I've had a few, three Yeunling bottles (kids, I don't recommend the Porter brand, but it ain't bad, and it's kind of cheap so if you gotta, you gotta) and a bit of vodka straight and mixed. I also just read something about the Divas division and with your indulgence, let's start the fun:
Anything in grey is from the original steven fernandez article.
WWE.com posted an article yesterday about how basically Beth Phoenix and Natalya are saving the Divas division.
I like Beth and Natalya, but I don't think this is fair to say at all yet. Certainly they seem to be putting a little more net buzz on it, but they aren't for me any more focused upon honestly versus anybody else. So this smells a lot like an effort to maybe work the girls up and start an angle...and oh look! We have twitter obliging! To the tweets!!
Apparently that didn't sit well with some of the divas. Here are some responses. Whether they are work or shoot, you decide.
I will indeed steve!
Eve: "@WWE I'd love to step into the ring whomever wrote this, & c who needs saving. #Iwillbootypopinyourfacethenmakeyoutap"
Oh fuck you you working bitch. If you hash tag words like "booty pop" then try to claim that you'll "make you tap" I have lost zero interest in what you say. Is Eve a great athlete? Yep. Hot as hell? Yep. But a true wrestler? Hell to the fuck to the no. Learn how to work and cut a promo properly and we'll talk. Right now I just see a lot of mouth. Shut it.
"Don't ever let anyone undermine your hard work, label your character, or set limits to your potential.#BeliEVE!"
In short, don't do the things that Eve and the other divas do everybody. Or hey, what basically the entire fucking roster does! Wake up fuckers! If all of you started getting behind the ideas of a CM Punk, they couldn't marginalize you like they do. They can't fire everybody. Just saying.
"And trust that that's not taking anything away from @natbynature or @thebethphoenix. Everyone is equally dedicated to taking the Divas division to the next level!"
Bullshit. Bullshit bullshit bullshit!
Kelly Kelly: "#divas were just doing what we love, entertaining every week We've all worked very hard to get here just wish all this hate would go away"
Oh right...because someone who has no concept of how to work, and is the champion and thus would be considered the "leader" for her division should dismiss criticism as "hate". Fuck you hon. You're hot as hell, but what did they bring you in to do? Take off your clothes right? Shut up. I'm tired of this trend in the WWE culture that apparently nobody can be criticized for anything. Grow the fuck up!
Bella Twins: "Wow @WWE definitely woke up 2 an embarrassing article you wrote... Well u wanted to know everyone's thoughts @WWEUniverse, Here's Nikki B's
Oh, this should be good!
First off.... Um you want me to slap you with all of my awards and championships I have won?
Outside of wrestling? Irrelevant. Just because you were a good athlete doesn't make you a great wrestler. Inside of wrestling? Also irrelevant because those are championships you get handed.
I was a #1 athlete... Which other Diva was?
Quite a few I'm sure. But even if they weren't, doesn't matter how great an athlete you were, it matters how great you are in your current industry, and you hon? Not so much.
Secondly, Bri & @RealKellyKelly have been the only entertainment that has happened 2 the Diva's Division & have worked harder than anyone!
Oh rly? Bet LayCool would disagree. Bet Beth and Natalya (who have entertained me) would disagree. Some people might be saying "oh you're getting worked" at this point, but this comes from heels, it doesn't further her character to say this, so I think she's shooting. If so, nimrod, shut up.
Thirdly, I've seen 2 girls the past few weeks try as hard as they can to be "models" while us "models" have busted our butts.....
Who would they be? Certainly not Beth and Natalya.
Oh and good luck with the up and coming Divas.... Sure you'll make a lot of money with them.... Um actually NOT!
Can they really be any less talented then you and your sister? Hard to believe. You bitches stole your entire act from LayCool. So I'd be very careful about casting stones.
Lastly, @RealKellyKelly & Us are better than anyone in the past so Katie Raymond check your self and come read this article to my face! NB
Anybody? Did you really just disrespect the likes of Moolah, Mae Young, Penny Banner, Gladys Gillem, Ida Martinez, Lita, Trish, Wendi Richter? The girls who BUILT women's wrestling so you could trash it? Fuck you you whore! You aren't getting an ounce of my respect or a dime of my money ever again if I can help it.
Wow, I just woke up to the craziness!
Yeah, because you see folks, if criticism isn't "hate" then surely it's "craziness". I'm so glad we sorted that out.
The words spoken by Katie are laughable, but I'm a women who will stand for what I believe in...
Really? Was that you "standing for what you believe in" when you and your interchangeable sister were arm candy for the guest hosts? Just wondering.
so...I know what I've given to the fans and that's all what matters.
You know what you've given to the fans? That's awesome, because I really have no idea what you've given actually.
WWE might think your a bunch of puppets that are persuaded by their words..
I think that's the first truthful thing I've read so far. Bet it gets her and her sister a de-push too.
I know how you all feel :) good and bad, I love it!
People who suck your ass via twitter cause your pretty don't count. Also please read this post for a dose of that "hate" and let me know how much you "love it". Liar.
I mean if WWE cared about Divas why do we have such little time on tv?
Cause most of you well and truly suck and giving you anything more then a bathroom break position is a waste of time?
Why were divas such as Mickey James, Melina and Gail Kim released.
Wow, how about we stop with the lies? You KNOW why Mickey and Melina were released, so do I. Gail Kim wasn't released, she QUIT. There's a big difference.
Why aren't wrestlers like Sara Del Ray hired? All amazing!
That I agree with. WWE needs to hire more women who look good and can wrestle, vs. barbie doll models who can't like the Bellas.
.......Kelly Kelly and myself have worked to hard to have an unknown, untalented writer say the things she did. Katie (whoever) Suck it! Love Brie""
So, you're going to criticize somebody else's talent, on the corporate website? Wow, you don't just suck in the ring, you are a complete failure at life as well! Good work Brie, whichever one you are!
Meanwhile, Melina posted the following:
This should be good....
"@thebellatwins "...Lastly, @RealKellyKelly & Us are better than anyone in the past..."-WTF You Gotta Be F*CK!N Kidding Me. #InYoDreams"
Oh those bitches...they made me agree completely with Melina!
"@thebellatwins You know I love you but everyone needs to seriously calm down and think before tweeting. This is not worth it."
And it keeps happening...
And CM Punk posted:
Sanity at last!!!
"So wait. The divas are mad about an in house article on wwe.com that is potentially designed to garner them attention/TV time? Awesome."
Ding ding ding! Once again Punk speaks truth and cuts right to the heart of the issue! Call me a mark if you want, that is your right (like it's also you're right to go fuck yourself :) ). But Punk is the smartest most astute and ballsiest (cause he puts it out there publicly) guy in the business right now.