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The Wrestling (WWE) Club

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-12-09 20:06:51

Ron Killings just parted ways with TNA.

Source: Gerweck.net

Ron "The Truth" Killings posted the following bulletin on MySpace this afternoon:

Ron "The Truth" Killings and TNA Wrestling have come to a mutual agreement on his release. Killings wishes TNA Wrestling the best. Killings is looking forward to continue his wrestling career and looking to go back to his original stomping grounds.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-12-09 20:14:13

At 12/9/07 08:06 PM, LordKooler wrote: Ron Killings just parted ways with TNA.

Source: Gerweck.net

Ron "The Truth" Killings posted the following bulletin on MySpace this afternoon:

Ron "The Truth" Killings and TNA Wrestling have come to a mutual agreement on his release. Killings wishes TNA Wrestling the best. Killings is looking forward to continue his wrestling career and looking to go back to his original stomping grounds.

Crap, that splits up a good tag team. I guess the other guy (forgot his name) will end up in singles competition, although I haven't seen him in a while, either. At least he left on friendly terms - which usually isn't the case these days.

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One of the best threads ever.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-12-09 23:09:47

Calito will have a ladder match against Jeff Hardy tomorrow on RAW. Knowing how Jeff has been pushed lately, guess that Carlito will be once again take the jobber's role.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-12-10 00:09:26

At 12/9/07 09:18 PM, The-Redangleprince wrote: Ron Killings though, that boy can go to Mexico.

Sounds more like he's interested in heading to WWE. Which ya know, you could bring him in, build him up as a heel, and take advantage of that rap he did against Cena as you can try to build Killings as a headliner, or as the tune up feud for Cena when he gets back before he chases the belt again.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-12-10 07:30:57

I'd like to see Killings in WWE again. Just not as K-Kwick, that name sucks. He could definatly be a great heel, but also a face so it would be wise for WWE to try and sign him. They can always use the help.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-12-10 15:12:28

At 12/9/07 09:18 PM, The-Redangleprince wrote:
At 12/9/07 08:14 PM, Assi9 wrote: Crap, that splits up a good tag team. I guess the other guy (forgot his name) will end up in singles competition, although I haven't seen him in a while, either. At least he left on friendly terms - which usually isn't the case these days.
No, that was not a good Tag Team, that was an awful tag team and Adam Jones left the company the day after BFG. He wasn't worth the money they were paying him and he really wasn't pulling in any viewers to begin with. He sucked, plain and simple.

Ron Killings though, that boy can go to Mexico.

The tag team was good BECAUSE of Killings; as far as Jones, I liked it when he would throw wads of money into the ring to distract opponents. Have you ever seen any other wrestlers do that? I guess I liked seeing an original way of distraction other than the mundane "LOOK OVER HERE, REF!!!" or someone else showing up unexpectedly.

At 12/10/07 07:30 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: I'd like to see Killings in WWE again. Just not as K-Kwick, that name sucks. He could definatly be a great heel, but also a face so it would be wise for WWE to try and sign him. They can always use the help.

Hell, HE WAS FORMERLY IN THE WWE, TOO? TNA really IS a parade of former WWE guys....

I don't remember a K-Kwick; must've been before I picked up on wrestling - or at least before I started watching wrestling on cable.

You can be in Paris. You can be in a Hilton. Just don't be in Paris Hilton.

One of the best threads ever.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-12-10 16:48:30

At 12/8/07 10:01 PM, pepeatumi wrote: Here's a cool interview with Randy Orton

He talks about how he hates the spinner belt and his theme music and overall sounds more interesting than he ever has in his WWE career. Its worth a listen.


Randy Orton is a douche. Plain and simple.
I hope Y2J destroys his ass.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-12-10 20:28:36

At 12/10/07 03:12 PM, Assi9 wrote: I don't remember a K-Kwick; must've been before I picked up on wrestling - or at least before I started watching wrestling on cable.

I think this was like late 2000 maybe? I know it was before Road Dogg was fired. Killings was green as hell and just terrible at that point in time.

Dudes, that segment with H was just fantastic, yes he's a douche, but this is a reminder of why he is where he is, that it isn't just who he married.

"Thanks Steph, I'll see you at home...I mean, your brother's a gnome!" lolerskates

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-12-10 21:02:01

OMFG, Rob. Van. Dam. Followed by an epic 5-Star Frog Splash on Santino. ^_^


At 12/10/07 08:28 PM, aviewaskewed wrote:
At 12/10/07 03:12 PM, Assi9 wrote: I don't remember a K-Kwick; must've been before I picked up on wrestling - or at least before I started watching wrestling on cable.
I think this was like late 2000 maybe? I know it was before Road Dogg was fired. Killings was green as hell and just terrible at that point in time.

