At 8/31/07 07:49 PM, aviewaskewed wrote:'ll probably do whatever you have to get an edge.
You can't really knock opportunities like that, considering that Stone Cold was borne out of a similar situation.
At 8/31/07 07:49 PM, aviewaskewed wrote:'ll probably do whatever you have to get an edge.
You can't really knock opportunities like that, considering that Stone Cold was borne out of a similar situation.
WWE has fired Mike Bucci (aka Simon Dean), the company's Talent Development Manager. The New York Daily News mentioned Bucci's name as a client of the Signature Pharmacy.
At 8/31/07 07:54 PM, HeartbreakHoldout wrote: You can't really knock opportunities like that, considering that Stone Cold was borne out of a similar situation.
I'm not knocking guys getting oppurtonities, it just pisses me off that this company refuses to take chances on young, unproven guys, or guys getting good reactions that they just don't like much, because it dosen't fit their vision or their political mindset. If things aren't going well, and you've got a guy people care about, that looks like isn't going to flame out on you, why not give him a try? Why aren't they establishing more undercard guys they could conceivably use in main event situations?
Opportunity is always a great thing, but it's a shame it only comes in this company when the "stars" (some of them having walked in with warning lights flashing but they still got the push) fuck up.
At 9/1/07 01:58 AM, aviewaskewed wrote: I'm not knocking guys getting oppurtonities,
Oh, I didn't mean you were knocking opportunities like that, I just meant any wrestler in that kind of situation.
It's pretty much the only chance some wrestlers will get at main event level, and even though it's sad, it's the way it is. And it's probably the way it's going to be, considering how little the WWE seems willing to change in order to improve their product.
SD was pretty good last night. We saw new yet unlikely tag champs, and a new number 1 contender for the heavyweight tit;e. It was great to see Rey in action again.
I could have done without the McMahon segment, though his interaction with Batista was great.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
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At 9/1/07 11:37 AM, JohnCena423 wrote: Bad news WWE suspends 10 wrestlers I ll name them
Ok, no more wrestling until Survival Series. WWE is going to suck without those top talents.
Whatever happened to RVD.
It's like he just dropped out of the WWE.
At 9/1/07 02:58 PM, Dream-of-Duke wrote:At 9/1/07 11:37 AM, JohnCena423 wrote: Bad news WWE suspends 10 wrestlers I ll name themOk, no more wrestling until Survival Series. WWE is going to suck without those top talents.
If those are the suspended individuals, the WWE is just going to have to bump up the undecard for a month. If anything, this might make WWE start using some of the more talented individuals like Shelton more effectivly. This could be a blessing in disguise. Lou Gherig got his break when Wally Pip was hurt and couldn't play first base. He was scheduled to play for one day, but played the position for the next twelve years, and had one of the greatest careers in MLB history. This could easily happen with the WWE, they just need someone with lots of fan support.
I am a new terror born in death, a new superstition entering the unassailable fortress of forever. I am legend.
WWE just released Eugene.
WWE has come to terms on the release of WWE Smackdown talent Eugene as of September 1. We wish Eugene the best in all future endeavors.
That comes as something of a surpries, especially since his name was not on the list. But oh well, they really weren't doing anything with him, and his character had been played out. This will give him a chance to re-invent himself with a new personna and everything.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
thats it fuck wwe, they released the wrong star this time.
So Punk beat Morrison at the ECW tapings tonight for the title. Is it just me, or is that belt been forfeited gone to a completly siffrent person then planned due to unfortunate events a lot.
Jeff Hardy is facing Umaga on Monday for the IC title, and if Umaga is getting suspended then we'll have another new champ. That win will give Jeff quite a bit of creditability.
I am a new terror born in death, a new superstition entering the unassailable fortress of forever. I am legend.
At 9/1/07 02:58 PM, Dream-of-Duke wrote:At 9/1/07 11:37 AM, JohnCena423 wrote: Bad news WWE suspends 10 wrestlers I ll name themOk, no more wrestling until Survival Series. WWE is going to suck without those top talents.
Who? Oh you mean Randy Orton and...... Randy Orton?!
