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The Wrestling (WWE) Club

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-03-26 01:04:19

I think with Bourne what happened was they want to try and promote the Mania card a little further in advance, and MITB has become a big selling point. Plus, I don't think they were 100% sure that he'd be back in time for the PPV.

Also wanted to ask you guys a question, my boards are going to be in need of a revamp. Possibly a total relaunch (some issues with the old database) and I was curious if you guys would be interested in having a wrestling forum over there? I know the one Red did didn't really work out but this would be something built into an existing forum with an existing NG userbase. So you'd have the wrestling section, but other parts to hang out on as well, and it'd allow people to have their own threads and stuff for news and other stuff that goes on in here. Let me know if you have any interest.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-03-26 10:38:37

At 3/26/09 01:04 AM, aviewaskewed wrote: Also wanted to ask you guys a question, my boards are going to be in need of a revamp. Possibly a total relaunch (some issues with the old database) and I was curious if you guys would be interested in having a wrestling forum over there?

I'm all for it. It gives me yet another place to spread the word about some of the lesser know wrestling feds out there.

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-03-26 13:09:08

I'd be cool with it.

Here is an article talking about the WWE offering assistance in fighting substance abuse to former employees. You can read about it here.

It's good they are doing that.

Mexican star Abismo Negro (Black Hole or Black Abyss) aka Winners in AAA, whose real name is Andrés Alejandro Palomeque González, was found dead, floating in a river in El Rosario, Mexico earlier today.
You can read the full article here...

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-03-26 13:15:10

At 3/26/09 01:04 AM, aviewaskewed wrote:
Also wanted to ask you guys a question, my boards are going to be in need of a revamp. Possibly a total relaunch (some issues with the old database) and I was curious if you guys would be interested in having a wrestling forum over there?

sounds good

hey here's an interesting note
source: Wrestling Observer Newsletter

-- As reported earlier, Big Show was originally earmarked to take part in the Money in the Bank
Match at WrestleMania XXV, but Vince McMahon decided to put him in the World Heavyweight Championship bout instead. Mark Henry ended up taking place in the bout. Had Big Show stayed in the match, he was expected to win the briefcase.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-03-26 13:59:41

At 3/26/09 01:09 PM, Outlaw88 wrote: Mexican star Abismo Negro (Black Hole or Black Abyss) aka Winners in AAA, whose real name is Andrés Alejandro Palomeque González, was found dead, floating in a river in El Rosario, Mexico earlier today.

Black Abyss. This actually happened a couple of days ago. He was supposedly on a bus, suffered some sort of nervous breakdown (He even asked the bus driver to let him out) and the next thing people know, he was dead.

Though I've gotten used to wrestling deaths (Unfortunately), I have to admit that this one took me by surprise, mostly due to the bizarre circumstances surrounding his death.

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-03-26 14:19:58

Can't believe I forgot to post this.

This would be ROH's first tv episode on HDnet. You know, for those that might not have seen ROH before.

By the way, it was uploaded by the guys from ROH. Hopefully you guys will at least give it a look.

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-03-27 11:40:03

Good for ROH taking advantage of that opportunity. I hope they are able to expand their audience with this.

I have no idea whats in store for us on SD tonight but I don't care, I'm looking forward to it anyway. After the week I had I'm ready to indulge in the sillyness that has been going on. I'm sure we will see more of the Taker/HBK fued as well as Edge and all his woes.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-03-27 15:17:34

At 3/27/09 11:40 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: I have no idea whats in store for us on SD tonight but I don't care, I'm looking forward to it anyway. After the week I had I'm ready to indulge in the sillyness that has been going on. I'm sure we will see more of the Taker/HBK fued as well as Edge and all his woes.

Smackdown was a bit predictable until the end of course. HBK did something i never expected and reminded me alot of the promo he did back in 1997, the last time the 2 feuded. Now is it me or is the creative team just focused on this one match to make wrestlemania and if it goes bad :::i doubt i will::: Werstlemania will not be very good. Not one single match has the same hype as the HBK/Taker.

Cena/Edge/Show has become a comety and i think most of you agree with me that this is not the way to go about putting on a manina main even. It would be fine if they did this at a lesser ppv, but i think Cena/Edge could put on a good show without Big show. Really what does he add to this match at all, he has not had much so much momentum that they had to put him in the mainevent. I can not remeber a thing he did this year that would make him get a spot in this match in this environment.

