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The Wrestling (WWE) Club

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-02-08 23:21:12

"Sarina, Luke, get me Jared from Subway."

Best line ever. I was upset that SES didn't get the win. I think Miz is going to look goofy trying to carry three belts every where. Raw wasn't awful, they kept the back stage skits to a minimum. I am really hoping Kofi doesn't get destroyed next week or in the chamber, but who am I kidding here? I'm a little worried about what will become of some the ECW wrestlers. I guess it is inevitable that some of them will disappear.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-02-09 00:24:58

On one hand I agree that DX needed to drop the titles tonight to move the storyline along but on the other hand I think the wrong team won. The SES should have gotten the belts. Although this does make Miz a first at something. I think he is the first person to hold a singles title and the unified tag titles at the same time.

HBK is going crazy.

Split the ECW roster between Raw and SD? Are they insane? They can barely fit the rosters they have now. I'm afraid a lot of those guys are going to get lost in the shuffle now.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-02-09 00:48:43

At 2/8/10 10:54 PM, Random-Her03 wrote: anyways I hear that when ECW ends every ECW wrestler is going to be split up to either RAW or Smackdown

Now taking bets on how many change shows and never debut, only to be hit the news when they're "future endeavored". Anyone?

Let me offer my own thoughts on your list talent by talent for funzies.

Abraham Washington

Wrestle or fuck off. The gimmick is lame, it sucks. Either wrestle or get the fuck off the show. Some people hate Santino but at least he gets in the ring every now and again.

Ezekiel Jackson

I think Zeke could get a push no matter which show he's on. I think Smackdown! though might be a good place for him to go as it seems to me RAW already has a monster heel in Shaemus and that might limit Zeke to compete with him. I think SD! is the place he should head off to.

Gregory Helms/Hurricane

He'll be lucky if he has a job after Mania I think...Helms should be drafted to Betty Ford before anybody is worrying about what show to be on. After rehab? I say Smackdown! because they could do a lot with the character, especially if Rey Mysterio continues to be breaking down. The Hurricane character is one that has never quite been given the chance to break out like I think it should have. But he needs to sort his issues first.

Rosa Mendes

FCW, she's hot but she can't work. If they don't send her back to developmental till she learns then I think she should be sent to SD! where the best female workers are and the division is a bigger part of the shows. She won't learn if she wrestles only girls who are only marginally better then her.

Tony Atlas

I think this could be the end of Tony's run. I think if they don't continue the Abraham Washington Show somewhere then Atlas is probably going to float around without a role since I'm really not sure what Atlas brings to the table at this point in life.

Vladamir Kozlov

I really don't know where you put him, not a great worker by any stretch, I guess if you want to keep the belt on Shaemus or want an easy feud for him to win after he drops it on his way back to the big time then Koz is probably a good guy to do it with. Send him to RAW to be a babyface punching bag for Shaemus.

William Regal

I think Smackdown! is a good place to send him. Regal as a "player" should be well and done based on both his age and his propensity to fuck up. I think being in a similar role to a Finlay (and shit where did he go?) would be best. But he is Triple H's buddy so I'd look for him to be back on RAW in the US title picture.

Vance Archer

I think young guys should be on SD! because with the exception of Shaemus RAW tends to waste the talent base. Archer could go either way, but wherever he goes they need to keep some focus on him.

Zack Ryder

I think Smackdown! would be good for him since his character is Miz like to me and why would you want a guy who could be seen as "Miz lite" on the same show as Miz?

Caylen Croft

Can't argue with a SD! birth for him.


Definitely SD!, so many more logical options for feuds and team ups and room to grow.


What's the point? What does he honestly bring to the shows at this point? I think RAW just so Cody can beat him down for a month or two to try and look somewhat relevant as Legacy falls apart.


Can she do anything but ring announce? I don't know...she might find herself jobless in the shuffle here.

Shelton Benjamin

Smackdown! would be better for Shelton but at this point I almost fear he's scorched earth and is never really going to get beyond like an R-Truth level guy. Oh well, least he can have good matches on SD!


Don't really see what she's going to do with ECW gone and her role removed, I guess she can go be someone's hanger on in the SD! women's division and maybe improve as a worker.

