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The Wrestling (WWE) Club

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2012-06-19 22:34:05

I forgot to mention I caught Punk on Late Night with jimmy Fallon last night. As awesome as I figured it'd be. He talked about his ability to make goofy insults instantly trend on Twitter, and an embarrassing moment from one of his past side jobs at a gas station involving a rampaging wild turkey, and ended with him & Fallon 'snow angel-ing' on the floor.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2012-06-20 00:10:14

At 6/19/12 08:09 PM, Swackman wrote: Yeah, that was pretty low. Heyman acting as a heel in this is one thing; just don't spit on the ECW legacy, esp. when you're STILL TRYING TO MAKE MORE MONEY OFF OF IT.

Exactly, it is very easily possible to say everything about Heyman that H said without making comments about ECW itself. They have more then enough history with Heyman in their company and storylines to portray him as a liar, opportunist, and scumbag without once again trying to reduce the impact of ECW and call it a "bingo hall promotion". It's the same from when they drove WCW into the ground. I understand they didn't wind up paying very much for either library (I think the combined total was about 4 million) but even if you got it for a penny, you should want to get your money's worth from that and consistently belittling it and then saying "hey! Buy DVD's of this inferior product!" isn't going to get it done. It's well past time that Vince surrendered his ego about this stuff, accepted that he won and then reap the profits off the releases.

I had a whole rant too about the factual inaccuracies of this marketing on my FB last night...I have no tolerance for stupid when I drink.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2012-06-23 03:26:56

Buy ECW Unreleased Vol. 1. BUY THE BLU-RAY FUCKERS OR BUY NOTHING!!! It has the Three Way from The Night The Line Was Crossed. A match so phenomenal a guy's girlfriend fell off her chair and got knocked out. Dave Scherer said "hey buddy, ain't you gonna help your girl?" "Fuck you! There's 5 minutes left!!"

This, my sick, mutant, smart mark bastards, is what wrestling should be.

You'll thank me later, transmission out.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2012-06-23 17:23:56

I take it that the Hogan movie that's being re-released is yet another part of this peace offering exchange between WWE & Impact. Never thought I'd see the day when the 2 sides would ever play nice with each other. Impact is still currently shit, but it is nice seeing those 2 get along.

Oh crap.......Vickie in charge again. Remind me to put her segments on mute.........

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2012-06-30 08:15:16

At 6/16/12 08:16 PM, MudkipsPiano wrote: And I got to meet Hornswoggle and Santino Marella today! COOOOBBBBRRRRRAAAAAAAAAA

Thats awesome dude your so lucky.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2012-06-30 08:23:19

At 6/18/12 12:27 AM, SCTE3 wrote: John Laryngitis has been fired. Fantastic! Wonder if Theodore Long will take over for both RAW and Smackdown until they find someone else to run RAW. That or Otunga and Eve will try to interfere and take over, considering (at least what I consider it to be) how poor of a job they seem to do by only annoying people, they would not do well running the show whatsoever.

I hope not Otunga because I have a feeling he is going to flex his muscles and then go
"The next match should be Big Show & Dolph Ziggler Vs John Cena".
He might just want some revenge for John Laronitis.
But I actually don't know what Eve would do.
But here are my picks for general manager,
For Raw the Genral Manager should be Mick Foley
and for Smackdown it should go back to Theodore Long.
Or It could be Theodore Long for both Raw and Smackdown.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2012-06-30 08:31:03

At 6/23/12 05:23 PM, Swackman wrote:
Oh crap.......Vickie in charge again. Remind me to put her segments on mute.........

Remember What happened in 2008? When Vickie was favoring Edge?
Undertaker Vs Edge TLC RETIREMENT MATCH Edge won because of Vickie
Zack Ryder and Curt Hawkins.After that Vickie brought back Undertaker
then Edge had to face Hell In A Cell in Summer Slam.Edge got chokeslamed from a ladder and broke the ring.
Then Vickie hated Edge ever since.
I have a feeling the same thing might happen to Dolph Ziggler.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2012-06-30 13:56:16

If the "LET'S GO ZIGGLER!" chants from this week have been any indication, Dolph has finally made himself in this business. He's been putting on some great matches lately, and the audience has obviously taken notice.

Also, in speaking of great matches, Layla & AJ have proven that Divas matches no longer equate to bathroom breaks.......at least when either of them are involved.