Wi/Ht regular|Elite Guard Barracks Member|Idiot-Buster-Elite Guard Sup. Commander

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-03-27 22:37:51

**********************SPOILER ALERT**********************

Gail Kim returns to smackdown, she takes out Maryse and Michelle McCool, so she's returned as a babyface

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-03-28 11:08:55

I thought the HBK/Taker bit was done well. It was entertaining to see him to a Taker like enterance. I also found that again I liked the under-card a bit more than the main event as I though the matces involving the tag champs and the MITB guys were better than what Show and Edge were doing.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-03-30 01:44:47

At 3/28/09 11:08 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: I thought the HBK/Taker bit was done well. It was entertaining to see him to a Taker like enterance. I also found that again I liked the under-card a bit more than the main event as I though the matces involving the tag champs and the MITB guys were better than what Show and Edge were doing.

Which is what is so wrong here, it's a world title match being outshined by mid card acts? Geez.

No offense to the guys involved, their talented all around and of course some of them are going to be the one's carrying the company when the H's, HBK's, and Taker's finally hang it up, but this is just so sad when you're heading into the biggest show of the year. I think Mania is locked in to underperform no matter what they do now, they've lost the interest of the casual fans that tend to push that buyrate higher. So at this point your milking the people that buy every year, and even that ain't a sure thing (it's all but a lock that for the first time in the last 14 or 15 years I won't be ordering this show). It is well past time for them to look in the mirror, and realize that they are stuck in a rut, what they're doing isn't working, and to try something else. It's sad we keep saying the same thing year after year, but it seems like they are just immune to ever even considering they might be to blame for their problems.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-03-30 09:35:54

At 3/30/09 01:44 AM, aviewaskewed wrote:
At 3/28/09 11:08 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: I thought the HBK/Taker bit was done well. It was entertaining to see him to a Taker like enterance. I also found that again I liked the under-card a bit more than the main event as I though the matces involving the tag champs and the MITB guys were better than what Show and Edge were doing.
Which is what is so wrong here, it's a world title match being outshined by mid card acts? Geez.

they did the exact same thing last year, all the matches were all shoved aside while Big Show vs Floyd Mayweather jr. was getting the biggest push

My deviantART page | My Youtube page (It got terminated)

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-03-30 10:13:05

At 3/26/09 02:19 PM, pepeatumi wrote: Can't believe I forgot to post this.

This would be ROH's first tv episode on HDnet. You know, for those that might not have seen ROH before.

By the way, it was uploaded by the guys from ROH. Hopefully you guys will at least give it a look.

I liked it, something different.
Wasn't really that entertaining but it had some decent spots.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-03-30 16:37:07

WWE having the price of the show raised will hurt them I'm sure. That's just too much money for me to throw at something I'll see on DVD some time down the road. I don't think WM will flop as they do have some talented guys performing this year, like the Hardy's extreme rules match and the MITB. However because of the lack of interest on the world title bouts and the high price, the PPV may not do as well as others in the past. We'll have to wait and see as we could end up being wrong.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-03-30 21:12:08

At 3/30/09 09:35 AM, Random-Her03 wrote: they did the exact same thing last year, all the matches were all shoved aside while Big Show vs Floyd Mayweather jr. was getting the biggest push

But both world title matches were booked seriously. Edge vs. Taker was booked like a serious, old school, babyface chasing down the heel champion and they had months of build to refer back to. Now Edge is defending his title and trying to win so his cheating wife will love him again. Big Show is trying to win the same woman, and John Cena is just kind of there. H vs. Orton is built on the premise that we should care that Orton continously beats down the utterly unlikeable McMahons, and that somehow a match we saw how many times last year is now worth a 55 dollar price tag.

