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The Wrestling (WWE) Club

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-03-11 09:24:32

At 3/10/11 02:45 PM, Ultor wrote: Does anybody have any word on the return of JBL or was that a one night only kind of thing? It seemed he wanted out of the game but for some reason he came back so im unsure. Please provide links or anything if you have any information

One night. There is an interview on wwe.com that says he lives on an island with the greatest golf course and he is retired.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-03-11 09:41:17

Old NXT contestants no one remembers?

Lack of caring?

Hornswoggles a "pro"?

Fuck this company.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-03-11 10:15:34

At 3/11/11 09:41 AM, WooldoorSockbat wrote: Old NXT contestants no one remembers?

You have a really bad memory if you can't remember them.

Lack of caring?

Because of Tough Enough, maybe, but really its exposure for these rookies and its entertaining television for me. Win win.

Hornswoggles a "pro"?

He is over as anyone with the kids and is helping a wrestler who while freakishly athletic has no charisma get over. I can't see the bad side really.

Fuck this company.

Cheer up emo kid.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-03-11 13:57:04

Fine *cheers up*, Lucky is fucking hot though and atleast we might actually get someone from Season 2 (besides Riley).

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-03-11 20:11:52

At 3/11/11 04:20 PM, Tetris wrote: Wait isn't Darren Young a superstar, I mean he was wrestling on RAW and Superstars.

Same reaction I had, but they've been doing nothing with him so I can see running him through NXT again. Also I've been told this is absolutely because of Tough Enough, WWE is not looking to compete with itself so they sort of put up this season of NXT as something where they don't want to debut new talents. It's encouraging to me on the Tough Enough front that many of the contestants actually WILL be already trained wrestlers.

E & C together again? Great start to SD! tonight, also glad to see Clay wasn't a one night only deal. WWE really needs to consider doing this with more of the talents they bring up through things like NXT, you have got to strike while the iron is hot and people know who these characters are.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-03-12 11:12:14

So yeah... I've missed about two weeks worth of wrestling. I've got a lot of catching up to do.

The Cena/Miz/Rock situation contiunes to be an interesting one. I hope that Miz is able to continue being viewed as a main event player after Mania. Unless WWE decided to go against the usual, I still see Cena walking away as champ, but if Miz is kept looking strong afterwards then there is still potential for him in different main event situations.

Troll Cole getting drowned in beer makes me smile. Stone Cold always makes things better. I'm suprised they brought in JBL for this one night, but it worked.

Ziggler on Raw has potential, I just hope he doesn't get lost in the shuffle. Maybe he could go for the U.S. Title for a while until they think he's ready to attempt a WWE title hunt.

Here is some WWE stuff for ya: from wrestlezone.com
PWTorch.com is reporting that The Undertaker is still rehabbing his rotator cuff after having surgery to repair the injury late last year. While WWE officials remain hopeful that 'Taker has rehabbed enough that his match against Triple H at WrestleMania will not suffer, the feeling is that the injury was bad enough that it will confine his mobility in the long run.

Man I sure hope Taker doesn't hurt himself further at Mania.

The Wrestling Observer is reporting that the dark match Shelton Benjamin worked prior to this week's Smackdown taping was well received by both the live audience and WWE officials.

The feeling at this point is that it's highly likely WWE will make Benjamin an offer to return to the company following WrestleMania 27. Benjamin himself noted on Twitter that he may or may not be returning to WWE.

I'd like to see Benjamin back.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-03-12 23:44:17

While the match wasn't that flashy, the fact that it was E&C for the first time IN TEN YEARS made it awesome. I started getting into wrestling just as they were breaking up, so it was definitely nostalgic.

The 'Troll Cole' face is now being used by the company. Cole continues to pretend he has balls.

Trips reminds the audience that he'd gladly put someone's dick through a meat grinder if he had to. :P While Trips is clearly in good enough shape for this match, the fact that Taker's (still) falling apart has me worried that this match might not be as good as one would hope....

Back to Cole for a minute: Something hit me a while ago. Why would Cole be in a match for WM, and why would Cole overdo this gimmick so much?

Cole may be looking to retire after WM. Why else? He's had his ups & downs with his career, what with the IWC (Internet Wrestling Community) wishing he'd jump off the Empire State Building even though guys like Don West were considerably worse, so he figures that, if he's going to hang it up, he may as well take that hatred from them & run with it, ending in a WM finale where they get their wish - but on his terms.

