Sorry to double-post, but in response to what SCTE3 said, yeah, what the hell happened to their WWE station that was hyped up to the goddamn moon? Did that dumb lawsuit really force them to put it on hold?
Sorry to double-post, but in response to what SCTE3 said, yeah, what the hell happened to their WWE station that was hyped up to the goddamn moon? Did that dumb lawsuit really force them to put it on hold?
At 7/20/12 07:48 PM, SCTE3 wrote: We may never know. Kind of like all the hype for introducing Brodus as a heel before he became the Funkasaurus.
Smackdown was nice,with Rey coming back with a tag team match with Sheamus.
At 7/19/12 01:55 PM, bhsqad15 wrote: Heath Slater = Jobber to the legends
Road Warrior Animal Beat the Hell out of him too.
Today is the Day of Raw 1000!!!!!!
I can't wait to watch it!!!
Considering the import of tonight, I thought IâEUTMd run a commentary on the show, as it happens. Here we go:
Wow, first off itâEUTMs crazy to think that a show I started watching when I was 10 is now on the air at almost my 30th birthday and has hit a 1,000 episodes. I give WWE lots of crap (deservedly) but tonight? They should be proud as hell of themselves. With that we start with Vince McMahon and really we absolutely SHOULD. RAW was his baby, his idea, his creation, and he absolutely deserved to come out, soak up that adulation, and thankfully he kept it short. Loved that old school call back to how he originally welcomed us to RAW each Monday back in the day.
Loved the DX segment, also loved that all the guys were back for this moment. ItâEUTMs been lamentable over the last few years that WWE has forgotten Dogg, Billy, and Pac. They were just as important (if not actually more so) then the original duo. Lots of fun and old school call backs here (lol at Shawn losing his smile and playgirl). IâEUTMm on the fence with Sandow coming outâEU¦I get what they want to do, but IâEUTMm always leery of the young guys coming out and then getting put down by the old guys who they have no chance of getting it back from. But considering it was 1 minute of a 15 minute segment and right at the top IâEUTMm imagining most of you already forgot this by the time you read it. Awesome to have DX back in force though. Those guys were so influential on me and my friends and my outlook. Great old school moment there.
Jim Ross sporting a goatee? It suits him! JR looks really good and happy to be here. Having him on commentary can only improve the experience. Here comes ol Rey âEUoe2 strikesâEU Mysterio. Oh, itâEUTMs a six man? Well, I know who takes the pin if the faces lose! Next out is Sin âEUoeBotchamaniaâEU Cara AKA âEUoeHe who will replace olâEUTM 2 strikes sooner or laterâEU. Last out is SheamusâEU¦.ok, seriouslyâEU¦why do we have a World Title at this point if the champion is going to be working opening match six mans on the biggest TV show of the year? Sheamus really has not been booked too well in my mind in his reignâEU¦Next weâEUTMve got Chris âEUoequestionable comebackâEU Jericho. Recapping last weekâEUTMs segment, some people down it, I actually thought it was kind of cool if theyâEUTMre using it as step 1 for something. Good match, JR put over Ziggler which is good. Everybody got some stuff in, liked that Ziggler and Jericho do seem to be moving towards a program. The Jericho stat was interesting and goes to show again why Eric Bischoff should not have a job in wrestling right now since he let Jericho walk out of WCW. Of course, Bischoff let a lot of great talents that WWE then went on to make millions with walk outâEU¦but this was just another glaring example.
WWE with dumb comedy once againâEU¦what can I say? The hand was not needed at all, and most of the audience (hopefully) doesnâEUTMt understand the joke anyway. Also, AJ may in fact have just proven sheâEUTMs the sanest person in the company. The Charlie Sheen thing? EhâEU¦hopefully they feel thatâEUTMs money well spent, I sure donâEUTMt. Well maybe that Sonic in-show endorsement helped them.
Now weâEUTMve got Brodus vs. SwaggerâEU¦yayâEU¦I hate BrodusâEUTMs gimmick so bad. Why does a guy with the talent of Swagger have to job for crap like this? And it gets worseâEU¦Dude Love always looked kind of sadâEU¦but now it just looks that much sadderâEU¦mercifully, this is quick. Somehow, I donâEUTMt see Swagger being eager to sign a new contract when the time comes.