Don't say Mr. Kennedy, I could yell like a jack ass in the mic too if you really want me to.
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At 9/2/07 12:32 AM, boloneyman wrote: So Punk beat Morrison at the ECW tapings tonight for the title. Is it just me, or is that belt been forfeited gone to a completly siffrent person then planned due to unfortunate events a lot.
Geez, spoiler warning much? Anyway, this is only the second time something like this has happened, and last time, it gave Show a great final run within WWE so hopefully it'll do the same for Punk, but that's really going to come down to how it all gets booked. I'll watch at least Punk winning it, but it'll be interesting and scary to see how he's booked after since he seems to be a man without a country within WWE as nobody has really been behind him at all, will that change here? Boy I hope so.
At 9/2/07 02:03 AM, aviewaskewed wrote:
Geez, spoiler warning much? Anyway, this is only the second time something like this has happened, and last time, it gave Show a great final run within WWE so hopefully it'll do the same for Punk, but that's really going to come down to how it all gets booked. I'll watch at least Punk winning it, but it'll be interesting and scary to see how he's booked after since he seems to be a man without a country within WWE as nobody has really been behind him at all, will that change here? Boy I hope so.
Well the story is on the front page of the WWE website, so I figured it would be alright. I'll be more careful next time. Wasn't the title orignaly supposed to go to Benoit after Lashley, but he backed out?
I am a new terror born in death, a new superstition entering the unassailable fortress of forever. I am legend.
At 9/2/07 12:32 AM, boloneyman wrote: So Punk beat Morrison at the ECW tapings tonight for the title. Is it just me, or is that belt been forfeited gone to a completly siffrent person then planned due to unfortunate events a lot.
I'm glad he won the title, unfortunately it only took a bunch of suspensions in order for it to happen >_>
At 9/2/07 02:29 AM, pepeatumi wrote:
I'm glad he won the title, unfortunately it only took a bunch of suspensions in order for it to happen >_>
You're right, but a win is a win. What do you guys think will happen if Kennedy get suspended. Hinting from the last Raw, he was supposed to get revealed as Vince's son next Monday. Will they find a way to put the storyline on hold until he returns?
I am a new terror born in death, a new superstition entering the unassailable fortress of forever. I am legend.
I don't know if you guys have heard this, but some parts of Batista's upcoming book have been leaked.... And I have the name of the book and its chapters.
Do I Shake The Rope, or Does the Rope Shake Me? A look into the philosophy of Batista
Chapter 1: Me and the roids
Chapter 2: More roids
Chapter 3: I want my rematch
Chapter 4: I exposed somebody's ass tonight
Chapter 5: How I got my ass kicked by Booker T
Chapter 6: Interview with #1 contender Basketball
Chapter 7: Well, at least I'm not worse than Khali...right?
Chapter 8: How to correctly insert steroids
Chapter 9: Uhhhhhhh........
Chapter ten: Even as a face I can beat people up whether if I win or lose.
Chapter 11: I had no charisma, so I let the fireworks do it for me
Chapter 12: How I got my groove back... Wait...
Chapter 13: Evolution is a mystery. Befriending Triple H to get to the top isn't
Chapter 14 Atleast the internet nerds likes me more than Cena. Don't they?
chapter 15: I can't believe i'm not buttered
Chapter 16:How I lost 7 world title matches in one year
Chapter 17: How I got Ariel fired for no reason.
Chapter 18: Rematch again; I promise I'll win this one. Seriously. I mean it. Absolutely, positively. If I don't you can slice off my member.
Chapter 19: Go ahead, slice it off. It's all shrunken from roids anyways.
Chapter 21: How to be a great role model for kids
Chapter 22: Philippines
Chapter 23: How I bribed Vince to give me constant title shots, which i lost
Chapter 24: My BFF: Steroids; A Life Long Relationship
Chapter 25: Stair Roids
Chapter 26: Remaaaaaaaaaaatch
Chapter 27: I know. I'll shave my head to be more popular and edgy.
Chapter 28-Wen I go home a wite abut my rematch
That looks like a best-seller to me!
