Long story short... Benoit couldn't make the show due to a family emergency. Nitro replaced Benoit and he won the ECW title.
That's right, Johnny Nitro is the ECW champion after being on ECW for a whopping ONE WEEK!
Long story short... Benoit couldn't make the show due to a family emergency. Nitro replaced Benoit and he won the ECW title.
That's right, Johnny Nitro is the ECW champion after being on ECW for a whopping ONE WEEK!
At 6/24/07 08:53 PM, pepeatumi wrote: That's right, Johnny Nitro is the ECW champion after being on ECW for a whopping ONE WEEK!
And being the RAW job guy before that, Nitro is great, and I'm all for helping him and developing him more, but fuck, logic people! They didn't elevate Nitro, they lowered the ECW title and CM Punk. I should have known there was no way we'd get Benoit and Punk this early to rebuild the credibility there...psssh, thank God I spent my money on mod meet and not this crap.
From what I have been looking at at the sites I go to, Benoit had a family emergency and could not make it to the PPV. This was a last minute change on WWE's part.
Nitro has the potential to be a main event guy, but Punk is over much much more, so I would have given it to him. At least we could get some good matches out of this. Nitro, Punk and Benoit in a three way dance could be good as all these guys are great workers.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
I'm speechless me and my bud saw Nitro win the ECW Title... right before our eyes...
Johnny Nitro as the ECW champion...Hello? What the fuck is wrong with Vince?!!
Does nobody else find it demeaning that Jimmy Snuka was pinned by his own adopted son last night?
Y'know, Sometimes we joke that WWE "really hate money" and it's all good fun, but we have to face a serious situation here: Someone in WWE Creative-I dunno, the guy who picks the next champion or some shit (is there such a position?)-actually thought having Johhny Nitro as champ was a good idea.
It makes me weep for the future of this once glorious sport.
It could have been worse. They could have given the title to Visera. Then we really would be pissed. Nitro at least can wrestle so I can deal with it better.The guys just not ready or over enough to be a world champion.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
Avie probably hit the nail right on the head. I like NItro, I think he's good in the ring, but he could use some work on the mic.
My problem is, Nitro's been with ECW for a week. Then there's the fact that he was a jobber for the past 3 months, and now he gets the ECW title. Why not put Burke or Cor Von in the match? They're both heels, have a history with Punk, and were part of the qualifying matches just last Tuesday.
It wouldn't surprise me to Nitro lose the title to Benoit on Tuesday.
And once again, what pisses me off the most is that despite the fact the PPV sucked, we're all probably going to watch RAW tonight anyways.
i am in a make wrestling related signitures sort of mood, if anyone wants one please PM me with details.
thanks alot.
i made pepeatumi's angle sig, along with many others.
here is my newest sig..
At 6/25/07 11:33 AM, HeartbreakHoldout wrote: Hey, could I have a wrestling sig please? Could I have Mr. Kennedy holding a microphone
a sig for hbh.
At 6/25/07 12:01 PM, madknt wrote: a sig for hbh.
Awesome, thanks man. Your sigs are great.
At 6/25/07 11:23 AM, madknt wrote: i made pepeatumi's angle sig, along with many others.
He also made the Punk sig I'm currently using.
Back to Vengeance, does anyone else feel that it was a bit of a rip-off to call Vengeance, Night of Champions, yet we got only one title change (The ECW title didn't change hands)? I could have sworn Jimmy Yang would finally win the CW title, but no, we didn't even get that.
At 6/25/07 12:12 PM, Outlaw88 wrote: Could you make me a sig too?
I'll say a Matt Hardy or Carlito related one.
im not sure how this ended up..
it started out normal.. and pretty cool..
but i kept playing around.. and im not so sure anymore.
Ass19's SD Commentary
Remotely on time, too. :P
Hmmmm, Regal got moved to RAW? Meh. Anyway, since it's been 3 days, you'll have to give me a moment to recall some of the stuff that happened. >_< So if you're wondering why it all seems out of order, that's why - if it ends up that way.