They may have pushed the celebrity involvement over a lot else, but there was still enough good on the card that you wanted to see it. This card on paper looks pretty pedestrian and more like a B-show lineup and they've done very little to convince people it's worth the money. Jacking it up another 5 bucks is basically an admission they expect this show to do a lower buyrate then years past.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-03-31 02:14:53

Well, a decent RAW as far as the show is concerned. As far as the last RAW before WM25... probably not so good. Unless they're planning something to flip-flop the Orton-H story (yet again) on SD!, why would they "relieve the tension" between the two as they did? Just seems as though now that Trips has already gotten his hands on Orton, what's left? Where's the suspense now that the balloon has been deflated? Does anyone even care anymore?

I was, however, delighted to see Cena lose his match (I don't know why, I just really don't enjoy that guy in any aspect of his "entertainment"), though contrary to him 'losing' momentum before WM, we all know he'll most likely pick up the win in the triple threat. Oh, how I'd love to see Edge carry the title longer than a month or so again...

As far as 'Taker and HBK... well... build as they may, we all know 'Taker will keep his streak. I've no idea when he's planning on retiring, but it seems it'll be soon (the man can barely walk anymore!), and maybe the more "tension-rising" path would be to just draw it out to 19-0 then book his last Wrestlemania as a high-profile match wherein he can retire with a clean 20-0 or slap a blemish on his record with a 19-1? Seems like that'd be a good mark for him to end his career on... Maybe I'm wrong, who knows.

Honestly, though, I'm looking forward to MITB this year, with the obvious exceptions of Mark Henry and Kane. Looking past that, though, it seems it'll be a pretty solid competition, with the likes of a newly-contracted Christian (which seeing him win would simply be awesome, though I'm sure the "new" generation has no appreciation of him), a returning CM Punk, Finlany, the token Irishman, and an always-entertaining Kofi Kingston. I'm not too big on Shelton, though seeing MVP win would not disappoint me in the least. I mean hell... toss the guy a bone here, right? On a side-note, why so many grounded competitors? I wanna see some aerial action, dammit!

As for JBL-Mysterio and whatever the hell Jericho's building this week... I'm not gonna waste much time. Though I believe I remember someone suggesting Jericho wins his match and shortly thereafter gets his ass beat by Stone Cold... hell, that'd almost make watching the PPV worth it. I mean I get how they're trying to go with the "legends" route being it's the 25th milestone of WM, but come on; just get it over with already. This whole angle is ridiculous. Poor Jericho...

domestic violence can be funny too!

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-03-31 02:37:25

is it just me, or do they really seem to be pushing kane over the other 7 participants in this MITB storyline?
in the past weeks he's always seemed to be the most dominant with all the MITB segments/matches

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-03-31 03:21:16

At 3/31/09 02:37 AM, Random-Her03 wrote: is it just me, or do they really seem to be pushing kane over the other 7 participants in this MITB storyline?
in the past weeks he's always seemed to be the most dominant with all the MITB segments/matches

Kane is a good soldier I think they always want to protect (and rightly so. Dude the best or most over guy? Nope, but he's always done whatever was asked of him and made more out of that character then I think anyone expected when he first came in, he deserves big ups for that), but I think he has 0 chance of getting the briefcase.

RAW was kind of "eh" to me, and it seems like WWE is resigned to the fact that they're going to draw whatever they draw come Sunday. With Cena he has his limitations, but his biggest problem in my mind is that he just tries so hard to be Vince's no. 1 soldier, that he just won't appeal to anybody in the smart fan community.

Also I've got my boards restored, so tomorrow I'll set up that wrestling forum you guys said you'd be behind. Just remember that as a security measure I have to validate your accounts before you can post, but I've got the day off so I should be around and if you use the names you use here it'll be ok. If you want to use something different though make sure you get with me about that so we can get you posting as soon as possible. :)

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-03-31 10:03:41

At 3/31/09 03:21 AM, aviewaskewed wrote: Also I've got my boards restored, so tomorrow I'll set up that wrestling forum you guys said you'd be behind. Just remember that as a security measure I have to validate your accounts before you can post, but I've got the day off so I should be around and if you use the names you use here it'll be ok. If you want to use something different though make sure you get with me about that so we can get you posting as soon as possible. :)

Cool. I'll probably use a different name, so I'll let you know about that. I also have to ask.. Will we be allowed to post wrestling media on the forum?

