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The Wrestling (WWE) Club

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2012-01-22 11:54:03

At 1/20/12 11:40 AM, Jonny wrote: WWE confirmed to support SOPA.

See ya guys, I'm outta here.

From a business point of view this isn't too shocking, thousands of people watch their PPVs for free so it actually makes sense that they would want to stop this.

In internet years i'm dead. *click sig to zoom zoom*

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2012-01-23 21:44:59

Jericho announced as a participant.

He's probably going to win, and then go to wrestlemania. I mean, honestly. I dont see them dragging his ass out of retirement just to have him lose and then what, fade away like nothing happened?

That begs the question, is this gonna be a championship match or just a regular match against someone?

Money's on Undertaker, unless he's basically dead.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2012-01-23 22:02:49

The annual Gooker Award at Wrestlecrap is now in the voting stage. There are some "decent" entires in teh running this year. However Cole is currently winning. You can see what I'm talking about here.

Go vote!

Hey Jericho finally said something. I hope he ends up winning the Rumble and I can't wait to see him back in action. I didn't notice this last week but it looks like he's in much better shape this time around.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2012-01-23 23:03:09

I want a "Future Endeavored" T-Shirt.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2012-01-24 12:48:18

I voted for Cole, anything or anyone who actively makes me want to stop watching the show more than deserves the award. The Victory Road main event is in a close second, I don't follow TNA as much so it didn't hit me that hard.

I am a new terror born in death, a new superstition entering the unassailable fortress of forever. I am legend.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2012-01-24 21:33:44

Voyed for Cole. If he'd just stick to COMMENTATING, instead of pissing off the viewers, he'd be tolerable. But that's not likely to change, and as it stands, he's a walking Gooker Award.

FUCK, THAT'S WHY THE COLONS HAVE THE TITLES!? Yeah, I'm beginning to regret rooting for him now. DUMBASS!!! Yeah, at least Kofi doesn't need someone else to get anywhere. Damn, I can't believe he got his 2nd violation THAT FAST; is that a record?

Fully backing Mudkips' statement, for fuck's sake, PUSH THE USOS ALREADY! They COULD be the greatest tag team on the roster - if they invest their time into them. However, I disagree that the Colons aren't capable of holding the titles, either; they've been really damn entertaining so far.

In speaking of entertaining, for once, Diva matches have been just that, at least when putting certain daughters of Hall-of-Famers in the ring together. Now, if they'd just stop treating A.J. as a disposable for feud purposes, so I can truly see what all the hype from you guys in the beginning was about..........

I wasn't liking the DBD plans at first, but since basically solidifying a heel turn, it's become rather enjoyable. He's basically the new Christian right now.

Whether Psycho Truth is a hell, face, or tweener, he IS entertaining. Survey results are in: All Lil' Jimmies agree. :P

I was pleasantly surprised with Foley's match; I didn't think he still had that much gas left.

This has been the first time in forever that I've been even halfway interested in a Cena angle. I'm not happy that Ryder dropped the belt quite so soon, but it puts Swagger back where he needs to be while simultaneously pushing two feuds along. Plus, being 'injured' kept Ryder's credibility intact, not to mention that he didn't just flat-out job to Kane - he kicked out several times before the Chokeslam-through-the-stage occurred.

Finally, Jericho spoke, after 3 weeks of trolling.......and then still made it 4 weeks of trolling. Just makes me more anxious to see how this plays out. While some of ya think he shouldn't win the Rumble, I WANNA SEE JERICHO VS. PUNK, DAMMIT!!!!!!

Do I really need to mention how awesome Punk is at this point? The Laryngitis angle may be a tad overdone, but Punk is the new Austin - he needs some sort of corporate douche to rebel against with Vince no longer on TV, and Laryngitis does well at it.

At 1/23/12 10:02 PM, Outlaw88 wrote: I didn't notice this last week but it looks like he's in much better shape this time around.

So I'm not the only one who noticed that, then.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2012-01-24 22:35:23

At 1/24/12 02:15 AM, MudkipsPiano wrote:
Hey Jericho finally said something. I hope he ends up winning the Rumble and I can't wait to see him back in action. I didn't notice this last week but it looks like he's in much better shape this time around.