Do I like how this is being done, though? No. We've seen what overdoing something that COULD work can cause it to end in failure - or do I need to remind you of that guy who wore a dress?

At 3/12/11 11:12 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: The Wrestling Observer is reporting that the dark match Shelton Benjamin worked prior to this week's Smackdown taping was well received by both the live audience and WWE officials.

The feeling at this point is that it's highly likely WWE will make Benjamin an offer to return to the company following WrestleMania 27. Benjamin himself noted on Twitter that he may or may not be returning to WWE.

I'd like to see Benjamin back.

Let's just hope booking doesn't screw him over again.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-03-13 00:12:49

I think one of the participants of the Lawler/Cole match may be hanging it up after Mania...but I don't think it's Cole. I think this is a case where Vince had an idea for him that he liked and Cole is just doing what is asked of him. I've heard nothing of Cole having anything lined up outside of wrestling (like Coach did) and he's been involved with it so long now (he started in 97) that I really think he would have trouble going back outside the wrestling bubble and being taken seriously.

I do hope though this will end up with Cole out of the announce booth when it's all said and done as his character really detracts when it's in the booth and Josh Matthews has more then proved he's a capable play by play man.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-03-13 08:51:04

Christian's back! and he's teamed with Edge!.. they said they haven't teamed up in a decade, but i remember the few odd times they teamed up.. like in 2004 or 2005..
also Shelton Benjamin had a dark match.. I hope he ends up back in WWE soon.. and if he does come back, I hope they use him well.. the guy has talent that shouldn't of been wasted

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-03-13 14:23:51

At 3/13/11 08:51 AM, Random-Her03 wrote: Christian's back! and he's teamed with Edge!.. they said they haven't teamed up in a decade, but i remember the few odd times they teamed up.. like in 2004 or 2005..

WWE and their hyperbole that ignores history...you know we're never supposed to let facts get in the way of a good story.

also Shelton Benjamin had a dark match.. I hope he ends up back in WWE soon.. and if he does come back, I hope they use him well.. the guy has talent that shouldn't of been wasted

Hmmm, that's interesting, especially considering what I've heard about post-Mania plan at the middle of the card.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-03-13 15:27:25

I don't care if you want to know about what's going on in FCW, here are some updates.

FCW Divas Champion: AJ Lee, now under the name AJ
FCW Tag Team Champions: Col. Damien Sandow and Titus O'Neil
Florida Heavyweight Champion: Lucky Cannon
Queen of FCW: Aksana

Lucky Cannon has started a Cody Rhodes-esque gimmick. Not exactly like Cody Rhodes, but he's pretty self-obsessed. He goes up to women and hits on them(he even hit on me), and yells "It's all about me!" at the crowd. He also has spontaneous hugging sessions with Brett DiBiase.

FCW is trying to turn Husky Harris into a wannabe Mick Foley. He came in with a cheap Halloween mask and a fake name and acted batshit crazy. The audience and Trent Baretta started chanting "Nice mask, Husky!" and "C'mon, you can do better, Husky!" Let's see if this gimmick survives for more than a week.

Peter Orlov. Oh dear god, Peter Orlov. I love this guy. His gimmick is that of a pro-Soviet Union wrestler. Of course, he's a heel. He mocks the kids in the crowd. His finisher is the stereotypical Russian dance off the bottom/middle ropes, and kicking his downed opponent in the head. I could go on and on with this one, but I have decided to spare you a two post long rant.

The Divas division in FCW is actually pretty good compared to the actual WWE's division. The FCW Divas have more talent and personality than the ones in the WWE. Apparently, FCW's GM wrestles pretty often. She's pretty good-looking and talented, which is a good combination.

Titus O'Neal got better. He got better in the ring, and got a personality. As I said before, he's teamed with Col. Damien Sandow.

There's really nothing else that's notable right now, so I'll just tell you about the shows.

At the most, there's thirty people at the shows in Orlando/Belle Isle. There's usually around 20 to 23 people there, so the wrestlers can get really personal with the audience. The heels yell at individual people who mock them.

For example, Ricardo Rodriguez got a megaphone and yelled "SHATAP" in my face. I just said, "Lucy, I'm ho-ome!"

The faces actually have conversations with people in the crowd. Me and Eli Cottonwood were talking about NXT one time. The wrestlers are calmer because there are less people, so they're able to put on better shows.

