At 6/11/07 11:46 PM, Reaperyami wrote: Anyone else feel a little sad when vince was in the ring?
Just a little
Hey look, clever words

At 6/11/07 11:46 PM, Reaperyami wrote: Anyone else feel a little sad when vince was in the ring?
Just a little
Hey look, clever words
I am on the record right fucking now with this: WWE is purposely hobling any brand that isn't RAW to make sure people are forced to admit RAW is the number 1 show. There's no other explanation for taking Kennedy from SD! Lashley from ECW and the only things those brands get in return are guys like Masters and Boogey. About the only draft pick I liked here was Benoit to ECW (which I'll get to in a minute), this was just the worst draft ever. The Vince finish was completely gay, they are listing that he's "presumed dead" and I'll tell you right now, you don't have to "presume" that I don't care, I'll tell you flat out...I DON'T GIVE A FUCK!! Shameful shit, hopefully this "supplemental draft" will even things up a bit more, but fuck, they raped the main events of SD! and ECW so they could once again improve RAW. Hey dickheads, how am I supposed to give a shit about this brand extension and all three shows when it's obvious you don't? Huh? Explain it to me fuckers?! Old ECW on TNN episodes, as fucked up as they are because TNN sucks, were more entertaining then this rigged three hours of "let's suck RAW and the boss's dick AGAIN" crap.
I apologize for anyone who was overly offended by the profanity of that last post, I try to keep the swearing to a minimum here, but I wanted to make sure I was being totally honest with you folks here, I love talking wrestling with you all and well, you just deserve my honest comments in things like this.
Alright, let's look at the one POSITIVE to come out of the draft:
Chris Benoit is now part of ECW, aside from the MVP storyline, Benoit has been an absolutely rutterless floater to me since his 04 title reign, which frankly, I thought sucked by the third month or so. He was booked to fail and it was pathetic. Moving Lashley from ECW was a good idea, the kid isn't really ready to headline, and they found a way to take him out of his title position without hurting him in any way. Now is the time to absolutely put the title on Chris Benoit. I absolutely believe they will, but let me explain why this is the best possible idea. I don't know that Elijah Burke or CM Punk, who are the top two undercard guys on the brand right now are accepted enough to carry the belt, and have it matter. Plus the belt itself has been devalued by being on Vince, you need to build up both those two workers, and the belt, in order to give them a title reign that will matter. Benoit can absolutely do both, you book Benoit in the mold of the Ric Flair as NWA champion sort of mold here.
Benoit wins the belt, and defends it against everybody and anybody on the brand, and maybe you let him have a couple interpromotional fights too to once again put over the ECW title as a belt worth winning, and then you let Benoit work sustained programs with both Burke and Punk, improving their game, and getting them over until your ready to give one of them the belt. By the way, Benoit should reign LONG as champion, because you need to rebuild the credibility of the belt, and Benoit so when the young guys beat him, they beat a legit bad ass long running champion everyone respects, and because after all the years Benoit has been there, done what's asked and never politiced he EARNED a long run. That's what you do, hopefully WWE does it.
Also, all Cruiserweights to ECW, it gives the brand a second title, and the cruisers will get more TV time then they get now really, and maybe some respect. That's what I'd do with ECW at this point.
SD! though? Pray...just fucking pray...cause damn did they fuck that show over. Good luck and God bless to the SD! writing team now.
The only thing that was keeping SD alive was taker and now that he's gone it's pretty much fucked.
Until about 8 weeks ago I hadn't watched wrestling in years, and my knowledge is nowhere near some of you guys. I've been watching Smackdown for the last couple of months, partly through lack of anything better to do, and partly because they have had some damn good matches. Usually one really class match per week, with the likes of Benoit, MVP, Kennedy (who I think is great), Matt Hardy etc having great matches.
I don't have the right channels for RAW or ECW, so all my info on them has come from here, and frankly it sounds like I have been watching the better show.
But no more.
