At 6/22/11 08:53 AM, WooldoorSockbat wrote: I was mention Cena's injuries as a point of his inability to sell (though I wouldn't want him to get seriously injured).
"Hopefully Cena's injuries will get the better of him so he will have to sit out until Wrestlemania" that sure seems to say differently.
Money in the bank is always a great opportunity to push a certain wrestler and hopefully change belts, I (like others) predict that someone will cash in during the Cena/Punk match. I'm looking forward to this PPV.
I have heard Morrison could be fully healed for the PPV and certainly he's able to be involved in physical segments at this point. A ladder match is probably a bad idea for somebody just getting over a neck issue, but they will put other fliers in the match I'm sure that are there to just do holy shit spots and have no shot at winning (Bourne for instance) and he could theoretically work a safer match en route to getting the briefcase. I like the idea of flipping the belt from Cena to Punk and then somebody cashing in to beat Punk and "rescue" the belt. Though I think if they're going to flip the belt to Punk, they should try to get him to sign an extension before hand and run an angle with him holding the belt hostage that culminates in him defending against someone at Summerslam and then losing. But we know creative doesn't like to do long builds like that.