Now, on to RAW... I still find myself with little to no reason to buy the PPV. Shawn vs Taker should be (Since it already feels like) the main event, and is quite frankly the only thing I'm interested in. The opening diva tag-match made absolutely no sense. Why book an 18 women tag match, if you're just going to give them a minute and a half to wrestle? Hell, most of the divas didn't even get in the ring during the match!

Lawler vs Jericho did nothing to change my mind about Jericho's match with the Legends. Lawler, who actually wrestles every once in a while look like crap, so I don't even want to know what Piper, Snuka and Steamboat will look lke during their match at WM.

Rey vs JBL made no sense. I know JBL mentioned wanting to beatdown Rey prior to WM, but why would you book a match, that we're getting on PPV, just 6 days prior to the show (And on free tv, no less!)? John Cena vs Big... You know, forget it. I still don't care about this match, despite WWE's half-assed efforts during the last week to try and make the match about the title (WHICH THEY SHOULD HAVE DONE IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!).

The Shawn/Taker segment was great, and once again it continues to overshadow the rest of the WM lineup. I liked how Shawn has managed to stay one step ahead of Taker these past couple of weeks, even if leads one to believe that Taker is guaranteed to win at WM.

As for the closing segment.. I HATED IT! YAY! Vince and Shane are back, and once again, they're beating down ACTUAL WRESTLERS!

To be honest, it felt like WWE wasn't even trying this week. As if they knew that nothing they did would help garner more interest in Wrestlemania. The sad part is that they were probably right.

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-03-31 11:42:26

Looks like Tazz is gone from WWE.

Former ECW World champion and long-time WWE announcer Tazz left World Wrestling Entertainment last night after calling the matches for this Friday's edition of Smackdown. He is now officially done with the company as his WWE contract expires today. We will both have many more details on this story in reports on the Audio section of PWInsiderElite.com today. If you are not a member of the Elite site, you can sign up now by clicking here:

http://www.pwinsider.com/ViewArticle.php ?id=37611&p=1

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-03-31 13:36:45

At 3/31/09 10:03 AM, pepeatumi wrote: Cool. I'll probably use a different name, so I'll let you know about that. I also have to ask.. Will we be allowed to post wrestling media on the forum?

What kind of wrestling media?

To be honest, it felt like WWE wasn't even trying this week. As if they knew that nothing they did would help garner more interest in Wrestlemania. The sad part is that they were probably right.

That was my feeling as the show ended now, they're just pushing out the programming because they need to, but they seemed demoralized in trying to entice anymore buys, they just seem like they've accepted the buyrate will be lower and that's that.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-03-31 13:54:46

At 3/31/09 11:42 AM, pepeatumi wrote: Looks like Tazz is gone from WWE.

That sucks! I liked Tazz too... I wonder why he left? I'm sure we will find out more on this as time goes on. Its a shame he won't be there to commentate WM.

Raw was...Not that good actually. Though I do have to admit Santino was as funny as ever. The rest of the show felt bland. Let's just hope ECW is better tonight.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-03-31 21:52:04

At 3/31/09 11:42 AM, pepeatumi wrote: Looks like Tazz is gone from WWE.

that's a real shame, i always like him.. he made a good wrestler and announcer, he was WAY better than JBL
i hope they can move striker over to smackdown to replace him, striker is a really good announcer man.. he's got the knowledge, the humor, the character
everything you need for a good announcer

My deviantART page | My Youtube page (It got terminated)

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-03-31 22:04:56

I'm going to post my wrestlemania 25 predictions now as i think it is time to see what eveyone thinks.

WWE Title: Triple H vs. Randy Orton. As I mentioned recently, the only logical finish for this match is for Orton to win the title. He's the hottest heal in the company right now, and a world title win at WrestleMania would help keep his momentum going. Fans aren't exactly screaming for a Triple H win to defend Stephanie's honor (which is kinda like defending Kane's hairline -- do fans buy her character as a babyface at all?) Yes they have pushed it very much, but it just is not getting a reaction from the fans. Right now Orton looks alomst :::dare i say like HBK::: when he was at the top of his game in the late 90's.