Now weâEUTMve got H and TrishâEU¦I have two good reasons I miss TrishâEU¦well, that didnâEUTMt go how I thought, but ok, sort of worked as a time waster for whatever theyâEUTMll be doing at the top of the hour here.
Starting hour 2 with the wedding is a great call. Brother love spot? Nope, Slick!!! Even better!!! What the hell? OhâEU¦thank God, she isnâEUTMt marrying VinceâEU¦WHAT?! AJ as GM? I uhâEU¦.hmmmâEU¦well, this is either going to be super good, or super terribleâEU¦certainly itâEUTMs going to be a bad time for mr. Daniel Bryan it seemsâEU¦this one may go down as the craziest wrestling wedding ever, and that covers a lot of ground.
Wow, Cm Punk, Daniel Bryan, and The Rock in the same ring at the same time? This could be epicâEU¦PUNK NEEDS TO REIGN OVER A YEAR!!! Seriously, Punk vs. Rock, it needs to happen. Unfortunately I think theyâEUTMll put it on Cena to break their âEUoeonce in a lifetimeâEU stip. Poor Daniel BryanâEU¦he is such a third wheel in all of this and heâEUTMs going to get Rock Bottomed. Or worseâEU¦that Ooompa Loompa thing is gonna stickâEU¦and thereâEUTMs that Rock Bottom.
WowâEU¦this segment is utter suck so far. Holy fuckâEU¦I am absolutely tired of this âEUoeletâEUTMs get Heyman on TV to fuck with him and belittle ECWâEU. I hate this fucking companyâEUTMs need to live in the goddamn past and rewrite it. I guess that dirty cunt needs to rewrite that backstage fight story from a few years back. What a bag of bullshit. Oh please letâEUTMs let Lesnar kill StephanieâEU¦kill Stephanie and save this thing. Because really? IâEUTMm starting to feel all they really had in them was a hot opening andâEU¦oh here we go, Lesnar and H fucking each other up, works for me. But of course Triple H has to stand tall hereâEU¦jesus, why did they bring Lesnar back in? Just so they could try and sell some shows with Lesnar jobbing to the tippity top guys? ChristâEU¦I mean, maybe heâEUTMll start winning when heâEUTMs in there with guys like Bryan and Punk. Garbage man, really garbage beyond the physicality in this one.
This Tout crap is annoying alreadyâEU¦ah, Austin vs. McMahonâEU¦when this show didnâEUTMt suck. Also, what is up with the weird language standards tonight? DX can say suck it, but not assâEU¦Rock can say ass thoughâEU¦but on an old video we need to bleep ass? Also Lesnar is allowed to drop a fuck, but the delay caught itâEU¦weirdness.
Hornswoggle and SantinoâEU¦joyâEU¦Heath Slater, well, hereâEUTMs hoping for Warrior or some similar great surpriseâEU¦IâEUTMve got 2 reasons I miss LitaâEU¦hahaha! The APA! Nice! Yeah Bradshaw is pretty scum butâEU¦still, gotta love the APA. Now here comes everybody else Slater has messed withâEU¦so any hope of slater ever mattering just went bye bye.
Recap of AJ becoming GMâEU¦you know, sheâEUTMs got to have had one of the most meteoric rises since The Hardyz, going from forgotten jobber to central figure on RAW every week. So apparently weâEUTMre building to a Charlie Sheen Daniel Bryan feud now? Uh ohâEU¦and I had such high hopes for BryanâEUTMs careerâEU¦
Jinder Mahal formed a new JOB Squad it looks likeâEU¦and THERE HE IS!!!! THE UNDERTAKER!!!!! Holy shit!!! I was all ready to crap on this segment but, fuck it. He headlined the first RAW and here he is on 1000. That Jacket is pretty damn scaryâEU¦take it from somebody whoâEUTMs seen that entrance live about 5 or 6 times over his lifeâEU¦there is nothing like it. The building gets colder, there is a presenceâEU¦there is a powerâEU¦Undertaker is a one of a kind character and performer. Kane just audibly dropped an S-Bomb, and the JOB Squad looks like theyâEUTMre getting froggyâEU¦choke slams and Tombstones for all IâEUTMd sayâEU¦big brawlâEU¦stereo choke slams. Next come stereo Tombstones.. Two first ballot Hall of Famers in the ringâEU¦IâEUTMm still not sure if weâEUTMll see Taker at WM this yearâEU¦but let me say it again, there will never be another like him.
