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The Wrestling (WWE) Club

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-10-14 00:41:23

The Wrestling Observer is reporting that WWE making light of Mark Henry missing Raw this week due to a family situation is actually the truth. Henry's brother Patrick Henry reportedly suffered a stroke on 10/3, which left him in the intensive care unit. It's being said that Henry has 5 month old twins and no medical insurance, however a local Texas TV station is attempting to raise money for Henry and his family.

My prayers go out to his family. I hope they are able to raise enough money to help them out.

I read the SD results since I know I have to work that night and let me tell you... They are really pissing me off with how they are using.... You know.. I'll wait till Friday night for that rant.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-10-14 00:43:34

At 10/13/10 11:58 PM, MattTheParanoidKat wrote: ATTENTION, I HAVE RECEIVED A TWEET FROM BILL GOLDBERG!!


Also, considering Santino is on the RAW team, it pretty much guarantees that SD! would have to have at least one "wtf?" pick. I'm honestly still not understanding the point of this PPV. It's a team bout just before a team bout show...and you're fighting for a cup? Not a title shot? Or some other thing that individual members and maybe the show itself could use? I think this concept really needs a tweak for next year or maybe should just be scrapped.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-10-14 00:46:41

At 10/14/10 12:43 AM, aviewaskewed wrote:
At 10/13/10 11:58 PM, MattTheParanoidKat wrote: ATTENTION, I HAVE RECEIVED A TWEET FROM BILL GOLDBERG!!

First, let me fix that url

and in the off chance you're serious (you're not): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bill_Goldbe rg

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-10-14 02:07:51

I was just trying to be funny.

I know exactly who that overrated flash in the pan with the unjustified ego is :)

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-10-14 06:37:10


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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-10-14 16:08:23

At 10/14/10 06:37 AM, MaraquanWocky wrote: REFUCKINGTWEETED!

In hindsight, you should probably retweet the original message Goldberg responded to.. but that's only because I am a whore. A dirty whore.

Anyway, Thursday, Impact is on and I wanna know how they are going to escape from the corner THEY wrote themselves into. Heel Hardy does not make sense...

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-10-15 01:05:07

At 10/13/10 11:12 PM, Tetros wrote:
At 10/13/10 11:07 PM, Swackman wrote: Oh, and Kaval; they'd BETTER get him in there.


At 10/14/10 12:41 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: The Wrestling Observer is reporting that WWE making light of Mark Henry missing Raw this week due to a family situation is actually the truth. Henry's brother Patrick Henry reportedly suffered a stroke on 10/3, which left him in the intensive care unit. It's being said that Henry has 5 month old twins and no medical insurance, however a local Texas TV station is attempting to raise money for Henry and his family.

Oh dear.........something told me it wasn't kayfabe. That's a really horrible situation to be stuck in, and the sad part is that not having insurance is becoming normal these days. Add to that two twin babies left behind? Can't blame Mark for taking time off on something like this.

I read the SD results since I know I have to work that night and let me tell you... They are really pissing me off with how they are using.... You know.. I'll wait till Friday night for that rant.


At 10/14/10 04:08 PM, MattTheParanoidKat wrote: Anyway, Thursday, Impact is on and I wanna know how they are going to escape from the corner THEY wrote themselves into. Heel Hardy does not make sense...

NOTHING TNA has done for the last several years has made much sense.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-10-15 17:38:09

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-10-15 21:26:07

You think Matt is gonna feud with Jeff? Because I don't.

See, I'm betting the that "They" was actually something TNA put some planning into and the players were tipped off to it in advance. So I'm thinking Jeff told Matt and Matt saw this as a way to reunite the Hardyz and try to be a headliner in TNA by being part of "They". That's my feeling anyway, but unless Matt is mental, I'd imagine he was trying to get released to go to TNA and get hooked up with his brother.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-10-15 22:20:48

Well.. looks like Matt got what he finally wanted.. it's kinda sad, because he's been in WWE for over 10 years.. good luck to him if he's gonna "cross the line".

Also speaking of TNA, they hired Katie Lea Burchill

also i'm guessing SD has played in america now.. why did they have to kick Kaval out of the team, what was the point in that?! it was like WWE was teasing us saying "alright lets make people happy and put a crowd favourite on the team... LOL jks let's put in a Rob Zombie look-a-like who people don't remember!" man you could of heard a pin drop when Reks won the match...

though i will admit, i did find his finishing move kinda cool..