Trent Baretta

Go with your partner and mean even less...unless they come up with something as singles for these guys, I think they're DOA. They're probably DOA now.

Yoshi Tatsu

Put him on SD!, they have something there and I really think they might have enough to investigate a lightweight division....they won't of course but I guess they could have a nice little set up of lighter guys who can go that could add to the SD! opening matches and what not.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-02-09 02:37:15

At 2/9/10 12:48 AM, aviewaskewed wrote: (Washington) Wrestle or fuck off. The gimmick is lame, it sucks. Either wrestle or get the fuck off the show. Some people hate Santino but at least he gets in the ring every now and again.

I remember reading a little while back that they were preparing Washington for wrestling, but if it doesn't happen he's best off on RAW, better having that cruddy talkshow on the show that already has too many pointless segments right?

(Zeke)I think Zeke could get a push no matter which show he's on. I think Smackdown! though might be a good place for him to go as it seems to me RAW already has a monster heel in Shaemus and that might limit Zeke to compete with him. I think SD! is the place he should head off to.

Dunno.. I just see RAW suiting him more for some reason..

(Helms) He'll be lucky if he has a job after Mania I think...Helms should be drafted to Betty Ford before anybody is worrying about what show to be on. After rehab? I say Smackdown! because they could do a lot with the character, especially if Rey Mysterio continues to be breaking down. The Hurricane character is one that has never quite been given the chance to break out like I think it should have. But he needs to sort his issues first.

I was gonna say that Helms should be on Smackdown, but I thought it should be split even and well, he just got caught in the middle of it all.. but yeah kinda agree with you, he's hanging on by a thread.. which is a shame cause besides this drunken incident, I've barely heard a bad thing about Helms.

(Rosa)FCW, she's hot but she can't work. If they don't send her back to developmental till she learns then I think she should be sent to SD! where the best female workers are and the division is a bigger part of the shows. She won't learn if she wrestles only girls who are only marginally better then her.

Yeah FCW sounds good.. but I guess I just had to count everyone in.. (cept for Tyler Reks.. why is that guy still around?!)

(Atlas)I think this could be the end of Tony's run. I think if they don't continue the Abraham Washington Show somewhere then Atlas is probably going to float around without a role since I'm really not sure what Atlas brings to the table at this point in life.

Meh.. wherever Abe goes, Atlas will follow.

(Kozlov)I really don't know where you put him, not a great worker by any stretch, I guess if you want to keep the belt on Shaemus or want an easy feud for him to win after he drops it on his way back to the big time then Koz is probably a good guy to do it with. Send him to RAW to be a babyface punching bag for Shaemus.

I thought RAW because of that possible Santino and Kozlov tag team that they were talking about couple of weeks back, and since they're doing that sitcom thing together it would make sense.

(Regal)I think Smackdown! is a good place to send him. Regal as a "player" should be well and done based on both his age and his propensity to fuck up. I think being in a similar role to a Finlay (and shit where did he go?) would be best. But he is Triple H's buddy so I'd look for him to be back on RAW in the US title picture.

Regal suits RAW better, when he was on Smackdown he was nothing but a joke and a jobber.. at least on RAW he can be taken a bit more seriously.

(Archer)I think young guys should be on SD! because with the exception of Shaemus RAW tends to waste the talent base. Archer could go either way, but wherever he goes they need to keep some focus on him.

Just like Zeke, I see this guy suiting RAW more.

(Ryder)I think Smackdown! would be good for him since his character is Miz like to me and why would you want a guy who could be seen as "Miz lite" on the same show as Miz?

Don't get me wrong, I like Ryder, but let's face it.. no matter what show he ends up on, he's probably going to be the comic relief character.. If he was taken to RAW it would make more sense.. plus he was on smackdown before and... well i can't remember any of it..

(Croft)Can't argue with a SD! birth for him.

Meh, this was more of a coin toss choice for me.. him and the other guy are still too fresh.. doesn't really matter what brand they end up on to me..

(Christian)Definitely SD!, so many more logical options for feuds and team ups and room to grow.

If Christian ends up on RAW, we riot!