I've heard Jericho/Punk for Mania for months. It's hard for me to see anyone else taking the win at the Rumble and promoting anything close to the marquee power a Jericho/Punk WWE title match would give. WWE has done a shit job of building anyone new (and completely cooled guys they had last year like Miz).

Fuck everyone who hates Cole.

Fuck anyone who thinks an announcer who buries the talent and spends more time getting himself over then promoting the product is a good idea.

Also, this Cena sucking Ryder's cock bullshit week after week is starting to really annoy me. I fuckin' miss Cena as WWE champion when he used to cut actually interesting promos.

They have GOT to stop trying to have Cena glom everybody else's heat, thinking it'll get Cena over. It's not going to, it's just going to make the people who already hate him hate him more because now he's stomping on the backs of their favorites to get over. That's not to say this is something John Cena the person pushed for, I don't think he did. But that's what WWE has done to John Cena the character.

We all know that Cena isn't turning heel, he's going to release his "hate" on Kane at the RR.

Yep. This is total place holder to get him into the Chamber for "one last chance" at the title before he fights Rock at Mania.

Punk nailing the GTS on Laurinaitis was so predictable, but it was one of the most historic and epic moments on RAW.

Sometimes you just have to go ahead and do the predictable move. Now hopefully next week they remove Laurinitis, and wipe the slate clean from the mistake that started at SS. The character doesn't work, it hasn't meant shit to shit, time to remove it.

I like both Mr. Ziggles and Punk, so I'm very excited about their RR bout.

I am too, unfortunately they've done a terrible job of promoting it or making it seem like it matters at all. I'm sure it's going to be a very good to great match, but how often does that really matter to the general public? If you condition people to believe it doesn't matter, it won't matter.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2012-01-28 08:57:25

At 1/27/12 11:39 PM, MudkipsPiano wrote: John Cena vs. Kane (By disqualification)

Really? Really!?
John Cena by stf.
Really need to start building Cena for mania. I want to see Super Cena!

WWE Champion CM Punk vs. Dolph Ziggler (Special guest referee John Laurinaitis)

This match is going to be a huge cluster fuck obviously.
CM Punk winning somehow.

World Heavyweight Champion Daniel Bryan vs. Mark Henry vs. Big Show (Triple Threat Steel Cage match)

Daniel Bryan will probably win, but seriously, fuck that guy.
I'm going Big Show for the win.

30-man Royal Rumble match

Wade Barrett.

I am hoping Chris Jericho, comes out.. clears the ring.. Makes the crowd cheer and shit.. then eliminates himself and walks to the back.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2012-01-29 01:38:49

At 1/27/12 11:39 PM, MudkipsPiano wrote: Look man, everyone hated Cole when he was face and extremely unbiased for years. Never understood why.

Bullshit. I thought Cole did a great job when he worked with Tazz. Cole's problem is he's lazy and he isn't very good when you get right down to it unless he's got someone like Tazz to push him and threaten him if he doesn't do a good job. Honestly don't understand people who fuck off at their jobs and don't take pride in their work...but that's just me

Now that he's heel, everyone despises his guts. And quite frankly, I think he builds up heat and he cracks me the fuck up.

I think he builds up "get off my tv" heat. It also hurts the product because a lead play by play guy should NEVER be burying the talent like he does, and trying to get himself over. If he was a manager, the GM, anything other then the lead announcer, I think his character would be just fine and enjoyable. But I bitch because that character, in it's current position, DAMAGES THE PRODUCT!!! Anything that damages the product is bad and should be condemned to high heaven.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2012-01-29 01:41:28

At 1/28/12 03:42 PM, MudkipsPiano wrote: God big guys piss me off sometimes

Because you have a Napoleon Complex.

I'm starting to wonder if Henry won't wind up turned inadvertently babyface after this is all said and done. Bryan is clearly getting over as a heel, and Henry has been the kind of leg breaking ass kicking heel that fans usually eventually turn face because they come to respect him so much.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2012-01-29 09:26:34

So who do you think will win the rumble this year? It's always tough to narrow it down so here are my top choices:

Jericho: Obvious reasons. He just came back and has never won the rumble before. It's been so long since he was in the main event and would make an excellent WM opponent for any title match.

Miz: It's a long shot I know. First guy in and not likely to win. I hope that he at least lasts a decent amount of time.

