At 4/8/04 11:50 PM, Redangleking wrote: Hahahaha. Violator's mad at me guys.
Violator. Don't spam your hatred here. Or any where else for that matter. Let it go.
lol HAHAHA im not mad dumbass nm i just like stating my point.
At 4/8/04 11:50 PM, Redangleking wrote: Hahahaha. Violator's mad at me guys.
Violator. Don't spam your hatred here. Or any where else for that matter. Let it go.
lol HAHAHA im not mad dumbass nm i just like stating my point.
At 4/8/04 11:58 PM, Redangleking wrote: There any new news on the TNA Fox Deal? Like, is it concrete? Is it Really going to go through or is this just another rumor?
hopefully it will go through I hope raven will be there
ok do i have to seperate you two?....look statistics dont mean anything niether does lvl or post count there are plenty of people out there who are high lvl's and complete idiots....goes the same with post someone give me some feedback on my rant
shut up reds. I believe any one can write a review or rant whenver they want even if they are a lollipop lvl. but only one person can do a review per show but that doesnt stop me from doing my summarys and ppv prediction/who I want to win.
Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.
eX(Wi/Ht? #45)
ok um my ppv predictions ive been on holidays for a while in movie world
the triple threat: i get a feeling HHH will win but im going for beniot so beniot
Hardcore Match: randy orton on the offical site they almost alwways talk about the loser and there talking a bit on mick
edge and kane: i am expecting a push with edge but i dont want kane to lose so after a hard long fight kane will lose by disqualification
that may not be all the matches in the gold coast i didnt have cable so i might have missed a match
i disagree with red i think any level can do whatever they want
78--Loved the rant, made my rant of doom not so doomish..Thing is, I only do that when I'm really pissed at WWE..
Reviews and rants are open for anyone guys. what good is a thread about anything if you can't express your opinions about it? Just keep in on topic and it's ok with me.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
I want to wait for the final card to come out before I make my predictions..
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
smackdonw was crazyyy last night eddie was awsome
come on folks chill out Red was only kidding around
I know, but sometimes you have to set the record straight for those who don't.
As for the TNA deal, it's still in the works. Don't worry, as soon as I hear something I'll report here.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
lets hope not. We need some variety..
WWE is thinking about making a wrestling channel..we shall see.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
This just in: WWE will be dropping Confidential soon. It appears that they will also be moving Velocity and possibly Heat.
Spike TV has told us that as of May 3rd, Velocity will air at 7PM ET on Saturday. Although that may be the case, we have also been told WWE will be introducing a new Sunday morning show to replace Confidential. That would obviously put a damper on the rumors of an ECW return as Sunday morning's wouldn't be a prime slot for 'extreme wrestling'. Keep in mind though since Velocity was the wrestling show, that could be turned into an ECW type show.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
I like the reweiws and rants. It's just when you get to many of the same thing that gets i little iritating, but i love everybodys rants and reveiws.
I kind of liked confidential....kind of.
At 4/9/04 12:19 AM, DOINGIT-78-FORGIPPER wrote: ok do i have to seperate you two?....look statistics dont mean anything niether does lvl or post count there are plenty of people out there who are high lvl's and complete idiots....goes the same with post someone give me some feedback on my rant
ok I red your rant and enjoyed. I will look forward for from u 78.
Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.
eX(Wi/Ht? #45)
I liked Confidential, but I never saw it because it is on the same time that MAD tv is on.
Oh as for the rants and reviews and stuff.. Anyone can do them.
and thats the bottom line cuz stone cold said so
At 4/10/04 12:23 AM, MickFoliac wrote: I liked Confidential, but I never saw it because it is on the same time that MAD tv is on.
Oh as for the rants and reviews and stuff.. Anyone can do them.
and thats the bottom line cuz stone cold said so
thast wat i say *gasp* u cheap basterd...grrrrrrr just joking... or am I??. COnfidential is kool but i would like to see wat they do. OH and from a source i hear.... well do u guys want me to tell u wat I hear cause it might spoil it.
we will need a TNA reviewer soon
i think lita will win the battle royal but only because i saw her title match at survivor 2003 and was extremly impressed it got number 2 in my survivor series 2003 favourite matches only being beaten by the ambulance match (phsyco shane)
so backlash is a raw pay per view it better not suck like armaggedon (main event)
i want something to do thats different from rants,reviews and remember backs
i wonder if i should make up polls would that be alright? i will do one and then see what you guys think.
im looking forward to the hardcore match if its micks real last match and he knows it he might put extra effort into a last match
they released Sean O Haire in real but in PW i am giving him a push so eventually he will be good enough to be my main event
i like the idea of a wrestling channel at the moment in australia we are making our channels better and interactive so they could add a wrestling channel im sick of Fox8 replacing RAW with damn buffy every 4th week.
i read on that goldbore might come back
what does everyone think of that 2002 airplane ride that WWE are being sued for? would Ric Flair did what he did (id barf if i saw the scene if its true)
ok the poll
Which of these is the stupidist gimmick thats happened
The Easter Bunny
Dr Isaac Yankem
Naked Mideon
Red Rooster
sorry if theyre not well known but i just got a few from wrestlecrap as my time on the computer has been cut short but just one more thing before i go
see you all tommorow
the easter bunny was bad..but the gooker was worse.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
everyone please go see and vote on ym new movie called scorpion vs akuma, in the portal right now, and dont worry, it has wrestling related things in it
worst gimmick ever was the mark henry mae young hand incident
At 4/10/04 03:37 PM, xXARCHAONXx wrote: everyone please go see and vote on ym new movie called scorpion vs akuma, in the portal right now, and dont worry, it has wrestling related things in it
hey man that was pretty good even though only the music had to do with wrestleing it was still preety kool
At 4/10/04 03:41 PM, DOINGIT-78-FORGIPPER wrote: worst gimmick ever was the mark henry mae young hand incident
HELL NO! The hand fucking ownz!!!!
the main event for WM XX should've been Teh hand vs. HHH in a ladder match.
ok so ive got 1 on the easter bunny (was this a good poll or should i not do polls)
oops forgot the rest i wish we had edit
please answer the poll and dont say the worst gimmick of all time i just want the worst gimmik out of the entries
i saw RAW yesterday and was dissapointed with Eugene
ok sku poll I vote for easter bunny. ok sd was funny in when eddie gave the KA GAA trophy a chair shot, when thuggin and buggin teddy mac teamed up with mark jindrak (I saw the mick foley look a like). and teh bad damn cena had the landslide vic. on internet voting I knew jbl would win but his little segement was good yeah you dirty mexicans I was laughing when jbl kick the mexican. Ok no what the fuck bashams wearing purple velvet tight damn it who's in charge of wardrobe fire them. so choke on DEES...
Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.
eX(Wi/Ht? #45)
Is it just me, or are John Cena's raps getting crappy? They just don't seem that good anymore. And whats with the CHOKE ON DEEZ NUTS part... I liked the "old days" when he would say somethin like when he was battle rappin Big Show in San Diego
"How am I gonna get dissed by the walking talkin 500 pound peice of" then me and everyone else in the San Diego arena yelled "SHIT!!!!!!!!"