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-10-16 00:00:04

At 10/15/10 10:20 PM, Random-Her03 wrote: Well.. looks like Matt got what he finally wanted.. it's kinda sad, because he's been in WWE for over 10 years.. good luck to him if he's gonna "cross the line".

Goodbye Matt. I'll probably never see you wrestle again since I never watch TNA. And if TNA doesn't work out for you, well you burned the bridge so I still may not see you wrestle again.

also i'm guessing SD has played in america now.. why did they have to kick Kaval out of the team, what was the point in that?! it was like WWE was teasing us saying "alright lets make people happy and put a crowd favourite on the team... LOL jks let's put in a Rob Zombie look-a-like who people don't remember!" man you could of heard a pin drop when Reks won the match...

That right there was what pissed me off. Seriously, what the hell is the point of having Kaval lose every week? If they didn't see him as anything but a jobber, then why did they have him win NXT? This is just another example of them wasting talent. I don't have anything against Reks but why would they put him on a PPV? I barely know who he is. At least with a guy like Santino I know who he is and what to expect. The comedy guy who will get beat up and pinned first and early to make team Raw look like they have to struggle to regroup.

Give Kaval a chance! Let him win! No matter how talented a person is, if all they do is lose then people will stop giving a damn and move on. The WWE pisses me off sometimes.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-10-16 02:14:35

Dear Tyler Reks. No, just no. You look ridiculous and I laughed at you the entire time you were on camera. I'm considering not watching the PPV now because I can't take it seriously with you there.

At least we got some good matches out of the night, Dolph Ziggler and Edge put on a hell of a show.

Any predictions on who will be the 7th member for Team Raw?

I am a new terror born in death, a new superstition entering the unassailable fortress of forever. I am legend.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-10-16 06:52:07

I found an interesting video that shows Santino's real accent
in the video it shows a couple of guys taking a photo with randy, it was of course meant to be a photo but instead they were accidently recording instead, according to the video description the guy telling them that it's recording instead is Santino

Now I knew for sure that the italian accent was a fake, but it's one of those things where you know it's fake but once you see the real thing it's like "whooooa!"

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-10-16 06:59:01

At 10/16/10 02:14 AM, boloneyman wrote: Dear Tyler Reks. No, just no. You look ridiculous and I laughed at you the entire time you were on camera. I'm considering not watching the PPV now because I can't take it seriously with you there.

At least we got some good matches out of the night, Dolph Ziggler and Edge put on a hell of a show.

Any predictions on who will be the 7th member for Team Raw?

Mark Henry is rumored to take the spot, but we don't know if that's happening now due to his brother having a stroke.. hope he's doing fine.
Henry might not be the most talented guy in WWE, but from what I hear he's one of the most humble and friendliest guys in the back, so it's really sad to hear that his family's in trouble.

Edge/Ziggler match was fucking gold.. I think it proved that Ziggler can roll with the big guys.. hope to see him have a world title reign in the future.. I've always been behind that guy since he did that awesome apron dropkick to Batista in his debut match.

So besides one unknown member from RAW, wrestler wise, Team Smackdown is the big favourite for Bragging Rights.. but I seriously don't know which team will win.. Smackdown has the better wrestlers, but they also won last year so I dunno if WWE will give it to them 2 years in a row..

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-10-16 09:01:33

At 10/16/10 06:52 AM, Random-Her03 wrote: I found an interesting video that shows Santino's real accent

Holy shit mother of fuckiness.
I knew it was fake, but Jesus Christ that is scary!

Hi, I'm a teenager who draws. Call me Wocky.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-10-16 11:01:10

At 10/16/10 02:14 AM, boloneyman wrote: Dear Tyler Reks. No, just no. You look ridiculous and I laughed at you the entire time you were on camera. I'm considering not watching the PPV now because I can't take it seriously with you there.

At least we got some good matches out of the night, Dolph Ziggler and Edge put on a hell of a show.

Any predictions on who will be the 7th member for Team Raw?

