It's deader than it should be, that's for sure.
A few quick comments:
First off, on top of not expecting to ever see Boogeyman again, I wasn't expecting to see Dreamer ever step foot in there again. But there he was, and 'HE'S STILL GOT IT! CLAP CLAP CLAP-CLAP-CLAP'.
Uh, did they turn Del Rio face w/o any explanation? Or was it explained during TLC? I know he'd been a face prior to the WWE, but it'll still take some getting used to. Given how Ricardo got mauled by The Shield, I can only assume he'll join the fight out of revenge.
Oh R-Truth's part of Hell No? It only gets loonier & loonier.....and I'm lovin' it.
By the way, regarding The Shield, I know some of ya have been wondering why that name was chosen; ain't it obvious? I'm willing to bet it was Punk's idea; we all know he's a comic book nerd, and that he loves to weave references into whatever plot he's currently in, so this has got to be the case.
On the members themselves, damn, they've really been given the ball, here! And doing a fantastic job! Now, if they don't get 'Nexus-ed' suddenly, this is going to be very enjoyable. I have to wonder if they were created as an answer to TNA's Aces & Eights and/or, to a lesser extent, ROH's Scum?
Glad to see Cody back, just because that injury could've been far worse than it was. I mean, that was one fucked up landing he had; he could've broken his neck that way.
I was worried at first that Ryback's noted tendency to go overboard caused Punk's injury, but he's apparently been working on a bum knee for a lot longer than I realized, so obviously it was gonna catch up with him sooner or later. It goes a long way to show the audience how seriously he takes his profession. All that being said, however, the fact that they had him keep the title when pretty much EVERYBODY ELSE had to drop the title in such situations - including HIMSELF on a previous occasion, if I'm not mistaken - is more than a little out-of-place.
Very interesting how the AJ/Dolph/Cena thing has gone; rather glad Dolph is finally with someone other than Vickie. I like how they tied the earlier thing w/ the bows into it by having her be the one who actually made em.
As for Langston, yeah, he's huge, but he's currently displaying all the charisma of a paperweight, so that's gonna hurt his chances of getting very far.
TttT was fun as always, although Miz' segment w/ a certain Muppet duo was stretching it a tad. Granted, it was merely a segue for Sandow to step in & say 'THIS IS IDIOTIC!', but yeah. Still, anyone speaking ill of The Muppets should burn in hell for blasphemy. Just sayin'. :P The bit w/ Bryan & Animal (Muppet, not Road Warrior) was hilarious, esp. when the goat Muppet walked in & went "Cousin Daniel?"........lololololol.
It's still gonna take some getting used to calling Luke 'DoC',but I love what they've done with him; he's gotten to do far more in a couple of months than WWE let him do in a couple of YEARS. That's reeeeeally saying somethin'.
Like I figured after seeing the clips from his Crowning Moment of Awesome at the PPV, it appears that the direction they're going w/ Joseph Park is 'he slowly realizes he is the brother he was looking for'.........the question is, how will they explain it? Brainwashing in an attempt to make him normal, perhaps?
The matches with Christian Yorke have basically told me TNA realized they fucked up letting him go all those years ago, and now they're trying to make up for lost time; they wouldn't stick him in a match with their champ ON THE FIRST NIGHT BACK IN if that wasn't the case. When he pulled the Twist of Fate on Jeff, I was immediately sold on the guy. If they're gonna do anything big with him, though, they'd best not wait too long - he's only got a few good years left on him; luckily, they seem to be quite aware of that.
Looks like we're probably gonna end up with Bully/Hogan eventually, but it's actually hard to entirely tell how anything will play out with these storylines.............which is what I like about it.
ROH was just a 'Best Of' show this time, so not much to say. Although last week, Mike Mondo addressed the crowd, mentioning whatever his old gimmick was (either WWE or TNA; never specified) and how much it sucked; I can't remember anyone of his size in a green jumpsuit, who the hell was he? It's been bugging me all week!