World Title: Edge vs. John Cena vs. Big Show. I would love to see Edge retain here. But with your other world title match likely being won by a heel, I think they'll go the babyface route and put the title on Cena. It's WrestleMania after all. I just wonder if he'll adapt this title belt with the spinners too -- isn't it kinda odd that they still use the Cena belt on the show he's not even on anymore?
Big Show will have little to do in the match i bet he will het speard and fall out of the ring for most of the match >.<

Shawn Michaels vs. Undertaker- Really isn't any explanation needed here. The best match on the card and the only reason i'm gettin wrestlmania this year. A clasic no doubt, and they will steal the show. I predict this is the only match remembered from this years WM sad to say if you ask me. The story Michaels tries to stop the streak and Taker tries to stop Mr. WrestleMania. This could go either way if you ask me. I think it's a good 50/50 chance for both, they have been making michaels go over taker thr past month so it could go for a taker win or they will continue shawns momentum and lead to a win for hbk.

Jeff Hardy vs. Matt Hardy. Matt has to win here for this feud to mean anything. I read one suggestion online that would have Matt win this match, then Jeff somehow securing a spot in Money in the Bank and winning that, which would be very cool, and very reminiscent of the "Owen beats Bret, then Bret wins the World Title" thing at WM X. Would make sense too, since Jeff was slated for Money in the Bank last year before a wellness suspension.

Money in the Bank: MVP vs. Shelton vs. Finlay vs. Henry vs. Kane vs. Kofi vs. Punk vs. Christian. Assuming no Jeff Hardy surprises, I think he may come in and win this match only a prediction though.But some of the compeditors in this match just make no sence henery, kane and finlay? What was the creative team think ing here, nothing if you ask me. Conversation: lets put guys who will not contribute much to this match well blank, blank and blank will due, lets just put randome people in there just to have 8 superstars in there.... Well the only logical winner is MVP

Chris Jericho vs. Snuka, Piper and Steamboat. Jericho eliminates Snuka and Steamboat. Flair and Rourke get involved (possibly with others just to get some surprise cameos) and Piper wins. I'm predicting Piper gets the win (rather than Steamboat) because he's more mainstream. I do think Steamboat will do most of the work though. And that sums it up they could have gone meny other and better ways, but this is not as good as it could have been.

IC Title: JBL vs. Mysterio. JBL wins, then retires as IC Champ in his home state. Not too big of a surprise here and just another match on the card that has had no promotion on snf if you ask 100 people i bet only 50 of then even know this is on the card.

Tag Title Unification: Miz & Morrison vs. Carlito & Primo. Well a good match no doubt, one of thre better ones on the card. I think i will go well with all of them being highflyers almost like Michales first and seconed WM matches i think it will go ober good and to keep there momentum going Miz & Morrison will win.

25-Diva Battle Royal. Don't care. I would like to see Trish win (is she even in it?) But it looks poorly planned and from what i've heard it looks like there are 4 spots to fill and theres 5 days to wrestlemania... wtf are they thinking apparently nothing.

recap: 4/10 dare i even give it that much....maby 3/10 is better, but you can be the judge of that. Only reason for the 4 was because of the taker/hbk match other that not much to look forward to. This can be fixed and i mean it has to be done very fast by making the 25 diva battle royal, matt vs. jeff and the mony in the bank match as best as they can be. Otherwise for the 10th time HBK's performence will carry the show.

Wi/Ht regular|Elite Guard Barracks Member|Idiot-Buster-Elite Guard Sup. Commander

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-04-02 08:53:51

Good predictions. However I have some of my own to share. I think with they will probably have HHH retain. I know it would be better if Orton got the belt, but I have a feeling HHH will beat him down. Maybe his wife will come down for the assist.

I think Jeff should stay out of the MITB to deal only with Matt. That way their match means more reguardless of who wins. Momentum is with Jeff since he showed off his extreme rules skills, but if they want the fued to last longer, Matt to win.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-04-02 10:42:45

My only hope for the Orton-HHH match is that we don't get a McMahon finish, with either Shane, Steph or Vince turning on HHH and aligning with Orton. Please, give us a clean finish, WWE!

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-04-02 12:40:54

I'd say Orton has to win, regardless of how much I despise him.
He's boring in the ring, and on the mic, but alot of time and effort has been invested in him, so Ortoning him again now would be stupid. Maybe they can have someone like Kennedy bury him after he gets the belt. I'd like that.