It's going to be Kaval, if not Santino is not going to last as a member of Raw. Kaval needs and deserves a push, as did Daniel Bryan who STILL JOBBED TO SHEAMUS.. then next week he didn't but yeah... Ride of the Valkyres makes everything awesome.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-10-16 14:03:43

Ride of the Valkyries used to be cool. NOT ANYMORE!

Hi, I'm a teenager who draws. Call me Wocky.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-10-16 19:30:18

Smackdown was really good this week. Really good. It shows the contrast between WWE & TNA in terms of booking (barring a John Cena vs Randy Orton match, which is boring and I fucking hate it). And also, there was a fuckload more wrestling. Case in point, where as Smackdown had 7 matches iMPACT had 3 maybe four but all of 1 match (I am not fucking counting Tara vs Madison Rayne, NO Just NO) had a pin fall, and that match was the Pope vs Fourtune BEATDOWN. I wanna see wrestling. Wrestling! Of all those matches in impact, they lasted a good while but there was more fucking talking in the span of 2 hours than there was actual wrestling. Cutting promos is fine, it's just fine, Bound for Glory was passable because it had three good matches (2 of them were kind of ruined by what happened afterwards and it made that entire show unsavable).

Anyway, we had 3 matches, Samoa Joe vs Abyss, RVD vs Anderson and The Pope vs Fourtune. The Fourtune vs Pope match I did like because everyone there is a good wrestler and isn't fucking ancient barring Ric Flair who is not wrestling. It showed that the Pope can handle himself for a damn good amount of time against 5 guys. I like that.

We had Samoa Joe vs Abyss and Samoa Joe can move it was going well until Abyss nailed Joe in the head with a bell and established how one gets a Disqualification in the fucking Impact Zone.

RVD vs Anderson, the crowd was cheering mostly for Anderson because well, he's a good wrestler... RVD is too but he looks like a douchey Shawn Michaels to me. Just saying. This match goes on for a while. It was good until Jeff Hardy came and fucked it all up. Also, Anderson is apparently out for a few months do to an arm injury. Fake this shit guys. Better.

Smackdown is better, and here's why: It's basically a rehash of Raw's tournament but with Smackdown stars.

First match: Rey Mysterio vs Dashing Cody Rhodes: I like the match, Rey ends up the winner but he and Rhodes put up quite a fight.

Second Match: Jack Swagger vs MVP. Yeah MVP future endeavors, you losing to Dolph Ziggler and now to Jack Swaggahhh maybe you should consider more options. It was a good match though, but what the fuck to make of it I don't know. Also, take the fucking bandage off your nose MVP, it's stupid.

Third Match: Alberto Del Rio vs Chris Masters. This was a really good match, I really like how they're pushing Del Rio, and this was a good match. Del Rio gets that submission of his in and makes Masters tap.

Fourth Match: Edge vs Dolph Ziggler. Amazing match, Edge clearly is the better horse to bet on but he fought for that spot. The highlight was him missing the spear getting hit by the ZigZag and going into those steal steps. That should have been it, but Ziggler decides for a count out and Edge barely makes it back and then once he gets his second wind it's all Edge.

Fifth Match: Big Show vs Kaval time limit qualifier. Big Show makes Kaval for 4 minutes and in the last 30 seconds Kaval shows his strength and attacks Show until the Time runs out.... then stupid happens

Sixth Match: Kaval vs... Tyler Reks. THAT IS NOT A COOL NAME YOU FUCKING IDIOT! Fuck this company, really. Who the fuck is Tyler Reks? Why does he get the push over Kaval? I think TNA has a problem with people who were in TNA at some point. Jesus. This match sucked.

Last Match: Kofi vs Drew McIntyre. Hey folks, we don't hear McIntyres music, guess who is going to win here? Yep, Kofi is going to win. He gets the Trouble in Paradise and pins Drew.. good match, but I was still pissed over the fucking Kaval match.

Oh and Kane cuts another promo, Undertaker comes out and promptly beats his ass with a "Shut up woman" beat down... now if only he would do that to Michelle McCool...

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-10-16 20:05:19

At 10/16/10 07:41 PM, Tetros wrote: I love you.

So you love domestic violence? Wow. Bastard.

Also, I agree that Tyler Reks is a retarded name, but it's better for his gimmick than Gabe Tuft.
Seriously, Matt, you're really pissing me off.