The Cutting Edgehole: Torrie Wilson
There are 2 people who must NEVER BE ACCUSED OF ANYTHING BAD around me: Ashley (of course) & Torrie Wilson. SHAME! And I thought MVP liked Torrie; I was expecting him to stick up for her. But for a brief moment I had forgotten he was a heelhole.
Duh-duh-duh-DUUUUUUUUUH! NATURE BOY TO THE RESCUE! ^_^ WOOOOOO! Well, then Batista to HIS rescue..... >_<
Jimmy Wang Yang & Shannon Moore vs. Jamie Noble & Chavo Guererro
They also seem to be giving Shannon a bit of a push since he's returned, haven't they? Thank god they had him lose the Flash Funk thing.....
Mark Henry vs. Funaki
Why must they feed Funaki to the silverback twice in a row? Or to any Superheavyweight, for that matter? Poor Japanese guy.....
Chris Masters vs. some jobber
See above, except replace Funaki w/ the jobber. >_<
Matt Hardy vs. Finlay
It took me a minute to remember who Matt was facing.... Either way, neither Horny nor the shellaligh (I forgot how to spell that, too) did much good. Nice to see that they've given Matt such a huge push as of late even in single competition.
Almost Evolution :P vs. the 2 holes from earlier
WOOOOOOOO! Nighty-nighty, Edge! That's what you get for messing with poor Torrie! Same to you, MVP! Now, just kindly hand Batista the title so we can be rid of your sorry ass already. >:(
And then, of course, there was more 'Vinny's dead!' crap.... However, the clip of RAW where Stephanie was getting all sappy was actually done well.
Oh fuck, almost forgot: *sings to the 'Here Comes the Bride' tune*
'Old guy gets the hot chick;
Old guy's gonna' marry the hot chick
On his honeymoon he'd better
Buy some Cealis' :P
I just had to.
If he's married already in real life, his wife's gotta' be PISSED THE FUCK OFF & carrying a butcher knife around; if he's not, I'm sure he's thinking to himself, "I wish this WASN'T part of the script......". I saw this coming from the moment he said he had an 'announcement that he wanted Krystal to come out with him for, but I'm sure everyone else saw it, too; if you didn't, you need a lobotomy.
No, I haven't read all the pages I missed from before; I will eventually.
You can be in Paris. You can be in a Hilton. Just don't be in Paris Hilton.
How did Nitro end up in that match for the ECW world heavy weight title? Wasn't the match suppose to be Benoit vs. CM PunK?
At 6/25/07 12:53 PM, madknt wrote: im not sure how this ended up..
it started out normal.. and pretty cool..
but i kept playing around.. and im not so sure anymore.
If you want you can look at his myspace page if need be. I like what you did, but I think the background could be kinda like his page: http://www.myspace.com/theonlymatthardy
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
I heard the title situation is because ECW Head writer Dave Lagana was the guy that got MNM their break on SD! and Nitro is considered a "Lagana guy" and Punk is a "Heyman guy" and with management, Heyman stuff is tainted. So Lagana pitched that he could really build the brand on Nitro and do good stuff with him. I think he can, but like has been pointed out, the RAW job guy comes to ECW and wins their title, it lowers the ECW belt, and dosen't help Nitro in the least.
Chris Benoit and his family have just been found dead.
Source: WWE.com
World Wrestling Entertainment is deeply saddened to report that today Chris Benoit and his family were found dead in their home. There are no further details at this time, other than the Benoit family residence is currently being investigated by local authorities.
Tonight’s Raw on USA Network will serve as a tribute to Chris Benoit and his family. WWE extends its sincerest thoughts and prayers to the Benoit family’s relatives and loved ones in this time of tragedy.
Is this real?? I don't know why, but something about this just doesn't feel right.
I really don't know what to think. It be one thing if it were just Benoit, but his entire fucking family as well? At first, I was sad, now I'm morbidly depressed. There are only a handful of logical suggestions as to their deaths that don't include cyanide or murder. No, scratch that, Those are the only logical conclusions one can draw.