I've read Avies post, and frankly I agree in every way, including all the swearing. I feel well and truly fucked over as someone who exclusively watches Smackdown. Benoit going to ECW is ok, he can do a good job there, but losing Kennedy? I just don't get it- a feud with Edge was ready made, now are they expecting us to put up with Batista for the forseeable future? Masters, Khali, Flair to replace Benoit, Kennedy and Booker... way to fuck over the show completely.
The draft continuation on Wednesday had better sort this out, or I can safely say I will not be watching WWE shows again.
Sig by lebastic
At 6/12/07 01:08 AM, Sentio wrote: The draft continuation on Wednesday had better sort this out, or I can safely say I will not be watching WWE shows again.
Gotta agree dude, this was crazy to move Kennedy, he had a ready made feud, and unless the idea Wednesday is to renig on his move (like they did when Triple H was drafted to SD! for all of 10 minutes) I just don't get why WWE is hobbling SD! other then they got sick of the internet saying it was the best show they were putting on. It's amazing to me the more a non-RAW show gets on a hot streak, WWE decides to eventually tamper with it and make it suck...conspiracy, I'm saying it now, fucking fucking conspiracy. This is why I just can't bring myself to watch most WWE programming these days, just when I start to enjoy it, they'll fuck it up to help RAW. It's madness!!! Not Sparta, but madness!!!!
I will give ECW a shot tommorow though probably to see how the title situation is addressed.
At 6/12/07 02:07 AM, aviewaskewed wrote:At 6/12/07 01:08 AM, Sentio wrote: The draft continuation on Wednesday had better sort this out, or I can safely say I will not be watching WWE shows again.Gotta agree dude, this was crazy to move Kennedy, he had a ready made feud, and unless the idea Wednesday is to renig on his move (like they did when Triple H was drafted to SD! for all of 10 minutes) I just don't get why WWE is hobbling SD! other then they got sick of the internet saying it was the best show they were putting on. It's amazing to me the more a non-RAW show gets on a hot streak, WWE decides to eventually tamper with it and make it suck...conspiracy, I'm saying it now, fucking fucking conspiracy. This is why I just can't bring myself to watch most WWE programming these days, just when I start to enjoy it, they'll fuck it up to help RAW. It's madness!!! Not Sparta, but madness!!!!
I really really hope they do go back on that. Not only will it damage SD to lose Kennedy, but it will wreck his career as well (at least for the time being). On SD he is a serious title contender, with a feud with Edge a certainty eventually. On RAW he'll just get beaten by Cena and Lashley, and eventually HHH and Michaels as well. At best he'll be after the intercontinental title, some come down after money in the bank and seemingly a main event slot at Wrestlemania.
And why the fuck they persist with Khali I don't know. This is now his 4th brand switch from what I can gather. There are already two 'monster' characters on SD with Kane and Henry, so you'd have to assume one of them is moving on Weds. Khali is just a waste of space (and a lot of it!)
I will give ECW a shot tommorow though probably to see how the title situation is addressed.
Yeah, although I love to see Benoit every week he can do great things on ECW. It was clear he wasn't about to get pushed for the title on SD, so at least there he can get the ECW title and help a few of the up and comers as you say. That is of course assuming WWE don't so something really moronic on Wednesday like moving Punk- sadly I wouldn't put it past them on current form.
A few small predictions for Wednesday (wishful thinking maybe):
Henry or Kane to ECW to fill the monster role that Snitsky vacated
Kennedy back to SD (please!!!!)
Carlito to move maybe, he's wasted on RAW, especially with all the stars piling in there. Would say to SD, but with Flair there already it seems strange for him to follow.
At least one tag team to be broken up, because they always seem to do that. (hopefully not London and Kendrick)
A bunch of underused guys to get moved around
One surprise move of a big star, as they always do that as well (though the Kennedy move might count as that). Hopefully it will be to SD to even things up a bit.
Sig by lebastic
With HHH still healing his injure. Missssssssssterrrrrrrrrrrrr Kennnnnnneeeeeeedyyyyyyyy is the last hope that Cena will somehow lose his title. Please keep him on RAW to beat Mr. Superman.
Hey, what if Mr. McMahon really is dead? How'd you feel about that?
