*In the following comments, when I say 'tonight', I mean last night, as it is now Tuesday as I type this. (I had it taped on my neighbor's cable recorder.)*
I didn't see Armaggeddon beyond the bit of the commercial I saw, but it looks like lots of screwy & interesting shit went down. :P Especially HHH letting Jeff go over him; he must really like him for some reason. Even better, tonight he cleanly pinned Orton. Future WWE Champ? It's quite possible, and it would be a great decision on Creative's part. Oh, wait, they're bad at that.
HBK apparently busted Kennedy's left hand, and tonight they just continued where they left off. :P
Umaga proved that he CAN be stopped.....if he runs into something. WOOOOOOOOO! Now, though, we have Flair up against HHH, which should prove to be worth watching.
I wonder how long Carlito will put up with Santino's botching of the English language - and his catchphrase. :P
Coachman got Pedigree'd. Merry X-Mas, asshole. ^_^ Although Regal proved that he still has fuel in the ol' gas tank.
Look, I don't care if Jericho gets stuck feuding with, as he said it, "a wrestling afterthought" (Best. Line. Ever.), as long as JBL gets creamed. And on top of that if he can finally wrestle again, that means that LOTS of people can kick his ass, just like old times. :P
At 12/17/07 11:40 AM, The-Redangleprince wrote:
It has been revealed the The Major Brothers were the fake-Edges from last night. I think that its a really cool and interesting twistm but lets just see if the boys can run with it now.
Well, it isn't as if those two were really going anywhere currently. And they were the best candidates for the job - the long blonde hair was hard to distinguish since it all seemed to go so fast.