At 11/3/07 07:30 PM, periodPops wrote:
That's sad about moolah, will they have the usual death ceremony for her?
That's usually reserved for people on the active roster, I magine we'll see a video package run throughout the week on the three shows because Moolah was someone who was a great friend to the Mcmahons. Talented as hell, and in her prime, one of the absolute best ever. R.I.P.
As for Khali, the only good matches I've ever heard of him having are with Cena, I've NEVER seen a good Khali match.
With Smith, you hope it's a situation where he learns quick, and has a great career otherwise. It is insane to me how guys who have had close relatives die of drug abuse in the business can then turn around and abuse drugs themselves, just baffling. With Masters? Cut bait, the guy is already trying to tell people he tested positive but it isn't his fault. Uh, second offense buddy!!! Honestly, the guy was brought in because of his huge chemically enhanced physique, and with WWE's need to take those kinds of guys out of the game or make them change their becomes all about ability. Masters has never shown any real ability in either his promos, or his in-ring work, and his character is beyond stale. No upside, no sense of responsibility? Why wait till he fails that third time, just be pro-active and nix him now. All he'll do is hold more guys back when he comes back and re-enters his stale "masterlock challenge" persona they keep endlessly pushing.