Orton: He's a top guy just coming back from injury. He's a likely choice but I kinda hope he just has a fued with Barrett instead.

Christian: Another long shot if he's in it.

Shemus: He's been on a roll and could be a good choice to fued with DB for the title.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2012-01-29 13:53:12

At 1/29/12 09:26 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: Jericho: Obvious reasons. He just came back and has never won the rumble before. It's been so long since he was in the main event and would make an excellent WM opponent for any title match.

Jericho does seem like the obvious choice, and it'd be a very easy way to start the road to the feud with Punk. There are other ways to do it...but WWE likes easy, and I'm not sure we've got a great choice on SD!

Miz: It's a long shot I know. First guy in and not likely to win. I hope that he at least lasts a decent amount of time.

It's a no shot I'd think, since I don't think they want him and Punk (and as down pushed as he's been, neither guy would get much from beating the other). I hope he gets kind of an "iron man" spot to help rebuild him, seems to me like his Mania match this year would be against Truth.

Orton: He's a top guy just coming back from injury. He's a likely choice but I kinda hope he just has a fued with Barrett instead.

I would rather he stay paired with Barrett myself, and they push this into some kind of stip match at WM. But I can see them very much saying that Orton will be the only developed top guy on SD! capable of being in the Mania title bout, and if they're still not all the way behind DB (seems likely) I can see them deciding the belt needs to go back to Orton with Henry hurt and Show heavily rumored to be otherwise occupied.

Christian: Another long shot if he's in it.

Total no shot if he's in it. Vince never has, and never will see Christian as a headliner. That seems like something fans will just have to accept.

Shemus: He's been on a roll and could be a good choice to fued with DB for the title.

I agree, I think Sheamus has been more then a little screwed by the fact that Henry got hurt, since it seemed pretty telegraphed that they were hoping to pick his issue with Henry back up at Mania for the title. With that a non-starter now it seems like he's kind of been kept in a holding pattern where he continues to win, but not really be involved in the main programs. That could mean that they're looking to have him win the Rumble and get into the title picture that way...since there's no real feuds on the horizon I can see for him that are Mania quality on SD!.

So I think you've got 3 viable options: Jericho, Orton, Sheamus.

I think it's going to Jericho though myself.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2012-01-29 22:47:26

Sheamus wins

Funny to see Road Dogg again also lol hacksaw jim duggan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2012-01-29 22:49:40

At 1/29/12 10:47 PM, illuminate wrote: Sheamus wins

Funny to see Road Dogg again also lol hacksaw jim duggan

I was going to put it as a spoiler but ok. I'm actually not angry at this, I like Sheamus (alot of people are raging on Wrestling sites).

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2012-01-30 00:38:04

Hell of a Royal Rumble, not too surprised about Sheamus taking it away, I figured it'd either be him or Randy Orton. I damn near wet myself when Awesome Kong entered and Cole crapped himself. I didnt catch Hacksaw Jim entering, but I was pleased to hear that him, Road Dogg, and Mick Foley all were participants.

Honestly, not a bad RR. Undercard was kinda meh, the saving grace being CM Punk retaining the title, in my opinion. Kane vs Cena was so boring. They didnt need a match at RR to settle whatever they settled, unless what, they're trying to make Kane out to be the super mega horrible bad guy because he's gone after Ryder again?

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2012-01-30 04:09:45

At 1/29/12 10:52 PM, MudkipsPiano wrote: Aw hell yeah man! I told you so I told you so I told you so I told you so

Calm down you tool bag, you picked jericho.

What do you expect, he's been burying people and he hasn't looked at a title for months.

Burying people, but losing to Wade Barrett..

Ah the road to wrestlemania, so exciting.
Keen for elimination chamber so they can finally take the belt off Daniel Bryan. There is no way he should be champion at WM.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2012-01-30 04:43:58

Disppointed that Y2J did not win the RR after all the hype, but I still think that we will see Punk vs Y2J for the WWE title at WM.
Oh, Awesome Kong is back!!!! >:) Fuck all the eye candies and send them to the whorehouse, they all suck anyway!
Awesome Kong vs Beth for the Diva's title at Mania and for a change, a good wrestling match between two women who CAN wrestle. :P

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2012-01-30 13:57:12

I agree on Cole; he WAS good when he was a face, except for a few moments of utter stupidity he was forced to say (which mostly came after Tazz left......dammit, Tazz, why'd ya have to go to Impact for!?); I guess HeelCole makes one appreciate FaceCole a lot more in hindsight........