As much as I don't like seeing Swagger buried, I'm happy with Kidd's performance. Easily the best work he's ever done.

Easy to say, a lot of good things happened last night.

So TGAB has now become just a glorified SD episode. Huh.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2012-07-01 03:23:25

At 6/30/12 01:56 PM, Swackman wrote: If the "LET'S GO ZIGGLER!" chants from this week have been any indication, Dolph has finally made himself in this business. He's been putting on some great matches lately, and the audience has obviously taken notice.

Or it's smart crowds. Never underestimate that it's smark crowds. But honestly I'm a big fan of giving Dolph an honest to God chance and building him. They absolutely HAVE to start building some new guys or it's game over.

Also, in speaking of great matches, Layla & AJ have proven that Divas matches no longer equate to bathroom breaks.......at least when either of them are involved.

Put the belt on AJ plz. She is easily the most over Diva in the company and since I figure they're setting her up to turn on Punk and it to be revealed she and DB have been in cohoots from the beginning she could be a wonderful heel champion for faces like Layla to chase down and actually put some life into the division again.

As much as I don't like seeing Swagger buried, I'm happy with Kidd's performance. Easily the best work he's ever done.

Collect the checks and get the fuck out when the contract expires is my advice to Swagger. Head to Japan first probably, then maybe hit TNA after. I don't know what the company has against this kid...the only thing I can think of is the really paranoid idea that since he was JR's last signing before his job went to Laurinitis that this is some kind of attempt at a fuck you on JR....which is ridiculously stupid, but so was putting Laryngitis on TV solely because they thought it was funny to put a guy on TV who really didn't want to be there.

As far as The Bash...honestly? It's always been a crap show really, even going back to it's WCW roots...well, maybe the first couple in the 80's under Crockett with Dusty booking (without the usual Dusty booking crutches that fuck his tenure) were good...but under WWE that show was an unmitigated disaster every time it's been staged really. So I'm fine with it being a way to be a patriotic theme for a live SD! before the 4th.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2012-07-03 00:27:26

Well, that was an interesting end to the show. And I loved it. ^_^ In response to your post, AJ as Divas Champ? YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES!

I forgot to mention this last week, and tonight has basically confirmed it: It looks like Jericho has gone back to his 'comic heel' ways from his early career, which was a great decision. He's been getting too carried away with his previous heel self, so this is an obvious case of damage control that needed to happen. Just oooooooone little thing: We all know what happened with him, as WWE posted it on their own frigging site; so tell me why they all of a sudden acted like his absence was due to a Fozzy gig - of which I'm certain was booked due to him having the time to now spare in the first place. Wow, the management really DOES we have goldfish brains, don't they?

That all being said, the bit with him & Bryan shouting their catchphrases ad nauseam was funny as fuck. :P

I'm a tad disappointed that the next GM will be decided by the Battle Royale tomorrow. Why? I had this idea that, it being July 4th & all, and WWE trying to make peace with Impact, that next week's GM would be announced to be another former GM.......with 'GM' also standing for something else.......gahdammit. TELL ME THAT WOULDN'T BE AWESOME? You know how large of a pop he'd get from the fans? I see this as a missed opportunity, here.

All I'm saying is, it'd be fitting, and if they're willing to let Christian stop by over there, then certainly they can give us a week worthy of Gold Medals.

.......This is assuming he hasn't burned any major bridges with WWE higher-ups since last I checked......

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2012-07-03 23:59:33

At 7/3/12 12:27 AM, Swackman wrote: .......This is assuming he hasn't burned any major bridges with WWE higher-ups since last I checked......

Angle isn't coming back unless they can get him full time. WWE is still locked in a lawsuit with TNA and sending Christian in for what was probably reciprocation from the Flair deal is not the same thing as "building a bridge". TNA is not ECW. TNA is a clear cut competitor, ECW was a smaller, alternative league that WWE established a mutually beneficial relationship with because ECW was never in a position to be a threat to them in any real way. Had they been, WWE either would have never established the financial and talent sharing relationship, or if ECW took off after WCW went down they would have severed it immediately.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2012-07-04 08:09:45

I loved the great American Bash it was awesome!
The funniest part was when Zack Ryder got the punch,
he tried to Damien Shadow instead he missed and hit Eve!
After Eve got hit Teddy Long went "Now thats my kind of party!".
I also liked the tag-team match with Sgt.Slaughter,Jim "Hacksaw" Henson,
and Santino Marella vs Drew McIntire,Hunico,Camicho.The 20 man Rumble was
awesome too,Zack Ryder Won! He is now GM for next week!Im so exited!