At 9/2/07 08:58 AM, YaKi-YaKi wrote: can i join?
post again and we'll make it official. It also helps to say something in relation to the topic.
pep-- Lol at those chapters.
At least they are going to show the match on tuesday so that way we aren't getting totally cheated. With Punk's straight edge lifestyle he would at least be a safe guy to put the title on. I just hope he's booked as a strong champion.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
I don't get what is trying to do by announcing the results to matches before they actually show. They did the same thing when the Great Khali won the title on SD!
Do you think they're trying to make themselves seem like a viable news source, by posting spoilers?
BREAKING NEWS: CM Punk has won the ECW title. That is what happens when you fail the wellness test, John Morrison. Expect to see Kennedy, Umaga, Orton, and Booker all JOBBING before they are out for 30 days because of "injury".
At 9/2/07 04:48 PM, The-Redangleprince wrote: As many others have said, CM Punk finally defeated John Morrison for the ECW title. If WWE is smart, they'll take advantage of his "straight edge" moniker and push him heavily as one of their World Champions.
WWE? Smart? *Assplodes!!*
As for Cryme Tyme, how long before we see them in TNA?
At 9/2/07 04:48 PM, The-Redangleprince wrote:
According to Pro Wrestling Insider, JTG and Shad Gespard, better known as Cryme Tyme, have been released. Details about the release are yet unknown, but it is believed to be an incident revolving around the current World tag Team Champions Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch and NOT a wellness policy infraction.
Thats upsetting. They had potential at making the tag division on Raw a little bit interesting. They had more promos than matches. Maybe the Highlanders will take their place now.
I am a new terror born in death, a new superstition entering the unassailable fortress of forever. I am legend.
Too much talent is suspended, WWE is in the dark age. For the sake of the LORD, please give us HHH vs Cena II before we all fall asleep.
So I was reading the spoilers for RAW (which is being taped tonight) and something caught my eye.
They aired a video about CM Punk and his desire to be champion. In the segment he says something like "I don't smoke, I don't do drugs, my high is wrestling."
It seems Punk is now going to become one of WWE's posterboys. And by tomorrow, you'll have a good idea as to who's suspended from the RAW roster.
At 9/2/07 06:00 PM, The-Redangleprince wrote: When does their "no compete clause" end?
90-days unless they just go to TNA tommorow, as I understand it the no compete dosen't mean you CAN'T work for someone else, it just means that if they do, WWE immediately stops paying them any kind of severence.
They were ok as promos, really they were a modern day Public Enemy riff.
Kennedy won't be announced as Vince's son now, WWE can't afford to be seen as pushing someone who blatantly skirted the wellness policy, then lied about it all over. He has publicly embarrassed WWE so I don't see him getting that kind of rub now.
WWE put the belt on Punk because they're hoping his straight edge persona is a shoot (and I've always heard from reliable peeps that it is), this is definitely a great oppurtunity for Punk as he could go from being the man without a country to a John Cena level player simply because he can continously pass a drug test. It's good for us fans because Punk has all the toolls to be a star, and maybe make the ECW brand have some credibility.
The thing that gets me the most about this whole drug controversy is that the only reson these guys are in trouble now is because they got caught, or in this case had their names listed. Which means WWE is not really trying too hard to do it themselves, more of a don't ask don't tell policy.
Raw will be interesting tonight to say the least.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
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At 9/3/07 05:45 AM, TheD-LucksEdition wrote: Highlanders? More like London & Kendrick to be the next No. 1 Contenders. Surely London's collective team punishment over Ashley has blown over now?
London and Kendrick have been on tv as of late, so it wouldn't surprise me to see them get the number one contender's spot... They deserve it, that's for sure.
As for Vince's kid... Things are looking up. Maybe its someone tall? Khali? Kane? Taker? Or maybe they mean something else by that. We'll find out sooner than later at least.
I seem to keep forgetting the London and Kendrick are on Raw. They should start a three way feud for the belts with WGTT. That might revive some interest in the tag division.
I think the WWE should use the "Vince's son" angle to push one of the younger talents. Preferably a heel.
I am a new terror born in death, a new superstition entering the unassailable fortress of forever. I am legend.