I hope Cena doesn't win, but face victory or w/e. Hopefully Cena will win Vickie's love with his victory and have a live sex celebration on Smackdown. That would be awesome.

Gail Kim should probably win the diva battle royale, but who really cares. It might be good, but they haven't invested alot into this match.

Miz and Morrison deserve to win the tag belts. Primo and Carlito are small time in comparison to them.

Taker/HBK should be good regardless. They don't need to end Taker's unbeaten streak here, especially with HBK, who's on the wrong side of 40.

Hardy/Hardy should be good. I dunno who will win, I haven't been reading about this match alot.

Jericho will probably lose, unfortunately. Hopefully he'll come close to winning, and look like a totally evil bastard before Rourke or Flair screw him over.

MITB could be Shelton's time to shine. But if not him, MVP might make sense. I hate when they give someone a title and then the MITB though, sort of means one becomes trivialised.

JBL/Misterio... I don't really like either of these, so w/e. Hopefully they'll find something awesome to give JBL his WM moment in the sun. Might make the match slightly more interesting too.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-04-02 13:02:21

I watched The Self Destruction of the Ultimate Warrior last night :).

It was well interesting, the guy was fucking intense... pity he sucked and became a complete cock.

Metal Hell ## Guitarists ## Stand Up Comedy

PSN: Look-a-Hill

Somewhere Over the Rainbow

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-04-02 20:50:57

At 4/2/09 08:53 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: Good predictions. However I have some of my own to share. I think with they will probably have HHH retain. I know it would be better if Orton got the belt, but I have a feeling HHH will beat him down. Maybe his wife will come down for the assist.

Thanks, i'm glad you appriciate it. It took almost 30 minutes to type much longer than i usually spend on a post so i'm glad it was a good one.

That is also quite possible, I was just thinking it would be orton because it's almost the begining of a new era. HHH is almost 40 now, yes he is in the best shape of his life but he is getting older and it's time to pass the torch. Since eveyone is expecting Orton to win maby they will change it like they did last wrestlemania.

I think Jeff should stay out of the MITB to deal only with Matt. That way their match means more reguardless of who wins. Momentum is with Jeff since he showed off his extreme rules skills, but if they want the fued to last longer, Matt to win.

Well that was only a rumor that was probaly just started by a random person who though it would be cool to see. But i do agree it is unlikey to happen and it would not feel as special if he was in 2 matches that night, if he was to do so i think he would be tired and not perform as well as he should so, best him just stick to the match he is scheduled to be in.

At 4/2/09 10:42 AM, pepeatumi wrote: My only hope for the Orton-HHH match is that we don't get a McMahon finish, with either Shane, Steph or Vince turning on HHH and aligning with Orton. Please, give us a clean finish, WWE!

Yes if the match would not have a good quality finish, then the next week people will just forget about it and will have no importance at all and they will move on to other fueds.

At 4/2/09 11:15 AM, TheD-LucksEdition wrote: I'll do my predictions on the PPV weekend, as per usual.

I'm getting the idea that you don't like my predictions or you don't like my in general @;-}>

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-04-02 23:51:39

ok here are my predictions

Tag Team Title Unification Match
The Colons (Carlito and Primo) vs John Morrison and The Miz

Carlito and Primo have been getting wins over Morrison and the Miz for weeks now, pretty much every match i can think of except the match for Morrison and Miz's tag titles, so i think Miz and Morrison will finally get their win over The Colon bros. (but not without controversy i'm willing to bet).

My Prediction: Miz and Morrison to become the Unified Tag Champs

The Money in the Bank Ladder Match
CM Punk vs. Kane vs. Mark Henry vs. Montel Vontavious Porter vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. Kofi Kingston vs. Christian vs. Finlay

most of these guys are familiar with this match (except for Mark Henry) and we all know that Shelton Benjamin is very innovative in this match, Kofi seems like the type that would mesh well with this match, and of course Christian is a ladder match veteran.. everyone seems to fit well in this match, except for Mark Henry.. to be honest i would of prefered R-Truth to take the spot instead but anywho.. I have three possibilities in my head.. Christian, MVP or Shelton Benjamin... now i'm sorta gonna take MVP out of the mix as i feel he just won the US title and is still in the midcard level, but we know wwe has plans to push him to the top, so that leaves Christian and Shelty B.