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2012-07-04 16:15:52

..........Ok, before I go on about last night, just what is this lawsuit between Impact & WWE?

Last night went pretty well. Was not expecting him to win the Battle Royal........I can only assume Sandow will be put through hell, then. And probably Eve, on top of the hilarity that already occurred. :P

However, he's only GM for SD......oh for fuck's sake, WE'RE NOT GETTING THE ANONYMOUS COMPUTER AGAIN FOR RAW, ARE WE!?!?!?!?


Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2012-07-06 08:28:56

At 7/4/12 11:49 AM, SCTE3 wrote: Wish I had been able to watch that last night. Nice to hear Zack Ryder had an overall fantastic run last night. Not only did he get justified vengeance on Eve by hitting her (she did ruin his life for awhile then sucked up to Laryngitis and got a higher up position just to make more people miserable), he gets to be GM next week! I'm looking forward to seeing what he has in store for next week.

Wow I completely forgot all about that situation with Zack Ryder and Eve.How Eve kicked Zack at
wrestlemania wich screwed it up for Team Teddy,they should have one.But having Zack as GM for a week!
I remember when Zack assistant GM on smackdown GM.It was sweet.It would be funny if Zack put Big Show
on a 5 on 1 match.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2012-07-06 08:31:55

At 7/4/12 04:15 PM, Swackman wrote: ..........Ok, before I go on about last night, just what is this lawsuit between Impact & WWE?

Last night went pretty well. Was not expecting him to win the Battle Royal........I can only assume Sandow will be put through hell, then. And probably Eve, on top of the hilarity that already occurred. :P

I hate Sandow he sucks Zack could Kick his ass in a minute.

However, he's only GM for SD......oh for fuck's sake, WE'RE NOT GETTING THE ANONYMOUS COMPUTER AGAIN FOR RAW, ARE WE!?!?!?!?

No,Zack is GM for both shows.Don't worry there is no more anonymous computer GM for Raw. :)

| Steam | Sig is by Homicide <3 |

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2012-07-06 13:26:10

Uh, it was explicitly said that Zack was the GM for SD, but not RAW. I think we are getting the fucking computer again for next week - unless WWE.com has said he's getting both shows after the fact, or something.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2012-07-06 17:02:13

At 7/6/12 01:26 PM, Swackman wrote: Uh, it was explicitly said that Zack was the GM for SD, but not RAW. I think we are getting the fucking computer again for next week - unless WWE.com has said he's getting both shows after the fact, or something.

I want the Anonymous Computer to come back and have Edge kill it at the end of the show.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2012-07-07 12:33:20

At 7/6/12 05:02 PM, The-Great-One wrote: I want the Anonymous Computer to come back and have Edge kill it at the end of the show.

Or Stone Cold Steve Austin Will Run over it. :D

| Steam | Sig is by Homicide <3 |

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2012-07-08 16:16:54

At 7/4/12 04:15 PM, Swackman wrote: ..........Ok, before I go on about last night, just what is this lawsuit between Impact & WWE?

Apparently WWE hired a former TNA employee who had a lot of files on TNA talents, contract status and such he handed to WWE. WWE says they turned the files back over to TNA and fired the person in question but TNA has still pushed ahead with suit and alleges WWE actually did use the material in a damaging way. Right now WWE has moved for a dismissal.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2012-07-09 08:49:03

At 7/8/12 04:16 PM, aviewaskewed wrote: Apparently WWE hired a former TNA employee who had a lot of files on TNA talents, contract status and such he handed to WWE. WWE says they turned the files back over to TNA and fired the person in question but TNA has still pushed ahead with suit and alleges WWE actually did use the material in a damaging way. Right now WWE has moved for a dismissal.

WWE is getting sued by TNA/Impact Wrestling?Wow I hope WWE can open their eyes and see that TNA has one awesome wrestler they took away,his name was Jeff Hardy he was one of my favorite wrestlers.Well wonder whats going to happen to both wrestling companies.

| Steam | Sig is by Homicide <3 |

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2012-07-09 21:29:52



WHAT DID I SAY!?!?!?!?!?!?!? I KNEW IT!!!!!!