Face turn

Hi, I'm a teenager who draws. Call me Wocky.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-10-16 21:38:18

I was talking to Matt about the Tyler Reks thing.

And I was always a heel.

I AM FUCKING GUARANTEED TO MEET CM PUNK! I get to get out of school early and everything...!
Now, I need something to say/ask him. My mind is filled with other things.

No, not that, perverts.

Hi, I'm a teenager who draws. Call me Wocky.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-10-17 01:03:08

When Taker did Kane's hellfire shtick, it was one of the most awesome moments I've ever seen; dunno why, but it just was. Even the lightning strike to the earn wasn't as epic as that was. You have to wonder who, between Kane & Paul, shit their pants/tights first.

The Edge/Ziggler match, as everyone else said already, was the fucking match of the night. It was THE match of Ziggler's career thus far, for me. Honestly, I doubt Show's standing ovation was scripted - it was just that fucking good.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-10-17 01:05:07

Whoops, forgot about the Reks situation. While I'm pissed off that they screwed Kaval over like that, I have to admit, that's one hell of a finisher Reks has there. His hair is a tad fucked up, but there might actually be something to this guy. One never knows.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-10-17 03:32:50

At 10/16/10 09:11 PM, Tetros wrote:
At 10/16/10 08:05 PM, MaraquanWocky wrote:
Seriously, Matt, you're really pissing me off.
He's pissing off everyone now.

Um, explain? I'm not the only one who thought that Tyler Reks going on Team Smackdown after the basic beatdown of Kaval was stupid. Maybe that makes me a mark, but yeah like I said Kaval needs this and he will likely end up on Team Raw (hopefully, because it makes sense and WWE is easy with writing as is all wrestling, TNA is predictable but insane thank you Russo you dick).

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-10-17 12:24:55

Thank you, Pandora.
I think that "Smack Down" by Thousand Foot Krutch should be the new theme for SD!. I mean, after they have their fun with Green Day.

Hi, I'm a teenager who draws. Call me Wocky.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-10-17 20:45:05

Wocky's gonna have a statement on this for sure
CM Punk has bleached his hair blonde

The Wrestling (WWE) Club

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-10-18 01:28:08

At 10/17/10 01:03 AM, Swackman wrote: When Taker did Kane's hellfire shtick, it was one of the most awesome moments I've ever seen; dunno why, but it just was. Even the lightning strike to the earn wasn't as epic as that was. You have to wonder who, between Kane & Paul, shit their pants/tights first.

I wholeheartedly believe that stunt was done in post and not at the arena live. Just seems far far too dangerous for them to take that risk if you don't need to.

As far as the Kaval thing...I have nothing to add other then this pretty much proves the rumor that was floating that Vince didn't have the NXT voting rigged and was pissed when Kaval won...that or it's the "duh, if you don't wear a mask and you're little...we have no clue what to do with you" theory. Either way this sucks, and it doubly sucks because Reks is coming out of nowhere (and was actually someone a lot of folks thought would get released). Such a wasted opportunity...especially because nobody is going to see this PPV anyway with all the other shit going on that weekend.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-10-18 06:30:10

At 10/17/10 08:45 PM, Random-Her03 wrote: Wocky's gonna have a statement on this for sure
CM Punk has bleached his hair blonde

I think he looks good like that.

Hi, I'm a teenager who draws. Call me Wocky.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-10-18 16:02:10

Wow. Why didn't he bleach his beard, too? Now he looks like...like...a moron.
YEAH! Take that, Punk, or should I say Moron?!

Hi, I'm a teenager who draws. Call me Wocky.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-10-18 17:20:54

speaking of SVR 2011, the last 2 legends in the game have been leaked
Ricky Steamboat.... AND RVD

people all over IGN are saying that they think somehow the photo of RVD has been photoshopped... Not Steamboat... Just RVD.. man, I get that RVD has been in TNA for the majority of this year.. but cmon, a picture (from a camera phone..) has been leaked.. even a guy from THQ that works on the game was asked if the pictures were real and he replied with "no comment" (which is THQ language for yes) i'm gonna post it here to see if you guys think it's fake or not..


The Wrestling (WWE) Club

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-10-18 18:22:11

Who fucking cares if you can play as RVD, I WANNA PLAY AS RINGO STARR!

Hi, I'm a teenager who draws. Call me Wocky.

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