(Goldust)What's the point? What does he honestly bring to the shows at this point? I think RAW just so Cody can beat him down for a month or two to try and look somewhat relevant as Legacy falls apart.

I think Goldust has done a good job on ECW, he can still go at it in the ring.. and they've even made him seem more of a serious role (despite his comical gimmick).. I know he won't be World Heavyweight Champion, but give him a feud or 2, he's earned it. Also I chose smackdown cause cept for this short ECW run, he's been on RAW the whole time since the brand extension, give him a little change.

(Savanna)Can she do anything but ring announce? I don't know...she might find herself jobless in the shuffle here.

Yeah, maybe you're right.

(Shelton)Smackdown! would be better for Shelton but at this point I almost fear he's scorched earth and is never really going to get beyond like an R-Truth level guy. Oh well, least he can have good matches on SD!

I don't see why he couldn't get a push.. remember in 04 when he beat HHH like 3 times in a row? everybody LOVED him, but I have heard that he can often get unmotivated like Carlito.. but I think that was around the time of the whole "shelton's mama" storyline... Anyway If he ends up on RAW, he'll probably get lost in the shuffle, Smackdown's always been the perfect home for Benjamin.

(Tiffany)Don't really see what she's going to do with ECW gone and her role removed, I guess she can go be someone's hanger on in the SD! women's division and maybe improve as a worker.

Possibly reunite with Teddy Long?.. I dunno I had to include everyone (cept for Reks of course.. that guy sucks!)

(Baretta)Go with your partner and mean even less...unless they come up with something as singles for these guys, I think they're DOA. They're probably DOA now.

(see caylen croft comment)

(Tatsu)Put him on SD!, they have something there and I really think they might have enough to investigate a lightweight division....they won't of course but I guess they could have a nice little set up of lighter guys who can go that could add to the SD! opening matches and what not.

Even though I want him on Smackdown, I have a bad feeling that he'll end up on RAW...

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-02-09 09:13:37

I just read that apparently there is talk about turning John Morrison back to a heel..
I hope that this is just a stupid rumor.. they would be stupid turning him to a heel again, he works so much better as a babyface.. he's very easy to get behind since he turned face last year.. i just don't get it.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-02-09 12:16:56

At 2/9/10 09:13 AM, Random-Her03 wrote: I just read that apparently there is talk about turning John Morrison back to a heel..
I hope that this is just a stupid rumor.. they would be stupid turning him to a heel again, he works so much better as a babyface.. he's very easy to get behind since he turned face last year.. i just don't get it.

The good thing about Morrison is that hes good in both roles. He makes a great heel and as a face hes been doing well. What I'd rather hear is that they are finally going to push the guy into the main event. I think he has a very good shot at winning the MITB if he is in it this year. I'd really like to see him get a chance to enter the main event picture as I think he is more than ready. if he is a heel and Edge is still a face they could have an awesome fued.

Course this is also why I'm rooting for Jericho at the Chamber. It makes perfect sense for them to have him win it and face Edge at WM. This of course means that they won't do it.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-02-09 13:42:29

At 2/9/10 02:37 AM, Random-Her03 wrote: I remember reading a little while back that they were preparing Washington for wrestling, but if it doesn't happen he's best off on RAW, better having that cruddy talkshow on the show that already has too many pointless segments right?

I think the crummy talk show gimmick needs to stop. WWE hemorraghes fans because of stupid shit like this. People tune in to wrestling to watch guys wrestle, not to see guys try to be Jay Leno or Conan. Pull the plug and don't use him until you think he's ready to work.

Dunno.. I just see RAW suiting him more for some reason..

If he turns face maybe. But if he continues to be booked as a monster heel with a monster heel champion in Shaemus already at the top, I think his upward mobility is fucked. That's not to say I think he should be drafted to a show and beat everybody and be champion inside of a month (I've not heard anything good about his Rumble match with Christian) but I just don't like the idea of putting a guy into a situation where he will probably only get so far because of things beyond his control.

I was gonna say that Helms should be on Smackdown, but I thought it should be split even and well, he just got caught in the middle of it all.. but yeah kinda agree with you, he's hanging on by a thread.. which is a shame cause besides this drunken incident, I've barely heard a bad thing about Helms.