Pretty much have to agree with what Avie and Sentio said. SD got screwed over in the draft... again!
Kennedy already had a ready-made feud with Edge on SD, now he goes to RAW where chances are he'll get lost in the shuffle with all the big names once they return from injury. And then SD loses Booker and Benoit as well and what to they get in return?
Khali? Torrie? Chris Masters? They get a guy who sucks, probably the most plain diva on the WWE roster and the dude that's been jobbing to the worst IC of all time for the past two weeks. Yeah, I think SD got screwed over. I really hope that the supplemental draft does something to help bolster the SD roster (Send Punk over there!).
I would add more but everything's already been said.
On to the rest of the show.... Vince blew up? How are they going to explain thos one when Vince is back within three months? Is anyone else dissapointed that the Iron Shiek didn't "humble" anyone?
And Bret Hart actually appeared on RAW (granted, it was via a video) but still, he must have gotten paid a nice chunk of change to actually appear on WWE programming.
And how about if we just let Punk and Benoit go at it for 30 minutes with the winner becoming the ECW champion?
With Booker and Kennedy to Raw, SD is now short main eventers. Unless the second draft will help SD in any way they will have to rely on the talent that has been getting worked up there. Matt seems to be in line for something of a nice push as he was the last guy to be eliminated from the battle royal so this could be the time for him to step up.
Why they can't stand to see a show besides Raw do well is beyond me. You would think that having a good overall product will carry your company.
It's like if coke decided to make all it's other flavors taste like piss to make the original brand taste that much better. Sure it help the sale of that brand but you lose buisness and suffer from the other. Doesn't make senes really.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
At 6/12/07 10:14 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: It's like if coke decided to make all it's other flavors taste like piss to make the original brand taste that much better. Sure it help the sale of that brand but you lose buisness and suffer from the other. Doesn't make senes really.
Isn't that what happened with New Coke? They got rid of original coke, made a new one which was different, then brought back proper coke, and got a frenzy over it.
Wait, I'm supposed to be talking about wrestling.
This is fucking gay. I can't believe they stole Kennedy from SD. I have forgotten to record Raw 4 of the past 5 weeks, and now I'm going to have to remember to be able to see my favourite wrestler.
I have heard that the ECW title will be decided at Vengeance in a Four way match (because ya know...we don't have enough multi-man title bouts on this show already!) participants were not named.
I gotta think Benoit, Burke, and Punk are the fourth slot, I'll say Cor Von because they're really behind him.
At 6/12/07 11:21 PM, aviewaskewed wrote: I gotta think Benoit, Burke, and Punk are the fourth slot, I'll say Cor Von because they're really behind him.
Yup, those are the 4 names I've heard so far. Unless a big name is added to ECW in the supplemental draft (which will now take place on Sunday) these 4 men will wrestle for the ECW title. To be honest, there's no one else on the ECW roster that can legitimately challenge for the title.
But my question is, what do they do? Do they give it to Benoit who could help the title gain some credibility, or do they pull the trigger (maybe a bit early) on one of the young guns, like Punk or Burke?
Assi9's SD Commentary
O_O What...........the fuck.............was that.............last night.............?
Luckily, I got to see RAW over at the neighbor's place - although I forgot it was 3 hours long this time, and I missed the first hour. >_< No biggie, though, since they caught me up on who went where. (Unless I missed some good matches; in which case, oh well.....)
I actually can't believe he'd allow the WWE Creative to have himself commit suicide. I guess he wants the fans to know that he can laugh at himself. Wow.
Good move choices:
King Bookmark = shifted to RAW
Torrie Wilson = shifted to SD(!!!!)
YAAAAAAAAAY!!!!! Now there's TWO Playboy covergirls!!!!!!
(Apparently, MVP also approves.)
Ric Flair = shifted tom SD (just as he said he wanted)
Was that long enough?
Moves I'm neutral on:
Chris Benoit = shifted to ECW
Wait, I thought he was RAW-bound? Well, anyway, since he's back 'home', I guess I'm happy for him, hence why I've put this under the 'neutral' category for me. At the very least, he went out fightin, on both last week's SD & last night's RAW.