That beong said, it sounds like they're setting it up to reveal who the fuck had been behind it this whole time, so that would be an actual plus.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2012-07-09 23:11:42




They revealed the Anonymous GM to be.......



FOR FUCK'S SAKE..........

Has there ever been any instance where the GM has sent e-mails with him being elsewhere to disprove this, or is the WWE once again banking on Humans Have Goldfish Brains?

Okay, I've been pondering this for a while, and it's time I got your thoughts on the subject, after seeing Cole once again hog valuable screentime & piss off the audience:

Like many people, I often get lost on TVTropes for.......hell, I can get lost on there for DAYS at a time. So, my question is, should I go to them & suggest, once-and-for-all, to rename 'X-Pac Heat' to 'Cole-Powered Heat'? If we can't get rid of Cole for another however-many years, let's at least send a very clear message to Cole & the WWE that this shit has gotten old.

Regardless of what people want to say about him, Big Show is having his 'Mark Henry Moment' right now. Best run of his career. Please, someone tell me otherwise.

This whole AJ situation has been so damn entertaining. The best part is that you have absolutely no fucking clue whether she's insane, or if she's just 20x the Manipulative Bast.......er, Bitch, that Eve's ever been, and it just leaves you guessing.

I've been catching ROH's televised version (ironically, it's on MyNetwork TV, for those who don't know) for the past 2 weeks now, and I have to say, if they can get a cable deal, Impact would be royally fucked in the ratings. Yes, I'm hoping they'd run against them on Thursdays just to prove that Impact is only surviving on funds, not ratings, and maybe Dixie would pull her head out of her ass finally. It'd also be ironic for a company Cornette worked for to get mauled by the one he currently works for (in what seems to be a slightly higher position of power, unless that's kayfabe).

*still loling over his comment about "WWF being the correct initials"*

I was a little annoyed at an offhand comment during a promo-commercial regarding Colt Cabana; considering him & Punk supposedly helped build that company, if felt like a kick to the balls. Apparently Cabana doesn't work there anymore; shame.

At 7/8/12 04:16 PM, aviewaskewed wrote:
At 7/4/12 04:15 PM, Swackman wrote: ..........Ok, before I go on about last night, just what is this lawsuit between Impact & WWE?
Apparently WWE hired a former TNA employee who had a lot of files on TNA talents, contract status and such he handed to WWE. WWE says they turned the files back over to TNA and fired the person in question but TNA has still pushed ahead with suit and alleges WWE actually did use the material in a damaging way. Right now WWE has moved for a dismissal.


Oooooouuuuuuch..... Sounds like a setup to me.

At 7/9/12 08:49 AM, Wavepad wrote: Wow I hope WWE can open their eyes and see that TNA has one awesome wrestler they took away,his name was Jeff Hardy he was one of my favorite wrestlers.Well wonder whats going to happen to both wrestling companies.

You do realize Jeff brought it on himself with his constant drug problems & other mistakes, right?

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2012-07-10 00:38:16

Big Show's best run was 2006 as the ECW Champion of the relaunched ECW brand. The end. :)

The GM crap was awful...if WWE REALLY felt the need to bring it back to finally tie up this stupid storyline, why oh why didn't they at least TRY to get somebody over with it? Seriously...is creative so brain dead that they couldn't look back for two years and find somebody who was on the roster then and make them the GM? Actually...that probably wouldn't have worked either...since I seem to recall at least one instance where the GM tried to kill Hornswoggle...but hey, there's that Dean Ambrose kid in developmental their supposed to be high as hell on...why not make his debut that he was the Anonymous GM as a preamble to finally getting in the ring and physically screwing with everybody after mentally screwing with them for so long?

Point being, if you didn't have an ending that could elevate someone and make you money, this was better off as a dropped and forgotten angle.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2012-07-10 08:50:47

At 7/9/12 11:12 PM, SCTE3 wrote: AJ's actions make me all the more curious as to what she will do for Sunday. Kind of makes me curious if Punk is still going to say something along the lines of "I stil lcare about you but just suddenly asking for a marriage is too soon for us." or something.