Yeah, that was about a year before I came in.

Dudes, that segment with H was just fantastic, yes he's a douche, but this is a reminder of why he is where he is, that it isn't just who he married.

It was great. :P Quite a lot of guys, though; he apparently isn't too good with distinguishing genders.

"Thanks Steph, I'll see you at home...I mean, your brother's a gnome!" lolerskates

He said that? I only heard "Thanks, Steph.".

You can be in Paris. You can be in a Hilton. Just don't be in Paris Hilton.

One of the best threads ever.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-12-10 21:42:30

It's official - even Khali jobs to The Hulkster. And just like I thought, he had to pitch the new American Gladiators.

Still, the fans showed their support, despite the tough time he's having, which probably means a lot to him, I'm sure.

Hornswaggle doing Hulk's poses = rofflecopter.

You can be in Paris. You can be in a Hilton. Just don't be in Paris Hilton.

One of the best threads ever.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-12-10 22:11:48

At 12/10/07 09:42 PM, Assi9 wrote: Still, the fans showed their support, despite the tough time he's having, which probably means a lot to him, I'm sure.

And once again, Hulk Hogan works another crowd...I turned something else on during that segment, Hogan just disgusts me at this point.

Hey, just wanted to pitch something to you guys, kind of having a bit of a recruitment drive at my forum as we've just passed the 4 year mark, and I was curious to see if any of you guys would be interested in signing up (www.theendlesscrew.com/bbs). I was also curious if there was any interest in having a wrestling section opened there. I know this topic is great, and Red has his thing and I don't want to step on any toes, but I just always think it might be nice to have another place to talk wrestling...with intelligent folks...not oiks who will pop by, then never show up again. Plus, it would allow some of what I've come to think of as "features" in this topic to "spread out a bit" and have a whole thread dedicated to it, instead of posting it here and hoping it dosen't get buried in other conversation. Just throwing it out there, no pressure or obligation, but I'm really trying to end 2007 (which turned out to be a damn big year for the place as I improved my admin skills and fixed a ton of problems and fulfilled some long standing promises) on a high note, and more active membership would do that quite nicely I think. So please come join us :).

Eh, this Bischoff Jericho segment isn't doin it for me. Too much like typical RAW. I popped for the battle royal finish though, hahahahahaha!

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-12-10 22:45:59

I apologize for the multi-posting, but it's a special night, and I'm posting as the show goes along.

As hilarious as it is seeing someone buy a win in a Battle Royal, I wish Scotty or Sgt. Slaughter could've won.....come to think of it, I'm surprised that Scotty showed up after being fired.

The Walls of Jericho came tumbling down............on Randy Orton & Eric Bishoff's respected overinflated melons. :P Well, actually, Bishoff just got his block knocked off after a slew of hilarious rhymes at his expense; The Walls ended up all on Orton.

I knew they'd let Cody Rhodes have the Tag Title with his dad being at ringside......sorta'; sometimes it's hard to predict. But it was a touching moment. ^_^

Wow, Trish & Lita TEAMING UP - any horny straight guy's dream. :P *Jerry awler nods in approval* But teaming up to shut Jillian up is a Merry X-mas. ^_^

Also wow, they've actually shown bits with Kurt & Booker in there, which is a major surprise.

Lita + Kane + awkward moment between exes + "DAMN!" = awesomelollerskaterofflecoptersquaredtot hetenth.

You can be in Paris. You can be in a Hilton. Just don't be in Paris Hilton.

One of the best threads ever.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-12-10 23:13:10

At 12/10/07 09:42 PM, Assi9 wrote: It's official - even Khali jobs to The Hulkster. And just like I thought, he had to pitch the new American Gladiators.

Rofl...not only Khali, even Cena is going to job to Hogan if they had a confrontation or a match because the little kids are guaranteed to burn down the WWE headquater if Hogan gets beat/loses.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-12-10 23:17:18

Oh, and like I predicted, Calito jobbed like a bitch again. But hey, we MIGHT see Jeff Hardy going on top at Armageddon since the winner will get a shot at Orton at RR. We all know that Orton vs HHH is saved for Mania, so there will be a filler feud at RR. Of course, knowing how selfish Hunter is, it will not surprise me that he destroyes Hardy at Armageddon either.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-12-10 23:19:31

I wish Ron Simmons would show up to ease the tension in the awkward moments in my life.

The ladder match let me down. The ending was just so anticlimatic. It was cool to see Steve Blackman, Gangrel, Scotty 2 Hotty and Ted DiBiase again. I think the best match was Kennedy and Marty.

I think the high light was the ever lasting ass kicking at the end. I also enjoyed the flashback reels.