Snitsky = shifted to RAW
Nyah-nyah! RAW's stuck with him now! On a creepier note, D-Lucks is right - his nipples ARE always hard. >_< One camera angle I wasn't too particular on.
Lashley = shifted to RAW
I knew they'd strip the title from him as soon as he was moved, although I thought he was going to clunk Coachman over the head with it; he really can't be the ECW champ if he's not on ECW, can he? For once, Coachman had a valid point. Of course now, Lashley has to deal with CENA. But - considering that they're both of 'invincible' status - Lashley COULD possibly strip Cena of the title, which would make many people here ecstatic. I guess that explains what happened after that one taping from before.
Chris Masters = shifted to SD
Well, there's his 'push'.
Moves I'm pissed about:
Boogey = shifted to ECW
DAMMIT! He won't be comin' to get SD anymore......
Kennedy = shifted to RAW
Khali = shifted - with a forklift - to SD
HE'D BETTER TAKE HIS FUCKING TRANSLATOR WITH HIM!!! I'm not dealing with this shit again w/o his translator!
There's only ONE thing that could come good of this: Khali vs. Mark Henry. (And hopefully that 2nd Draft won't move Mr. Silverback - as much as I loathe the fatass - anywhere.......again, they'd need a forklift.)
Best moment of the night:
All of the people disrespecting Vince, of course! However, 2 stuck out for me: (1), of course, was Stone Cold Steve Austin recapping every humiliating thing he did to Vince over the years, then cursing him out using probably all 7 words one can't use on national TV w/o bleeping. :P (2) should be obvious to everyone who knows me - Ashley getting back at Vince for her suspension! And what better way to get back at a womanizing asshole than to have two creepy old broads strip to their nighties & act like literal bitches? Aaaahhhhhhh, the rofflage.
To top it all off, it all went out with a "BANG!". :P
I just had to do that. :P
It wasn't a bad way to spend Monday night.............except for the drunk neighbor who kept swearing that Snitsky was Kane...... The match between Lashley & Benoit was excellent, and the clusterfuck match at the end had plenty of good moments to it. Hey, IT WAS VINCE APPRECIATION NIGHT, AFTER ALL!!!! *(/sarcasm)*
You can be in Paris. You can be in a Hilton. Just don't be in Paris Hilton.
At 6/12/07 11:25 PM, pepeatumi wrote: But my question is, what do they do? Do they give it to Benoit who could help the title gain some credibility, or do they pull the trigger (maybe a bit early) on one of the young guns, like Punk or Burke?
I'd put it on Benoit, rebuild the brand and the belt around Benoit, while bringing CM Punk along as well, turn them into your franchise guys there, let them duke it out at Mania, and make Punk the champ then. That's the deal to me.
I don't see any big names being moved in the supplemental draft, I think it's just going to be moving some mid-carders around to round things out. I feel like shifting the Cruiser belt to ECW could be a good move, more straight out wrestling and another title on the brand could spruce things up as right now we're basically seeing the same matches again and again. WWE really needs to figure out how to best use that hour or just get rid of it.
Moving Benoit to ECW was good. At least now we will see him in the ECW title picture instead of feuding with MVP for the U.S title. Benoit is too good to not stay in the ME.
I thought there was going to be a second draft today. I havn't seen anything of it yet.
And a check at tells why. due to the whole Vince thing, the draft has been moved to Sunday.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
At 6/13/07 08:11 PM, Outlaw88 wrote: I thought there was going to be a second draft today. I havn't seen anything of it yet.
And a check at tells why. due to the whole Vince thing, the draft has been moved to Sunday.
Yeah, heard about that yesterday, sorry I didn't update you guys. Personally, I think they're probably going a bit overboard with this storyline and that people aren't going to take death seriously if it strikes again. People already tended to view Owen Hart and Eddie Guerrero with skepticism when they passed, and I see this as leading to Vince ultimately coming back saying he faked his death for whatever reason, and then continuing to monopolize tv time again.