It's not just to me that it's a drunken incident. It's that he had somas on him and he's drinking heavily, that is a dangerous dangerous situation and the kind of thing where if WWE doesn't address it you wind up with a guy dying under contract to you and the wellness policy coming under fire again. Get him into some rehab or something to protect yourself, and then worry about what you can do with him after that I say.

Yeah FCW sounds good.. but I guess I just had to count everyone in.. (cept for Tyler Reks.. why is that guy still around?!)

I predict he's gone in the after-Mania house cleaning they usually do, if not before.

Meh.. wherever Abe goes, Atlas will follow.

If they keep the talk show gimmick going. I really do believe they'll probably use the situation to hit reset on certain characters and Washington could be one of them.

I thought RAW because of that possible Santino and Kozlov tag team that they were talking about couple of weeks back, and since they're doing that sitcom thing together it would make sense.

Maybe, honestly I just think Kozlov is a waste of air time to me. You have better guys out there, he's never really brought anything for you so...what's the point?

Regal suits RAW better, when he was on Smackdown he was nothing but a joke and a jobber.. at least on RAW he can be taken a bit more seriously.

Regal is a fuck up at this point. After getting pushed to the moon and then screwing it up like he did I don't feel he DESERVES to be in any kind of meaningful role. Plus he's getting older. I think he should be a guy young talent have to try and cut their teeth on and helps bring along marginal workers to make them better. It's a role that's important too and honestly Regal is never going to draw money. He should absolutely be in the Finlay role in my mind.

Just like Zeke, I see this guy suiting RAW more.

I'm still skeptical they have the attention span to elevate anybody that isn't connected to a top star already.

Don't get me wrong, I like Ryder, but let's face it.. no matter what show he ends up on, he's probably going to be the comic relief character.. If he was taken to RAW it would make more sense.. plus he was on smackdown before and... well i can't remember any of it..

Because he was part of a going nowhere tag team used as Edge's henchmen. He's reinvented himself a bit now, so I think he'd be better off where he isn't going to have to fight with two or three similar characters for air time.

I think Goldust has done a good job on ECW, he can still go at it in the ring.. and they've even made him seem more of a serious role (despite his comical gimmick).. I know he won't be World Heavyweight Champion, but give him a feud or 2, he's earned it. Also I chose smackdown cause cept for this short ECW run, he's been on RAW the whole time since the brand extension, give him a little change.

To me that gimmick ran it's course ages ago. There's really nothing much else to do with him (except maybe let him be in Superstars) so does it really matter where he goes? It just seems to me if he's going to be on one of the main shows it should be RAW so he can give his brother some kind of a rub.

I don't see why he couldn't get a push.. remember in 04 when he beat HHH like 3 times in a row? everybody LOVED him, but I have heard that he can often get unmotivated like Carlito.. but I think that was around the time of the whole "shelton's mama" storyline... Anyway If he ends up on RAW, he'll probably get lost in the shuffle, Smackdown's always been the perfect home for Benjamin.

That's five years ago now. FIVE YEARS AGO!!! A lot of those fans aren't still here. Shelton has for five years been booked as basically nothing, start stop pushes, and at this point is only known as "the guy that does the crazy shit in MITB". I really wonder if they can overcome their own bad booking with him at this point and if anybody would really take him seriously anymore.

Even though I want him on Smackdown, I have a bad feeling that he'll end up on RAW...

Either way I think the end of ECW could wind up being the death knell for his WWE run...he's good, but they tend not to push the smaller guys. I hope he can pull a Tajiri and overcome that, vs. winding up as the new Funaki.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-02-09 20:41:32

At 2/8/10 11:21 PM, boloneyman wrote: "Sarina, Luke, get me Jared from Subway."

Lovely. They should use that line if they ever put Punk in a movie. I mean it. Also, her name isn't Serina. It's "The Bald Lady".

Best line ever. I was upset that SES didn't get the win.

I agree. Somehow, I do.

I think Miz is going to look goofy trying to carry three belts every where.

He already looked goofy. And he'll look goofier with the thing under him that says "ShowMiz". Wait...that actually looks...good.
ShowMiz ShowMiz ShowMiz ShowMiz

Hi, I'm a teenager who draws. Call me Wocky.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-02-09 21:20:06

I want to join. ^___^ , Big fan.. I guess , Wait , Isn't there suppose to be a member list or something?