OkâEU¦realistically, itâEUTMs 10:44 by my clockâEU¦how fucking much time are they giving this title match? Good job twitter. Now hopefully WWE will listen to the people and realize that John Cena may be the childrenâEUTMs choiceâEU¦but he just isnâEUTMt the franchise they hoped he was. Looks like thisâEUTMll only go about 15 minutes, if thatâEU¦shame, but I guess they really shouldnâEUTMt be giving away long matches on TV if they still want to try and sell PPV (even though the model now is that TV is more important). I like that they keep mentioning how long PunkâEUTMs reign has gone and all the greats heâEUTMs tying or beating. It helps show that Punk really is big time now. Ok, as much as IâEUTMm a Punk mark, Cole is full of crapâEU¦Punk changed the direction of that company for a few weeks, then he came back and they pissed it all away. Get real. Good match so far, Lawler just compared Cena to Superman, that made me pop. Working slow and deliberate hereâEU¦wonder if they were given more time on the overrunâEU¦well, a bumped ref costing Cena a victory here should mean a Punk victory pretty assuredly right? Oh, hereâEUTMs Big ShowâEU¦and spears Cena. Punk just lets it all happenâEU¦are they turning him? TheyâEUTMre insane if they are. Some goof is chanting TNAâEU¦IâEUTMm not a big fan of that sort of thing. Punk into the delayed coverâEU¦but no, Cena kicks outâEU¦uh ohâEU¦DQ finish from Show. So John Cena officially becomes the first MITB cash in and not win the title. Figured itâEUTMd end something like this. But Punk is out as the Rock is inâEU¦what the hell WWE? Turning Punk would be a disastrous call. Oh shitâEU¦Punk just took down The RockâEU¦yep, I think heâEUTMs turning heel againâEU¦this company is fucking insane. Still, itâEUTMs a hell of a cliffhanger for next week. Personally I love heel Punk, but I just canâEUTMt see that being a good call for the promotion.
Overall? Fun show, great to see the old guys back, great ending. But all the cracks and creative problems that will make this three hour experiment painful on an average week showed too.
Uh, avie, your 2 posts are showing up reeeeeally weirdly for some reason, making it slightly hard to read:
Considering the import of tonight, I thought IâEUTMd run a commentary on the show, as it happens. Here we go:
Dunno what's going on with that......
Anyway, congrats to 1,000 episodes! Even with said congrats, though, this episode was a bit of a clusterfuck. The selective bleeping was odd; I didn't catch Kane's S-Bomb, but Lesnar's was pretty blatant.
I still love DX. Never got to see the whole gang together, though. I don't think Sandow was hurt much, here.......considering there was 5 of em (although it only took 2), and he's yet to actually job to someone, unlike some of the other guys. I'm slightly surprised Waltman didn't say one single word the whole time (beyond chatting with Trish backstage), as I was hoping he'd make some comment about Cole being more worthy of X-Pac Heat than he is.
In speaking of Cole, for the first time in forever, he was tolerable. Beyond one moment (and even that was relatively mild), he actually acted in the way he SHOULD BE EVERY GODDAMN NIGHT.
Look, WWE, we get it - you're jealous of ECW. We like it, so just shut up. That being said, why is Heyman going through with this, anyway?
Congrats on finally giving Miz something after crapping all over his previous push for some odd reason. At first, I wasn't sure about his new stubble, but it's working pretty well. Maybe this will end up a case of metaphorically AND literally Growing The Beard for can only hope.
Part of me is worried that the new GM choice isn't going to turn out well; the other part of me is screaming "FUCK YES!! FUCK YES!!! FUCK YES!!! FUCK YES!!!