Christian is an awesome wrestler, and very good on the mic, hence the nickname Cpt. Charisma.. but i've heard that vince is kinda sour on christian which i really don't get... and Shelton has got this Gold Standard gimmick which seems very good for a main eventer... its a gimmick that fans will take seriously and think "this man means business", and also he just lost his US title so this could be a step up for the Gold Standard. My heart says Christian, but my mind says Shelton

My Prediction: Shelton Benjamin to grab the briefcase

Intercontinental Title Match
JBL (c) vs Rey Mysterio

Now if you haven't heard, JBL has a special announcement, which i'm guessing now he's going to address at WrestleMania, my opinion the announcement will be that he's hanging his boots once and for all and retiring, so im guessing that Mysterio will take the title in this bout
also to be honest, i've kinda lost interest in both these guys so i haven't really been following this fued besides JBL making a "special announcement"

My Prediction: Mysterio to win IC title, JBL to retire

Elimination Handicap Match
Chris Jericho vs Rowdy Roddy Piper, Superfly Jimmy Snuka & Ricky The Dragon Steamboat

Ric Flair and supposedly Mickey Rourke will be behind the legends for this match, I have a feeling that Chris Jericho will tear through the legends and eventually win the match, afterwards Rourke will appear and punch the living daylights outta Jericho, the legends will then all celebrate around a dazed Jericho.

My Prediction: Jericho to win, then get knocked out by Rourke after the match

Extreme Rules Match
Matt Hardy vs Jeff Hardy

Now i'm really looking forward to this match, but it bothers me that they're saying that Matt and Jeff have always stuck together and that they never turned on eachother which they have, once in late 2001 and again in 2002, i know both didn't last for long but still it counts. Anyways this fued seems to be going personal and everyone knows that WrestleMania is pretty much 'babyface gets revenge night', so i'm gonna have to give this one to Jeff, expect alot of nice memorable spots in this match.

My Prediction: Jeff Hardy to win

25 Diva Battle Royal
Winner gets crowned Miss WrestleMania

unlike many of the past diva matches at wrestlemania, i'm actually looking forward to this one.. mostly to see all the past divas, i heard that Molly Holly could be in this match, which i'm really looking forward as she was one of the best divas in my opinion.. now picking the winner in this match is like finding a needle in a haystack.. but i'm gonna say Michelle McCool coz she's humping The Undertaker which kinda makes her a female HHH.

My Prediction: Michelle McCool to win

World Heavyweight Title Match
Edge (c) vs John Cena vs Big Show

I don't really know who will win this one, they seem to be focusing most on Edge and Big Show so Cena winning would be pretty dumb to me, i dunno.. it was rumored that Big Show was supposed to be in the MITB ladder match, and go on to win the match.. but they instead pushed him right up to the one of the main event matches, so could this be Big Show's night?... you know what.. im gonna go out on a limb and say yes it is! he deserves most it in my opinion

My Prediction: Big Show to become the new World Heavyweight Champion

The Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels
This match is going to be EPIC. most likely the best match of the night... god even most likely to be the best match of this year! I can't wait to see this
now it actually is very confusing this one, Undertaker has never lost at WrestleMania.. but he's never won against Shawn Michaels.. and Michaels is known to make memorable moments hence the name Mr. WrestleMania. Once again i'm gonna go out on a limb and say HBK to win, i knew taker would get past 15 wins.. but i dunno about 20.

My Predictions: HBK to break Taker's Streak

WWE Championship match
HHH (c) vs Randy Orton

to be honest i haven't been following this fued that much, i saw HHH invade Orton's home, and Orton attacking Stephanie McMahon and kissing her afterwards. Like I said before, wresltemania is pretty much 'babyface gets revenge night' so HHH could very well win and retain.. but i don't want that to happen, if i recall WrestleMania is the night that big shocking moments happen, so we could very well see Vince McMahon turn on HHH and side with Orton, then have some fued with Stephanie, Shane and HHH vs Vince and the Legacy.. i hope this could happen so im gonna go with Orton on this one... plus we need a title back on RAW.

My Prediction: Orton to be the new WWE Champion, Vince to turn heel

sorry for the long read guys but this is my predictions

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