Seriously, if you ever come down to Florida, try to see an FCW show.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-03-13 16:19:44

@avie: Good point; Cole doesn't have anywhere else to go, does he? Still, I see him 'quitting in kayfabe' from the announcing business after Mania (or even at Mania upon losing).

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-03-14 04:14:24

R.I.P - Jeff Hardy's career.
You think Sting made the right choice going back to TNA?

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-03-14 12:08:36

At 3/14/11 04:14 AM, Random-Her03 wrote: R.I.P - Jeff Hardy's career.
You think Sting made the right choice going back to TNA?

Sting looked (rightfully) disgusted by Jeff there.

But seeing as I don't actually watch TNA, could somebody answer some questions for me?

Does Jeff normally look that out of it? I thought that was part of character.

And is the booking always so painfully bad (stupid question)? Bischoff's part about the match being changed so Jeff had time to prepare was stupid, and seemed forced. Even though it was a last minute change, Bischoff has surely been around long enough that he knows how to make something come across well on the mic. What else could he possibly be good for?

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-03-14 22:38:04

Drew Carey.

Even I'm not sure if I'm laughing or sobbing.

Perhaps both at the same time?

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by the darkness.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-03-14 22:51:56

At 3/14/11 10:38 PM, SlashFirestorm wrote: Drew Carey.

He was part of my favourite royal rumble moment, so I am all for it.

RAW this week is pretty crazy.
One, I didnt even know Christopher was lawlers son.
Two, Mason lost and got punted. I did not expect that.
Three, finally someone beat DB. Not as good as it being Tyson Kidd but I'll take it.

Pretty keen to watch it, not on for another 25 hours in Australia.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-03-14 23:00:34

At 3/14/11 10:59 PM, Tetris wrote: Snooki at wrestlemania...


Only if it means The Situation vs Zack Ryder is happening. Otherwise NO!
Shouldn't these wogs 15 minutes of fame be over yet?

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-03-14 23:05:59

Man... Seeing Brian Christopher dance was just... sad looking. The crowd had zero idea who he was so they were totally dead for it which made it worse. However what he had to say made up for it. Granted this isn't the story that is drawing me in to WM but at least they went out of their way to bring someone in who knew Lawler. BTW I did laugh at the beginning of the show when Cole said the protective cube wa his Cole Mine. It's so pathetic that its funny.

New U.S. Champ. I know a few of you will be happy at that.

So the New Nexus has been made totally useless. Not a single one of them were able to win againts Orton and they all got hit in the head. I guess that was the last nail in the coffin for that group. I just hope Punk is able to have a good showing at WM.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-03-14 23:18:35

At 3/14/11 04:14 AM, Random-Her03 wrote: R.I.P - Jeff Hardy's career.
You think Sting made the right choice going back to TNA?


1. Jeff Hardy did what surprises nobody and actually did get fucked up before a major match, wasting the time of everybody involved, insulting those who have given him eight billion chances, and (had Sting not put an end to it so quickly) potentially put himself and others in physical jeopardy.


2. It's a disgusting gimmick making a joke of a problem which has KILLED numerous wrestlers over the years.

Knowing Jeff Hardy, I'd guess it's the former. Knowing the guys running TNA, I'd guess it's the latter. I'm interested to know which it is, Jeff's penchant for mind-altering substances or TNA's penchant for tasteless idiocy. Anybody more knowledgeable of TNA know for certain?

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by the darkness.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-03-15 02:31:50

At 3/13/11 04:19 PM, Swackman wrote: @avie: Good point; Cole doesn't have anywhere else to go, does he? Still, I see him 'quitting in kayfabe' from the announcing business after Mania (or even at Mania upon losing).

I'm fine with that. As I've said and I want to be very clear about it because obviously there are some Cole sympathizers (if not outright Cole Miners) in this topic, I LIKE the Cole character. He's a good heel, he's a heat magnet. But that character as the lead announcer? No, absolutely no. It's overbearing, distracting, and detracts from the rest of the show. They need to decide what he is. Is he a major part of the show? Or is he supposed to be a heel announcer? Because if it's the latter, they need to look at classic heel announcers like Ventura, or Heenan, guys who were heels and got themselves over, but didn't hurt the in-ring product or take away from it.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-03-15 02:36:06

Jeff's condition was not a work. He was sent home from the TV tapings and TNA should fire him right the fuck now. Then I think Dixie needs to go have a fucking chat with her creative people, and whoever else decided it was a good idea to let Jeff go out there vs. offering a substitute. Honestly, TNA fucked their fans as badly as any company I have ever seen with that embarrassment of a main event Sunday and that is NOT how you build a brand. I imagine they lost customers with that and honestly? If I were them I would try to find a way to do a make good (like send in a copy of your cable or satelite bill showing purchase of the show and either get a discount on the next show, or some free swag, SOMETHING).