Any time Lita's on is awesome; her Twist of Fate-ing, Moonsault-ing and pinning a male wrestler is REALLY awesome. Then we have the APA on top of that; as much as I don't like JBL personally, that was the most awesome Clothesline From Hell I've ever seen. This all said, Slater needs to get the fuck out of this company - unless he somehow enjoys being a jobber to Legend after Legend after Legend.
Btw, forgot to bring up Animal's appearance last Friday; it was great seeing him in the ol' Road Warrior getup again, since the last time he wrestled, he ditched the gimmick, turned heel, and unfortunately flopped. He's still got a lot of gas left in the tank, that's for sure.
Swagger, you deserve better than this shit. Really. Unless they do go through with a program with Skip, he's being completely wasted right now.
.......Much like Drew, Mahal, Hawkins, Reks, Hunico, and Camacho..........who all got pwned by Chokeslams & Tombstones. Yeah, we all love the Brothers of Destruction, but you may as well just future endeavor all those guys right now & get it over with. Drew ESPECIALLY doesn't need this shit.
The end match........what........the.........fuck......ARE THEY THINKING!? Hell, what is PUNK thinking, allowing this, since he apparently has some influence now? I know he does a great heel; we all know that. But NOW!? WORST possible time, esp. with those WWE '13 commercials with him front-and-center for obvious reasons. Unless there's some reeeeeeeeeeeeeally good storyline excuse, here, this might be the worst call WWE's made in a while.
At 7/25/12 12:37 AM, Swackman wrote: The end match........what........the.........fuck......ARE THEY THINKING!? Hell, what is PUNK thinking, allowing this, since he apparently has some influence now? I know he does a great heel; we all know that. But NOW!? WORST possible time, esp. with those WWE '13 commercials with him front-and-center for obvious reasons. Unless there's some reeeeeeeeeeeeeally good storyline excuse, here, this might be the worst call WWE's made in a while.
One way to do it is have CM Punk saying he wants The Rock all to himself and doesn't want Cena to be in another match with The Rock, that's one way.
At 7/25/12 05:38 PM, The-Great-One wrote: One way to do it is have CM Punk saying he wants The Rock all to himself and doesn't want Cena to be in another match with The Rock, that's one way.
This reminds me when Cena did the Attitude Adjustment to The Rock.
CM Punk is going to get it.
At 7/24/12 05:55 PM, MudkipsPiano wrote: Brodus Clay, again a waste of TV time, he hasn't lost a match since he came back January 2nd.
Brodus Never Desrved to be on the 1,000 Raw I mean Seriously!
His Dancing Sucks to!Rikishi is a better Dancer!
Why Would you give such a low rating? I mean
I wasn't really bad at all!WE DON'T HAVE DX EVERY EPISODE!!!!!
Also we saw X-Pac,and Road Dawg When was the last we saw
them!Also The APA!THE APA!!!!Also when was the last time we had a wedding
on Raw?Like 6 Years ago?Charlie Sheen also challenged Daniel Bryan to a match at summerslam.
At 7/27/12 11:33 AM, SCTE3 wrote: I feel that maybe he could have had some other Superstar come out and do some other dancing. I know it's his thing to be "funky" and all but maybe giving a couple of new dance moves from time to time would work better.
Thats what I mean he always does the same thing every night!Would it Kill for a new move?!Or at least one more dancer?
At 7/27/12 11:33 AM, SCTE3 wrote: Only person missing was Chyna.
Lots of great matches tonight. No GM announcement, though, which is odd.
Indeed, there appears to be a Ziggler/Jericho feud. Shame it'll be a tad short, since Chris apparently has some Fozzy tour dates to worry about - not that I'm complaining abiut that. :P
I'm glad the higher-ups are pushing Ziggler; after being part of 2 of the dumbest gimmicks in WWE history, and managing to shake it all off & get this far, he deserves every opportunity in the world.
I actually decided to, since I had nothing else to watch at the time, catch Impact last night. Wrestling was good; storylines were meh. Basically, not as bad as I feared. They're apparently pushing James Storm to the fucking moon, which I imagine would make a certain "Fuck The Faces!" member here happy - despite the fact that Storm is himself a face now.