I am a new terror born in death, a new superstition entering the unassailable fortress of forever. I am legend.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-12-10 23:22:30

Marty Janetty's little Playmaker-into-a-Scissor-Kick finisher (Rocker Dropper?) was cool, but it's a shame he lost. But at least it led to a 2nd DX renunion! ^_^ Now suck it, kennedy, suck it. :P

But now, on to the ending:


McMahon got Socko'ed, Chokeslammed, Stunnered & beersoaked. And then we all had a drink with Stone Cold (or in my case, in the proverbial sense). It was awesome.

You can be in Paris. You can be in a Hilton. Just don't be in Paris Hilton.

One of the best threads ever.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-12-10 23:23:33

I have to say, that was one of the best RAWs I've seen in a while.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-12-10 23:40:03

Fuck, I keep forgetting to comment on the Ladder Match! It was a great match, even if Carlito lost it.....

Come on, Vince; you spent all that time trying to get Carlito to stay, and he has to job? DON'T MAKE HIM REGRET RENIGGING ON HIS WITHDRAWL, VINCE. Or unless you want TNA to gain another former employee.

You can be in Paris. You can be in a Hilton. Just don't be in Paris Hilton.

One of the best threads ever.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-12-10 23:49:08

The best part was seeing the raw flash backs.

I hope my sig dosen't come out distorted

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-12-11 00:45:09

At 12/10/07 11:40 PM, Assi9 wrote: Come on, Vince; you spent all that time trying to get Carlito to stay, and he has to job? DON'T MAKE HIM REGRET RENIGGING ON HIS WITHDRAWL, VINCE. Or unless you want TNA to gain another former employee.

Who'll they'll use even worse then you did!

I hear my boy Steve Corino got a dark match tonight, and is probably trying out for an agent/producer position. Kudos to Steve!!!

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-12-11 01:02:57

When they were showing those clips, one was goldust saying wrestlemaaAaaaAaAAnia, where was that from?

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-12-11 03:47:09

At 12/11/07 12:45 AM, aviewaskewed wrote: I hear my boy Steve Corino got a dark match tonight, and is probably trying out for an agent/producer position. Kudos to Steve!!!

Damn right! I've always been a fan of Corino, and to be honest.. I'm a fan of his sister, Allison Danger... Even if for different reasons >_>.

All in all, a great RAW! I'll admit the crowd was underwhelming, but I went nuts for the likes of Gillberg and Ted Dibiase (not to mention, Lita.).

Its a shame it all go back to normal aka BORING, next week.

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-12-11 04:00:46

Sorry for the double post, but...


I don't care how old I am, I'll always go nuts for RVD.... that is all!

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-12-11 10:43:31

Vince named himself the greatest and then got the shit beat out of him. I was so shocked that it happened!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-12-11 11:05:36

At 12/11/07 10:43 AM, PantyWipe wrote: Vince named himself the greatest and then got the shit beat out of him. I was so shocked that it happened!

If you know Vince then you know he was going to announce himself as the "greatest superstar".

Everyone coming out to have a beer with Stone Cold.......that was just awesome. For everyone to come out and put their differences aside(excluding Vince), out of respect for the business. Just amaizing.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-12-11 11:49:35

I thought Raw was incredibly enjoyable. The Ladder Match was great and really helped Carlito be considered serious again, despite the loss.

That battle Royal was awesome. Very fun to watch.

The flashbacks were great too, brough back some good memories.

I was surprised that Lita got a face pop but it was nice to see it. Damn I miss her and Trish.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-12-11 12:41:58

Jericho Interview

"If Im going to drink someones ejaculate Ill do it on my own time".


Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-12-11 15:39:21

At 12/11/07 11:49 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: I thought Raw was incredibly enjoyable. The Ladder Match was great and really helped Carlito be considered serious again, despite the loss.

Since Jeff will be in the ME level very soon, I want to see Carlito as the IC champion again. That kid has great talent, if he is pushed, he can achieve great things.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-12-11 18:54:00

At 12/11/07 11:05 AM, sixonenine wrote: Everyone coming out to have a beer with Stone Cold.......that was just awesome. For everyone to come out and put their differences aside(excluding Vince), out of respect for the business. Just amaizing.

Yes, that was probably THE single best moment I've ever seen on RAW.

You can be in Paris. You can be in a Hilton. Just don't be in Paris Hilton.

One of the best threads ever.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-12-11 19:03:30

At 12/11/07 12:41 PM, PantyWipe wrote: Jericho Interview

"If Im going to drink someones ejaculate Ill do it on my own time".


I shall remember to look for that book. And yes, that quote was awesome. :P Seriously, he's seen some straaaaaaaaange shit, hasn't he?

You can be in Paris. You can be in a Hilton. Just don't be in Paris Hilton.

One of the best threads ever.