I also agree that Henry might be turned face by the fans soon, in a similar fashion to how Orton was turned.

Sheamus won? Huh. Well, actually, that's what he's been needing for a while, so I'm glad. Was expecting Jericho, but as long as we can sti8ll have Punk/Jericho, it doesn't matter. Should've figured Hacksaw would appear in the match, it being an anniversary match and all.

YAY KONG IS BACK!!!!!!! So she was a Rumble entrant? Not surprised. I agree that we need to see her & Beth actually give a WM Divas match that will be worth watching for a change - not to mention a match I've been wanting to see for years anyway.

So just how did Punk retain? And how did the Cena/Kane match go down?

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2012-01-30 16:36:06

At 1/30/12 01:57 PM, Swackman wrote:
So just how did Punk retain? And how did the Cena/Kane match go down?

Well. To give the facade of impartiality, Laryngitis sat at ringside while another ref was actually doing the in-ring work. Whole lot of wrestling happens, and Ziggler taps to the Anaconda Vice, except the ref was incapacitated. Then Punk scores a hit with the GTS but the ref is still out of it. Whole lot of crap between Punk and Ace happens, Punk nearly got pinned, counters, and hits the GTS again for a pinfall and a win.

Kane vs Cena was crap. Blah blah blah, both get counted out because they're kicking the shit outta each other on the ramp, they end up in Zack Ryder's dressing room, and after wheeling Zack Ryder to the center of the ring, eats a Tombstone Piledriver and Cena eats a chokeslam, and then boom, cue the next match.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2012-01-30 19:42:52

At 1/30/12 07:31 PM, MudkipsPiano wrote:
At 1/30/12 04:09 AM, Shaun wrote:

Cut the shit now or poppa spank. I like this topic because I usually don't have to mod people or deal with bad behavior...you're potentially ruining the streak, leave the streak alone.

Wow this just looked god awful from what I read. Ryder is neutered again, Dolph is destroyed, even though DB won in a COMPLETELY LEGITIMATE FASHION that is time honored for cage matches they STILL bury him on commentary and act like he snuck away! What the fucking fuck? Cena vs. Kane was garbage...and apparently they killed the Rumble itself! The only positive thing I can see here was the Sheamus win, love that guy and am so looking forward to the Smackdown! brand being put on his back because I think he can carry it fella. What I'm not looking forward to is what I think is the inevitable destruction and push of DB to do it.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2012-01-30 20:41:58

So, was this WWE's way of saying Cena's an idiot for backing Ryder? The 'injury' is the only way he's been saved from being outright buried right now...... :/

Well, as long as Ziggler looked strong, and Punk retained, I'm fine with it.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2012-01-30 23:19:47

Hell of an ending to Raw.

Laryingitis booted, HHH back in as GM, Undertaker making his return.

Come on.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2012-01-31 07:26:09

At 1/30/12 07:42 PM, aviewaskewed wrote: Wow this just looked god awful from what I read.

How can you be so negative about something you have not even seen?
Ryder is part of the (arguably) top storyline at the moment.
Your boy Daniel Bryan is undeservedly World champion and just won at the royal rumble and beat Punk on RAW.
Dolph Ziggler is higher then he has ever been, I'd pick him to win the title 2 months after wrestlemania.
The rumble was good fun like always and is being used to build new stars with ADR and Shaemus the last two years. Also, Kofis spot was as good as Jomos last year.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2012-01-31 19:56:57

At 1/31/12 07:26 AM, Shaun wrote: How can you be so negative about something you have not even seen?

Because I can read? Because I trust the opinions of the commentators who furthermore told me it was garbage?

Ryder is part of the (arguably) top storyline at the moment.

Getting BURIED! He gets beat up week in and week out by Kane to send a "message" to Cena. He's lost his title because of it and is in no position to even try and get it back. He's got his girl defending him...he's just being destroyed. How do you not see he's getting destroyed?

Your boy Daniel Bryan is undeservedly World champion and just won at the royal rumble and beat Punk on RAW.