Absolutely embarrassing...to even call it "bush league" is embarrassing to bush league. That was in the league of indies that advertise guys they know damn well are not booked for the show. Absolutely no excuse for a major company to do that.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-03-15 04:47:28

At 3/14/11 11:18 PM, SlashFirestorm wrote: (the whole hardy situation)

Yes, Hardy was legitimately fucked.. you could tell
also if you see the clip carefully you see the ref put up the X signal which means that something has gone wrong, thats when Bischoff comes down and says a few words off mic to both guys.. then after like 5 mins of Jeff wondering where to throw his t-shirt Sting hits his move and pins him (which you actually see Jeff trying to kick out of)..
afterwards, from what i read everyone was pissed and they sent Hardy home and he's not on the show for 3 weeks

watching raw now..

lol that kid dressed up like Cena actually has better mic skills than some of the current wrestlers...
It was a bit cheesy when that music started playing when Rock started talking about The Miz.. I dunno, I was never really much of a fan of them playing music during someones promo..

Cole in a box?... pfft..

Miz's promo was pretty good.. I laughed at his little happy cheer when he said that The Rock might show up tonight.. I gotta get a picture of that..

I hate when WWE tries to hype up a match by saying "for the first time ever".. yeah.. we all are squirming in our seats to see Miz vs Khali.... FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER!!!

hopefully for the last too..

You know when Cole mentioned that Khali was a former World Heavyweight Champion, I actually thought he fucked up his facts again, then thinking about it, I actually remembered (for the first time in years) that he actually was.. eugh what a bad time..
A-Ri back already?.. i'm not so surprised..
Whoa.. Miz's attack on Khali didn't seem so PG.. wait why do I care?

haha they actually made reference of Snooki getting punched out a while ago

Good US title match.. little too short though.. However if they have a rematch at WM, I'd look forward to it.. Also looks like they might be ditching the King gimmick which is a good sign that Sheamus is back on a roll.

Wow.. is that Grandmaster Sexay? or an overweight Scotty 2 Hotty?.. either way he was in Too Cool and he looks and sounds very out of shape..
Lawler should of took initiative and should of grounded Sexay...

NOW HERES A RETURN THAT GOT A REACTION! Good Ol' JR's in the building!
I really hope WWE are planting seeds for a JR announcing comeback from this segment
I really got into that segment and I actually wanna go out of my way to see Cole get his face punched in at WM

this is how I'd book Cole/Lawler at mania.. I'd have Cole come in with his hijinx and have swagger put in the match to make it a handicap and also make it a No DQ.. have them beat and toy on King for a while... then as Cole is boasting about what he (but most likely Swagger) has done to King... have all these people jump in that Cole has heavily criticized.. Daniel Bryan, R-Truth, Booker T.. even Josh Mathews, and have them take Swagger out.. once Cole realizes that he's now alone against these group of people, get him down on his knees, begging them to not hurt him.. then have King to tell the rest to move aside and then King goes forth with the ass kickng and the victory..

oh and have J.R on commentary.. it would make it that much sweeter.

Well goodbye Nexus.. it was fun i guess.

Drew Carey in the HOF huh?.. Well I've always been a fan of Whose Line Is It Anyway.. and I did enjoy his moment in the Royal Rumble.. then again I was only 11 back then.. and fuck looking back on it, he sure has dropped alot of weight since then.. good for him.
It'd be good if Kane inducted him lol

hahaha they actually had Ryder involved with Snooki.. speaking of which, have you seen his youtube vids? they actually are pretty funny.. it's sorta turned me around on his character, he could be entertaining if given the chance to write his own stuff.

hmmm Vickie's getting slimmer and slimmer by the week.. say goodbye to the fat jokes!
and Trish looked amazing!