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-02-10 00:28:06

Wait, the Tag Titles are on The Big Awesome? WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?

Nvm, Maraquan's name for them is way better.

At 2/9/10 02:37 AM, Random-Her03 wrote:
At 2/9/10 12:48 AM, aviewaskewed wrote: (Kozlov)I really don't know where you put him, not a great worker by any stretch, I guess if you want to keep the belt on Shaemus or want an easy feud for him to win after he drops it on his way back to the big time then Koz is probably a good guy to do it with. Send him to RAW to be a babyface punching bag for Shaemus.
I thought RAW because of that possible Santino and Kozlov tag team that they were talking about couple of weeks back, and since they're doing that sitcom thing together it would make sense.

Wait, SITCOM? Oh dear god.......

(Christian)Definitely SD!, so many more logical options for feuds and team ups and room to grow.
If Christian ends up on RAW, we riot!

Agreed. The possibility of him & Edge becoming a team again would be insane to pass up.

At 2/9/10 09:13 AM, Random-Her03 wrote: I just read that apparently there is talk about turning John Morrison back to a heel..
I hope that this is just a stupid rumor.. they would be stupid turning him to a heel again, he works so much better as a babyface.. he's very easy to get behind since he turned face last year.. i just don't get it.

THE FUCK!? Yeah, I know he started as a heel, but it's his being a babyface that skyrocketed him to where he is now. And they want to dump all of that hard work in the garbage?

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-02-10 00:55:22

At 2/9/10 09:20 PM, Iketaro wrote: I want to join. ^___^ , Big fan.. I guess , Wait , Isn't there suppose to be a member list or something?

I gave that up. It became too much of a hassle to maintain and it was more of a record of who was here than an active list. You are welcome to post here as all pro wrestling fans are welcome here.

I have a feeling there are going to be a lot of releases after Mania. With a bunch of them being sent to the other shows they are going to have to make choices on who to use and how. If they were smart they could revive the tag division and un-unify the tag belts to give the newer guys time to develope on the show but I highly doubt that will happen. Some will be on Superstars for a while too but really that can only buy them time before the WWE either decides to give them a try or get rid of them.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-02-10 18:10:05

At 2/10/10 12:28 AM, Swackman wrote: Wait, the Tag Titles are on The Big Awesome? WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?

I think Shawn is retiring.

Nvm, Maraquan's name for them is way better.

That is the official name for them.
ShowMiz ShowMiz ShowMiz ShowMiz ShowMiz
Sing it like Ted DiBiase Sr.'s theme song. It's catchy.

Hi, I'm a teenager who draws. Call me Wocky.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-02-10 19:51:23

At 2/10/10 06:10 PM, MaraquanWocky wrote: I think Shawn is retiring.

I kind of doubt it, especially if Taker winds up hanging it up, they'll lean on Shawn more then ever and I get the feeling Shawn will probably hang in there until he physically can't go anymore.


I think it's a good name, and there are some pretty cool things they can do with this. Hopefully Punk and company will find a way to the top on SD! some other way. Heck, it could even be if they get Joey Matthews (Mercury) back into the company he'll be put with that crew (since Punk is instrumental in his re-signing and did legit help him a lot with his issues).

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-02-10 20:29:55

At 2/10/10 07:51 PM, aviewaskewed wrote: I kind of doubt it, especially if Taker winds up hanging it up, they'll lean on Shawn more then ever and I get the feeling Shawn will probably hang in there until he physically can't go anymore.

Maybe it's just a storyline thing. If he does retire again(in storyline), it's probably to get surgery on his back or something.
I've been researching HBK. :)

I think it's a good name, and there are some pretty cool things they can do with this.

Seriously, sing ShowMiz like Ted DiBiase Sr.'s theme song. It really, really works.

Hopefully Punk and company will find a way to the top on SD! some other way. Heck, it could even be if they get Joey Matthews (Mercury) back into the company he'll be put with that crew (since Punk is instrumental in his re-signing and did legit help him a lot with his issues).

