At 2/11/11 01:11 PM, WooldoorSockbat wrote:
I tried watching TNA, my thoughts:
It is written by either, a drunk Hulk Hogan or a team of monkeys, or both.
Oh boy, dude, atleast you don't have to watch Against All Odds for a podcast.
also, TNA is booked by a bunch of people including Jeremy Borash, Jeff Jarrett and Vince "The Xenophobic Chauvinist" Russo. So yeah, not really a team of monkeys, because atleast monkey can write Shakespeare.
It takes itself wayyyyyy too seriousley.
Another side effect of Bischoff/Hogan/Russo
RVD is still wrestling? Jesus.
Maybe this week was just dead, but I barely saw any good wrestling.
Divas that: Cant wrestle, sell, act. Also they look slutty.
They're called knockouts and one point, before the Russo it used to be good... then Russo came, wrote the division like a joke, many of there top draws left or were fired for retarded reasons and Russo, with his problems with woman made them all heels where the first 3 words you hear out of everyone of the knockouts is "Bitch, slut, whore" I hate this fucking man. Mickie James, Tara and Sarita are pretty much the best woman's wrestlers in TNA, there's also Rosita but she's new. and has a fake lesbian incest thing going on with Sarita.... I hate TNA's Knockouts Division. Vince Russo is obsessed with all the girls doing some form of lesbian gimmick. Only one who doesn't have that is Mickie James. There's also Daffney, but yeah her being used at all is slim to fucking never.
Jeff Hardy let himself go but hey, atleast Matt got rid of those braids. I laughed when they mentioned drunks and panned the camera to Jeff.
Jeff Hardy is a fucking moron. He's a waste of space and needs to go to jail. Matt Hardy is even worse. Grapes are a hell of a drug... Yeesh, Matt Hardy is fat.
I also find it ammusing that they allowed Eric Bishoff to assist in running another show since his work is mostly complete failure, and the Jeff Jarret/Angle fued is rediculuosley stupid.
Eric Bischoff has proved time and time again that he is a colossal man-child, incapable of running a business. He just sits back and doesn't pay attention to what's going on. He loved the stupid gritty realistic always shooting mentality Vince Russo and his demons are allowed to create. Seriously, Kurt needs to grab a 9 mm and shoot everyone who runs TNA.
Also, when did 3D tottaly suck? oh yeah, when they "broke up" and made "bully" Ray even more annoying. How fun. The only upside to this is that the PPV theyre having is going to be hilariouse.
The Dudley Boys, how the mightly have fallen. On the upside, they're pretty much the only former WWE employees who haven't tried to bury the WWE. Like Anderson, or Hardy, or whoever.
On a bright note, ive always liked AJ Styles, Matt Morgan, Beer Money, and some of their other talents. And was that Stiener? or a mirage?
I like the MotorCity Machine Guns the best. Also, pay attention to the selective memory of TNA. A few weeks ago it was about "WE NEED THE TITLES TO GET POWER" that has been thrown out of the fucking window. Also, yes it was Scott Stiener.