He won at the Rumble and was buried for escaping the cage, which has been the way you win cage matches since forever. They've done very little to make me think once that title comes off they'll allow him to get anything resembling a legitimate shot at getting it back. That's my issue, I think what they basically decided to do was just get the MITB used up because Henry got hurt, and once they get through Mania and Henry gets healthy and what not he and Sheamus will be feuding why Bryan goes down the card as a forgotten heel. I'm not saying the guy is the greatest person they have on the roster, but what I'm saying is he's talented, and I'm totally tired of them giving guys the World or WWE title...and then fucking them over and pushing them down after they lose it. It hurts the talent, the belt, and the product to be doing that. Also that win wasn't a real win as you well know, it's a DQ win...oh wait, no, when heels win by DQ that's the same as pinning the champion. Just ask the announcers, they say Dolph Ziggler has scored pinfalls on Punk the exact same way.

Dolph Ziggler is higher then he has ever been, I'd pick him to win the title 2 months after wrestlemania.

Bullshit. He got beat 5 times at the Rumble, then got tossed by Kharma in the match. He then jobbed clean to Orton on Monday. He's exactly where he was last year when he was feuding with Edge for the World title. I see ZERO evidence they are committed to Ziggler in any meaningful way. Zero.

The rumble was good fun like always and is being used to build new stars with ADR and Shaemus the last two years.

It might have been fun, but it pointed out once more how thin the roster was. When you only believe 3 guys in 30 have a legitimate shot to win, it's a problem. ADR I can give you, but Shaemus is not a new star at this point. Shaemus is a young star, he's been WWE champion twice, and other then the point where they were renegotiating his contract, he's always been pushed as a top act. I love the guy, don't get me wrong, I'm happy he got the win and will be prominent at Mania...it's deserved. But he is in no way a "new star" in my mind. I admit this could be a problem of definition for me, but I don't think so.

Also, Kofis spot was as good as Jomos last year.

Yeah, and how much did that really do for Jomos career? Just because you have the best "avoiding elimination" spot doesn't mean anything seriously good is going to happen for your career.


I would if the road was good or interesting! I've been watching this goddamn business since I was 10 years old. I'm 28 now. This'll be the 18th Wrestlemania I've either watched, or paid attention to (probably I'll watch it). This "it's WM, it's automatically good!" crap doesn't work on me. Because I've seen some pretty lousy Manias, and some excellent Mania's. I've seen some excellent builds, and some shitty builds. The Rumble PPV was a bad start, and that's a shame. Last night though was very enjoyable to me though, so it's not all negative.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2012-01-31 20:37:38

Last night was great. Punk/DBD was an excellent match, and the end both set up the anticipated WM match & continued DBD's douchery.

Great ending, with Laryngitis off our screens, and Trips' "Just give it up already, old man." response to Taker.


Btw, I'm more inclined to agree with Shaun on Ryder; his match against Kane didn't have him job, as I said before, just 'horribly injured'. It seems to be a ploy with the specific purpose of saving him from actually being buried........although there's still a hint of WWE sayng "We're still pissed that we didn't make his career ourselves." in there.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2012-02-02 00:10:40

At 2/1/12 08:08 PM, bhsqad15 wrote: I think sheamus will go after the world heavyweight title since he is a smackdown superstar and the world heavyweight title is a smackdown title

It's not so much as each program having a specific title, it's moreso having an even distribution of titles across the brands, so it doesnt turn into Raw or SD! having all of the titles. Now, in this case, it's a good call, considering myself and anyone else dont see Punk dropping the WWE Title to anyone until WM. Now, if it were the case, and the titles were fixing to change brands, then I could see Sheamus going for the WWE Title and Bryan dropping it to Raw talent.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2012-02-03 17:34:42

The WWE really dropped the ball with the whole social networking thing. It really defeats the purpose when they disable the comments section on all their "New" and "Revolutionary" shows.

"Holy shit, this place is still around?!?" -Jay

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2012-02-03 20:00:22

At 2/3/12 05:34 PM, KurtWilder2027 wrote: The WWE really dropped the ball with the whole social networking thing. It really defeats the purpose when they disable the comments section on all their "New" and "Revolutionary" shows.