No idea who that is. But yeah, I'm hoping SES becomes really succesful. *shudder* I cannot believe I just said that. But still. I'm starting to root for Punk because we have a lot of things in common.
1. We're both straight-edge.
2. We both like Pepsi.
3. Uhhhh...
4. I give up.

Hi, I'm a teenager who draws. Call me Wocky.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-02-10 22:01:39

At 2/10/10 08:29 PM, MaraquanWocky wrote: No idea who that is. But yeah, I'm hoping SES becomes really succesful. *shudder* I cannot believe I just said that. But still. I'm starting to root for Punk because we have a lot of things in common.
1. We're both straight-edge.
2. We both like Pepsi.
3. Uhhhh...
4. I give up.

He was Morrison's partner back when he went by Johnny Nitro, and they had a team with Melina called MNM. At Armageddon 2006 he was in a ladder match and suffered a really nasty injury that broke his nose in the middle of the match. I can't post the video, but I'm sure if you search him you can find the match. I'd be really excited to see him back in the WWE.

I'm hoping Christian will make an appearance on Smackdown this week, it is pretty obvious why that'd be awesome.

I am a new terror born in death, a new superstition entering the unassailable fortress of forever. I am legend.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-02-11 00:37:38

At 2/10/10 08:29 PM, MaraquanWocky wrote: Maybe it's just a storyline thing. If he does retire again(in storyline), it's probably to get surgery on his back or something.

I think it's all part of the build to how much Shawn wants Taker at Mania. They're pretty much locked into that course now even if the match sadly has no possible way of living up to last year (unless maybe Taker has a miracle in that bad hip.

No idea who that is. But yeah, I'm hoping SES becomes really succesful. *shudder* I cannot believe I just said that. But still. I'm starting to root for Punk because we have a lot of things in common.
1. We're both straight-edge.
2. We both like Pepsi.
3. Uhhhh...
4. I give up.

Punk is really great as the heel he is right now and you have to give him a ton of credit since there are so many people in that company who have wanted him to fail and yet he keeps finding ways to claw his way back up every time they slap him down.

Matthews/Mercury you can find under looking up MNM who were a really great tag team that probably could have done more had the tag scene been stronger. Matthews also had a pretty good team with Christian York (never made the big time, basically out of the business now) in the dying days of ECW and I believe is another alumni of the Omega (was that the name?) group the Hardyz ran/came out of.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-02-11 00:43:22

Joey was re-signed? That oughtta make for some interesting interactions with Morrison (& Melina when she returns). Fitting that Punk helped him get back in when he was booted for drug issues. :P

I thought the broken nose was just a part of the storyline; so it really was broken?

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-02-11 01:47:33

At 2/10/10 10:01 PM, boloneyman wrote: At Armageddon 2006 he (Mercury) was in a ladder match and suffered a really nasty injury that broke his nose in the middle of the match. I can't post the video, but I'm sure if you search him you can find the match. I'd be really excited to see him back in the WWE.


here's a pic of the aftermath.. but if you think thats bad, you should of seen his face just seconds after that hit to the face.. looked brutal

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-02-11 09:07:50

At 2/11/10 01:47 AM, Random-Her03 wrote: here's a pic of the aftermath.. but if you think thats bad, you should of seen his face just seconds after that hit to the face.. looked brutal

Yeah I remember that, his eye pretty much swelled over instantly. That was one of the worst shots I've seen in recent history. I respect anyone who is willing to go through that for the business, just to give the crowd a show. Which was I was severely disappointed when he was released a short time later, but I understand why.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-02-11 11:39:54

At 2/11/10 09:07 AM, boloneyman wrote: Which was I was severely disappointed when he {Mercury} was released a short time later, but I understand why.

Yeah.. but he's comin back now

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-02-11 15:13:44

According to Vince on a conference call the Survivor Series is no more.

The event that gave us The Undertaker and me many good childhood memories will simply no longer exist and be rebranded starting this year.

They've also got a survey going which I would guess is probably figure out what that event should be rebranded as. They even have some WCW match types in there, so if you've been dying to see the return of War Games, best fill out that survey now.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-02-12 04:08:31

At 2/11/10 03:13 PM, aviewaskewed wrote: According to Vince on a conference call the Survivor Series is no more.