At 6/13/07 08:11 PM, Outlaw88 wrote: I thought there was going to be a second draft today. I havn't seen anything of it yet.
And a check at tells why. due to the whole Vince thing, the draft has been moved to Sunday.
Anyone has a feeling that Cena might drop the title to Lashley at Vegeance? Just like Cena, Lashleyt has been built like an immortal ever since he moved to ECW. Maybe he will finally strip the title away from Cena.
WWE is getting a lot of press about it so I guess they got what they were after.
I don't think Lashly will get the title so soon. He and Cena may fued but a win right off the bat isn't such a good idea. Besides they will probably use Lashly to further push Cena at the PPV.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
I don't see Lashley winning the title, but I also don't see him laying down and jobbing either.
I think Lashley was moved simply so that they could keep him near the top on RAW, but not force him to carry a show on his back, which he isn't ready for right now. I look at the finish as being something where Lashley has the title won, but one of the heels bones him, Cena retains, and then Lashley goes off to feud with that heel (probably King Booker, because the only way in my mind to justify taking King Booker from SD! is if he's there to feud with Lashley and make Lashley ready to become the major star they're trying to develop him into).
At 6/13/07 05:54 AM, Dream-of-Duke wrote: Moving Benoit to ECW was good. At least now we will see him in the ECW title picture instead of feuding with MVP for the U.S title. Benoit is too good to not stay in the ME.
It wasn't a bad draft ECW could use it, he will be the champ in a week or two, but you never know.
At 6/14/07 07:17 PM, Dead-Body-Man wrote: It wasn't a bad draft ECW could use it, he will be the champ in a week or two, but you never know.
We will see. I was just saying that it had been too long for Cena to be the champ. Maybe HHH will make a surprise return and screw Cena?
At 6/15/07 05:47 AM, Dream-of-Duke wrote:At 6/14/07 07:17 PM, Dead-Body-Man wrote: It wasn't a bad draft ECW could use it, he will be the champ in a week or two, but you never know.We will see. I was just saying that it had been too long for Cena to be the champ. Maybe HHH will make a surprise return and screw Cena?
Or He'll come back to get revenge on Randy for putting HBK on the shelf?
At 6/15/07 05:47 AM, Dream-of-Duke wrote:At 6/14/07 07:17 PM, Dead-Body-Man wrote: It wasn't a bad draft ECW could use it, he will be the champ in a week or two, but you never know.We will see. I was just saying that it had been too long for Cena to be the champ. Maybe HHH will make a surprise return and screw Cena?
The whole Vince dying thing is just a way to put Stephanie in charge. So yes, HHH will return soon. I'm just hoping she's not a complete moron and has him win everything.
HHH will probably be put back into the title picture, but before that I hope guys like Booker will get a chance at the top and get themselves established as top contenders.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
Having Booker on Raw definately gives Cena some more contenders for the belt, even though he wouldn't have a chance of winning. At least it would be something fresh, though, and will stall until Kennedy is back, or when somebody else has been built enough to challenge him. is sorry to report the passing of WWE Hall of Famer Sherri Martel, real name Sherri Russel today.
A former WWF and AWA Women's champion, Martel is probably best remembered for her role of one of the best female heel managers of all time during her 1990s WWF run, working alongside Shawn Michaels, Ted DiBiase, and Randy Savage, among others.
Moving to World Championship Wrestling in 1994, Martel worked on top with Ric Flair during his feud with Hulk Hogan before moving on to manage The Harlem Heat tag team.
Martel was inducted into the WWF Hall of Fame in Chicago during Wrestlemania 22 weekend and still made semi-regular appearances at conventions and media events. Jakks Pacific had just released a Classic Superstars action figure in her honor.
Martel was only 49 years old.
So, now Raw will probably open with a memorandum of Sherri, meanwhile, on the show, they'll just go on about the 'death' of Mr. McMahon.
RIP Sherri Martel
I just realised, the way Vince looked with his head shaved, and that hat, he could probably pull off coming back as Freddy Krueger, considering his feiry death.
Also, RIP Sherri Martel, who actually deserves people's respect.