Match of the Year
This is hard for me, there's so little I watched that was of any consequence to me. Had he lived and wrestled the match, Benoit/Punk probably would have won hands down. I think probably Cena/Michaels
Wrestler of the Year
I think it's CM Punk for me, the guy has been good consistently, carries himself like a champion, always promotes his show and seems legit proud to be there. He drinks Pepsi (which is awesome), and he backs Cobra (which is awesomest). But mostly, I think the man is just a great representative of all that is good and right about the business right now...christ knows we've needed somebody like that to look to recently.
Tag team of the Year
This is hard I think because there have been so few real teams pushed and utilized for any given amount of time. I'll say Londrick as they are an exciting high flying team, and when given the chance, they can shine bright and steal the show.
Feud of the Year
Best/Worst Face
Best Face: You know, I'm gonna pick a dark horse here and say Tommy Dreamer. Yeah he dosen't get pushed, yeah he dosen't get on TV much, but he always gets a reaction. Tommy is over because Tommy is just so real in his love and appreciation for his fans and his brand. Plus, that halloween match was fun as fuck, fuck you if you say different.
Worst: Bobby Lashley. I don't hate the man, but when you can excite a crowd with your size, your brutality, and your athletics, but then you open your mouth and sound like a loser, or someone who can only make your threats work if you swear...well, you just shouldn't be pushed to the top then.
Best /Worst Heel
Best: Edge. Hands down Edge, everything he does is just dripping with slime and evil, every aspiring main event level heel should be watching tapes of him right now. You just love to hate this guy and can't wait till he goes down.
Worst: Khali, there is nothing to recommend about this guy. He has eternal "get off my tv" heat with most of the fan base.
Rookie of the Year
Can you still consider MVP a rookie? Because I think he's the newest guy that's made the most impact and impression. Nobody else really jumps out at me, except maybe Santino. If you don't consider MVP a rookie, then Santino Marella.
Best/Worst Moment or Angle
Best moment: CM Punk wins the ECW title, finally some credibility was returned to the belt as a guy who represented all that was good and right with ANY incarnation of ECW, got his shot at the brass ring.
Worst moment: The Benoit Tragedy, easily, bar none, hands down.
Best/Worst Promotion
Best: ROH, they have a different product, and they smartly promote it.
Worst: TNA, they could and SHOULD be an alternative to WWE, but like WCW before them, they just come off as a pathetic and clueless second rate league.
Best/Worst PPV
I don't really even watch PPV anymore. Both the shows I watched this year (WM and SS) were disappointing to me.
Best/Worst Gimmick
Best gimmick: Umaga, before Triple H made him a pussy. The Samoan Bulldozer was so dominate and captivating he turned baby without even trying.
Worst gimmick: So many...I'd say Santino Marella's initial "fan made good" gimmick. My God did that flop fast.
Most Overrated: Great Khali, they keep trying to make people give a shit and nobody does.
Most Underrated: Shelton Benjamin. Great performances his entire career, but before last week's jump to ECW was last seen jobbing to two guys who don't even get on real TV anymore. Hopefully 2008 treats this kid way way better.