The event that gave us The Undertaker and me many good childhood memories will simply no longer exist and be rebranded starting this year.

It's sad, but you gotta admit, the 5 on 5 elimination matches were kinda losing touch
infact one of my fav survivor series didn't even feature any of those matches (2002)

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-02-12 08:48:05

At 2/11/10 03:13 PM, aviewaskewed wrote: According to Vince on a conference call the Survivor Series is no more.

The event that gave us The Undertaker and me many good childhood memories will simply no longer exist and be rebranded starting this year.

They've also got a survey going which I would guess is probably figure out what that event should be rebranded as. They even have some WCW match types in there, so if you've been dying to see the return of War Games, best fill out that survey now.

I loved how one of the options in the poll is a one-night tournament... Gee, that sounds familiar! Maybe they should do that and call it King of The Ring.

Sadly, people will probably vote for the Legends PPV where some of the "WWE Legends" would take part in the matches. And really, who wouldn't want to pay 40 bucks to watch a 66 year old Jimmu Snuka wrestle? Yeah, that was sarcasm.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-02-12 23:03:45

Shame about the Survivor Series. It seems with the exception of WM and the RR no PPV can stay forever.

SD was good tonight. Batista not telling us whats going on is a bit annoying since it was such a waste of time. Come on guys, give us something here!

I sure hope what happened to Morrison is just part of the show and not legit. I'd hate for him to miss time in the ring. The opening match was great as Punk and Rey seem to work well together. Punk was downright creepy after the match too.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-02-13 01:03:17

At 2/12/10 11:03 PM, Outlaw88 wrote: Shame about the Survivor Series. It seems with the exception of WM and the RR no PPV can stay forever.

or Summerslam.. I see that sticking around for a while

SD was good tonight. Batista not telling us whats going on is a bit annoying since it was such a waste of time. Come on guys, give us something here!

Specially that they dragged it on for about 10 mins.. I would of been pissed if i were live in attendance..

I sure hope what happened to Morrison is just part of the show and not legit. I'd hate for him to miss time in the ring. The opening match was great as Punk and Rey seem to work well together. Punk was downright creepy after the match too.

It's not legit, he's fine.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-02-13 11:39:25

WWE has officially added Drew McIntyre vs Kane for The Intercontinental Championship to The Elimination Chamber PPV card. That should be a decent match. I think Drew will probably win to keep his push going.

This is a rumor so I have no idea how legit it is but here you go: From wrestlezone.com

During yesterday's conference call, WWE Chairman Vince McMahon said that he hopes to launch a WWE Network within 18 months. He added the it will not affect regular WWE programming, and that he wants Raw to continue airing on USA and for Smackdown to have a strong home network, whether that be MyNetwork TV or elsewhere.

A WWE Network? Like that 24/7 thing they had? I wonder how that would work?

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-02-13 13:17:54

I don't know why Shawn became obsessed with the Undertaker. I think it began in the Slammy Awards , right?

Well , I think Miz can't maintain that title , but Big Show can so let's see how he goes.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-02-14 00:21:52

The network thing is true, and they are very much moving towards it. From what I understand it would be kind of like TV Land, or 24/7 now (and I'd say this would kill 24/7). I think it would be an interesting challenge since they would need to get clearances, it could help them with ads, but it'll also be a big test for what kind of audience is really out there for wrestling.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-02-14 09:45:14

If the network isn't one people would have to pay extra for like the 24/7 one then having ads would be the best way to fund it. As far as content they could always show specials and highlights of particular wrestlers as well as new contentmade just for the network. If it becomes available to everybody I'll at least check it out. WWE has no shortage of wrestling content footage.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-02-15 17:29:53

At 2/12/10 11:03 PM, Outlaw88 wrote: Shame about the Survivor Series. It seems with the exception of WM and the RR no PPV can stay forever.

Let's all have a nice moment of silence while I play 'Taker's theme.

I sure hope what happened to Morrison is just part of the show and not legit. I'd hate for him to miss time in the ring. The opening match was great as Punk and Rey seem to work well together. Punk was downright creepy after the match too.

I forgot what Punk did, can you tell me? My memory's been slipping.

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