Styles is stuck in a retarded angle I care not to mention.
Pretty sure Bully Ray botched that Piledriver on Angle...........and yet, I'm certain the management will not give two shits less.......
It was Chavo's debut night, and he got a standing, screaming ovation. Just an in-ring promo, though, but regardless, he was given the respect he deserves from the fans. Now, whether or not the company will give him the same remains to be seen.
At 7/27/12 08:10 PM, Wavepad wrote:At 7/27/12 11:33 AM, SCTE3 wrote: Only person missing was Chyna.Here you go an article about her comments on Raw 1000
Huh. I thought it'd be related to her annoyance with WWE's direction I hgeard she had; looks like it's just a 'porn stars aren't PG material' issue.......
While reading that article, I found out a bunch of other stuff, like why seeing Khali much in thr future is unlikely, Ryder hoping to undo the damage from his previous de-pushing, Kelly bitching about her segment getting cut when we're probably better off, Kong walking out for a while, and Alex Riley shooting his chance at a push in the foot.
Hey, I don't catch up on info much normally.........
At 7/28/12 01:25 AM, Swackman wrote: Kong walking out for a while, and Alex Riley shooting his chance at a push in the foot.
Well this article shocked me more than the others,its seems that Karma
has been fired and is out of WWE.
Nah, not fired; it was a mutual agreement for the time being.
At 7/28/12 03:25 PM, Swackman wrote: Nah, not fired; it was a mutual agreement for the time being.
Oh ok.Khali brain damaged?What the hell?
Yeah, but luckily it was a success, and he'll be out soon if he hasn't been already.
At least he has his status in his homeland to fall back on; but yeah, probably won't be in the ring much anymore......
Caught ROH last night. Rhyno can still GORE! GORE! GORE! as good as ever. :P
Evan Bo...........Matt Sydal's brother, Mike, wrestles there now; he's 'small guy, big moves', just like his bro (possibly smaller than Matt, actually). Unfortunately, also like his bro, he jobbed, to some insane Italian dude.
Guess Sara Del Rey turned down WWE's offer; she's now in an angle w/ Maria, who now plays a prissy bitch.
There's a lot of interesting angles, here; I really have to stop forgetting it's on. :P
At 7/29/12 10:29 AM, Wavepad wrote: Oh ok.Khali brain damaged?What the hell?
It's a tumor removed from his pituatary gland that can cause the "gigantism" disease that Andre The Giant suffered (and ultimately died) from.
At 7/30/12 01:33 AM, aviewaskewed wrote: It's a tumor removed from his pituatary gland that can cause the "gigantism" disease that Andre The Giant suffered (and ultimately died) from.
Wow thats sad thanks for the info.
Cincinnati was on fire. How about that? Well the first episode after the 1000th Episode, surely did not disappoint. I love AJ as our new General Manager, nice matches, fun attitude... she's abusing her power a bit against Daniel Bryan, but I don't know, the crazy thing working on Daniel Bryan, could be interesting.
The first match of the night Santino Marella vs. Alberto Del Rio, I enjoyed. I am a Del Rio fan, so I enjoyed seeing him win this match, he does not disappoint in the ring. Del Rio is my favorite Heel.
John Cena I liked tonight, mainly because I didn't have to hear him talk AT ALL. That might change next week, but for the time being he had nothing to say. As for CM Punk, some of what he said I can agree with, but they're slowly putting him in this Heel turn from the looks of thing. CM Punk can play a good Heel so we'll see what happens.
Daniel Bryan vs. Sheamus. Sheamus is my favorite Face and my favorite current wrestler since he came in. I just love watching him beat the shit out of people and he didn't disappoint in the Street Fight Match, truly a fun match to watch.
Chris Jericho and Christian tag teaming against Dolph Ziggler and The Miz. Nostalgia heaven for me to see Jericho and Christian tag teaming again. All four guys were impressive to watch, this is what the tag team division should look like. Speaking of which seeing Kofi Kingston tonight was a snore fest... except for seeing Little Jimmy get punted by Daniel Bryan.
