At 6/11/09 05:17 PM, HeartbreakHoldout wrote:
Big show will never be a top star. He'll always just be fodder for John Cena to get some impressive spots in on. The Miz has a long way to come to be anywhere near the top level. Priceless are just the henchmen for Orton, who is boring and should get off my TV. He doesn't belong anywhere above the midcard. I mean, Raw has Matt Hardy too, but I can't see him ever being elevated to top heel.
Agreed on all points. The heels of RAW are in no way strong because Vince is the ultimate editor to RAW and his feeling is you can beat heels down over and over and because their heels it's ok because the fans are supposed to not like them. Not to mention most of these guys you've mentioned (with the exception of Miz) have done about 5 bajillion push/depush situations over the years so how well built are they really? Like I say, RAW's heel side looks weak as sin, and Orton is a joke thanks to the booking.
Edge and Y2J are actually good in their roles, can put on a decent match too, and they'll probably piss all over CM Punk.
I don't think so, they have never been said to be the kind of guys that will try to undermine a guy. This comes back to if they are committed to elevating Punk. Also, Edge is turning face, we know he's turning face. The signs are everywhere, it's a question of when not if. So that limits the top heel field a little for Punk there as well. Also if Jericho is distracted by Rey, it eliminates direct competition between the two. Punk is a very strong heel I believe, and properly pushed I believe he will be right up there with Edge, that is my personal belief. I think he can do this unless they fuck this up and "Orton" him.
I am not a CM Punk fan and I've watched the heel promos everyone raves about him doing prior to joining WWE. I just can't see what there is to like about him.
Really? Obviously we have a different perspective then man, and we want different things from our wrestling heels. Punk's ROH character was what Punk brought, but with elements of ECW Raven thrown in there, and they're feud was great. That's the thing, it wasn't just the promos, but it was the body of work that went with it at that point in time that really makes me believe Punk can easily headline as a heel if the company is behind him and gives him the opportunity to try.
I haven't seen any of his heel promos, but he has some major competition in the department, whereas anything he did would probably come off as looking fresh compared to most of the shit on Raw.
Not to mention, it's very easy for Punk to flip that switch in this case and sort of take a nod from Jericho and say "I'm straight edge! I'm a freakin role model! But all you wanna do is cheer for a loser and screw up like Jeff Hardy! I'm sick of this, straight edge means I'm better then you and from now on it's all about me". Simple, and effective. I would even like to see him and Jericho form a sort of alliance out of this too. Not a tag team necessarily, but just we see something where they see the similarities they share and make a commitment to watch out for each other against all the hypocrites and conspiracy that would be against them. That could be fantastic and very very fresh.
Everyone seems to want to see a hardy/punk feud, but at the end of the day you know Hardy would win and come away with the title only lose it to edge again.
I don't actually, because I don't know that Jeff is sticking around. If he isn't, then there's a lot of ways to go, the obvious one is run Jeff out, then you can go to a situation where Edge can either initiate a heel vs. heel program with Punk complaining he wanted to run Jeff out and Punk stole his oppurtunity, or Edge has remorse and says "I thought I wanted him gone, but now I realize...I respected Jeff Hardy, we took each other to the limit for 10 years, and we made each other. Now you take him out? Somebody like you? No way, now you deal with me" and goes face. There's so much potential on SD! right now for some fresh programs and matches, and that's really what WWE needs right now.
The way they book Punk... yeah.
The way they booked him on RAW and ECW. The booking of him on SD! since the draft has actually been quite good, and the fact is he got MITB this year because they WANTED him to, not because somebody messed up and they had to give it to someone.