Snooki at Mania?.. man I never thought WWE would pull a TNA..

aw man hearing the rocks music got me excited me but i will admit, miz does play a good version of the rock
at first i thought he actually shaved his head just for the moment lol

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-03-15 10:24:05

Well that was an odd RAW.

Congratulations to Trish Stratus and Snooki wasting over 10 minutes of air time.

I'm glad Sheamus won, I half expected him to retire last night from an actual injury.

The Cole vs Lawler match gets really sad....or wierd.

I wanted Mayson to win.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-03-15 19:23:25

I get to read the descriptions of the shows, but I can't watch 'em.

Fuck my life.

But I'm still a fan of Jeff Hardy. I don't like the fact that he has serious problems with drugs, but I'm still a supporter.

Feel free to shoot me, Avie

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-03-16 08:48:22

At 3/15/11 04:20 PM, Tetris wrote: I added THE DROPKICK to Cena's moveset, and the Rock Bottom to Miz' in SvR 2011.

Also Jim Ross commentates his own beatdowns.

"Oh Lord"!

"God Almighty"!

Also, congratulations to Zack Ryder for 2 minutes of air time. He was succesfully abit funnier then The Situation at Donald Trump's roast.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-03-16 19:38:09


Not assed enough to watch the vid; it's embarassing enough hearing about it. For shit's sake, Jeff, you have a kid now!

Wait, I thought Sting signed a WWE contract.........what happened?

Onto RAW:

Well, Snooki wasn't as bad as I thought she'd be. I have to remind myself sometimes that reality shows aren't really reality 95% of the time. That show is still an embarassment to humanity, though. Regardless, Trish was there, so nothing else really matters. The brown hair looks much better on her.

Unfortunately, we're still stuck with Vickie. :(

As far as what I predicted last week, one was right & one was wrong. On the one hand, Sheamus DID win the US Title (while also putting Bryan over), which is great. On the other, Mason lost AND got punted. What the hell? The ONE guy out of those 4 who could very well carry around a main title one day, and he still gets the punt. I can only hope there's more to this & NexSES isn't entirely dead yet.

While Riley was there earlier, for once, Miz looked credible all by himself. FINALLY. Cena does know how to sell beatdowns - when he's been booked to sell them.

I have to cut this post short; I'll finish later.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-03-17 00:15:40

Kudos to TNA for doing the right thing and offering up a make good to their fan base for getting fucked over on Victory Road. Now TNA needs to move on to step 2: Fire Jeff Hardy.

Seriously, fire him. He's obviously an addict, he continues to have potential jail time hanging over his head. He has just cost you on this make good (how much obviously I would not know since I have no way of knowing how many people ordered VR and will then send in their cable bills) and you're already in a position where the money you're spending for the rating your getting is out of whack. Fire him. If Spike wants to get on you about it, you point out all the things I just said, go find another venerable WWE cast off (I'm sure there will be somebody out there) who won't make a dent in your ratings but will please the network...and move on.

Seriously, Fire. Jeff. Hardy.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-03-17 03:52:55

Ok, now where was I? Ah, yes........

I think avie summed it up nicely: It's not that Cole isn't doing great as a heel, it's that he's doing it way too well to be in the announcer's chair - or, in his case now, the announcer's giant-ass glass box. In doing so, he's screwing up all of the matches with his douchebaggery, and doing more harm than good in the long run.

The only thing I recognized from Lawler's son's appearance was 2 Cool (or however it's spelt). Didn't even know he had a son in the business - although I don't think many in the audience knew it, either. He did his bit well, though, despite sounding really, REALLY out of shape.

Why, oh why, did a cameo from JR have to end in Cole doing an Ankle Lock on him? Well, he tried, but Cole's too far gone...........

I almost expect Lawler to bring out Cole's wife or something next week, just to get back at him. Josh did mention that "his family no longer speaks to him" that one night.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-03-17 08:01:04

At 3/17/11 03:52 AM, Swackman wrote: I almost expect Lawler to bring out Cole's wife or something next week, just to get back at him. Josh did mention that "his family no longer speaks to him" that one night.

It's not TNA.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-03-17 09:06:15

At 3/17/11 12:15 AM, aviewaskewed wrote:
Seriously, Fire. Jeff. Hardy.

Change fire Jeff Hardy to Fire Jeff Hardy, Russo, Borash, Bischoff and that cocksucker Hulk Hogan and all will be right... hopefully.

Also, to the people saying "I hate Daniel Bryan"