the Rock tap out at WM29. After all, Cena has to come out on top in every feud because he sucks off Vince.

I sadly agree that I think this is all about giving Cena the belt and his win back to almost obliterate the loss last year by making Cena's win so much bigger. You'd have to be deaf and blind to not see how bad a miscalculation that whole thing was. However all the talk that Rock "is just an actor" is stupid. This isn't David Arquette winning the WCW Title people, this is one of the best performers the industry has ever seen (who went off to another medium) coming back and winning the top prize. Rock CAN be a credible champion. The two issues with him having the belt right now are:

1. It ended the run of somebody who was shakily booked, and who should actually be the face of the company right now based on the fan reaction. It also reinforces the glass ceiling effect, and truly, Rock/Punk would be a better all around feud on the mic and in the ring then Rock/Cena.

2. It will simply be a gimmick to turn Rock into a transitional champion to get the belt back onto *yawn* John Cena. Who doesn't need it, and has headlined every PPV of the last year or so without it. It's a completely wasted effort and it's counter fucking productive to moving the company forward and back into a position to make serious money.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

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