The main event between John Cena and Big Show was another great match. I have seen this match time and time again and it never gets old, these two can work this ring exceptionally well and they never disappoint. Also Randy Orton is back, can't wait to see what craziness he will plan on bringing forth.
All in all, tonight's RAW was awesome! Can't wait to see who Smackdown's new General Manager will be. I'm banking on it being Eve.
TGO Top 5 Best
1. Sheamus
2. Alberto Del Rio
3. Chris Jericho
4. Dolph Ziggler
5. The Miz
TGO Top 5 Worst
1. The Rock
2. Kofi Kingston/R-Truth
3. The Prime Time Players
4. John Cena
5. Heath Slater
So......those guys in white seen with Bryan before the 'wedding' were going to cart AJ off to a psych ward, proving it was all just a scheme by Bryan, when she was just trolling the whole time, and those same guys cart Bryan off for an evaluation AJ Lee is RAW's Troll-In-Chief.
The fans apparently have turned Jericho full-face. Been a while since we've seen him out of a heel role.
Somebody just fire Slater to end his suffering. Wonder what they'll do with Orton now; both him & Rey are on their last chance, so they'd both better be careful.
Not sure about Punk's heel turn yet........I still think the timing sucks.
At 7/31/12 10:24 PM, JohnCena423 wrote: Booker T is the new general manager of smackdown
Well whose gonna replace him on commentary then?
Actually, I'm rather glad about that; he (or his gimmick, anyway) sucks on commentary. A GM role is a much better fit for him.
Cole will be pissed. :P
At 7/31/12 10:44 PM, The-Great-One wrote: Well whose gonna replace him on commentary then?
Hopefully nobody. Seriously, commentary should be a play by play, and a color man. That's it.
Or the ECW model where you have a play by play guy who can do just enough color that it doesn't matter.
Three man booths are always unwieldy and don't really work. I'm glad as hell to see Booker out of the role though, Book was a very good wrestler (one of the only consistent bright spots of WCW), and is a tremendous character and talker (proven time and again), unfortunately that won't always translate to being a good commentator and he just never grew into the role. So I think this is a good use of him and it also brings a fresh twist to his character, and potentially to SD! which has certainly taken a quality dip of late. Course, the whole WWE has really, and already I want three hour RAW's to end.
At 8/1/12 12:31 AM, aviewaskewed wrote: Three man booths are always unwieldy and don't really work. I'm glad as hell to see Booker out of the role though, Book was a very good wrestler (one of the only consistent bright spots of WCW), and is a tremendous character and talker (proven time and again), unfortunately that won't always translate to being a good commentator and he just never grew into the role. So I think this is a good use of him and it also brings a fresh twist to his character, and potentially to SD! which has certainly taken a quality dip of late. Course, the whole WWE has really, and already I want three hour RAW's to end.
I thought the 3-Hour RAW was really good. I was entertained for a majority of it. It will be nice to see Booker T in a new spot on SmackDown. I would like to see Josh Matthews off of the announce table to be honest.
At 4/14/03 01:23 PM, Frank wrote: this is the wrestling club! Talk about anything that has to do with wrestling (preferably the wwe).
I residentevilfan shall be member #1
i am in
At 8/1/12 12:34 AM, The-Great-One wrote: I thought the 3-Hour RAW was really good. I was entertained for a majority of it. It will be nice to see Booker T in a new spot on SmackDown. I would like to see Josh Matthews off of the announce table to be honest.
.........Seriously? Josh is the best the WWE has right now. Frankly, he's been the actual voice of the WWE far more than Cole.
At 8/1/12 04:43 PM, bunnyrage321 wrote: i am in
It seems we have new member.
At 8/1/12 09:30 PM, Swackman wrote:At 8/1/12 12:34 AM, The-Great-One wrote: I would like to see Josh Matthews off of the announce table to be honest..........Seriously? Josh is the best the WWE has right now. Frankly, he's been the actual voice of the WWE far more than Cole.
Josh should stay.But he is not the best Commentary person, Jerry Lawler is!