I'm sorry, But I'm just sad at the passing of Benoit, I'm angry that this had to happen, I'm dissapointed because I thought ECW was really going to improve, but now that's just shot to shit. This is mind-blowing, and the only thing I can do is mourn and hope that the police get to the bottom of it? Fuck that, man.
Rest in Peace, Rabid Wolverine
I feel sick. I wonder how Vince feels now? Who's going to get the limelight on Raw now? I really hope this isn't true, but FUCK. FUCK FUCK FUCK.
At 6/18/07 08:17 PM, pepeatumi wrote: As far as the WWE is concerned, I had no problem with Vince angle... Until Ms. Martel passed away. Now what, they start with a pictue saying RIP Sherri Martel (who really died) and then they go to fottage of Vince's fake death?
That was my only fear with the angle, what if someone died during the angle, and even worse, what if Vinny Mac himself dies for real during the angle?
And I don't mean to bring up the past, but this kind becomes scarily relevant right now.
LordKooler's post here was the first I heard of it, and frankly I didn't believe it- then I went to WWE.com to check...
This is beyond sad- I was choked up when Eddie passed away, but Benoit has always been one of my favourite wrestlers, and for him to be gone, along with his entire family... it just doesn't feel real.
I know the circumstances automatically bring foul play to mind- I hope that wasn't the case, rather a gas leak or fire instead, as I just can't bring myself to believe someone would wish harm to him and his family. My deepest condolences go out to his friends and relatives, RIP Chris Benoit, you'll be missed.
Sig by lebastic
Oh my god. I really wish this wasn't true. Why Benoit? He was such a great person. This is all so sudden. I mean first Eddie and now Chris. Gah, this sucks.
I am a new terror born in death, a new superstition entering the unassailable fortress of forever. I am legend.
His whole family? This is surreal. I mean how, why. You will be missed Benoit.
Hey look, clever words
yea (wwf,wwe)_ rocks i am def in!!!! randy orton is the best RKO!!!!!!!!!!!
Xbox Live GamerTag-KNY King Tek
Holy crap.
This is nearly unbelievable. When RAW started up and I saw the 'in memory' thing, my heart nearly stopped. I was hoping it was some sort of horrible new angle on the McMahon thing, but there was Vince, out of character, and...shit.
Benoit has been one of my favorite wrestlers since before high school. Hell, in french class through my 4 years of IB, my french name was Benoit specifically because I liked the guy so much.
When I heard that Benoit was missing the PPV last night due to emergency reasons, I was worried because I knew he wouldn't decline showing unless it was serious. Now I'm hearing that his family was very, very ill and that was why he left, and since I doubt he'd succumb to something natural so quickly even if he was in direct contact with something contagious...well, I hate to even wager a guess on what happened to him.
I'm very interested in what exactly happened, although I'm not sure I want to know.
In any case, he was a hell of a wrestler, crazy good in the ring, and one of my all-time favorites. He'll be greatly missed as more than just a wrestler, but as a personal childhood hero.
Thanks, Vince. Standing in that ring tonight is all we were asking. Thank you
This isn't a storyline, it's terribly and painfully real. Chris Benoit and his family have died, and there's no other details available right now...it's sad and heartbreaking occurence. Benoit was one of the best ever, and would have captured the ECW world title last night had he wrestled. He was one of the greatest performers I had ever seen and I followed his career from WCW to the WWE, and he was one of my all-time favorites. This is just a very tragic experience.
Goodbye Chris, Goodbye Nancy, thank you for the memories, and if you can hear us somewhere, we hope your laughing with Eddie Guerrero right now, and we hope you are at peace.
R.I.P. Chris, Nancy, and Daniel. You will be missed, and you will never, ever, be forgotten.
I was just devistated when I found this out I just...Couldn't believe it. What could've happened? Its' just not right. All I know was that Chris was last heard from last night saying he wouldn't be able to be in that match for personal reasons. I hope they find out what had happened because this....This shouldn't of happened. May Chris Benoit and his family rest in peace now and forever he shall never be forgotten.
Sig made by, Bruute.