Daniel Bryan Is lying (Obviously).If he really does care about AJ,
then why didn't Daniel become back Boyfriend and Girlfriend.Now he needs
AJ now but its too late he blew it.That even be the only girl Daniel would get because
of that stupid beard.I was also suppressed that the computer was hornswoggle too.That means
Stone Cold Hates him
Edge hates HIm.
Im Curious too about AJ on Sunday.
Here is My Predictions for Money In the Bank

CM Punk vs Daniel Bryan

R-Truth & KIngston vs Hunico and Camacho

Sheamus vs Alberto Del Rio

Money In the Bank WWE Championship Ladder Match---John Cena

Money In the Bank World Heavyweight Championship Ladder Match---Christian

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2012-07-10 13:54:22

At 7/10/12 01:44 PM, SCTE3 wrote: Really doubt that it was Hornswaggle in the first place. Just something to entertain the people while the real Anonymous GM will never be known. Wouldn't be surprising to find out some time down the road that it was actually a member of the board of directors or something to that effect.
Im Curious too about AJ on Sunday.
Aren't we all?

She probably will skip around the ring 3 times.Trying
to be cute around them like what she did to Kane.

I have to agree with Punk winning here, mostly because Bryan is more than likely going to try even more crap to piss her off.

"I love you AJ" -Daniel Bryan I want to kick him so bad.
Too Bad for Bryan he needed AJ Like I said he screwed up big time.

Sheamus vs Alberto Del Rio
Alberto might actually win this one if Ricardo has been doing what he has always been doing which is interfering and distracting the referee. Reminds me of when The Miz would always make Alex Riley do that and just stand at ringside otherwise.

That will,happen but Sheamus would broue kick them both.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2012-07-10 21:08:04

At 7/9/12 11:11 PM, Swackman wrote: You do realize Jeff brought it on himself with his constant drug problems & other mistakes, right?

Of course,wich is pretty stupid everyone loved Jeff.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2012-07-11 02:43:57

Why is Santino here? Yes he does have some skill in the ring, but I just hate seeing him act this fucking goofy each and every time. It makes me wonder what the point of the United States Championship is even supposed to be when I see it around his waste.

Yeah Brodus Clay can be goofy at times to, but they're trying to replace the Junkyard Dog with that one. Brodus Clay is fun, but they need to do something with him.

The Anonymous Raw General Manager came back. He was revealed to be Hornswoggle. Very disappointing. Why is Hornswoggle even still here? He's nothing more than a stick used to push a joke if need be. I'm not against little people being in WWE. Fuck I loved Doink and Dink. However Hornswoggle does... NOTHING! He does NOTHING!

AJ has become a very interesting character. I honestly have no idea whose going to win at Money in the Bank. They have written her, CM Punk, and Daniel Bryan so well that this is going to be really fun to see what happens.

Sheamus, my favorite Face at this time... going one on one (finally!) against my favorite Heel Alberto Del Rio. I would like to see Del Rio win the belt, it would be a change and be interesting to see what he can do with it, but to be honest I'm rooting for both of them.

R-Truth and Kofi Kingston? What's that? We still give a damn about Tag Team Belts?

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2012-07-11 08:45:34

At 7/11/12 02:43 AM, The-Great-One wrote: R-Truth and Kofi Kingston? What's that? We still give a damn about Tag Team Belts?

R-Truth And Kofi Kingston are facing Camicho and Hunico at Money In the bank pre-Show.
Yet No one,is exited about the tag-team division anymore.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2012-07-11 13:47:49

At 7/11/12 09:43 AM, SCTE3 wrote: Somehow I wouldn't mind seeing Cena and Kane as Tag Team champions.

I actually wouldn't think Cena would go for Tag Team Championships
Cena is more into WWE Championship and World HeavyWeight Championship.
But there was this one time when Cena & Otunga were forced to team up and face
Heat Slater And Justin Gabriel for the tag team champions. Cena & Otunga won.
But its possible Seeing Cena and Kane be the Tag Team champions.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2012-07-12 01:19:49

At 7/11/12 01:47 PM, Wavepad wrote: I actually wouldn't think Cena would go for Tag Team Championships

Yeah, the only other time he held Tag Team Gold was with Shawn Michaels, but he also had the WWE Championship at the same time.

It would be nice to see that team, I mean one of my favorite tag teams to this day was RVD and Kane, now that was just fucking genius!

The way WWE is going right now though, I doubt they would be that creative. I predict Cena winning the Money In The Bank match and then cashing it in on whoever wins the WWE Championship. Which that's the only part of wrestling where I don't know what's going to happen. I can honestly say the way they set-up this storyline I have no idea whose going to win the WWE Championship at Money In The Bank.