Not their purpose anyway, all they want is for Twitter to kiss their ass and push them...they don't actually want the audience commenting, after all, it's not like we could tell Vince anything he doesn't already know right? He knows what we want better then we do, he's said that over and over.

Also, Cena is winning at Mania, it's wrestling 101 and it's going to happen. The end.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2012-02-03 21:28:03

Hmmm, I really like what WWE is starting to do with Daniel Bryan and AJ, it reminds me of Randy Savage as a heel with Elizabeth. Not that I'm saying DB and AJ are on that level, or at that level. But what I'm saying is they can duplicate that dynamic if they choose to do so and it could be MONEY in my estimation. Don't fuck it up WWE!

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2012-02-04 20:56:04

At 2/3/12 11:44 PM, MudkipsPiano wrote: Completely disagree. I'm almost positive Rock will win, being that it will be absolute madness if Cena wins again. Vince is so aware what the people want and most importantly, what's going to put tens of millions of bucks in his pocket.

Rock is barely even a part time guy at this point. He's a special attraction guy that will probably only work a PPV or two a year. That is not a guy that anyone will put over their top man in the company. The whole point of Rock coming in has been so that Cena can beat him under the bright lights and then Rock will endorse him after the match so WWE hopes they can get Cena finally over to the degree they want and need him to be.

Unfortunately anyway. Cena, my man, get in there and destroy Rocky, please.

It'll be close, I don't see it being a dominating Cena win. But it will be a Cena win, unless they plan to lie about that "first time, last time" stip and go right back to this match in a month or so.

Also, smackdown was amazing. What a way to start it off with Teddy Long naming the chamber competitors, mark henry losing his spot and being suspended (Bleh :/ ) and Sheamus and Rhodes having an excellent match.

I really feel for Henry, looks like he's too hurt to gut through and get that Mania payday maybe this year. What a shame, he's worked really hard this year and finally broken through, he deserved a prime position and a good payday.

And it was so great to the hacksaw jim duggan back, but santino marella ruined it, just like he ruins almost every single scene. He acts like an Elementary schooler and he would probably make a good actor in a 3rd grade play. Other than that, I can see why he's basically a tool for entertaining the younger audience, thus Vince can't book him as a main eventer nor take him too seriously. Right now, anyway. No one even remembers his feud with Umaga. But I digress.

Santino is comedy fodder, pure and simple, and honestly? That's the best place to have him. I do of course question why you would want that fighting against your tag champions...but I'm clearly one of the last people left that things tag wrestling has any value in 2011.

The DB segment was cool, I liked it, especially where he got the fuckin' shit beat out of him by the Show. Cole is clearly trying to adjust himself to DB's heel turn, which was obvious. Bryan plays such a good heel though, I literally cannot stand this guy.

Which is why I hope when the belt comes off (either at the Chamber or at WM, I just cannot see him staying champ through both shows) WWE really needs to realize he's an asset and that he needs to continue to be built to stay near the top of those cards. Right now the unworthy champ schtick is working well...but there's a shelf life to that...once he loses the belt they need to start thinking in terms of the way Flair was booked back in the day I think. Where they show this is a skilled and capable guy, but he chooses to take shortcuts and be a son of a bitch to get to the top.

Even though the outcome of the main event was clear from the start, they wanted Randy to gain retribution and wrap up this 3-4 month feud, you can't take away the fact that it was one of the best matches of the year so far.

Yep, I also like that they very clearly showed that Barrett was on Orton's level and that it took a hellacious amount of abuse to put him away. They need to be doing that with all their heels. They don't need to beat the entire roster to be effective. Dr. Doom doesn't beat the Fantastic Four, but the point is Doom is established as someone who CAN and very nearly does more often then not. A lot of the time he doesn't because of his own evil ways and flaws. There's no reason WWE can't be booking their heels in much the same way.

I'm really really looking forward to Smackdown's Elimination Chamber, since that's, for me, really unpredictable at this point. Who knows, that may change. Hopefully it doesn't.

I think it's Bryan going over so Shaemus can end his reign of terror, or it's going to be Orton with the notion that if Shaemus gets by him, it clearly establishes Shaemus as a franchise player on SD!. I'm leaning more towards them using Orton as a transitional champion right now since I think they'll see more juice in that for Mania and beyond on the B-shows. I just hope they don't completely toss DB aside while doing it.

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